Mrs. Judith resisted the tears, and described what happened that year and the catastrophe of the Xue family originally, attached evidence, announced her true identity and saved it on her Star Network account. Announced in front of the entire network on time.

If she is going to die, she is determined to die as Xue Xin's fiancee--

Not one of the emperor's mistresses.

"... Madam, Emperor Star is no longer safe, let's evacuate quickly." His men watched the time elapsed, and Mrs. Judith was still dressing up, and anxiously urged.

But Mrs. Judith glanced at him, but smiled extremely beautifully, and sighed, "No, I won't go, you go."

His men gave her a surprised look.

"I'm going into the palace and seeing her Majesty." Madam Judith gently put on earrings for herself, and there was a hint of killing in her eyes, but it was the suspension of the emperor's gift that she could only enter and leave the palace at any time. Frame.

She had been waiting for the day that Allston had given her before dawn, but she never thought of living to dawn ...

The day before dawn arrived, she was determined to bury herself with Xue family and the emperor.

At the same time, the empire's planets were captured by the Hell Army who had been hiding among the people and had received orders for an in-situ uprising, and Aston's other hidden identity was exposed.

That was the rebel leader, Lucifer.

As a member of the royal family, Auston had organized the rebels many years ago.

The exposure of this level of identity not only did not make Oston's reputation under such circumstances, but also made the people more and more loved by him, and made the road of their uprising more unimpeded ...

There is no other reason, just because the rebel army led by Lucifer has been in the Empire for many years, but he has never hurt the people. Every time he opposes the Empire, he robs the army of medical resources and evolutionary agents, healing agents, etc. And nobles exclusive resources to distribute them to civilians.

As far as these Lucifer rebels do, no matter how the empire and the government denigrate and stigmatize them ... in the hearts of countless civilians exposed to the depths of the water, they are robbers and even heroes who rob the rich and help the poor.

The insurgents with the Lucifer Medal were able to hide and hide in the empire so well under the circumstances that the empire and the government hated it very much. In addition to the cover of Allen ’s own forces, they were separated from the people ’s maintenance and help. No relationship.

Now that Aston's Lucifer identity is exposed, it is tantamount to transforming from the rebel army of the emperor and the government into a division of justice.

With the help of the people, the Hell Corps and Dawn Corps won the Empire Planet all the way.

With the exposure of the identity, in the eyes of the people, the majesty contributed to the cause of aristocracy and civilian rights, Lucifer, the leader who was given infinite expectations by countless people, that is, Auston was in a group in front of Ruan Tang. Brows down with a pleasant eyebrow: "Tangtang ..."

"Have you said nothing to me? What happened to Lucifer? What about the rebels? Everyone knows it, and I am the last one. It seems you haven't Think of me as yourself? "Ruan Tang glanced at him blankly.

After knowing that Auston had already prepared with two hands, he felt that all his previous hearts were all in vain.

"It's none of my business ... it's not that I deliberately kept it from you, you never asked me yourself!" Auston felt it was necessary to justify himself.

During this time, Ruan Tang was trying to invade the Emperor's Mech database, and he was discussing combat deployment with Ruan Yang.

He is Lucifer's business, not at all because he deliberately concealed Ruan Tang ... It was clear that he had no time to say it.

But he didn't know. Sometimes the more explanations, the darker and darker ...

"Okay, good, I don't ask you, you don't feel the need to take the initiative to tell me. It seems that you have a lot of things to hide from me!" Ruan Tang glanced at him immediately: "Then you follow me Tell me, what else are you hiding from me? Lord Lucifer, shouldn't you have one outside? "

Auston will only make troubles by himself and never by others. Watching Ruan Tang suddenly said righteously: "I said you're almost done, don't make a fool! What else can I hide from you? You do n’t see when it ’s too much. ”

Really, he was so used to this omega that he was so lawless that he dared to ride on him blindly.

"Okay, I'm bullshit. It's a critical moment. I won't argue with you. After this period, let's calculate the ledger again, Lord Lucifer." Ruan Tang expressionless.

But he was numb to his scalp and panicked.

He was about to say something: "You ..."

"Oston, Xiaotang ..." Just then, after the warships of the two legions merged, Ruan Yang came over from the other warship.

Ryan seemed to be greatly frightened and followed Ruan Yang in a good step, carefully guarding his sleeve ...

The fundus is no longer bright and open, and the dark underneath of the eye looks like the stress response after severe trauma.

Seeing Ruan Yang, Ruan Tang and Auston both forgot that the two were just making fun of each other, and they all got upright: "Brother ..."

"Xiao ... Lyan is here?" Ruan Tang noticed at first glance Ryan, who was hiding behind Ruan Yang like a frightened bunny, and immediately asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Ruan Yang said nothing but handed the thing he just got to Auston.

