After putting down the [Lianxin Crossbow], Chen Bugu turned his head and looked at the other two items.

The other two items did not emit any light and looked a bit ordinary.

[Crossbow Arrow]: Sharp crossbow arrows (quantity 10), can be enchanted.

[Boundary Ring]: A regular prop. After use, it can prop up a hemispherical energy barrier with a radius of 3 meters, which can withstand any black iron level attack. There is a price to pay: the user's entire body is paralyzed when activating the barrier, and internal attacks cannot penetrate to the outside. Barrier duration: 3 minutes. Note: This prop is a one-time consumable.

"Huh? Rule-based props!"

Chen Bugu was surprised that this [Boundary Ring] was actually a regular prop!

Although there are many restrictions, such as it can only be used for three minutes, it is still a one-time consumable.

But the phrase "resist any black iron level attack" is the rule!

This means that even if there is a black iron-level high-level magic beast here, there is nothing they can do.

It's a pity that the user's whole body will be paralyzed after activating the barrier, so it will be nothing more than a turtle shell at best.

No wonder this ring is just an ordinary piece of equipment.

There are just too many restrictions.

This kind of equipment has been seen in the previous life, but the general conditions for use are also extremely strict.

Wait a moment!

Chen Bugu looked at the [Boundary Ring], then at Lin Ye, and suddenly had an idea.

"Master driver, I want to discuss something with you."

"My name is Liu Neng. You can just call me Lao Liu. It sounds awkward to have one driver and one master at a time."

"Then let me introduce myself to my family. My surname is Chen, and my name is Bu Gu. I mean Bu Gu, whose heart is not Gu."

"Okay, Chen Bugu, tell me what you have in mind."

Seeing this, Chen Bugu quickly expressed his request.


"No! Absolutely not! You are asking me to die!"

Old Liu was furious.

"No! Master Liu, please listen to my explanation."

"Now only your [Levitation] can deal with those monsters, neither me nor Teacher Lin can do it."

"When you attract the attention of those monsters, we will take the opportunity to rescue those who are still alive."

Chen Bugu thought very clearly. For now, he had no choice.

The three of them lacked lethality, and even with the [Heart-linking Crossbow], they could not defeat the multiple scarlet hounds.

"Where are there any people alive? How can you guarantee that there are still people alive?"

Old Liu was still very angry. This young man was simply joking with his life.

Lin Ye wanted to explain something to Chen Bugu, but he felt that Lao Liu's words made sense and didn't know what to say.

"Master Liu, I can't guarantee it, but if there are no other people, it will be difficult for the three of us to get out alive."

"There is no food and no water here. If everyone else dies, we will die if we stay stuck here."

"Everyone has awakened their powers, and we need help from others."

As Chen Bugu said this, he threw the [Boundary Ring] to Lin Ye.

"We can wait for the police, yes, the police!"

Lao Liu quickly took out his mobile phone and was about to call the police.

"The cell phone signal has long since been lost."

"Besides, considering this tunnel with a wall, it's probably useless even if the police come."

Old Liu looked at the empty signal on the phone screen and still refused to give up.

"But why? Why does it have to be me?"

Just as Lao Liu was about to continue to refute, he saw the weapon emitting green light and a bundle of arrows being thrown towards him.

He hurriedly caught the [Lianxin Crossbow] and [Crossbow Arrow] with both hands and froze on the spot.

“It’s not that we don’t want to do it, it’s that we can’t do it.”

"Only your ability has a chance."

Chen Bugu looked at Lao Liu.

In fact, they are grasshoppers on the same boat at the moment, and Lao Liu's decision is related to whether they can have a chance of survival.

If he couldn't think of any other way, he wouldn't want to take Lao Liu and gamble his life together.

But waiting in place is tantamount to slow suicide. Chen Bugu knows very well that this disaster will not end on its own.

As time goes by, people outside are all dead, and their physical strength has declined due to lack of water and food, and there will be no chance of survival by then.

