After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 72 At Least, Not The Black Iron Level

Chen Bugu took the lead and walked back in the direction he came from.

Seeing Chen Bugu's serious face, everyone didn't ask any questions and just followed him silently.

Xue Xuanling followed on one side, keeping a distance of 10 meters, and walked side by side with everyone.

Lin Ye could feel that the normally gentle Xue Xuanling was becoming restless and becoming a little uncontrollable as time went on.

When passing by the stone beach, Lin Ye saw Cai Tianze sitting on the stone beach with his back to him.

Lin Ye knew that Chen Bugu had no intention of continuing to act with this group of soldiers, so he decided to say hello to Cai Tianze before leaving.

Although this little warrior was a bit dull, Lin Ye always felt that his features were very similar to a certain student he taught back then.

Moreover, this little soldier left a good impression on him. He was kind and honest. Although he always said nothing when picking up stones, he would take off his helmet during rest and stroke the picture attached to the inside of the helmet with his hand. A family portrait on a red background talks to itself.

"Cai Tianze, let's go, let's pick up rocks together next time..."

Lin Ye was mid-sentence when he suddenly saw Cai Tianze slowly turning around.

He bit a bundle of gauze in his mouth, one end of the gauze was wrapped around his arm, and his arms disappeared from the elbow joint down.

As the battle ended, the ice chips at the wound gradually melted into water, mixed with blood and wet the gauze.

Lin Ye was stunned. He suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Teacher Lin, take care."

On the contrary, Cai Tianze loosened the gauze in his mouth and said goodbye to Lin Ye with a smile.

Lin Ye thought a lot at this moment, but it felt like something was stuck in his throat and he couldn't say anything.

In the end, I just said "treasure".

Others also saw this scene and looked at each other. They didn't know what to say and had to quickly keep up with Chen Bugu.

Seeing Chen Bugu and his party leaving in a hurry, Xu Lu also had some bad premonitions as she remembered Chen Bugu's suggestion.

"Platoon Commander Li, we need to leave as soon as possible. There may still be danger here."

Xu Lu walked to Li You's side and expressed her worries.

Although Li You didn't know where Xu Lu's worries came from, since the mission was completed, there was really no need for them to stay here.

"Professor Xu, since those two monsters are dead, can we collect more crystal ores?"

Li You pointed at the spring where water was continuously gushing out. There were many broken meteorite crystals scattered nearby.

"No need. I've seen the piece that Chen Bugu brought back. It's enough. Let's organize the brothers to act as soon as possible."

After Xu Lu finished speaking, she didn't know why, but she suddenly felt a little inexplicable anxious.

Li You quickly organized people to bring the dead brother and the meteor crystal with him, and evacuated in the other direction ten minutes later.

Silence returned to the stone beach, and the gurgling water at the spring continued to flow on the frozen water. The wind blew, making everything seem even more peaceful and unusual.

Only the frozen stream surface, dead snapping turtles, and ice chips mixed with blood silently announced that a tragic battle had taken place here.

However, less than an hour after Chen Bugu and Xu Lu left the place, two men in black robes suddenly appeared on the stone beach.

They looked at the two dead ice-armored snapping turtles, and then at the spring that was now gushing water.

The next second, the two figures seemed to have moved instantly and suddenly appeared at the edge of the spring.

"John, do you think that guy is awake?"

"Not yet, but probably soon."

Two men in black robes looked down at the spring.

"That's fine. It's not in vain that I specially moved the snapping turtle's nest here. By the way, John, who do you think killed these two snapping turtles? Do the awakened ones at this stage already have this ability? Or do they? Have the others returned to the forest?"

"Okay, George, go back and report. Anyway, our North Group's mission has been completed, and it's not our turn to worry about the rest."

"Tch, John, you are such a boring man. Then do you think this method is really effective? It's not that I question the boss, I just don't believe in Dongfang's method."

The man named John ignored George, turned around and disappeared.

"It's boring, it's really boring."

George shook his head and disappeared in the next second.

Chen Bugu and the others naturally had no idea what else happened there after they left Shitan.

After traveling for more than an hour, Chen Bugu and his party found a small open space in the forest to sit down and rest.

Along the way, everyone saw that there was something wrong with the egg that Chen Bugu brought back.

The "Snow Antelope" responsible for acting as a porter would always fall into a very irritable state five minutes after being summoned. In that case, even Lin Ye could not communicate with the Snow Antelope.

The result of this is that every five minutes, Lin Ye must change summoned beasts to carry the egg, and the previous summoned beasts will completely lose control after that, and they will rush into the forest until the summoning time is over. Return to your own world.

Chen Bugu discovered that the egg seemed to have stopped cracking and bleeding after it left the spring, but the black mist lingering on the surface never dissipated.

"Lin Lin, help Teacher Lin and I get rid of that state."

After deciding to rest where he was, Chen Bugu immediately called Lin Lin to continue the previous treatment.

This treatment lasted for a full hour. Under the [Holy Light], the expressions of Chen Bugu and Lin Ye became calm, and the strange energy in their bodies was finally completely dispelled.

Lin Lin also successfully broke through to the Black Iron Three Stars because of this treatment.

Seeing that Chen Bugu and Lin Ye's demeanor and tone returned to their usual appearance, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"What did you mean before? Why did you say it was unsafe there? Aren't those two monsters already killed?"

"Is there a stronger monster? Is it in that spring?"

Bai Ting walked up to Chen Bugu and asked.

He discussed this issue with Han Badou on the road. Han Badou meant that there might be other more powerful monsters on the rocky beach, and they were most likely related to the spring, because only Chen Bugu had been to that spring.

"I don't know, but what I'm sure of is that ice-armored snapping turtles don't have that ability."

"What ability?"

"The ability to freeze an entire stream in an instant."

Chen Bugu's mind at this moment was filled with the blue halo that flashed past the moment the Star Meteor Crystal shattered.

Even in the "bullet time" state, the halo of light almost flashed before his eyes.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they understood what Chen Bugu meant.

In fact, when they walked back along the stone beach, they were surprised to find that even back to the place where they bathed at the beginning, the stream was still frozen.

Wang Bin and others initially thought it was the impact of the broken meteorite crystal, but now according to Chen Bugu, it was actually caused by some kind of creature.

"If it was really a monster that did it, what kind of strength would it take to reach that point?"

Wang Bin swallowed and looked at Chen Bugu.

When everyone heard this question, they all looked at Chen Bugu again.

But he looked serious and spoke slowly.

"At least, not the black iron level!"

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