After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1225: Been tricked

Soon, on these four pillars, Li Zhe had drawn horizontal bars exactly the same length as those on the base.

Just after the horizontal bar on the last pillar was drawn up, the auspicious cloud base at the bottom of the four pillars instantly emitted a burst of blue light!

Seeing this light overflowing, Li Zhe smacked his lips, thinking that the strength of the man in the formation was really unpredictable.

He just checked the base specially, and found that it was ordinary bluestone. Unexpectedly, there was a formation in this bluestone!

"I didn't notice it just now. I made a mistake."

Li Zhe looked at the light on the base below, muttered.

At this time, the treasure fishing boy asked doubtfully: "How did you discover that you wanted to engrave the horizontal bar?"

Hearing this, Li Zhe’s mouth was slightly raised, pointing to the wall of the hall, and said slowly: “When I went to investigate before, I had already discovered that the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by the outside formation were all It's a long line. I didn't care about it before, but then I remembered that the fluctuations of the four walls are almost the same as this base."

After speaking, Li Zhe said with a faint smile: "In this way, the entire hall, except for the pillar, has this horizontal bar in all other places, only this pillar."

Listening to Li Zhe’s explanation, Diaobao Boy laughed aloud and laughed for a while, before he said leisurely: "This is the first time I have heard of this method of breaking the formation. You are just a mistake. Hit, I thought you could see through some formation."

Li Zhe shrugged and said with a faint smile: "No matter what the black cat is, the white cat is a good cat if he catches a mouse."

After the base radiated light for a while, only a bang was heard, and a passage leading to the outside was exposed on one side of the wall of the main hall.

Li Zhe didn't stop too much immediately, turned around and walked outside.

When he reached the edge of the passage, Li Zhe also confirmed that there were no traps before he took a step and walked out.

Li Zhe had just walked into the passage, and the convenience was silently closed. In other words, even if Li Zhe wanted to go back, he could no longer go back.

Li Zhe naturally discovered the movement in the rear, but he didn't bother to take care of it. Now he just wants to find other people as soon as possible, and find a way back after solving it.

After all, they only have three days. After three days, they will start training again.

In other words, if Li Zhe can't go back then, his plan to pretend that nothing happened will be invalidated.

At that time, Rao will be the identity of the cohort, but after all, he is also an outsider. The first one to be investigated is definitely himself!

At this moment, Li Zhe's heart was silently calculating the time, and now it has been nearly a day since they left the Dragon Palace.

"There are two days left."

Li Zhe murmured as he walked forward.

This passage is very narrow, barely enough for one person to pass through. The walls of the whole passage are made of that kind of stone, which looks like a passage dug in a certain mountain.

After walking along this passage for about two minutes, Li Zhe finally walked out of this passage.

As soon as he came out, Li Zhe stayed where he was.

I saw at this moment, in front of Li Zhe, there was a giant dragon!

To be precise, it was the corpse of a giant dragon.

At this moment, Li Zhe was at the top of a certain submarine mountain, and in front of him was a giant dragon corpse that seemed to be fixed in some way.

The dragon was winding and long, and because it had lost its breath of life, Li Zhe could still feel a little coercion from it.

"Well, are you surprised?"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from the left.

Li Zhe was taken aback, followed the voice, and saw Ao Ping standing quietly less than ten meters to the left of Li Zhe!

Li Zhe was shocked. In this dragon tomb, he was on guard for ten percent. This is the case, this Ao Ping could get so close without realizing it!

At this moment, Li Zhe had secretly developed the technique, and then smiled at Ao Ping and said, "Why are you here, Ao Yuan?"

"Do you mean him?"

Ao Ping raised his eyebrows and raised his hand to reveal what he was holding.

I saw that Ao Ping was holding Ao Yuan's head!


Li Zhe's pupils shrank slightly, and his figure instantly opened up to Ao Ping.

In fact, with Ao Ping's cultivation base, Li Zhe can completely ignore it, but the current environment is completely out of Li Zhe's control.

This Ao Ping was able to reach this position, and could approach him quietly, which had to make Li Zhe stand on guard against him.

"Don't worry, he wants to kill me, so I fight back. I don't have any idea about you."

While Ao Ping was talking, he threw the head of Ao Yuan in his hand to the ground, and said with a light smile.

