After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1005: Exploring the truth and emptiness

"Everyone, be careful, there are many demons in this mountain range!"

As a disciple of Ping Moguan, Yu Zhen has the most say in matters related to such demon cultivators. He frowned when he saw the dense demon energy of the mountain. When he was in the Xihe Sect, he heard that there were cultivators haunted by the demon cultivators. After publishing a book for help, she resolutely chose to come and help out, but she didn't expect things to be so troublesome here. Judging from this rich devilish energy, Yu Zhen also felt troublesome.

Li Zhe also had a dignified expression. You can see from Yu Zhen's expression. Even the Ping Moguan disciple has such an expression. It must not be easy here.

Yu Jing also asked what he said:

"Yu Daoyou, how?"

Yu Zhen solemnly replied:

"Don't underestimate it, you must proceed with caution!"

After talking about Yu Zhen, it was another curse. The magic mirror that hung in the air immediately turned down. The light of the mirror immediately shrouded everyone's heads. The lower monks of Fengfeng Mountain suddenly felt all over their bodies. Shocked and refreshed, my mind was clear.

"Mirror light can help you to clear away distracting thoughts, and will not be affected by the magic repair methods here, but you still need to guard your mind, otherwise it will be too late for the foreign demons to invade!"

Yu Zhen, who is familiar with the methods of the demon cultivator, knows that the demon cultivator’s methods are tricky and disturbing, making the opponent lose themselves without fighting. There are many immortal monks who meet these demon cultivators, and they have not waited to make a move. The opponent gave me the means, lost my mind, and was defeated.

Especially these low-level cultivators with low cultivation bases, who have not yet reached the level of strength and aspiration enough to resist those magic cultivation methods, are the easiest to be recruited, so Yu Zhen also used this magic mirror to replace these squats. The younger disciples of Fengshan washed their minds and prepared early.

Upon seeing this, Yu Jing also said:

"Thank you so much, Daoyou Yu for taking the shot!"

He naturally knew that Yu Zhen's mirror light was mainly aimed at his disciples under the Fengshan sect. The Jindan monks present did not need this mirror light to bless him, so he also expressed his thanks.

Yu Zhen waved his hand and said:

"It's okay. Poor Dao is also taking precautions before it happens.

Although Yu Zhen said so, but Yu Jing had to express her love, and immediately said to the fellow disciples behind him:

"Don't thank Yu Daoyou for Jingguang's blessing?"

The disciples of Mount Fengshan also understood in their hearts that with the blessing of the mirror light, it was finally more emboldened. They all thanked each other:

"Thank you Sister Yu!"

Yu Zhen nodded in greeting.

At the same time, the Demon Sect monks in the mountains below had already felt their heart when Yu Zhen presented the magic mirror to break the external barriers. The Demon Sect golden core monks in the hinterland of the mountain were immediately Someone did this by drawing a round hole surrounded by magical energy out of thin air on the high platform, but in the center was the scene above the outer mountain range, and the figures of Li Zhe, Yujing and others appeared in it.

The golden core monk of the Demon Sect performing this technique is a man with a withered face, like a corpse, but the brilliance in this person's eyes is not weaker than the others next to him. Obviously, this person is not as weak as his appearance. .

Right away, someone praised:

"The insect corpse sect's method is really magical. The method of Taoist friend Ming Huang that can evolve the external situation without using magic weapons is really admirable for my brother!"

The Taoist Taoist Ming was also modest when he heard the admiration of others:

"However, you should not praise the daoists!"

After praising the Taoist Taoist's methods, a group of demon cultivators began to look closely at the righteous disciples of the immortal door in this virtual scene.

As a disciple of Pingmoguan, Yu Zhen was the first to receive attention. When a group of demon sect golden core monks saw Yu Zhen's robe, they knew that this woman must be a disciple of Pingmoguan. They were all about the style of Pingmoguan. The disciples of the Demon Sect were so familiar.

"Guo You Ping Moguan disciples have mixed in, huh! This cultivator seems to be destined to be unable to pass through my spiritual gate."

"This cultivator monk, the cultivation technique and magical tools are very restrained to me and other Lingmen disciples. If there is a fight later, this woman is the first-class goal!"

"That's true. If this woman is beheaded first, the rest will not be able to wait for them!"

Just when these Demon Sect monks focused their attention on Yu Zhen, a disciple of the Immortal Gate Righteous Path in the virtual scene suddenly turned his head and stared in this direction, his sight seemed to be betting through this round hole. To a group of Demon Sect Golden Core cultivators on the high platform.

The demon cultivators who were swept by this line of sight all felt inwardly, and when their bodies shook, they saw the immortal righteous disciple in the virtual scene wearing a black robe, handsome, handsome, sword eyebrows, star eyes, and stature. The whole body is tall and straight, even if the disciples of the Demon Sect see this person at first sight, they can't help but secretly praise the good manners.

And the most eye-catching thing is that there is a sword light stepping on this person's feet, which is clearly a rare sword repairman in the immortal door.

