After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1274: War will begin

After entering Li Zhe's room, Liu Ruxin sat down at the table.

Li Zhe sat aside curiously, wondering if Liu Ruxin had anything important to say.

"Brother Dao..."

Liu Ruxin looked up at Li Zhe and said in a low voice.

While she was speaking, her complexion became ruddy again, and I have to say that Liu Ruxin's face was that kind of cold feeling, and the reddish complexion at the moment was really attractive.

Li Zhe looked at it like this, but he felt that he was attracted a little bit. He didn't say a word, but just nodded slightly and motioned Liu Ruxin to continue.

Immediately, Liu Ruxin took a deep breath, looked at Li Zhe, and said word by word: "Brother Dao, what do you think of me?"

After this sentence, Liu Ruxin's entire face turned red, and even her breathing seemed a little uneven.

With the strength of the late Golden Core Realm, it stands to reason that Liu Ruxin can control her face and breath at will.

It's just that at this moment, in front of Li Zhe, she didn't want to conceal the slightest bit of cover, but when she finished speaking, she looked at Li Zhe quietly.

And Li Zhe originally thought Liu Ruxin had something important to tell herself.

Hearing Liu Ruxin's question at this moment, Li Zhe's expression was slightly wrong, and he looked at Liu Ruxin somewhat unclearly.

Seeing Li Zhe’s stunned expression, Liu Ruxin also took a deep breath, and continued: "I know you may be a little stunned, but I...I am not a frivolous person. Men have had this kind of contact."

Listening to Liu Ruxin's non-fake whisper, Li Zhe's expression gradually calmed down.

If you really want to say that he is indifferent to this Liu Ruxin, it is naturally false. A woman like Liu Ruxin may not be able to hold her mind even if she changes anyone.

It's just that Li Zhe's heart is not here, and he also knows that if he is really with this Liu Ruxin, he will probably stay in this Tianxin faction afterwards.

Therefore, Li Zhe took a deep breath and slowly said to Liu Ruxin: "I don't think you are such a frivolous person, but I am afraid I will not stay in the Tianxin faction, so..."

Li Zhe's words were very firm, and listening to Liu Ruxin's ears also made Liu Ruxin feel a little bit uncomfortable in her heart.

She gritted her teeth slightly, and then said solemnly to Li Zhe: "Brother Dao don't have to think about so much, just think about the two of us. I will not force Dao brother to stay in the Tianxin faction, concubine... You can also follow the footsteps of Brother Dao, wherever you go, I will follow."

Li Zhe's eyes slowly widened, looking at Liu Ruxin, for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

I have to say that the current conversation really makes Li Zhe feel a little magical.

Although Li Zhe thought he was a little charming, he also felt that he wouldn't let a woman like Liu Ruxin be so devoted to himself in just one or two days.

But what Li Zhe didn't know was that Liu Ruxin grew up in the sect even though she was a child.

However, in order for Liu Ruxin to cherish herself, Zhang Mingzhi would treat her as his own daughter to educate. Some women's rules will also be explained.

Because of this, even though Liu Ruxin's cultivation level has reached a very high level now, her heart is still not much different from an ordinary woman.

She couldn't say how she would have such a great affection for Li Zhe, who had only met a few times, but after being picked out by Zhang Mingzhi, she decided to want to be with Li Zhe.

At this moment, Liu Ruxin didn't speak any more, but looked at Li Zhe quietly, and Li Zhe looked at Liu Ruxin, and also seemed a little bit at a loss to say what to say.

It was between the two of them in this quiet place, outside the house, above the main hall of the city, a shocking sword aura suddenly rushed straight into the sky!

The moment this sword aura appeared, Liu Ruxin looked surprised and stood up directly.

"what happened?"

Li Zhe blinked and asked slightly curiously.

Hearing this, Liu Ruxin took a deep breath and said to Li Zhe: "This is a signal of Master's assembly. There must be some action in the mountain domain. Our matter... please consider carefully."

After all, Liu Ruxin suddenly turned around and left quickly.

Li Zhe sat in the room with a wry smile at the corner of his mouth. This kind of big beauty came upside down, but it made Li Zhe feel a little caught off guard.

Shaking his head with a bitter smile, Li Zhe also slowly stood up.

Originally according to Li Zhe's own thoughts, since he came out of the mountain domain, and now there are such sects interference from the Tianxin Sect, he is not prepared to participate in this matter.

But right now he had just received a Huayu Pill given by the three elders of the Tianxin faction, which made Li Zhe feel a little ashamed.

That day, the head of the Xin faction first saved himself, and then the three elders gave the best-in-class pill.

