After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 59 Joining The Gang

Yan Kuan becoming a great blacksmith is a good thing for the entire team.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual about the fat man other than being "de-se", Chen Bugu and Bai Ting left the underground.

As for Yan Kuan, he decided to study the pile of scrap metal collected by the Goblin blacksmith. After all, after becoming a blacksmith, many things suddenly became different in his eyes.

Although the goblins were annihilated by them, the intimidating power of the goblin tribe remained. In the short term, this camp was the safest place in the surrounding area.

Chen Bugu decided to rest here for the night and start again the next day.

Before leaving the underground, Chen Bugu took out three Yunling Fruits and placed them on the workbench, asking Yan Kuan to remember to eat them. However, the fat man seemed to be concentrating on studying some kind of ore and ignored him.

After returning to the ground, Chen Bugu found Wang Bin and others in a goblin cabin.

Wang Bin was lying on a piece of animal fur, his broken hand wrapped with a lot of gauze.

Obviously, Lin Lin has completed the treatment of Wang Bin and only needs a few more hours of rest before his hand will be completely healed.

"Have you killed the monster? If it hadn't attacked me secretly, I wouldn't have been injured."

"Don't worry, Fatty did it with his own hands."

When Wang Bin asked about it, Chen Bugu also told everyone about Yan Kuan's acquisition of the blacksmith profession.

"Ah? How long has it been since a programmer became a blacksmith?"

Wang Bin was obviously still a little confused.

However, everyone quickly accepted this matter. After all, there were many unreasonable things, including this one.

Chen Bugu took out 18 spirit-accumulating fruits from the storage ring and distributed them to everyone.

When Bai Ting saw Chen Bugu bringing it to Yan Kuan, he curiously asked what it was, but Chen Bugu asked him to wait until everyone gathered to explain.

"These are spirit-accumulating fruits. They are good and can be eaten. Let's share three of them each."

Chen Bugu thought about it and decided that it would be better to distribute the remaining Yunling Fruits evenly. After all, Yunling Fruits are not as targeted and adaptable as weapons and equipment. This kind of general-purpose treasure does not suffer from scarcity. And suffer from unevenness.

After taking these out, there were only 3 Spirit-accumulating Fruits left in his storage ring, so he decided to keep them for now.

"What a beautiful fruit!"

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the crystal clear blue fruit, picked up one, and took a bite.

The next second, everyone looked at her with a strange expression. It was obvious that the taste of the fruit was not as good as expected.

Bai Ting also took one and put it in his mouth.

It's cold in the mouth, but the taste is spicy and dry, with no juice. It's indeed far less delicious than it looks on the surface.

However, the next second, a gentle energy merged into his body.

energy! ?

Bai Ting was surprised.

So far, they have basically relied on hunting monsters to obtain energy. This is the first time they have obtained growth through other means.

The energy contained in the beast meat snatched from the goblins was negligible, and it was mainly used to satisfy hunger.

As for the meat of other monsters, its toxicity far exceeds its energy. Chen Bugu had warned them long ago that it should not be eaten.

After killing the flower-armed man named Xue Ke today, Bai Ting was glad that he didn't gain energy, otherwise he couldn't imagine what would happen in the future.

Therefore, Bai Ting has always understood that if he wants to break through, he must risk his life to hunt monsters until he eats this fruit called Yunling Fruit.

Chen Bugu saw everyone's reactions in his eyes, and then told everyone the complete information about Yunling Fruit.

"Yunling fruit contains a lot of energy and has no toxicity or side effects. Generally, the longer the fruiting period is on the tree, the more energy it has. The energy of a ten-year-old Yunling fruit is about a hundred times that of a one-year-old fruit. What we eat These are probably around five or six years old, picked in the southwest corner of this camp.”

"Then why don't we wait a few years before picking again?"

As soon as Wang Bin finished asking, he realized the stupidity of this question.

"Well, that's really not necessary."

Everyone looked back when they recalled the bones that had been carried out from the Goblin Shaman's wooden house and the people who were crying heartbrokenly, especially Lao Liu, who was very worried about his wife and daughter.

