Chen Bugu's ability to survive in his previous life was largely due to his archery skills, in addition to knowing how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and recognizing weaknesses.

This is also the reason why Chen Bugu was able to use it skillfully the moment he came into contact with the [Lianxin Crossbow].

But Chen Bugu prefers bows to crossbows.

Compared with crossbows, bows require longer practice, consume more physical energy, and even rely more on the user's own strength in terms of penetration.

But the bow has one advantage that the arrow cannot match, and that is continuous stimulation!

An excellent archer can shoot three arrows in succession within 1 second. To do this, a crossbow requires a more bulky crossbow machine, which will greatly affect an archer's flexibility.

In Chen Bugu's last life, it was no problem to shoot three or four arrows in one second.

It can be said that the bow is Chen Bugu's natal weapon.

Therefore, if the star weapon in the secret realm below him was a bow, it would be difficult for Chen Bugu not to be tempted.

He looked up at everyone, his tone was calm but firm.

"I must go to this secret realm below. The suggestion I make to separate here is not only for Master Liu, but also for everyone."

"I initially thought about at least letting Lin Lin go with me. After all, her healing ability can provide me with more opportunities to save my life. But I thought about it several times along the way. Maybe I won't be able to protect myself by then. Not to mention protecting her.”

"The things below are important to me, but only to me. You all still have family, friends, and loved ones, so there is no need to take risks with me."

"We are already here. No matter what your choice is, we will be partners."

After Chen Bugu finished speaking, he left time for others and quietly walked aside to feed Amon. He also needed to take the opportunity to recover the mental power he had consumed when he shocked Jiang Sisi.

Lao Liu and others looked at each other, but no one said anything.

But everyone understands that it doesn't matter whether you say anything or not at this moment, the key is what choice you make.

A few minutes later, everyone walked back to Chen Bugu, and Lao Liu was the first to speak.

"I'm sorry, Chen Bugu. I have to stay here and wait for my family. If they don't show up, I will leave from that hole and continue searching."

Lao Liu looked apologetic, he was not a saint.

He has already lost a family member, and for him, family is his first choice at all times.

Next came Wang Bin, who smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

"I'm sorry, Brother Bu Gu. It's not that I'm unrighteous, but I'm also worried about my parents. I want to wait with Master Liu."

Chen Bugu smiled, he could understand, and he would probably make the same choice in other circumstances.

"Chen Bugu, I have also decided to wait with Lao Liu. We are not as strong as you, so it's good to take care of each other."

Lin Ye was the last to speak, and his voice was the most natural. Unlike Lao Liu and Wang Bin, the first sentence they spoke was an apology.

Chen Bugu nodded and looked at the others, but saw that none of them spoke.

"what about you?"

It was Bai Ting who responded to Chen Bugu, but this answer obviously exceeded Chen Bugu's expectations.

"With you."

Based on his understanding of Bai Ting, Bai Ting should be the first to leave in this kind of situation.

"Why? This isn't a deal. It's not like you to risk your life for my gains."

“In addition to paying attention to equal exchange, businessmen also pay attention to investment.”

Bai Ting's answer was still clean and crisp, but Chen Bugu was stunned for a moment and then relieved.

"what about you?"

Chen Bugu looked at Yan Kuan, Lin Lin, Lin Xiaoxiao and Han Badou again.

"You said that I can provide you with more opportunities to save your life. I have an energy shield and my sister. I don't need your protection, so I'm going too."

"If Lin Lin goes, I will go, otherwise I'm afraid you will abduct Lin Lin and run away."

Lin Lin and Lin Xiaoxiao expressed their opinions one after another.

"When you tricked me into becoming a blacksmith, I told you that it would be interesting to follow you. Besides, I'm an orphan and don't have to worry about my family."

Yan Kuan talked about his life experience for the first time. No one knew that he was an orphan before.

"Brother Chen, my brain tells me that I shouldn't go with you, but I am also a person who follows my heart occasionally, so I will go wherever you go."

