After receiving a positive answer, Chen Bugu was silent for a few seconds.

Is there anyone among this group of awakened people who can single-handedly defeat a team of well-trained soldiers equipped with firearms at this stage?


Chen Bugu immediately rejected this conjecture.

It won't take long for this group of awakened people to enter the Forest of Beginning.

He broke through to the Black Iron Five Star level very quickly...

"I'm sorry, Professor Xu, but I still want to ask, how did you get here? How did you fight with those two people?"

Chen Bugu had a rough guess about the identities of those two people, but he was not sure yet.

Another thing that made him particularly curious was whether the army in front of him also came here through a catastrophe? If so, why did they mention the mission before?

"I know that everyone may have been forced to come here because of some kind of supernatural event. Our Unnatural Research Secret Service collectively refers to such supernatural events as "cataclysms." Naturally, we are here because of "cataclysms."

"I also know that you may want to return to Yutan as soon as possible, but what I can tell you clearly is that we are probably no longer on earth at this moment."

After Xu Lu finished speaking, everyone behind Chen Bugu had mixed reactions.

This was the first time they heard the word "catastrophe" from someone other than Chen Bugu.

Bai Ting and Han Badou were even considering the possibility of Chen Bugu joining the military at the same time.

Old Liu was anxious: "Professor, do you know what you are talking about? Not on earth?"

Although Chen Bugu said before that they were in a different world, how could Lao Liu, a middle-aged man, understand this.

Xu Lu turned her head and looked at Lao Liu, then explained.

"Sir, if you have evolved to this level, you should have encountered a lot of monsters. Do you think these are creatures that exist on earth?"

Lao Liu fell silent. Lin Ye stood aside and patted his shoulder without saying anything.

In fact, Lin Ye had talked about this topic by the fire the night before.

He joked that this other world must not be in the same system as the earth.

Lin Ye is a middle school geography teacher, but all the phenomena he encountered after coming to this forest were not in line with his knowledge of geography.

The trees here have no growth rings, the temperature is obviously not high, and the temperature difference between day and night is extremely small. However, there is sufficient water vapor in the forest between morning and dusk, making it extremely humid.

When burying the bones of the Goblin tribe, Lin Ye even discovered that the soil under the soil was severely deserted and seemed to have no fertility at all. However, this forest was full of lush and tall trees. This was unreasonable.

However, when a professor with a military background told them personally that the land under their feet was no longer on the earth, everyone was still in a daze.

"As for those two people, we just met by chance. The other party attacked us without warning. They were wearing black cloaks, one of them was holding a long knife, and the other was holding two daggers. They were very fast, and our bullets couldn't penetrate them. cloak."

"We have instruments that can detect the energy data of the awakened ones. They are of a very high level. They are probably all from the Eight Black Iron Stars."

When Xu Lu said this, she looked at Chen Bugu, but unfortunately, this man's face was not as surprised as his teammates. On the contrary, there was no expression on his face.

Chen Bugu knew that although hot weapons plundering energy would cause a large loss of energy, the awakening level of soldiers would generally be low.

However, at this stage, thermal weapons are still not something that ordinary awakened people can deal with.

"Professor Xu, since you have already encountered such a powerful awakened person and suffered such a big loss, why do you still dare to approach us so confidently? It seems that you have discovered us a long time ago. How did you do it?"

Chen Bugu's rhetorical question made Xu Lu even more certain that this small team of nine people was not simple.

"Mr. Chen, it's very simple to discover you. After all, we still have thermal imaging drones. As for why I dare to approach you, I guess it's because the residents don't need so many people to act together."

First residents?

Yan Kuan and Wang Bin looked at each other. They had never heard this term before.

Chen Bugu was now certain that the military had indeed known some information in advance.

“What is a First Inhabitant?”

Han Badou suddenly asked a question.

"Little brother, the first residents are those awakened people who came here through the 'Great Cataclysm' and have survived to this day."

Han Badou nodded, and Lin Ye immediately understood the meaning of "first residents".

If Director Huang from Tiancheng City's First Hospital had not died, walked out of this forest alive, and was still alive today, he would have become what this woman calls a "first resident."

"Professor Xu, how are you sure those two people are the 'first residents'?"

"Sorry, this is confidential, no comment."

"Okay, thank you Professor Xu for sharing. Since we can confirm that we are not 'first residents', there should be no conflict between us. We have already rested, so let's say goodbye."

Chen Bugu stood up and turned to leave.

This operation was so sudden that not only Xu Lu didn't react, but even Lin Xiaoxiao and others didn't react.

Seeing that Chen Bugu had taken two or three steps, Wang Bin and Yan Kuan also turned around to leave. Lin Xiaoxiao was about to follow when she suddenly found that Bai Ting and Han Badou were still standing there, with no intention of leaving. She also chose to do so by accident. Didn't follow.

Two seconds later, Lin Xiaoxiao began to understand why Bai Ting and Han Badou refused to leave.

"Mr. Chen, wait a minute..." Xu Lu tried to persuade him.

This scene was a bit funny in Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes. It was like going to the clothing wholesale market. Chen Bugu turned around and left after failing to bargain, but the boss actually ran out to try to keep him.

Chen Bugu stopped helplessly. To be honest, he didn't want to have anything to do with either the military or the "first residents" for the time being.

But Chen Bugu also knew that if Xu Lu had no other needs, she would not have the patience to explain so much to him and others. You must know that Xu Lu and the others cannot protect themselves, so meeting them cannot be to protect them.

"Professor Xu, is there anything else?"

Chen Bugu turned around, but had no intention of walking back.

When Xu Lu saw Chen Bugu acting like this, she also knew that this guy was not willing to take hard or soft advice, so she simply revealed her purpose.

"Is that so, we would like to ask you for a favor?"

"Professor Xu, there are more than thirty of you, loaded with guns and ammunition, armed to the teeth. Even if I am a five-star black iron, I can't survive the bullets of those soldiers unharmed. You want to ask us for help, I don't understand."

Chen Bugu's eyes glanced at the other side of the stream. Although the soldiers seemed to be resting, in fact, one hand was touching the gun and they continued to pay attention to the situation on his side. If he and others made the slightest mistake, they might be immediately arrested. Sieve.

"We discovered a special crystal mine at the source of this stream this morning, but there are two powerful monsters guarding it."

"We need to collect some crystal mines, but those two monsters have amazing defenses and are not slow. Our bullets cannot break through the defenses."

"It's feasible to divert the tigers away from the mountain. After all, we don't have to kill them. But who would have thought that the eggs of the two monsters are laid next to the crystal mine. As soon as we get close to their eggs, they will rush back like crazy. , the most we have here is the Black Iron Three Stars, we can’t outrun that Warcraft.”

"We wasted a lot of bullets, but we couldn't get it. For this, we need someone who is fast."

Chen Bugu wanted to turn around and leave after hearing half of it, but suddenly he heard something interesting, so he stopped abruptly.

"Professor Xu, you want me, a good citizen, to touch other people's cubs when they are monsters that cannot be penetrated by bullets?"

Chen Bugu looked at Xu Lu, started to walk back, and spoke slowly at the same time.

"Mr. Chen, you misunderstood..."

"Okay, Professor Xu, you know, we have been struggling all the way, and there are many dangers. It is not easy to get to where we are today."

When Chen Bugu said these words, he had already walked back to Xu Lu.

Xu Lu watched him come back and seemed to understand something.

"What do you mean, Mr. Chen?"

Xu Lu and Chen Bugu chatted for so long, and finally saw this man smiling.

"I mean…"

"You have to pay more!"

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