"I'll give you the crossbow and arrows. You can think about it later."

Chen Bugu gave all three pieces of equipment in the black iron treasure chest to Lin Ye and Lao Liu.

He already has a plan.

About the rescue plan.

Although more than ten minutes have passed since the catastrophe, there must still be people alive if nothing else happens.

He wasn't sure about anything else.

That fat man must be alive!

And he won't be the only one alive!

After all, Chen Bugu relied on that fat man's superpower to survive in his last life.

If Fatty's power awakening remains the same, he should be able to hold on for at least ten minutes.

Rescue is necessary.

Chen Bugu didn't lie. No matter which method they relied on, their current combat effectiveness was far from enough.

The safest way is to increase the team's combat effectiveness first.

"You come back after saving people, what should I do? Those monsters are chasing me, how can I come back?"

Without complete protection, Lao Liu would not agree easily.

"This will cause trouble for Teacher Lin's summoned beast."

Lin Ye was stunned for a moment, not knowing why he suddenly mentioned him again.

"Teacher Lin, you should have noticed that since you summoned the one-horned blue sheep, the scarlet hound has been targeting you."

"In fact, they are not targeting you, but the one-horned blue sheep. Its energy attracts those scarlet hounds more than us."

Lin Ye suddenly realized that his feeling was indeed correct. The monster was coming for him at that time.

"Scarlet Hound? That name goes well with that monster."

"Wait a minute, then why not just let Teacher Lin's summoned beast act as bait?"

Old Liu seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw!

"If three scarlet hounds were to pursue them at the same time, a magical beast like the unicorn blue sheep would not be able to survive for thirty seconds."

Chen Bugu immediately broke Lao Liu's fantasy.

If it takes thirty seconds, let alone rescue, the person will probably be run over before he can see where he is.

"Are you sure there is still someone alive?" Lao Liu was confused.


"Well, Master Liu, you can sneak out and take a look. If there are a bunch of strange stone walls in the tunnel, it means there are still people alive."

"Also, I suggest you go now, because I'm not sure how long they can last."

Chen Bugu proposed a solution.

Although Lao Liu was dubious, he really didn't have much choice at the moment.

So, under the watchful eyes of Chen Bugu and Lin Ye, Lao Liu carefully stood by the door and observed for a while.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong outside the door, he quickly opened the door and floated out.

Chen Bugu also took the opportunity to run to the door to observe.

The horizontal hole was at the same height as the main body of the tunnel. The storage room was about 30 meters away from the exit of the horizontal hole. Old Liu floated out within a few seconds.

It is worth mentioning that Lao Liu really cherished his life. He floated at a very high height, almost touching the upper wall of the tunnel. At this height, the scarlet hound could not attack at all.

Ten seconds later, Chen Bugu saw Lao Liu floating back.

In fact, to the naked eye, Lao Liu is almost the same as flying.

It's just that this guy obviously can't control his powers very well, and he flies crookedly, more like floating.

"Yes! It really does!"

"Three strange stone walls, stacked together like a tent, and those monsters are surrounding them with no way to attack!"


The fat man is still alive!

"It's important to save people, please tell us your plan in detail."

The fact that there are still people alive seems to have given Lao Liu a lot of encouragement, and he has accepted Chen Bugu's plan.

"Okay, then I'll talk to you two about my plan first..."

Three minutes later.

The door to the storage room opened again, and Lao Liu activated [Levitation] to fly outside.

Chen Bugu and Lin Ye walked cautiously toward the exit of the Hengdong.

They need to wait for Lao Liu to give a signal.

"By the way, Chen Bugu, there's something I was curious about but didn't ask."

Lin Ye was walking beside Chen Bugu and suddenly became confused.

"Teacher Lin, tell me."

"What about the flames spewed by the scarlet hound? Did you give Master Liu anything to defend himself against?"

Chen Bugu suddenly stayed where he was.

Seeing Chen Bugu's confused expression, Lin Ye suddenly had a bad feeling.


"What flame?"

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