Han Badou's attitude was the easiest for everyone to guess.

After hearing this, a smile appeared on Chen Bugu's lips. He originally thought that only Han Badou would follow him, but he didn't expect that there were so many people in the end. This made him feel the warmth like spring in his heart for a long time.

Even if they choose to stay, Chen Bugu really won't blame them, because the journey along the way has been commendable.

But Chen Bugu understood that a team that truly belonged to him finally took shape at this moment.

Chen Bugu bowed deeply to everyone in front of him to express his gratitude.

Later, Chen Bugu told Lao Liu and Lin Ye about the information after leaving here.

If they can't wait for their family members and can't wait for their group to come out of the secret realm, they can leave here through the hole in the center of the platform.

The way to leave is very simple, just jump down like Jiang Sisi and others.

The place that the hole leads to is a place called "Zero World", which people also call "Zero World".

Zero Realm is a huge continent, divided into five large areas, corresponding to east, west, south, north and center. According to the characteristics of different regions, people generally call them "East Island, West Wasteland, South Marsh, Northland, and Middle Earth". They will fall when the time comes. Landed in a lake in northwest Middle-earth.

Chen Bugu asked Lin Ye to summon the "lurking sheep" in advance so that he would not be unable to react if he fell into the lake.

"Lying Sheep" is a medium-sized sheep-like monster that Lin Ye can summon after breaking through the four-star Black Iron. This monster's limbs are transformed into flippers, with a one-meter-long fish tail trailing behind it, and it is extremely fast in the water. It is said to be a sheep-like monster, but in fact its head is like a salamander, with only two short horns stubbornly announcing its race.

After leaving the lake, they will see themselves in a huge V-shaped rift valley. If they walk for half a day in the direction of the sunrise, they can see a small town.

In this town, they can continue looking for their family, or find a place to stay and wait for them.

With that said, Chen Bugu took out three "Yunling Fruits" and a large piece of "Star Meteor Crystal" from the ring and gave them to Lin Ye, telling them that when they arrived in the town, they could find a place called "Unjust Hall" The human forces, take three "Spirit-accumulating Fruits" as a self-recommendation fee, join them, and you can be safe for the time being.

In addition, Chen Bugu specifically emphasized that the zero world is different from the earth. There are more than just one intelligent race of humans in that world, but there are also some alien races, so Lin Ye and others should be careful and try not to provoke them.

If something happens in the town and you can't stay any longer, just run to the southwest of the town. There is an abandoned building more than ten kilometers away in that direction. You can wait for them there.

After saying that, Chen Bugu also handed over "Amon" to Lin Ye. "Amon" was only a black iron star, and it didn't have much fighting power at the moment. Going to the secret realm with them wouldn't help, and it would be easy to get into trouble. Unexpectedly, it would be better to leave it to Lin Ye and the others first.

Lao Liu, Lin Ye, and Wang Bin are all four-star Black Iron. Be careful after going down to the Zero Realm. There shouldn't be any problems in the short term.

After Chen Bugu finished explaining, Lao Liu took out the [Lianxin Crossbow] from behind again.

"Chen Bugu, take it, you need this weapon more."

Chen Bugu thought for a while and still refused.

"Master Liu, wait until the next time we meet, and then return it intact to me."

"Then you must come back, I'm still waiting to drink with you!"

"No problem, Master Liu, I'm waiting for you to introduce your daughter to me."

The two men looked at each other and smiled, blessing each other and saying goodbye in their own way.

After explaining everything, Chen Bugu, Bai Ting and others came to the edge of the platform, looked at the green water surging underneath, looked at each other and nodded, and then jumped off one by one.

The moment he jumped down, a whistle came from Chen Bugu's ear.

He looked back and saw that it was Lao Liu standing on the edge of the platform blowing his red whistle.

Chen Bugu remembered that Lao Liu said that it was a lucky whistle, and he would blow it every time before getting out of the car.

Meaning, come back safely!

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