After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1361: Sister Qin Yi

Seeing this person's slow forward pace, Li Zhe stood still and took a deep breath.

However, the person in front of him has a higher cultivation base than himself, and he hasn't taken any actions towards himself.

Thinking about it this way, Li Zhe hesitated for a moment, but still took a step and followed behind this person.

This corridor was not long, and soon Li Zhe followed this person to the end of the corridor.

As soon as he got here, the man slowly stepped aside and said in a low voice, "The vice president is inside."

After all, the figure of this person disappeared in front of Li Zhe, as if he had never appeared before!

"What a powerful concealment technique..."

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered in his heart.

He could feel that this person was still standing in place, just completely concealing his breath!

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath, stretched out his hand slowly, and pushed the door in front of him open.

As soon as the door opened, Li Zhe saw the vice president who was sitting in this room at the moment.

He looks like he is in his early forties, but he looks good and has an inexplicable temperament.

After seeing Li Zhe come in, she glanced at Li Zhe lightly, and then said quietly, "Tianxin sent a disciple?"

Li Zhe was taken aback, blinked, and then whispered: "Exactly."

At this moment, Li Zhe had countless thoughts in his mind, but if he wanted to come to Tianxin Sect as a righteous sect, this fire patterned chamber of commerce also refused to enter the magic way, so it shouldn't be hatred.

Sure enough, after hearing Li Zhe's answer, the vice president raised his mouth, showing a smiling expression, and said softly: "Come in."

Hearing this, Li Zhe took a deep breath and stepped into the room.

This room is very large, but it is full of various books and objects, and the actual space is not that big.

After walking in, Li Zhe walked slowly to the table of the vice-chairman, and then asked softly: "I wonder if you are looking for me, what can you advise?"

Hearing that, the vice president looked at Li Zhe, chuckled, stretched out his hand, and whispered: "As a disciple of the Tianxin faction, please show me the token of the Tianxin faction."

Listening to the other party's request, Li Zhe blinked slightly, and after thinking about it, he still passed her his disciple token.

After receiving Li Zhe's token, the person lowered her head and began to observe carefully. After looking at it for a long time, she whispered in a slightly nostalgic voice: "How many years..."

While speaking, he handed the token back to Li Zhe's hand.

The cultivation base of this vice president is comparable to Li Zhe, but it seems that a breakthrough is imminent.

"Take off the mask, I have no harm to you."

The vice president chuckled lightly and said to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe also stopped speaking at the moment, just stretched out his hand and took off his mask.

After taking a look at Li Zhe, the vice president said: "I have an old friendship with Ming Zhinai. I heard that the Demon Race of the Southern Heaven Realm seems to have a tendency to come back. Is it true or not?"

Listening to the other party's words, Li Zhe was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted. The vice chairman and Zhang Mingzhi had an acquaintance, so it should be harmless to think about calling himself.

Thinking about it this way, Li Zhe simply talked about the Demon Race's resolution and the situation of the Tianxin Sect when he left the Tianxin Sect.

After listening, the vice president fell into a moment of silence. After a while, he raised his head slightly and asked Li Zhe: "Your token is a true disciple. Which elder did you worship as a teacher? "

"I have never been a teacher, but the master and I have some kindness between the master and the apprentice."

Li Zhe listened to the other party's words and responded without hesitation.

Naturally, he said this not to please the other party, but the fact that Zhang Mingzhi really looked like a master and apprentice to him, but he didn't formally apprehend him.

Hearing that, the vice president nodded slightly, and began to look at Li Zhe back and forth. The feeling was like the elders looking at the younger ones, but it made Li Zhe a little uncomfortable.

But fortunately, it only took a while to look at it and put it away.

What Li Zhe didn't know was that this vice president was also a disciple of the Tianxin School in his early years. At that time, Zhang Mingzhi had just broken through the late stage of the Zifu Realm. Although he was the head, he was very gentle with the disciples in the door.

Just like this, the vice president had a secret affection for Zhang Mingzhi, and after she broke through the Golden Core Realm, she found Zhang Mingzhi and intended to visit Zhang Ming's door.

However, when Zhang Mingzhi refused, Zhang Mingzhi had already seen it at the time. This disciple seemed to feel a little bit emotional about himself.

It's just that Zhang Mingzhi didn't know what to do, so he could only try not to give this vice president the illusion.

However, after being rejected, the vice president stayed silent for half a year before directly approaching Zhang Mingzhi and expressing his thoughts.

