After I Got Married, Those Who Slagged Me Was Reborn

Chapter 113: Daily After Marriage 01

The news of Ruan Tang's pregnancy was announced after many things and elections as a topic of discussion after dinner.

With the advent of the new era, people need something to increase the sense of realism. In the eyes of countless people, the new life in Ruan Tang's belly and the new members of the royal family are proof of the decay of the empire like a twilight old man. one.

There is a lot of enthusiasm on the Internet, and countless empires even look forward to the birth of this little guy than Ruan Tang and Auston.

"Congratulations, congratulations, looking forward to the birth of the baby ... Chairman Ruan has such a high value, the baby must be very cute."

"The important thing is to say three times. I am looking forward to the baby's birth. The baby must be super cute."

"Looking forward to the birth of the little prince, I believe that his Majesty will surely educate him well ..."

"It is better to be an omega, so that it can better inherit the value of the queen, and the two her Majesty are not engaged in equal rights of the three sexes. If the heir of the next generation of the empire is omega, it will help the formation of this bill ..."

The people were imagining that before the child was born, he had already given him many hopes.

But as a child's father, Auston was calm when facing the public, but in fact he was not so anticipating or even melancholy about the child's arrival in private.

This child was not pregnant during Ruan Tang's estrus, so other alphas were asked to abstain from this type of inhuman torture during their omega pregnancy.Oston did not have to experience it, and even gave the child to promote the pheromone development of the child in Ruan Tang's belly. Appropriate pheromone soothing, doctors even suggested that Auston can be more gentle and affectionate with Ruan Tang.

But Auston wasn't happy about it--

In order to let the children in the stomach get the pheromone soothing of his father, Ruan Tang even took the initiative to Auston every day.

Once Aston returned to the room, he would hug him and kiss his lips, releasing the pheromone with a seductive meaning, indicating what Oston could do with him.

"Don't do this!" But after many times, Auston pushed Ruan Tang away.

Although he has been tempted by Ruan Tang physically, he has begun to resist such behavior psychologically ...

Ruan Tang began to think what he was playing, immediately took the initiative to hug Auston, and called his name hoarsely: "Seth ..."

Aston was so stiff with this stupid goblin's breath that he was about to overwhelm Ruan Tang on the bed, but just when he wanted to do something to Ruan Tang under the control of pheromone.

He forcibly restrained himself with reason, stopped his movements, got up with a temper, and turned his back to Ruan Tang.

"Seth, what's the matter with you?" Ruan Tangyu was on the spot. As an omega, he was dropped by his alpha halfway through doing this kind of thing. He felt his self-esteem was frustrated.

If not, knowing that Oston is not such a person, and his lower abdomen has not yet obvious bulge, Ruan Tang almost has to doubt whether Oston has a dog outside, or suspects his body is deformed.

He released the pheromone again in an attempt to seduce Allton.

Because the child did not have it during his estrus, and he was not completely marked by Allston, so he needed to do this kind of thing with Allston to promote the development of the child.

And, at this time, affected by progesterone, he will also multiply the desire for such things to happen with Auston ...

"You ... don't be like this, don't come near me, put away your pheromone ..." Auston was infected by Ruan Tang's pheromone, his breathing was obviously heavy, but he was still resisting this: "I do not like you being like this……"

Ruan Tang was inexplicably rejected by him, in the clouds: "Seth, you didn't like the taste of my pheromone before, did you like this kind of thing? Don't you want me now?"

It was the first time he heard that alpha would resist such a thing.

If it wasn't for himself who was pregnant, watching Oston, he would almost doubt that he was demanding too much. After his omega became pregnant, and obviously resisted, he would force the **** alpha who had a relationship with his omega.

Allston turned his head away from talking.

"What the **** are you doing? You do n’t tell me, how can I know?" Ruan Tang had no idea what he was holding his breath, nor did he know where he poked at him, but faced This wayward girl's heart alpha, he can only coax.

Allston was silent for a while before he said, "I don't like doing this kind of thing with you under such circumstances, and I don't want to have a relationship with you. Because I can't feel you love me at all, I just think you are Ask for my pheromone for the thing in your stomach. "

"Since you have him, I look to you as if it were nothing, just a tool man who can provide you with pheromones for him to grow up. I don't like it." He also knows that he is troubled at this time Emotions should not be so much. Since having this child, Ruan Tang has been studying the parenting classics all day long, studying what to eat and what is good for the child. He has never talked to him well.

