As the same demon said, the people in the entire Chaxuemen are demons.

This group of people are all tribes left behind when the demons invaded in ancient times.

These tribesmen have been cautiously surviving among the crowd, and it was only in the past few years that they were gathered together under the call of this sect master.

This column was a magic weapon left by the demon clan at the time. It was made of the strongest fire demon iron in the demon world, so it could not even be destroyed by the sword spirit that day.

As the demons, the flow of this demonic energy is completely perceptible.

Just like a monk, if someone can isolate the spiritual power from action in a place with such strong spiritual power, the monk can naturally find the trace of that person by sensing where the spiritual power is isolated.

Therefore, Li Zhe at this moment is completely under the perception of this sect master, and he has not even been concealed at all!

Rao is that Li Zhe is now trying his best to hide his traces, and it has no effect at all!

Of course, today's Li Zhe, naturally, can't know this. In a blink of an eye, he has once again come to the position of Yin Tianzong.

Here is the limit distance of Li Zhe's space transmission. From here, he wants to move directly through space at one time and leave the Congshan domain directly. In this way, he can also directly avoid the entanglement with everyone in the Chaxuemen.

Even the strength of the demon can be improved so much, if the sect master is now full of strength, I am afraid that the strength will be above the purple mansion realm!

Such strength is not something Li Zhe can face.

At the same time, it was within a town about five hundred miles away from the mountain region.

Now the residents of this town have all been evacuated from the city under the guidance of the Tianxin faction, and now the entire city is all the disciples of the Tianxin faction!

Back then, the Tianxin Sect had already discovered the strangeness of this mountain range at the first time. As the first authentic sect in the southern realm, it was naturally impossible for them to do nothing.

In the entire city, there are now a hundred disciples of the Tianxin Sect, all of whom are inner disciples of the Tianxin Sect and above the Golden Core Realm.

Although the strength is only in the Golden Core Realm, because of the Tianxin Sect's cultivation method, they all understand the formation method, and each other can develop the formation method in groups of three.

Under their respective efforts, even the masters facing the late stage of the Golden Core Realm, they may not be disadvantaged.

But now, in the city lord's mansion in the center of the city, Tianxin sent the head, and four elders are sitting here.

Today, there is a map placed in front of them. This map is exactly the map of the Congshan Domain, but this is not an ordinary map, but a magic weapon.

Now the entire area of ​​the Congshan Domain is shrouded in a blood-red mist, and what this mist represents is magic energy!

And at the edge of this mist, that is, at the location of the Shattered Blood Gate, there were more than ten red light spots. These light spots naturally represented the people in the Shattered Blood Gate.

"Head, why don't I wait to kill the past directly, do you want to watch the Demon Realm passage connect?"

At this moment, an elder frowned and asked the head of the Tianxin School.

Hearing this, the head of the Tianxin faction shook his head slightly, and said softly: "Now the demon qi is in full swing, and those demon races are within the demon qi, and their strength has risen greatly. At this time, we can't get any benefits. Besides, there are more simple The method can solve them."

Listening to the words of the head, all the elders turned their heads with a look of doubt and looked at their head.

"It's just the remnants of the demons, they probably don't know that when the passages of the demons are connected, there will be a fatal weakness!"

Looking at the Congshan Domain on this map, the head of the head showed a sneer and whispered.

At this moment, a yellow light spot suddenly lit up on the map, appearing in the middle of the mountain domain.

Looking at this light spot, everyone in the room was taken aback and looked at each other.

"Could it be... which chivalrous man broke into this directly?!"

Seeing the yellow light lit up, the head was slightly taken aback, and muttered in a low voice.

At this moment, Li Zhe took a deep breath, and the space in front of him surged. Then, he took a violent step, and with a burst of space aura, Li Zhe's figure also disappeared in place.

At the same time, on the square of the blood gate at that moment, the brows of the sect master slowly frowned, and said coldly, "Want to run?!"

While talking, he directly grabbed the void in front of him.

For an instant, there was a wave of spatial ripples in front of him, and then Li Zhe appeared in front of everyone in the Instant Blood Gate with a look of astonishment.

"Haha! Kid, still want to run?!"

"Who would dare to enter my Brahma Blood Gate Camp!"

"Haha, it's your kid who made the demons and evil spirits stumble?!"

For an instant, the elders of the Chaxuemen were taken aback for a moment, and then they laughed loudly.

Between these people's words, their respective coercion suddenly radiated, including the coercion of the sect master, which fell on Li Zhe's body almost simultaneously.


