
The totem pole collapsed suddenly and hit the execution platform hard, making a huge sound that shook the sky and the earth.

However, after the smoke and dust dispersed, the whole tribe was still silent. No Muka tribesman came out of the room to check the situation.

Chen Bugu walked into a wooden house and found that the Muka man inside seemed to be sleeping soundly and still showed no signs of waking up. Only then did he understand what Kefke was doing just now.

After walking out of the house, Chen Bugu watched Kfuke step on the "god" statue on the totem pole a few times, seeming to vent his dissatisfaction. This scene surprised Chen Bugu.

Then Kfuke left the tribe directly, turned around and threw himself into the forest.

Chen Bugu had no choice but to follow quickly. He watched as Kefuke entered the forest and went around very skillfully until he ran for more than ten kilometers and finally returned to the cave where he took Chen Bugu.

In the dark cave, Kefke lay down again, but he did not fall asleep.

Only then did Chen Bugu realize that Kefuke stared at the top of the cave with his eyes open all night until the sun rose outside the cave. He didn't know what he was thinking.

However, just as Chen Bugu guessed, the rising sun outside the cave soon became dimmed under a golden light.

The "god" appears again.

Kfuke seemed to have been waiting for a long time. He was not as frightened as "last time". He just stood up very calmly and walked out of the cave facing the dazzling figure.

"Kneel down or die."

"God's" voice was still cold and emotionless.

The sleeping Muka people did not respond to their "god", so he came in person.

Hearing the "god" speak, Kfuke did not hesitate for a moment. He raised his left hand, and the exquisite bow appeared in his hand.

Kfuk pulled out an energy arrow out of thin air. The arrow was surrounded by blue and green energy beams. They intertwined in a spiral and shot out with the sound of breaking wind.

Kfuk's right hand did not stop, but turned into an afterimage, pulling out countless arrows connected end to end, with blue and green light, connected in a straight line, and headed towards the door of the "god".

Chen Bugu could clearly feel that every arrow shot by Kefuke contained powerful energy, which was completely incomparable to the arrow he had bitten out with his mouth before.

It's a pity that even so, no arrow can scratch the "god's" face.

Chen Bugu looked at the superior "god" and waved his hand, and Kfuke's body was instantly filled with spears burning with golden flames.

Kefke spat out green blood from the corner of his mouth.

The last golden spear fell from the sky and penetrated Kfuke's shoulder. The powerful force forced him to kneel on the ground.

God proudly spoke again.

"Kefuke, I have given you a chance, answer me now, kneel down, or die!"

Kfuke sneered. The branches and leaves above his head emitted green light and grew crazily. His legs could not stop shaking, but there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

Kfuk didn't answer the god's question immediately. One of his knees trembled as he stood up again. He straightened his spine and looked at the giant golden palm falling from the sky above his head.

Kfuke looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, the crown on his head appeared, his body became green and transparent, and then turned into a giant tree.

Five meters, ten meters, thirty meters, fifty meters...until they collided with the giant palm falling from the sky.

The world fell into an eerie silence for a moment, and then a huge explosion accompanied by a hurricane came from the collision place.

Even though Chen Bugu was a dead soul at this moment, he could intuitively feel the power of this blow.

Trees for miles around were uprooted by strong winds in an instant, exposing patches of bare land.

After the hurricane dissipated, with Kefke as the center, a radius of several miles has become a restricted area for life.

Chen Bugu looked up in surprise, only to find that the palm of the "god" had not disappeared. Instead, it kept pressing the giant tree incarnate as Kfuke into the earth.

Kfuke seemed to be knocked into the soil by this palm, and a huge pothole suddenly appeared under his body.

The golden flame burning on the giant palm collided fiercely with the blue-green light spots emitting from the branches and leaves of Kfuke, and then dissolved each other.

Kfuke's broken and crushed tree crown is regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye, continuing to resist the palm of the "god".

But even so, the giant palm was still pressing downwards steadily at a speed of two to three meters per second.