However, at this moment, the defense on Li Zhe's original face suddenly relaxed, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Ao Ping frowned, looked at Li Zhe's sudden expression, and gave a puzzled hum.

However, at this moment, Li Zhe suddenly waved his hands, and his body pressure suddenly spread out, directly causing the surrounding sea water to begin to surge wildly!

The next moment, the fixed corpse of the dragon started to swing wildly!


Ao Ping was stagnant, pointing at Li Zhe, speechless.

At this moment, in Li Zhe's mind, the Baobao Boy asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

Hearing this, Li Zhe chuckled lightly, and said slowly: "I was still wondering just now, why would I reach this place when I came out of the passage, the dignified Dragon Tomb, it should not be that simple."

"Now, I finally understand that this place is an illusion!"

Li Zhe looked at Ao Ping opposite, and said calmly.

Seeing Li Zhe's performance, the surprise on Ao Ping's face gradually dissipated and turned into calm, and said calmly, "It seems that you know how to crack it."

"of course."

As soon as he finished saying this, a calm word suddenly came out from behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a real dragon phantom rushed out and directly penetrated Ao Ping's chest!

Li Zhe didn't know when, he was behind Ao Ping!

After the real dragon phantom passed through his chest, this Ao Ping fell to the ground, and then turned into a faint aura and dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, the entire scene before Li Zhe's eyes suddenly disappeared after a shock.

Then, Li Zhe discovered that at this moment, he unexpectedly appeared outside the teleportation vortex before!


Li Zhe was taken aback and blinked suspiciously.

He was quite sure that the scene before his eyes this time should not be fake.

At this moment, the treasure fishing boy laughed loudly in Li Zhe's mind.

Li Zhe blinked suspiciously, but after listening to the laughter of the Tiaobao boy, Li Zhe also roughly understood what the Tiaobao boy knew.

Therefore, he no longer spoke decisively, but quietly waited for the treasure fishing boy to answer him.

Sure enough, after a long laugh, Baobao Boy slowed down and smiled at Li Zhe: "It looks like you have all been tricked."


Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly. The treasure fishing boy was talking about you, not you. In other words, it was not just himself who encountered the same thing.

Sure enough, Diaobao Boy continued: "This dragon mound should have been explored long ago, and there is only an empty shell left, but the person who is exploring is also boring, and a few formations and illusions are deliberately set up inside. you guys."

With that said, Diaobao Boy explained: "At the beginning, there were several groups of people who searched for Dragon Tomb. I am afraid that this setting is to delay the progress of those who are also looking for Dragon Tomb, but it seems that others have seen through. That’s why this Dragon Tomb with only its empty shell will remain there until now."

Li Zhe nodded helplessly after listening to Diaobao Boy's words.

However, this trip by myself cannot be said to have been completely fruitless.

Thinking of this, Li Zhe lowered his head and looked down. The bottom was the deep pit left by the brothers when they were attacked by the attacking formation that day.

As long as I can solve the rest of the people, it's not a waste of time.

Thinking about it, Li Zhe waved his hand, and the sea sand below quickly surging, filling up the big hole. Unless someone came here to excavate specifically, otherwise, they would not discover anything here.

As for the teleportation vortex in the air, it has long since disappeared.

"Then Ao Yuan and Ao Ping, they probably haven't come out yet."

After filling in the big hole in the ground, Li Zhe carefully observed the surrounding area before whispering.

With that said, Li Zhe turned around and headed towards the Dragon Palace again.

What he has to do next is to carry out an ambush in the middle of the journey to the Dragon Palace. After all, he is not sure when Ao Yuan Ao Ping will come out.

However, Li Zhe had just turned around, and he felt an extremely strong spiritual collision from behind.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then he hid behind an undersea mountain range not far away in an instant, and at the same time hid his breath.

At the same time, in that prairie illusion, the grass on the entire meadow has become completely withered.

At this moment, Ao Yuan and Ao Ping are working together to attack the sky, which is already the last cloud that has turned into a dark cloud.

"Quick! The remaining time of this illusion is coming soon, if you don't break it quickly, we will be trapped in this formation!"

Rao is Ao Ping, who has always been calm. He also became a little impatient at this moment, and shouted to Ao Yuan who was aside.

Ao Yuan also nodded with a gloomy expression, and the two attacked the dark clouds in the sky together, and at this moment, a void full of spatial aura was exposed in the sky.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literary update speed is the fastest.

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