After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 89 Above The Scorched Earth

When Chen Bugu opened his eyes, he found that he was lying on a row of scorched earth again, but now he had regained his human body.

He was sitting on the ground, his head was in a daze, but his body was light and emitting a faint shimmer.

"What's wrong with me?"

Chen Bugu looked at his almost transparent hands, but the storage ring still didn't appear.

He clearly remembered that his entire left arm had been cut off by the gods, but at this moment it was restored to its original state.

Is this me dead?

Is the soul in this state after death?

Chen Bugu looked around, but did not see the souls of Bai Ting and others, and this place did not look like heaven.

That's right, since I have abandoned God, how can I go to heaven after death?

But what happened after he fell into coma?

"Chen Bugu, you want to know my name?"

"I am King Nomuka, Kfuke!"

Chen Bugu suddenly remembered the last words the long-haired tree man said before he fell into coma.


But the long-haired tree man clearly called Chen Bugu Kefuke.

Chen Bugu remembered that the guy finally turned into a huge tree. It kept getting bigger and growing straight upward, until at a certain moment, it collided with the giant golden palm.

Does he actually have that kind of power?

However, it seems that he still lost.

Chen Bugu looked at the ground around him. The ground was covered with black scorched earth, even with a hint of warmth left by burning.

Just when he was stunned, he suddenly heard a sound not far away.

Chen Bugu stood up and took a step towards the direction of the sound. Without thinking, he floated far away.

His body is really very light, like a dandelion, riding the wind back and forth, taking a step of more than ten meters, and leaping four to five feet.

He soon saw where the sound came from. A hundred meters away, a group of Muka people seemed to be fighting.

Seeing this scene, Chen Bugu was a little confused. He was dead, but his soul was still trapped in this secret realm?

But even if the soul can return, if it doesn't return to the earth, it doesn't make much difference whether it leaves the secret realm or not.

Chen Bugu no longer cared about the fighting between these Muka tribesmen. He wanted to turn around, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of one of the Muka tribesmen who looked familiar.

The Muka man's hands transformed into arrows and kept shooting. The branches and leaves hanging down on his head were constantly swinging with the battle.

Chen Bugu was stunned, long-haired tree man?

"Kofke, surrender to the gods. You are still King Muka. If you continue to fight, your fate will be the same as those of your followers."

The long-haired tree man was surrounded by other tree men. His shoulders kept rising and falling, as if he was panting heavily. He sneered as he listened to the persuasion from the other side.

"Look at yourselves, how can you still look like a Muka? No matter how embarrassed I am, I am still a real Muka!"

After the long-haired tree man finished speaking, he raised his right leg and patted it. It seemed that those legs were his most powerful counterattack.

"A tough-talking guy, I don't know who trembles in fear when facing a god."

"Stop talking nonsense to him and kill him!"

"For the gods!"

"For the gods!"

Muka people from all directions shouted "For God", and the roots that penetrated into the soil suddenly emitted golden light, and then golden flames burned from bottom to top.

The pure white eyes in their eyes were suddenly dyed with a layer of golden light, and then their bodies also ignited with golden flames, and they rushed towards the long-haired tree man regardless of their own safety.

The long-haired tree man was surrounded in the middle, with nowhere to escape. The branches and leaves above his head emitted a faint green light, and his hands transformed into countless vines, trying to fly away the burning woodka men who rushed towards him.

However, the moment the rattan hit their bodies, the bodies of the Muka tribesmen suddenly became dazzling with golden light, and then a huge explosion occurred.

"For the gods!"

The sound of explosions gradually drowned out the shouts.

Before Chen Bugu even got close, the world in front of him was already obscured by golden light.

There were one explosion after another, huge and powerful, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Chen Bugu hurriedly ran to the center, only to find the long-haired tree man slumped on the ground, his body in tatters and stained with a lot of golden flames.

"Why are you here? Where are the gods?"

Chen Bugu asked, but the other party seemed unable to hear his voice at all.

Chen Bugu wanted to reach out and pull up the long-haired tree man, but found that his hand went straight through the long-haired tree man's arm.

Oh, by the way, Chen Bugu almost forgot that he was dead and now he was just a ghost. Unfortunately, many questions seemed unanswerable.

The dense branches and leaves on the head of the long-haired tree man once again emitted a faint green light. His body began to repair, and the golden flames stained by it gradually extinguished.

Although he seems to be in poor condition, it is clear that this guy still has some energy left.

Chen Bugu looked around. The self-destructed Muka clan members had turned into tree trunks as thick as a bowl. There were still sparks on the trunks, but there were no more leaves. They were stuck bare in this black field. On top of the scorched earth, this scene seemed inexplicably familiar to Chen Bugu.

However, the long-haired tree man had not recovered long before many Muka tribesmen appeared again from all directions, numbering about 20.

They quickly surrounded the long-haired tree man again, and the branches wrapped around their fingers quickly turned into various weapons such as swords, guns, axes, and halberds.

The leading Muka tribesman was more than four meters tall. He shouted to the long-haired tree man.

"Kefke, come with us. You have long understood that gods are invincible."

The long-haired tree man staggered to his feet and sneered.

"We Muka people are naturally afraid of fire, but look at our compatriots. They are actually ignited with flames and rush towards their king. You see, this is a good thing done by your gods!"

The long-haired tree man pointed at the charred tree trunks, his tone angry.

"They dedicated their energy to the gods. They are glorious warriors. Kefke, don't be stubborn anymore and go back with us."

The four-meter-tall Muka tribe spoke indifferently, not even turning their heads to look at the charred tree trunks, even though they were the corpses of their compatriots.

"Oh, you can't keep me."

The long-haired tree man stood up, glanced at the more than 20 lackeys of the gods, and had no intention of saying anything else.

Chen Bugu stood on one side and suddenly realized why everything in front of him was so familiar.

Among the more than 20 Muka tribesmen, there was a Muka tribesman more than 2 meters tall at the moment. He was holding a huge wooden ax in his hand. When Chen Bugu first came to this secret realm, he defeated him with "spiritual shock". The Muka tribesman is almost identical.

Just when Chen Bugu was in shock, the roots of the two-meter-tall Muka tribe member were already glowing with golden light, golden flames ignited all over his body, and he quickly rushed towards the long-haired tree man.


The long-haired tree man was so angry that he was shaking when he saw the other Muka men standing still, but he still chose to take action.

His hands turned into rattan, tying up the two-meter-tall Muka man. At the same time, a large number of green light points entered the Muka man's body through the rattan, extinguishing the golden flames burning on his body.

The young Muka man failed to self-destruct and fainted instead.

"Kofke, if you leave today, more innocent children will burn themselves tomorrow..." the four-meter-tall tree man said coldly.

The long-haired tree man smiled bitterly. This is the god who makes his people become indifferent and makes young children become bombs to attack their king...

The long-haired tree man gave up. He walked up to the four-meter-tall tree man and let him tie himself up with canes.

Chen Bugu had complicated eyes as he watched Kfuke lower his head and follow the group of Muka tribesmen.

They did not communicate, but walked for a long time, out of the scorched earth, across rivers, and finally walked into the forest and returned to the familiar tribe.

Kefke was thrown into the stone prison, and the Thousand Heart Ball Lock was locked again.

Only this time, there was no one else in that stone prison...

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