After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1303: Boring trial

Soon, Liu Ruxin also entered the trial hall.

This time, Li Zhe didn't bother to wait outside anymore. He sat cross-legged and started to maintain his peak state.

Since this trial hall is like Liu Ruxin said, every trial is different, Li Zhe is too lazy to ask about the content of Su Mu's trial.

Time passed slowly, two more hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the sky was already close to dusk.

Li Zhe slowly opened his eyes and took a look. At this moment, Liu Ruxin had already reached the fourth floor.

"Ruxin is indeed practicing hard, look at your kid again!"

The third elder also turned his head at this time, and cursed at Su Mu hating iron and steel.

Su Mu rubbed his hair and murmured in a low voice: "Then you don't have to see who the master is. This level is different."

"Are you kidding the old man?"

Listening to Su Mu's mumbling, the third elders stared and scolded with a smile.

Su Mu shrank his neck, smiled awkwardly, but said nothing.

But after Liu Ruxin reached the fourth floor, she barely persisted for a quarter of an hour, and the green light on the fourth floor gradually disappeared.

Before long, Liu Ruxin walked out of the trial hall slowly, and she was holding a silver needle in her hand.

Li Zhe could tell at a glance that this silver needle was indeed a mysterious tool.

"I'm not very familiar with this magic weapon, but I don't know its specific use."

After giving Li Zhe a glance at the silver needle, Liu Ruxin put it away and said softly to Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and walked to the door of the trial hall.

"are you ready?"

The Third Elder looked at Li Zhe and whispered.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly, and said in response: "Ready."

"Well, the first time you enter, I'll tell you first, any method can be used within this trial."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the third elder nodded slightly and said loudly.

While he was speaking, he waved his hand again, and the door of the trial hall slowly opened again.

Li Zhe also took a deep breath and stepped directly into the trial hall.

As soon as he entered, Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, only to see that there was nothing in this trial hall, and there was a staircase upstairs on the right.

"Go straight to the second floor?"

Li Zhe blinked slightly, but then he reacted.

After a faint smile, Li Zhe slowly closed his eyes, and in an instant, Li Zhe's consciousness quickly began to turn.

Before long, Li Zhe slowly opened his eyes again.

I saw a sculpture in the middle of the hall. At this moment, the light on the sculpture was gradually extinguishing, and the stairs on the right side also lit up with a dim light.

Li Zhe nodded slightly, this first-level trial was just an illusion, and it was a bit difficult to say that it was not difficult.

I am afraid that if Li Zhe didn't break through this illusion in advance and walked directly over the stairs, he would be counted as a trial failure.

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath, and walked slowly towards the second floor.

There was nothing special about this second floor, only a soul phantom sat cross-legged in the middle of the second floor.

Through the breath, you can perceive that this divine soul phantom, about Mo has the strength of the middle Golden Core Realm.

As soon as Li Zhe came up, this phantom soul drew out a long sword of spiritual power and charged towards Li Zhe directly.

Li Zhe frowned slightly, and the Dragon Profound Art was running in an instant, only to see a real dragon phantom directly crushing towards the soul phantom!

In just an instant, this ghost ghost was directly crushed by Li Zhe's true dragon ghost!

And on the stairs leading to the third floor, the prohibition also dissipated instantly, and a dim light lit up.

Although Li Zhe seemed to be unable to deal with opponents in Yuanying Stage and Purple Mansion Realm, but now, facing opponents in Golden Core Realm, he can basically crush him.

Seeing the ghostly shadow dissipating, Li Zhe smiled slightly and slowly walked up the stairs leading to the third floor. This trial, in Li Zhe's eyes, was too simple.

Of course, this is just Li Zhe’s opinion. If you change other monks in the late Jindan period, facing this mid-Jin Dan phantom, I am afraid you have to deal with it carefully for a long time. It's difficult to get up.

At this moment, outside of this trial hall, not only the three elders and Su Muliu Ruxin, but Zhang Mingzhi did not know when they were here.

Seeing the yellow light of the third layer lit up, Su Mu blinked and murmured, "As expected, Senior Brother Long, this speed is too fast. It only takes a quarter of an hour..."

Hearing this, Liu Ruxin nodded slightly, she herself also spent a full hour to reach the third floor.

And the three elders and Zhang Mingzhi on the side looked at the light on the third floor of this trial hall, and there was a slight expectation in their eyes.

