Yesterday, when the three employees saw the flowers brought by Meng Yu’s president from Huahai, all of them couldn’t stand their amazing hearts. They were all affirmed that they must be masters who have been in the flower art industry for decades. Breed such a variety.

But who ever thought that the master they had imagined was such a hairy boy?

Seeing that they were all a little surprised, Meng Yu also guessed their question and smiled slightly:

"Mr. Li Zhe, is the one who cultivated that heterochromatic flower!"

The three employees all reacted immediately and said in a respectful voice:

"Hello, Mr. Li Zhe."

"Well, you guys too." Li Zhe said with a lazy smile.

Next, several employees looked at Li Zhe's gaze, and they were full of admiration!

Especially for one of the female employees, the little stars in her eyes are almost flying out.

When they boarded the plane, the three of them were dumbfounded. They didn't even think of it for a while. The Li Zhe in front of him was Li Zhe who had been on the news all the time.

The master who cultivated this stunning heterochromatic flower plant actually thought he was younger than himself?

This has had too much impact on them. They are so popular. Their own president can run such a large flower group at a young age, and Li Zhe is a master of the flower art industry and the chief flower artist of the famous group.

He and others are still ordinary staff, really...too annoying!

This time to Luoyang, including the air tickets for the three staff members, Meng Yu was proud to book first class. In this matter, she would not be stingy.

Those heterochromatic flower plants at the exhibition were transported to Luoyang by a special transport vehicle of Jiangcheng Flower Group.

Meng Yu didn't even dare to consign by plane, for fear that something went wrong during the consignment process and would ruin the precious killer.

Li Zhe and Meng Yu sat in the first row of the first-class cabin, with the three staff behind.

Meng Yu and the three staff members are full of ambitions. This time they have the winning ticket, and they look forward to seeing their colleagues at the flower show tomorrow!

Only Li Zhe looked calm and calm, as if he didn't care about it at all.

During the three-hour flight, when their party's flight arrived at Luoyang Airport, employees from Jiangcheng Flower Group were waiting there. For this Luoyang Flower Show, Meng Yu attached great importance to it and had already sent advance staff to familiarize himself with the exhibition.

It's just that the advance employee who came to greet Meng Yu seemed a bit unnatural, hesitated to say something several times...

Meng Yu didn't care either. He got into the reception car and went straight to the destination of the trip - the venue for the Luoyang Flower Show.

The Luoyang Flower Show is part of the Luoyang Flower Fair!

The Luoyang Flower Festival is an annual national cultural event, and it has been selected into the National Intangible Heritage List!

Not to mention imaginary, the relevant economic output value driven by the annual flower festival is an incredible number. The transaction trade is aside, tens to hundreds of billions, and the contribution of attracting domestic and foreign tourists to the tourism industry should not be underestimated!

Luoyang Flower Fair has become the cultural card of Luoyang Ancient City, and it is well-known at home and abroad! Therefore, the local government attaches great importance to it and specially awarded the largest exhibition hall in the ancient city of Luoyang to the organizer of the Luoyang Flower Show as the venue for the event.

It was another hour's drive and finally reached the destination. Luoyang Cultural Exhibition Hall is the venue for this Luoyang Flower Show.

The staff who had hit the front station led Meng Yu and his party straight to the booth assigned by Jiangcheng Flower Group.

However, upon arriving at the booth, Meng Yu's face became a little difficult to look.

The booth allocated by the group is actually on the second floor of the cultural exhibition hall, even in a remote corner.

You know, the first floor of the cultural exhibition hall is the main place for business people and tourists to watch. The area is even as large as a few football fields. After people walk around the first floor, they are tired enough. Who has the mind to go to the second floor? !

More importantly, because of the poor location on the second floor, the flower display over the years has formed a consensus that only companies with no strength will be allocated to the second floor!

In a remote corner on the second floor, this kind of location has always been reserved for little-known small companies!

Meng Yu’s Jiangcheng Flower Group does not have a reputation, but it is also the overlord of the flower industry in Jiang Province. It stands to reason that such a large group is fully qualified to get a good booth in the lobby on the first floor!

It was the same in previous years!

Why did it fall to this point this year and was directly'pushed into the cold palace' by the organizer!

"Qian Fang, what the **** is going on?"

Meng Yu's pretty face turned frosty in an instant, and asked coldly.

The front-line staff member, Qian Fang, immediately became nervous and quickly replied: "I don't know, this is arranged by the organizer. I have called them several times. They bucked each other and let us ourselves solve……"

Meng Yu knew it well, no wonder Qian Fang looked a bit wrong when he picked up the plane just now, hesitating.

"I will go to them myself!"

Meng Yu also knew that this kind of thing could not be handled by a small employee, so he spoke.

In her heart, she always felt that things were not so simple. Logically speaking, the organizers should not deliberately make things difficult for themselves. This is a national flower show, and all parties will be faceless when they come up with moths.

Qian Fang's expression changed again when he heard what Meng Yu said.

Seeing that he was hesitant and hesitant to speak just now, Meng Yu couldn't guess the hidden secrets:

"Just talk about it, don't hesitate."

Qian Fang just said: "I heard... it was Master Luo who said hello..."

As soon as the three words Young Master Luo popped out of Qian Fang's mouth, Meng Yu suddenly showed a clear expression, and immediately frowned, without mentioning the matter of going to the organizer for theory.

Li Zhe, who was standing on the side, immediately saw something was going on.

It seems that Master Luo and Meng Yu should have an old grudge.

It's just that he didn't ask too much. This time I came here, I was purely planning to eat and drink and go to the Flower Festival by the way. Although he held the title of chief florist of the Jiangcheng Flower Group, Li Zhe knew that he would never dare to do business.