"You guys should also take a rest. I don't know how long Fatty's side will continue to work on. We'll spend the night in this camp tonight."

After Chen Bugu finished speaking, he walked out of the wooden house. He found Han Badou in the open space. At this moment, he was still holding the three "Spirit-accumulating Fruits" in his hand.

"Badou, did you detect anyone else nearby just now?"

Chen Bugu was still very concerned about that mysterious man.

"Huh? No, no other energy units have appeared within my monitoring range. Why do you ask, Brother Chen?"

Chen Bugu frowned. Han Badou's monitoring range was a circle with him as the center and a radius of 100 meters. The underground iron smelting room was obviously within this range.

If Han Badou didn't detect the other party, there were only two possibilities.

First, the other party has the ability to hide and avoid detection. After all, energy monitoring should be a type of superpower, and it is not completely uncontrollable.

Second, the other party initiated a sound transmission to him outside the scope of Han Badou's monitoring. If this is the case, then the opponent's strength is probably much higher than that of himself and others. Could it be that he is the first resident? If you were a resident first, why would you want to find yourself?

In fact, there was a third possibility, but that was too ridiculous and he didn't dare to think about it.

"It's okay. You should eat those three Yunling Fruits quickly. Each member of my team has three. They are all the same."

After Chen Bugu finished speaking, he turned around to leave, but was suddenly stopped by Han Badou.

"Brother Chen, actually I have a question that I wanted to ask you before."

"Huh? You say."

"Brother Chen, have you known me before? But I've thought about it for a long time, and I'm sure we haven't met before."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because when we were talking last night, when you heard my name, your expression and reaction clearly showed that you knew me. No, it should be said that you knew the name Han Badou, but I am from Guanzhou and you are from Yutan. Guanzhou and Yutan are thousands of miles away, so we probably don’t know each other.”

Chen Bugu didn't expect Han Badou to ask this, so he immediately denied it.

"I don't know you, you think too much."

"Brother Chen, do you know that from a psychological point of view, men shrugging one shoulder means they want to hide something."

Chen Bugu was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Did he just shrug? Or is Han Badou deceiving himself?

"Forget it, your [Brain Enhancement] power is really troublesome. I have heard your name, but where I heard it, I can't tell you yet, so don't ask."

Chen Bugu did know about Han Badou. In his last life, Baicheng was faced with a siege by alien demons. This guy led several attacks and defenses. He was unparalleled in his wit and scheming. He used a plan to divide the alien demons of the two races against each other, and gained valuable resources for mankind. time.

Han Badou also became famous because of that battle and became the number one think tank under the Lord of Baicheng.

I heard that Han Badou was not very old, but Chen Bugu only found out last night that he was still a junior high school student.

"Okay, thank you, Brother Chen. No matter what, you are my benefactor."

After Han Badou finished speaking, he bowed heavily to Chen Bugu.

"Hey, Han Badou, you don't think that it doesn't matter if you die after your revenge is over, right?"

Chen Bugu suddenly discovered that Han Badou was in a depressed mood and did not have much energy. He had not eaten the Yunling Fruit given to him.

"I won't commit suicide. I feel sorry for my sister to die so cowardly. But with my strength, in this strange forest, death will be a matter of time."

Han Badou smiled bitterly. After taking revenge on his sister, he always felt empty in his heart.

"Hey, Han Badou, come with me. I know the way out of this forest."


Han Badou had actually guessed that Chen Bugu would invite him to join the gang. After all, his attitude had changed slightly since Chen Bugu recognized him. To his surprise, Chen Bugu actually knew how to leave the forest.

"Are you serious?"

"Don't worry about the method. If you are willing to follow me, I can take you out of this forest."

Han Badou stared at Chen Bugu for a while, and there was no hint of guilt on his face.

Chen Bugu once again extended his hand to Han Badou, just like last night.

Han Badou stretched out his hand...

"Okay, I'll join."

"Welcome aboard!"

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