Although their Demon Sect cultivators thought that their methods were varied, and they were not afraid of such sword cultivators as ordinary cultivators, but the ability of sword cultivators to fight and fight was always a sharp edge hanging in their hearts.

Previously, because of the identity of the Ping Moguan disciple, everyone's attention was attracted to the past, but he did not notice the sword cultivator for the first time!

"Who is this? It's actually a sword repairer, it's a bit difficult!"

"I don't know how Yu Jing from Rongfeng Mountain invited this sword cultivator. It will become more troublesome, and the situation may be even worse!"

"You don't need to be aspiring to others, you can only cultivate with a sword, and I don't necessarily fear him when I wait for the spiritual disciple."

"Anyone who is a sword cultivator, I am afraid that he will not be able to escape even under the siege of Lingmen disciples. In the end, it is only withered bones in the mound!"

Just when a group of demon cultivators were talking wildly, the immortal righteous disciple in the virtual scene opened his lips and teeth slightly, and gently uttered four words:

"Small bugs!"

What followed was a bright sword light, but in the black hole in front of the Demon Sect monk, everything was shattered, leaving nothing but nothingness.

The sword cultivator discussed by the demon cultivator is naturally Li Zhe. When the Taoist Mingzhu used methods to spy on the outside scene, Li Zhe had already noticed something wrong with his powerful divine intent, and then covered the surrounding area with divine intent. After investigating, something was found wrong, and there was an inexplicable feeling of being spied on.

That kind of subtle discomfort and complexity would be undetectable if it weren't for Li Zhe's overbearing will, but since it was detected by Li Zhe, there must be a problem.

Li Zhe is a sword cultivator, especially a sword cultivator who specializes in the way of transforming swords. The matter of dividing and counting swords in one spirit often requires powerful divine intent to support multi-tasking, and Li Zhexiu is the innate Xuanyang sword scripture, which is internally polarized. The two ways are both incomparable, and there is a method of tempering the divine will to support the sword of the sword.

Li Zhe’s divine intent can support the division of sixteen swords at once. He is extremely tyrannical. At this moment, he found a tiny worm behind him and others. This worm is extremely small, and the tiny dust particles in the air are all It's about the same size, and the ordinary naked eye can't detect it at all. If it's not for Li Zhe's superb will, it would be difficult to find this strange bug.

After discovering the existence of this strange insect, Li Zhe disdainfully said the words "Insect Insect Skill", and it was a sword light. The strange insect body was subtle and fast and wanted to escape, but how could he be able to keep up with Li Zhe's sword speed? Fast?

The sword of the extreme sword is displayed, a sword is to split the tiny worm in half. If an insider sees Li Zhe’s sword, he can’t help but praise, the body of the worm It was already small, but Li Zhe Jianguang still accurately split the monster into two halves, not bad at all, enough to see the exquisite control of the sword.

As soon as the strange insect was killed, the Taoist Taoist in the mountains was hit hard, and a mouthful of blood was vomited out of his thin lips, and the demon cultivators who provoke them all cast in one after another. Sight.

"Will Taoist Fellow Minghuang be okay?"

Taoist Ming just waved his hand, and then made a move. The black hole that had no sight was shattered. At this time, everyone noticed that there was a tiny weird worm hidden behind the black hole, this tiny weird worm. After the black hole shattered, it flew back to Taoist Ming Huang's side staggeringly, and landed in Taoist Ming's palm.

Taoist Ming's expression as usual was to look at the tiny weird worm in his hand, and then bend the finger to gently pinch the weird worm to death.

This strange worm and the strange worm that was slashed by Li Zhe Jianguang outside are a pair of mother-child worms. The only peculiarity is that the vision can be shared between the mother-child worms and the worms. Only then did the Taoist Taoist Tao let go. Go out, while the worm stays around.

The female worm was monitoring a group of immortal righteous disciples outside, and all the scenes she saw were presented through the black hole, mainly with the help of the power of the worm.

Now that the female worm was cut by Li Zhe, the child worm was useless, so Taoist Ming did not hesitate to pinch the useless child worm to death.

This child-mother worm was fed by his painstaking effort, and no one among his peers could detect it, but he did not expect that it would be broken by Li Zhe today. The mother worm was killed and his mind was injured. Although it's not a big problem, it also requires some practice and warmth, so the Taoist Min Huang is now recovering from meditation practice.

Yu Jing Yuzhen and the others in the outside were also taken aback when seeing Li Zhe's sudden move, but then they reacted, and the demon cultivator used some means.

Li Zhe just said indifferently:

"A Demon Sect monk is spying!"

Everyone was shocked, the Demon Sect monk was spying on himself and others? They didn’t have any reaction. The one who was most surprised was Yu Zhen. She was the monk Ping Moguan who knew everything about the methods of the Demon Sect monk. If there was a Demon Sect monk spying on her, she would not have any influence. If this is the case, is it possible that there is a Demon Sect monk who has a cultivation base much higher than himself?

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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