Naturally, he knew best about the flowers he cultivated, but there would be no problems that Mon Yu worries about. Long-distance transportation and unacceptable water and soil are not a problem at all, that is, he can't bear Mon Yu's request, so he followed to let the other party. Peace of mind...

Just when Li Zhe was thinking, a man's voice that seemed particularly frivolous and greasy rang beside him:

"Oh, this is not the beauty of Meng, our president Meng, what's the matter, you Jiangcheng Flower Group also want to join in the fun and participate in the exhibition at the flower show?"

As soon as Meng Yu heard this voice, he knew who the person was coming from, and he suddenly showed disgust.

She turned her head and replied in a fierce manner: "Why, this Luoyang Flower Show is yours? Why can't our Jiangcheng Flower Group come?"

Li Zhe looked intently and found that a young man wearing a burgundy suit and a shiny big back was approaching.

This man looks pretty good, but his face is pale and wretched. At first glance, he looks like a dude whose body was hollowed out by alcohol. Especially his eyes looking at Meng Yu are full of obscenity, and he does not hide his red fruit. Desire!

"Yes, of course, but your booth is too remote. Will anyone come to see it? I'm afraid no one will notice it at all?"

The voice of the young man in the wine red suit contained unspeakable contempt and ridicule, and there was still unconcealed pride on his face.

When he heard about the booth, the frost on Meng Yu's pretty face suddenly increased a little:

"Luo Tianci, don't go too far!"

Luo Tianci?

Li Zhe showed a look of interest.

It seems that this young man in a wine red suit is the Young Master Luo described by the previous clerk.

Listening to what I just said, the problem with the booth of Jiangcheng Flower Group is the ghost of Master Luo. It is not difficult to explain why Meng Yu has such an atmosphere when he sees him!

"Beauty Meng, what are you talking about? Why don't I go too far? What did I do? Or, you come to my hotel room, let's close the door, and talk about it? Hey..."

After Luo Tianci finished speaking, there was a triumphant smirk. A few young men followed behind him, and they all burst into laughter.

Seeing him so frivolous and presumptuous, Meng Yu was so angry that he couldn't speak, his pretty face flushed red, and the proud mountain peaks rose and fell with his breath.

When Luo Tianci saw Meng Yu's appearance, the triumphant and obscene look in his eyes became more intense, and his smile became even more frantic.

Li Zhe on the side could not see clearly, so he said to Meng Yu lightly: "President Meng, good wine is not afraid of deep alleys, so don't worry, we will definitely be able to sell successfully, and I am a little tired..."

When reminded by these words, Meng Yu immediately calmed down.

Yes, I was almost confused. What I brought this time is the heterochromatic flower cultivated by Li Zhe. There is no need to worry about the remoteness of the booth. Only by putting the flower plants in this booth will definitely attract a large number of people. Furious!

After all, the flower show is basically flowers, not booths!

When I think of that dreamy sea of ​​flowers, each flower plant can bloom with brilliant flower buds of several colors... The Mongoose becomes more confident.

Her mood suddenly became clear, and she was indifferent no matter how Luo Tianci ridiculed.

Originally, when Na Luo Tianci saw that Men Yu was so irritated, he was very happy and proud.

He just greeted the organizer casually, and the Meng Yu’s Jiangcheng Flower Group was swept to a remote booth like a mouse cave on the second floor.

He came here specifically to ridicule Meng Yu, expecting to let Meng Yu put down his arrogant figure and beg him, Master Luo. When he thinks of this, he feels happy.

It's just that after Li Zhe said a little, Meng Yu's expression changed, and he didn't care about himself at all. Instead, he became a clown!

At first, Luo Tianci didn't even notice Li Zhe standing by, thinking that he was Meng Yu's assistant salesman or something.

At this moment, seeing the other party so that I couldn't get off the stage, I couldn't get out of my voice and couldn't swallow it!

He immediately sneered at Meng Yu with a proud face:

"Haha, Meng Dabei, it seems that your prestige in the Jiangcheng Flower Group is not very good. When you and I talk, even a small employee dare to interrupt. Is it possible that the employees of your group talk to the owner and the dog can't bark at the side? Don’t you understand the rules?"

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and the corners of his eyes seemed to be sharp.

This young man, who speaks really badly, dares to compare himself to a dog...

And Meng Yu's expression changed even more. He pointed to Luo Tianci's nose and said angrily: "Luo Tianci, please be respectful. This is the chief florist of our Jiangcheng Flower Group, Mr. Li Zhe!"

"What? You said that he is the chief florist of your Jiangcheng Flower Group? Meng Damei, are you stunned? Can you guys like this be the chief florist of your group?"

Luo Tianci seemed to have heard some big joke, laughed twice, then pointed to Li Zhe's nose and said disdainfully:

"A hairy boy like him, in our Godsend Flower Industry, he doesn't even have the qualifications to guard the door. I think you Jiangcheng Flower Group really has a lot of money in your head. Sunset Xishan is not saved, or honestly, accept us The merger proposed by Tianci Flower Industry..."

Listening to Luo Tianci's harsh ridicule, Meng Yu couldn't help but feel angry again.

She was about to fight back with red lips, but she was interrupted by Li Zhe who was on the side:

"President Meng, I said, I'm a little tired..."

Meng Yu, who was about to sneer, was shocked when he heard the impatience in Li Zhe's tone.

Although Li Zhe's words were light and light, and the tone was very casual, but I don't know why it seemed to be irresistible to her.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literature updates in my pens are the fastest.

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