Chen Bugu smiled bitterly, is the "god" really invincible?

At this moment, Chen Bugu heard Kefuke's voice again.

Facing the god's question, his answer resounded throughout the world, full of majesty, unyielding and pride.

"I am King Nomuka, Kfuke!"

Kfuk roared angrily, and the giant tree he transformed into became as clear as green crystal again, and the branches and leaves at the crown of the tree flew, and then swelled in the wind.

The collision between the giant tree transformed by Kfuke and the golden palm became more intense.

In Chen Bugu's surprised eyes, cracks appeared on the surface of the golden palm, and then shattered at a certain moment.

The giant tree broke through the shackles and soared toward the sky. The thick trunk once again expanded unbridled and savagely.

On the ground, countless python-like tree roots surged through the land and spread out in all directions.

The golden giant palm had disappeared, but Kfuke did not stop.

The "god" floated in the air and stared coldly at the behemoth that was growing crazily in front of him.

Soon, the giant tree transformed by Kfuke enveloped the Muka tribe. The roots of the trees surged through the land, causing the trees to wither and the rivers to dry up.

The huge water wheel was shattered by a tree root and the debris was scattered across the dry creek bed.

Is Kefke crazy?

Just when Chen Bugu thought this, he saw that those tree roots coincidentally avoided all the Muka houses.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Muka tribe was swallowed up by the Kfuke package and disappeared.

Not long after, the growth of the giant tree gradually slowed down, and finally returned to silence.

Chen Bugu looked at the towering giant tree in front of him with disbelief in his eyes.

Seeing this, "God" raised his hand again, and dense golden palm prints flew out from in front of him, instantly crossing the sky and bombarding "Kefuke".

Broken wood is flying, smoke and dust are everywhere...

However, Chen Bugu didn't know if he had seen it wrong.

For a moment, the "god" frowned...

After the smoke and dust dissipated, Kefke stood quietly, the damaged tree trunk emitting green light, and it returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

The "god" seemed to be bored, turned around, walked a few steps, and gradually disappeared into the air.

The whole world suddenly seemed to have pressed the pause button, and everything became silent, which made Chen Bugu a little uncomfortable.

He froze on the spot, letting the wind howl and feel at a loss.

I don't know how much time passed after that, but Chen Bugu only remembered seeing the sun rise and set countless times, and hearing the wind blowing the leaves countless times.

He began to wander around, but the forest was endless, and the world in front of him was nothing but trees.

The vast world is far away, and there is a lonely soul.

An unspeakable loneliness lingered in his heart.

He didn't know why he was still here, and he didn't know what else he could do...

After "Kefke" transformed into a giant tree, he never appeared again and stopped growing.

Looking up at the towering tree crown, Chen Bugu wanted to fly to the top several times to have a look, but every time he flew to a certain height, a strange force would restrain him, making it impossible for him to go up again.

Chen Bugu gave up. He returned to the ground and continued to watch the trees around him growing vigorously day after day. He also began to find various fruits falling from the trees.

I don't know when it started, but Chen Bugu could see green and blue light spots floating in the air.

Those light spots were like elves. They were afraid of him and stayed away from him at first, but then got close to him and loved him.

At the change of morning and dusk, there is enough water vapor in the air, and the blue light spots become more active. It was at that time that Chen Bugu determined their identity.

Wood element and water element.

Although he doesn't know why, Chen Bugu seems to be favored by the elements of wood and water. He can feel that these elements are very close to him, which adds a touch of brilliance to his eternal life.

He didn't know how long had passed. Chen Bugu guessed that it might be a few years or more than ten years. This world finally welcomed a long-lost guest again.

The moment he saw the "god", Chen Bugu didn't know why, he just felt his eyelids sinking.

He tried to open his eyes wide, trying to see what the "gods" were going to do, but it was of no avail and he fell asleep still.

The last moment he closed his eyes, he gave up looking directly at the "god" and instead looked at the old friend.

The King of Muka in the past, the Towering Tree in later generations.

He is still tall, still standing...

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