Auston didn't want to be angry, but these days, Ruan Tang's neglect of him in daily life, and the only time to think of him, still made him extremely upset.

In particular, even at such times, Ruan Tang did not apply all his thoughts to him. He was always deliberate and told him that he could not do this or that. He was worried about the child, and he was completely absent from his eyes.

It made him feel like a personal tool.

Auston is different from other alphas. He has always been sexually and emotionally bound by love. He does not like the pure flesh-body relationship.

Ruan Tang treats him like this now, making him completely feel that he is not loved.

Ruan Tang: "..."

Ruan Tang was speechless for a while. It was the first time he had encountered such a situation when he grew up. Auston's complaint made him feel like he had forgotten his wife.

But he is clearly an omega.

Ruan Tang had to collect all the pheromone with some hints, and passed on a kind of gentle and soothing emotion to Auston through his pheromone.

He hugged Auston gently from behind, and sincerely apologized to him in the most intimate manner: "Sorry, it's my fault, I have ignored you these days."

Ruan Tang doesn't know what vinegar Austen is eating, but facing the alpha like Auston, he has no other way but to coax.

Auston's body twisted stiffly, still refused to turn to face Ruan Tang.

Ruan Tang didn't care about this. He just leaned his head lightly on Auston's shoulder and whispered in his ear: "The two of our childhoods each had their own pains and annoyances. The experience of growing up in love as carefree as other normal children. With this child, I confess that I really want to make up for the lack of my childhood, and to have all the growth environment full of love and happiness that I have not enjoyed give him……"

"But you need to know that my immediate attention to this child does not actually mean that I love this child more than you. I love him and look forward to his arrival because he is the crystallization of our love and fuses the blood of the two of us. So I love him and look forward to him ... "

He doesn't know how to deal with this situation, but these days I read a lot of parenting books, among them there are many contents about how to calm down the boss and balance the boss after having a second child.

Although Ruan Tang was pregnant first, looking at Auston like this, he could only coax him as an older child.

Aston heard Ruan Tang's words, I didn't know what to think of it. Then the stiff and resistive body relaxed a little, and his ears were raised. He seemed to want to hear what Ruan Tang would say next.

"I assure you that even with a child, the person I love the most will always be you, and the child can only be ranked second ..." Ruan Tang hugged him tightly and vowed Promise of.

Allston turned around and looked at him suspiciously. "Really?"

"Of course it is true. Children will be born and grow up, and will leave us. They will form their own family and have their lover. Only you are the one who will spend my life with me. Of course I love you the most." Ruan Tang immediately grasped Auston's hand and looked at him with infinite tenderness, as if his eyes could only reflect the shadow of Auston.

It has been explained to him repeatedly that even with a child, Allston will always be the most important and special one in his heart.

Auston looked at him with such eyes, and his ears suddenly turned red: "... you omega is really, I didn't want to hear you say this ..."

It seems like he's vying for favor with an unborn child.

"I'm telling the truth, I love you." Ruan Tang knew his righteousness, and immediately hugged him, even if he kissed intently.

This time, Auston finally did not resist again ...

The pheromone of the two was entangled tightly and fieryly.

After the incident, Fang Xie, considering the mood of Auston, Ruan Tang never mentioned the child in front of him. However, Auston took the initiative to reach out and stroked Ruan Tang's abdomen gently. He looked at Ruan Tang solemnly and said: "... Since this child will always have his own life, he won't be able to stay with us for a long time. You love him together. "

Allston once felt that he was not loved by his parents, he admired his parents to love themselves, but always wanted, and knew that children who were not loved by their parents were very poor.

Now that Ruan Tang has promised, even if he has a child, his favorite person is still him, and he is reluctant to accept this third party, the small bulb.

However, his position in Ruan Tang's mind was beyond his expectation.

"... Uhhh." Ruan Tang heard this and immediately laughed out loud, stretched out his hand and touched his unbelly belly with Auston: "Okay, we will love him together in the future and let him in Grow in love. No longer appreciate the days we spent as children. "

From the discovery of pregnancy to the present, after several struggles, Ruan Tang's eldest child who was afraid of falling out of favor finally accepted the reality of this little accident in her belly. 2k novel reading network

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