In an instant, there was a long row of cracked roads on the ground under Li Zhe's feet. Li Zhe also bent his knees and almost fell to his knees under the pressure of this crash.

However, Li Zhe held on and stood straight ahead.

Although this coercion is terrifying, compared to the coercion above the purple mansion realm, it is still a little bit less meaningful. At least this coercion alone cannot make Li Zhe lose his combat effectiveness!

Just now when Li Zhe was walking in the space, he suddenly felt an extremely strong impact, and directly pulled him out of the state of walking in the space, and appeared directly in front of everyone in the blood gate at this moment.

At this moment, with the coercion of everyone in the blood gate, only a sorrowful smile remained on Li Zhe's face.

Rao Li Zhe is extremely confident of his own strength, but facing these more than ten Nascent Soul Realm elders, plus a deputy sect master of the Purple Mansion Realm, Li Zhe also knows that he has no chance of winning, even Escape, I am afraid it is already a luxury.

However, Li Zhe would not allow himself to die without dignity. At this moment, the forbidden spirit was surrounded by a clear breath, and Li Zhe's breath was lifted, and a real dragon phantom directly surrounded him.

"Hmph, just a bunch of demons and ghosts."

Li Zhe coldly looked at everyone in the blood gate at this moment, and said with a sneer.

Listening to Li Zhe's words, several of the elders' expressions were cold, and they wanted to attack Li Zhe.

But at this time, the sect master waved his hand gently, and said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, let me ask him a few questions first."

In the end, this sect master still has a very majesty among them. At the moment when these words came out, the elders coldly snorted to Li Zhe, and temporarily put aside the idea of ​​doing it.

But Li Zhe looked at the deputy sect master coldly, and didn't mean to speak.

This sect master directly ignored Li Zhe's expression and said with interest: "However, how did you solve the monsters with the strength of the mid-level golden core peak?"

"Oh, his strength is not enough."

Hearing this, Li Zhe sneered, with a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Li Zhe’s expression, the sect master just gave a faint smile, did not respond, but continued to ask: "I saw you enter the forbidden spirit desert. Is there anything in that desert? How did you come out?"

Li Zhe looked at the sect master and said nothing. He was not ready to answer any questions of the sect master.

Anyway, in Li Zhe's opinion, he was already going to die today. He didn't believe that he killed the two elders of this instant blood gate, and this sect master could still let himself out alive!

Sure enough, the sect master looked at Li Zhe and whispered softly: "You are definitely going to die today, but if you answer my question well, I can make you die without pain."

"How come there is no pain?"

Li Zhe looked at him and asked with a chuckle.

"Haha, with my strength, it only takes a moment to make you die. You will never feel any pain. Come on and tell me."

The sect master looked at Li Zhe and said with a chuckle. While he was speaking, his eyes flashed with a pink light.

The art of charm!

This is an improved charm technique based on illusion, and it is also one of the demon's talent skills!

The strength of this sect master, now under the blessing of the devil qi, has the power of the middle stage of the purple mansion realm, and the charm of the technique performed under such strength is naturally powerful.

In addition, Li Zhe didn't have any defense at all. At this moment, his eyes suddenly lost consciousness, and his eyes stood blankly on the spot, staring blankly at the sect master.

Seeing Li Zhe's appearance, the sect master snorted coldly, and said with a faint smile: "Huh, in the Jindan realm, I also want to negotiate terms with me."

Listening to the words of the vice sect master, the group of elders all laughed loudly.

And this sect master raised his head, looked at Li Zhe, and asked quietly: "What's your name?"


Li Zhe muttered in a low voice with no eyesight.

Although his spiritual consciousness was strong, he still couldn't escape from this level of charm, but he still forcibly reported his pseudonym.

"Long Tian, ​​hehe, tell me, what kind of situation do you have in that forbidden spirit desert?"

The sect master looked at Li Zhe and said with a slight smile.

Hearing this, Li Zhe looked at him and opened his mouth and said: "After I entered the desert of the forbidden spirit, I found..."

However, at this point, Li Zhe's expression suddenly stagnated, and a sense of clear spirit was directly transmitted into his mind from the outside, forcibly interrupting this charm technique!


The sect master looked surprised, suddenly raised his head, and looked beyond the blood-colored spiritual power wall next to him!

I saw a figure standing floating outside the blood-colored spiritual power wall, looking at the sect master with a cold face, and said quietly: "Tianxin faction, Zhang Mingzhi."

"The head of Tianxin faction?!"

Hearing this name, the deputy master's pupils shrank and he stood up instantly!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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