Auston and Nguyen Tang saw the thing and were startled at the same time: "... What is this?"

"It is the seal of the royal family of the Ophelia royal family. Queen Catherine had already obtained it before the accident. When she was killed, the emperor and Aesop did not find it from her ... but she did not expect that she It had been quietly handed over to Prince Andrew and asked him to transfer it to His Highness Oston. "Ruan Yang said solemnly:" Two hours ago, the emperor was assassinated by Mrs. Judith, and the senior emperor Aesop quickly stabilized the emperor. The situation, although the Dawning Corps has surrounded the Emperor Star, but the Dingxing Guard is tightly guarded. In addition, the Dawning Army is unwilling to hurt the Emperor Star. Therefore, they can only circle the air, and ca n’t break the Emperor for a long time ...

"The Imperial Star Army is a garrison loyal to the Royal Family of Ophelia. With it, as well as the identity of the Royal Family of Oston Ostia, I think we may be able to shed less blood and be more justified when we attack the Imperial Star. "" Ruan Yang said a word.

Ruan Tang looked at Chuan Guoyin and then looked at Ryan's expression. Immediately, he had a terrible premonition. Shen asked, "Where is Prince Andrew?"

"Aesop stared closely at Prince Andrew's house. When my people took them away from the Emperor Star, Prince Andrew's husband had sacrificed in order to protect the seal and seal of the country." Ruan Yang's voice was deep and solemn.

Just as he learned of his **** life, Ryan watched his adoptive parents who raised him and gave him infinite pets died in front of him.

Nowadays, he is not very familiar, and only Ruan Yang, who has a nominal marriage relationship, has become his closest person.

Although Ruan Tang was not very familiar with Prince Andrew and knew that this kind of thing would not be dead, but when he heard the news, he was inevitably painful and sad, but he held the seal and felt that he It ’s powerless to talk to Allston, and we can only say verbatim to Ryan: "We will not disappoint Prince Andrew ’s expectations, it will make the Xue family and the Callander family resentment, and also for the Prince and Princess revenge."

Ryan was motionless, like a puppet with no expression.

Ruan Yang could only hold his hand to give him comfort and security.

After Ruan Yang and Auston successfully joined forces, the two armies immediately commanded the God.

Orston, Ruan Yang and Garnier divided the three directions and began to command the army to attack the Emperor Star Fortress defense tower without losing a bomb.

Under the soldiers, all the people in Emperor Star were heart-sick.

"How to do how to do?"

"The defense tower is going to be unstoppable, what can they do if they are coming in?" Even Shen Mozhi's dignitaries were arrested to respond to the countermeasures and defend the Emperor Star's four defense towers.

The young general looked at Shen Mozhi's face frowning: "Mr. Shen, what can we do? What attacked the defense tower on our side, it seems that the lunatic of Oston himself led the soldiers!"

"What to do?" Shen Mozhi looked at the result in front of him, chuckled, and suddenly stood up, just pressing the close button of their east defense tower: "Just do this ..."

In an instant, all the artificial intelligence armed defenses of Emperor Star's eastern gates went out instantly and were unloaded.

"Shen Mozhi, what do you want to do?"

"Are you going to be treasonous? Shen Mozhi--" Shen Mozhi's actions were too fast, and no one else could react for a while. After he pressed down, the rest of the people wanted to rescue them.

The defense tower of the eastern gate only extinguished for a moment, but this moment was enough for Oston to break through the eastern gate and directly enter the Emperor Star.

The general guarding the tower hub with Shen Mozhi wanted to start the tower hub again, but it was too late.

Countless muzzles were pointed at Shen Mozhi, but Shen Mozhi was not afraid of danger, and he did not regret it for a long time: "I'm just helping you to make a decision that you dare not make. Since you already know the ending and continue to persist, what's the point?"

Shen Mozhi, who has the memory of a rebirth, knows that Oston is Lucifer, and it is inevitable that he will lead the army to subvert the Emperor Star ... The only difference is that in this life, Ruan Tang became his partner.

In this case, Shen Mozhi did not feel that he had any stubborn resistance and the need to change history.

In his eyes, Ruan Tang is the purest and most beautiful angel in the world, worthy of the best in the world ... If Auston wins the Emperor Star, Ruan Tang will naturally become the queen as his companion.

So why should he resist?

Even if he lost his life, Shen Mozhi did not regret alleviating casualties for Emperor Star and helping Orston to enter Emperor Star at an early date.

Because in his eyes, only Ruan Tang is worthy of the position of empire queen.

Although Auston was surprised by the moment when the eastern defense tower went out, he still did not let go of this god-given opportunity, and directly led the army to break the defense tower. 2k novel reading network

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