After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 76 The Birth Of A Baby Snapping Turtle

Chen Bugu lowered his head in surprise and saw that the blue snapping turtle egg in his arms was trembling slightly at this moment.

On the surface of the eggshell, new cracks are forming and gradually spreading as the two existing cracks grow larger.

About to break out of your shell?

Chen Bugu was shocked and quickly continued to input his mental power into the egg to provide a helping hand for the young beast that was about to break out of its shell.

The cracks gradually spread, and the color of the surface of the eggshell changed strangely.

The dark red blood stains that had long dried on the cracks in the eggshell seemed to come to life and returned to bright blood red.

This red color was like a drop of blood dripping into clear water, quickly spreading on the surface of the eggshell.

The originally light blue snapping turtle eggs were gradually turning to a light blood red color, and the white diamond-shaped markings on the surface of the eggshell also turned black one by one.

"Chen Bugu, why did this egg change color?"

Yan Kuan moved his head forward, a little curious.

Chen Bugu was a little confused. He didn't know that he had never seen a monster egg hatch in his previous life.

The red eggshell is paired with black diamond-shaped markings. This color combination looks a bit evil. It’s hard to imagine that this is the egg of an ice-armored snapping turtle.

Chen Bugu continued to input mental power. At a certain moment, he felt as if a gate had been opened in his mind. A cool feeling rushed straight to the Tianling Cap. His whole person suddenly became clear-headed, and then his mind There was a strange feeling.

Chen Bugu didn't know how to describe this mysterious feeling. It was like there was an extra feeling in his mind, and he felt that there was a life that was connected to him.


This time the abnormal noise was more obvious, and everyone had already seen a piece of eggshell falling from the top of the Warcraft egg.

Then, a dark brown crocodile turtle's head emerged from the broken eggshell. Two huge red eyes looked around, and finally landed on Chen Bugu.

"Ah woo~ ah woo~"

The little snapping turtle suddenly screamed at Chen Bugu.

"Wow, it's really a snapping turtle."

"Why is it barking so loudly? Is it hungry?"

"It's pretty cute, but why did I remember that the ice-armored snapping turtle has blue eyes?"

Lin Xiaoxiao, Yan Kuan and others were busy discussing.

But Chen Bugu didn't notice what they were talking about, because he found that he seemed to be able to understand the cry of the little turtle.

Mother? ? ?

Is it calling its mother?

The corners of Chen Bugu's mouth twitched.

Seeing that "mother" ignored him, the little turtle began to bite the eggshell on his own.

Only one of its heads was exposed from the eggshell, and the entire neck was still buried in the eggshell, but this did not prevent it from opening its big mouth, biting into pieces and swallowing the eggshells one by one.

Gradually, as the eggshell was gradually devoured, the entire body of the little turtle was exposed to everyone.

It is still a juvenile snapping turtle, but it seems to have mutated.

Its turtle shell is dark red, and gray-black ice has replaced the original blue ice and accumulated on it.

Its limbs have not yet spread out, but the original ring of ice has disappeared, replaced by red diamond-shaped markings, which looks a bit weird.

Is this still an ice-armored snapping turtle?

Chen Bugu was a little confused. There was no monster in his memory that could match the appearance of the little snapping turtle in front of him.

I saw that the little snapping turtle had finished eating its own eggshell in a blink of an eye, and began to lick Chen Bugu's fingers again.

Its tongue is pink, but it is not a small piece of flesh. Instead, it has a forked shape like a snake tongue.

The tongue licked his fingers, and Chen Bugu could only feel a cold touch.

"Badou, look at its level."

Chen Bugu suddenly reacted.

"Brother Chen, I have already seen it. When it was born, it was a black iron star. After eating the turtle shell, it completed a breakthrough. Now it is probably equal to our black iron star two."

"So fast?"

Wang Bin looked surprised. They had to hammer the goblin step by step to get two stars. This little guy could get two stars by eating an eggshell?

Chen Bugu was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Although he had never touched a Warcraft egg in his previous life, at a certain auction, he remembered that the auctioneer clearly said that the offspring of Warcraft would not fall to the bottom after birth. grade.

For example, if the ice-armored snapping turtle is a medium-level black iron monster, its offspring should have a minimum of four stars of black iron when they are born, and should not drop to three stars of black iron.

This snapping turtle has not only mutated, but also become weaker?

However, he has never heard of any black iron low-level monsters that can break through immediately after eating an eggshell...

Chen Bugu put the snapping turtle on the ground, looked at a tree not far away, and gave it an attack command in his mind.

This snapping turtle, which is only the size of a kitten, suddenly stood up on its hind legs, waved its two small forelimbs in the air, and then stepped down hard.

The moment the forelimbs touched the ground, streaks of gray-black ice emerged from the ground like thorns, and attacked the tree that Chen Bugu was looking at in a straight line.


This huge scene shocked everyone.

"Can this little guy unleash this skill?"

Wang Bin hurried to check the bombed tree, only to find that gray-black ice stayed in front of the tree. The tree seemed intact on the surface.


"Thunder, little rain?"

Wang Bin turned around and found that the little turtle had returned to Chen Bugu's feet and kept rubbing his ankles.

Chen Bugu picked it up and touched the black ice on its back.

The moment his right hand came into contact with the black ice, Chen Bugu felt that his spiritual power was flowing down his right hand towards the little turtle, which scared him so much that he quickly retracted his hand.

The little snapping turtle continued to rub its head against Chen Bugu's hand affectionately.

Black iron two stars, ice-armored snapping turtle variant, mutated ice attribute?

That kind of black ice has the ability to absorb spiritual power?

Chen Bugu looked at the black ice spine on the ground with some surprise.

"Brother Bin, touch the black ice..."

"What's wrong? Why are you touching me? I...fuck..."

As soon as Wang Bin's hand grasped a black ice pick, he felt the flow of mental power, which scared him to death.

At this moment, Chen Bugu could feel that the little snapping turtle in front of him seemed to be in a happy mood.

Could it be that these mental powers were absorbed by the little guy in front of him?

Wang Bin told everyone about the strangeness of the black ice. Bai Ting, Yan Kuan and others didn't believe it, so they also went up to touch the black ice.

Then, the way they looked at the little snapping turtle became much more complicated.

If this guy traps enemies in his own ice...

"This little guy is quite cute. Why don't you give him a name?"

Lin Lin walked up to Chen Bugu and looked at the little snapping turtle, seeming to be quite fond of it. Rather than caring about the strange abilities of this snapping turtle, girls seem to care more about things like names.

"Huh? Name..."

He quickly ran through the pet names in his mind over and over again.

Changwei, Laifu, Wangcai, Xiaoqiang, Dahuang, Mimi, Turtle...

At that moment, a man named Fei fell into deep thought.

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