The trial of this trial hall can be said to be the best means to test the strength of the sect disciples in all aspects.

At the moment, this third layer is enough to hold the disciples of the late Jindan stage, and going up, it needs the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Rao is Liu Ruxin's assiduous practice, and with her own various magical tools, she can barely reach the fourth floor.

Li Zhe at this moment has reached the third floor.

"Boy, you can get to the third floor so quickly, you have good strength."

At this moment, on the corner of the third floor, a white-haired old man looked at Li Zhe and said with a chuckle.

Li Zhe frowned slightly, and when he took a closer look, he discovered that this old man was not an entity, it seemed that he was just a ray of consciousness of someone.

"I just don't know how strong your spiritual consciousness is, dignified monk, you can't just cultivate strength!"

The old man looked at Li Zhe and said softly.

The next moment, Li Zhe felt the old man's eyes twinkling, and then, the old man's figure turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Li Zhe.

He didn't even give a little time to react, and in a flash, he was already in Li Zhe's body.

Immediately afterwards, this ray of spiritual consciousness entered Li Zhe's mind directly!

In these short two days, he was taken twice in a row. Li Zhe was a little bit angry. When even his mind was condensed, a sword intent was directly in his mind. Gathering out, slashed straight towards that wisp of spirit!

Although this old man's body should be extremely powerful, but it is only a ray of divine thought, and only the strength of the Golden Core Realm!

Along with Li Zhe's thoughts, that sword intent directly and forcibly crushed this divine consciousness!

However, this divine thought did not completely dissipate, but left Li Zhe's body at this moment, and then flashed out directly, condensing the appearance of the old man again.

"Good boy, good job!"

The old man looked at Li Zhe, laughed loudly, and his figure slowly disappeared into the air.

At the same time, on the steps leading to the fourth floor, the blockade was slowly dissipating, and at the same time, the fourth floor was also lit up with a faint light.

Li Zhe took a deep breath. None of the first three layers caused much trouble for Li Zhe. At this moment, he didn't need to adjust his breath, he just took a step and walked up the stairs of the fourth layer.

"This... Brother's speed is too fast."

Outside, Liu Ruxin opened her mouth slightly, covering her mouth, and muttered as she watched the light slowly shining on the fourth layer.

And Su Mu on the side twitched, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that people are really incomparable."

On the contrary, Zhang Mingzhi and the three elders on the side showed a look of expectation in their eyes.

Soon, Li Zhe reached the fourth floor. As soon as he came up, Li Zhe's eyes froze slightly.

An extremely strong force almost directly irradiated Li Zhe when he reached the fourth floor.

This force is extremely powerful, and Li Zhe has no chance to resist, but at this moment, he feels as if he has been seen through his whole body!

This feeling made Li Zhe very uncomfortable, but his strength was not enough to resist, he could only let this strength observe his body.

After about a moment of incense, this power was slowly retracted, turned into a light group of spiritual power, and floated to the opposite side of this layer.

Li Zhe frowned slightly, looking at the light of spiritual power, he didn't know what the trial of this level would be.

At this moment, the light of spiritual power suddenly twisted slowly, and it didn't take long for it to be faintly visible, that light of spiritual power had already condensed into a human form!

Li Zhe frowned slightly, and the exercises started to work slowly at this moment.

"Is it fighting again? This trial is really boring."

Li Zhe stared at the figure on the opposite side and murmured.

"Oh, isn't it, I think it's funny."

At this moment, the figure on the opposite side also smiled softly at Li Zhe.

Listening to the voice of this figure, Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, slowly raised his head and looked forward.

As the figure condensed, the light of spiritual power gradually dissipated.

When the light completely dissipated, Li Zhe was surprised to find that the person standing opposite was exactly the same as Li Zhe!

Li Zhe's pupils shrank, his spiritual power condensed in an instant, and a real dragon phantom immediately rushed towards the person.

Only at this moment, that person also waved his palm lightly, and the same true dragon phantom was also directly released, but the opponent's strength was obviously stronger, and it was about the strength of the initial stage of the Nascent Soul!

In an instant, two real dragons and virtual shadows collided together, causing an extremely strong shock within the fourth floor of this trial hall.

However, at this moment, the four layers of runes were directly lit up, and Li Zhe's attacks would not cause any damage to the trial hall.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literary update speed is the fastest.

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