It's just that Zhang Mingzhi still refused decisively, saying that he was obsessed with the Tao and had no time to care about love.

Since then, the vice president has also seen that Zhang Mingzhi should also have a little feeling for himself, but he just couldn't accept himself.

In order not to affect Zhang Mingzhi's Daoism, she retired directly from the sect, and later went back and forth, joined the Fire Pattern Chamber of Commerce, and finally voluntarily requested to be transferred to Dongzhou and became the vice president.

In order to stay away from Zhang Mingzhi, so as to calm his Dao heart.

Over time, her cultivation level also broke through to the peak of the Golden Core Realm, but the feelings in her heart had turned into a knot, making her unable to break through for a long time.

Originally thinking about whether to go back, but now suddenly I met Li Zhe, a true disciple of the Tianxin School, and I was extremely excited.

Especially after hearing that Li Zhe and Zhang Mingzhi still have a little mentorship, looking at Li Zhe, she also felt more pleasing to the eye.

"Ah, the vice president came to me, is it just for this matter?"

Li Zhe gave a light cough, and said helplessly after taking a look at the vice president.

The vice president was taken aback, then chuckled lightly, shook his head, and whispered: "My real name is Qin Yi, you call me Senior Sister."

"Um... Yes, Senior Sister Qin Yi."

Li Zhe gave a wry smile, then changed his name.

Upon hearing this, Qin Yi smiled, and then took out a small magical artifact from her storage bag.

This magic artifact looks very ordinary, the shape seems to be a key, and this breath is the most basic entry magic artifact.

"You keep this thing, if you return to the Tianxin faction when you hand it over to you, it will be the only thing I can give him."

After Qin Yi glanced at Li Zhe, he stretched out his hand and handed it to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe glanced at Qin Yi, and then gave a wry smile. She called her senior sister, and she called Zhang Mingzhi by name, which always felt strange.

However, Li Zhe reached out and took it, and then he whispered: "I am afraid it will take a long time before I return to the sect. It's better to ask someone to send it back."

"It's okay, just hand it to you."

Qin Yi shook her head lightly, and said with a chuckle.

After speaking, she stretched out her hand again and handed Li Zhe a token with a fire emblem, and then whispered: "After all, you are also a disciple of the Tianxin faction. If you have any needs, you can come to me with this token, I I will try my best to help you."

Hearing this, Li Zhe's eyes lit up, nodded, and directly reached out to take it.

At this moment, everything I wanted to say was said, and what I wanted to give to Zhang Mingzhi was also handed over to Zhang Mingzhi's apprentice. Thinking like this, Qin Yi's heart knot was slightly untied.

She shook her head, and then said to Li Zhe: "Okay, that's what I'm looking for you. If you don't have anything you need, then leave by yourself."

Li Zhe was stunned, and then he smiled and nodded. After putting all the key magical instruments and tokens into his storage bag, he turned around and walked outside.

After passing through the corridor again and walking out, Li Zhe discovered that he was on the second floor of a building next to the pagoda. He immediately took a step back to his room in the inn.

Li Zhe paid for the room for three days. Today is the last day. After returning to the room, Li Zhe changed his clothes again, and then waved his hand and gave the real compass that he had photographed. Take it out.

"Does this thing really work?"

Li Zhe looked at the fragment of the compass, did not feel the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power and magical instruments, frowned and asked the Diaobao boy.

The treasure fishing boy responded, and then responded: "Take the treasure fishing rod out and put it next to this thing."

Hearing that, Li Zhe directly followed suit and took out the fishing rod and placed it next to the fragment of the compass.

At this moment, the fishing rod suddenly lit up with an aura, and immediately after that, the breath that belonged to the real tool instantly spread out, and then it was directly engulfed on the debris of the compass.

Immediately, the fragment of the compass began to gradually melt, and finally turned into a streamer, which was absorbed by this fishing rod!

"Huh? You're not fooling me to buy you something to eat, right?"

When Li Zhe saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched and he cursed a rare word.

Hearing that, the Diaobao Boy said indifferently: "This thing is basically unusable, but after I absorb it, I can barely simulate the function of this magic weapon based on its rune seal."

Li Zhe blinked after listening to Diaobao Boy's words, and then he understood, this is equivalent to his own fishing rod with one more function.

"What is the function of this fragment of the compass?"

Li Zhe blinked and asked.

Immediately, the fishing rod lit up with an aura, and then, a message followed the fishing rod and passed into Li Zhe's mind.

"Within ten miles, there is no trace of the weapon."

Feeling this message, Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion: "This is..."

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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