If he left directly like this, it really made Li Zhe feel uneasy. Therefore, after hesitating, Li Zhe was still ready to go and see if there was anything he could help. If not, it would not be too late to leave. .

At this moment, in the main hall of the city master, Zhang Mingzhi and the elders all looked serious.

At this moment, on the map in front of them, the original red fog has completely turned black, and the red light spots that represent the people of the demon race are already densely packed in the entire range of the mountains. light spot!

However, these light spots are constantly flickering, which means that the people of the demon race have not yet arrived.

However, being able to make this map sense it is proof that this channel connecting the Demon Realm should be completed soon!

After sending out that sword aura, Zhang Mingzhi took a deep breath and walked slowly out of the main hall of the city with the four elders behind him.

Outside the main hall of the city is a small square. At this moment, the square is full of disciples of the Tianxin faction.

In the end, they are all in the Golden Core Realm, and this assembly speed is naturally extremely fast.

At the same time, with the surge of spatial fluctuations, Li Zhe's figure also appeared on the side of this Tianxin school disciple team.

Seeing Li Zhe appear, Zhang Mingzhi's eyes narrowed slightly.

He was naturally aware of Li Zhe's successful breakthrough, but what surprised him was that Li Zhe was only in the Golden Core Realm, so he could use space walking so skillfully!

That is, when Li Zhe appeared, Liu Ruxin turned her head and glanced at him, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Zhang Mingzhi took a deep breath. This time he set out, naturally, there is no shortage of combat power that Li Zhe can't reach in the Nascent Soul Realm.

However, now that he wanted to keep Li Zhe in the Tianxin faction, Zhang Mingzhi still felt that it would be good for Li Zhe to see the combat effectiveness of the Tianxin faction today.

Immediately, Zhang Mingzhi looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice, "The passage of the Demon Realm in the Congshan Domain is about to be opened. As the first righteous way in the south of the sky, my Tianxin Sect is naturally responsible for demons and eliminators. set off!"

As soon as these words came out, these Tianxin sect disciples were directly standing in groups of three, and then the group leaders all drew out their sabers.

The saber rose in the wind, and then the three of them went directly towards the mountain domain.

At the same time, the four elders behind Zhang Mingzhi also flickered, flying directly in the void, guarding the sect disciples.

In a blink of an eye, before the main hall of the city, there were only Li Zhe and Zhang Mingzhi left.

Zhang Mingzhi glanced at Li Zhe with a smile, and then whispered softly: "It's just right, don't those demons' remnants put your friends in danger, let me go and let you see them die!"

While speaking, Zhang Mingzhi's figure flashed and appeared in front of Li Zhe.

Then, he reached out and put his hand on Li Zhe's shoulder, and then, accompanied by a wave of spatial fluctuations, the entire hall was already empty.

At the same time, Congshan domain.

At this moment, the blood-colored spiritual power wall around the mountain domain has already turned into a crimson color, and it seems to be almost solidified!

And within the mountain domain, the sky above is completely invisible, and the sky above is completely covered by spatial cracks.

Looking up, you can already see that at the other end of the space crack, there are countless different-looking demons standing, seemingly ready to cross the space crack!

At that moment, the deputy sect master of the blood gate took the elders, all standing in the air behind the spiritual power wall.

They knew that the Tianxin faction might be coming over today!

At this moment, Zhang Mingzhi took Li Zhe and appeared directly in front of the blood-colored spiritual power wall.

After appearing, Zhang Mingzhi turned his head and whispered to Li Zhe: "Tianxin Sect disciples all have the sword formation technique. You are alone and watch it. If those disciples have any trouble, you can help when you see it. "

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly and responded.

Li Zhe knew that even though he had just made a breakthrough, he still couldn't see enough of the people facing the blood gate at this moment.

Zhang Mingzhi allowed himself to act by chance here, but it was exactly what Li Zhe wanted.

At this moment, Li Zhe's figure flashed, and he stepped back nearly a hundred meters, looking at the figure of Zhang Mingzhi ahead from a distance.

And after Zhang Mingzhi saw Li Zhe retreat, he took a deep breath, his clothes floated at this moment, and a cyan long sword fell into his hands.

In a blink of an eye, when his figure drifted into the air, Zhang Mingzhi held the long sword in his hand and swiped it slightly in front of him.


In an instant, an extremely strong sword wind suddenly hit, and Li Zhe could feel the violent wind surging in front of him a hundred meters away!

And along with this violent wind surging, Zhang Mingzhi's sword light also fell outside the blood-colored spiritual power wall.

In an instant, several cracks appeared on the seemingly incomparably strong blood-colored spiritual power wall. Then, the cracks spread, and the entire blood-colored wall seemed to be full of dense cracks!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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