After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 79 Returning To The Old Road

Everyone looked at each other, but there was no hint of joking on Chen Bugu's face.

"Watch your step, don't slip."

Chen Bugu didn't even explain. He held a torch and walked down the thickest tree root in front of him. Seeing this, the others had no choice but to follow.

At this moment, all the tree roots plunged into the abyss that spanned tens of meters in front of them.

There was no sunlight under the tall trees, and the visibility was extremely low, but the darkness revealed by the huge abyss in front of them was even deeper, swallowing up almost all the light.

The torch made by Wang Bin using [Light] was so powerful that it could even illuminate the sky-reaching trees dozens of meters away, but it was unable to illuminate the abyss at his feet.

Under the firelight, everyone could only see their own feet, and further down, the light was completely covered by darkness.

At first, the tree roots under their feet were covered with moss. The moment they stepped on them, the feeling of the soles squeezing the moss and the subsequent tiny droplets of water made everyone be extra cautious. Once they slipped, no one knew whether they would also slip. Like this fire, he was swallowed up by the abyss in front of him.

Although they were traveling very slowly, as they descended dozens of steps, everyone could still clearly detect the change in the touch of their feet.

The original moss faded away, revealing the original color of the tree roots. Under the firelight, the dark brown tree roots underfoot took on the color of the earth.

In the darkness, Chen Bugu took the lead and Bai Ting finished. The group slowly descended holding torches.

Ten minutes passed, and as everyone went further down, the downward winding of the tree roots gradually became gentler, from fifty degrees at the beginning to only about twenty degrees now.

It would be a lie to say that they are not nervous. Under such visibility and strange environment, even an attack by a black iron medium-sized monster may bring disaster to the entire team.

But looking back at Chen Bugu, he seemed to be unexpectedly relaxed at the moment. As the road under his feet gradually became smoother, his speed became much faster.

After walking for about half an hour, Han Badou's voice sounded from the middle of the team.

"Brother Chen, are we at the bottom of that big tree now?"

Han Badou had been calculating the distance. Even though their speed was not fast at first, but the direction did not change, after half an hour, they had already crossed the tens of meters wide abyss.

But the reality is that there is always a road in front of them and under their feet, going straight forward without knowing where it leads.

This weird spatial change and structure left Han Badou puzzled.

"I don't know either, but I'm sure we have to keep moving forward."

Chen Bugu really didn't know. He had thought about this question in his previous life, but no one could give him an answer.

At that time, he followed a large team and it took him two full months to reach the deep pit at the edge of the Babel Tree.

The leader of the team at that time was Liang Hong, a middle-aged man with a shaved head. He stood on the edge of the "cliff" and couldn't make up his mind when facing the abyss spanning tens of meters in front of him.

Liang Hong was only a five-star Black Iron player at the time, but because he continued to absorb survivors in the forest, his team became very large. Chen Bugu also joined them in the forest.

Although there were casualties along the way, there were still nearly 30 people in the team when we arrived here.

Among the 30 people, Chen Bugu happened to be among the weakest. At that time, with the strength of the Black Iron Three Stars and the lack of attack powers, he was almost at the bottom of the team.

Liang Hong is a typical fighting maniac, always eager to fight powerful monsters. He doesn't care much about anything else. That's why a weak person like Chen Bugu can always play a logistics role in this team.

His targets were always the weakest goblins, but even so, he was grateful.

By killing weak goblins, he could break through to the Black Iron Three Stars. At that time, Chen Bugu, who only wanted to survive, felt very satisfied.

However, when facing this bottomless abyss, someone in the team suddenly made a suggestion: send a person down to explore the way...

Oh, the dark abyss and the mysterious tree roots are all like mottos announcing death. Who dares to go?

Of course no one agreed.

Finally, everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Bugu.

Chen Bugu was stunned and panicked. He looked at Liang Hong and tried his best to put on a smile, but his smile was uglier than crying.

In the end, the vine was tied to him.

Yes, it is most appropriate for weak and useless people to take such unknown risks.

Even if he does die, it won't cause much loss to the team.

What's more, everyone knew at the time that this good-for-nothing Chen Bugu also had a [Resurrection] power.

He will tie this vine and explore downwards. If something unexpected happens, Liang Hong promises to pull him up immediately.

Of course, everyone, including Chen Bugu, knew that if an accident really happened, even if Chen Bugu could be "resurrected" once, it would most likely be just a corpse, and there was no guarantee that it would be a corpse. Complete body.

In the end, Chen Bugu got off.

He was disappointed, angry, and sad, but he had no choice.

Morals and laws have long since collapsed, and now it’s a world where strength speaks for itself. If he doesn’t fall, others will leave him behind.

At first, he could feel his calves trembling all the time. There seemed to be some man-eating beast hidden in the dark and strangely silent surroundings. He looked back every few steps, hoping that Liang Hong would call him back.

Unfortunately, until he turned around and couldn't see Liang Hong and others anymore, he didn't receive any signal to go back.

Chen Bugu didn't know how long he had been walking, but he was sure that the plane distance he moved had already exceeded tens of meters, but he never saw the trunk of the big tree.

In my impression, the surroundings were dark and silent, with no wind or light.

There is no sound, no smell, and no other life.

He just kept walking forward, and at a certain moment, he saw a gate.

The door was three to four meters wide and three to four meters high. It was just open, but the world inside the door could not be seen. Instead, there was a huge white light curtain.

When he was more than 50 meters away from the gate, he saw Lin Ye. At that time, Lin Ye was alone, followed by three monsters.

One of the sheep-like monsters with horns like a crescent moon seemed to sense something. It turned back and glanced at Chen Bugu.

At that moment, Chen Bugu's intuition told him that the monster was definitely stronger than him.

Seeing that Lin Ye was about to walk into the light door, Chen Bugu hurriedly ran forward. He shouted, hoping that Lin Ye would find him.

Unfortunately, the sound seemed to be swallowed up by the surrounding darkness. Lin Ye heard nothing and was completely submerged in the light curtain.

When Chen Bugu ran forward, Lin Ye had already disappeared.

He stood in front of the door, struggling for a long time, but finally did not dare to take off the vines and walk in alone.

He is just a Black Iron Three-Star. If it weren't for this team, he wouldn't even be here.

Chen Bugu stood in front of the light curtain. He retreated. He slowly turned around and began to walk back. He walked back and became the most inconspicuous little character in the team.

Even now, when thinking of these things, Chen Bugu still feels a little sad.

As he walked, he turned his head and looked at Lin Ye, and then at Han Badou, who was ranked three stars in black iron.

"Bato, look, we're almost there."

Following the direction pointed by Chen Bugu, everyone saw a light spot piercing the darkness.

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