After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1404: Donghua's Return

Forging spirit blood, this legendary thing, even in this detached Donghua Sect, can be said to be an extremely rare treasure.

Zuo Changsheng's Dao Tong didn't report directly to the master, but went to find Zuo Changsheng's master, the real person in the Purple Mansion of Lingming.

In the end, as the master of Zuo Changsheng, he just heard Dao Tong's instincts, and the real person in Lingming Purple Mansion already knew Zuo Changsheng's thoughts.

Soon, the Dao Tong returned to the main hall again. As soon as he entered, he presented a storage bag with both hands and handed it to Zuo Changsheng: "Master brought it."

Zuo Changsheng nodded, closed his eyes and inspected it. After confirming that the cultivation resources were sufficient, his spiritual power was entrusted to Zhengqing Taoist.

"Let's take a look, use these things to exchange your spirit blood, is it enough?"

Zuo Changsheng asked the Zhengqing Taoist with a light smile.

Hearing this, the Daoist Zhengqing swallowed his saliva, closed his eyes directly, and peeked into the storage bag.

At this sight, he was stunned. The storage bag has a huge space, about half the size of a hall, and now it is full of various cultivation resources.

With just a cursory glance, he could be sure that without the addition of people in Lingshan, these resources are enough for all the monks on the mountain to practice contentedly for more than 20 years!

Looking at these resources, with the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm, Zhengqing Taoist still feels that his heartbeat has begun to beat quickly.

"Enough enough."

Zhengqing Taoist's complexion turned red because of excitement, and his lips kept repeating enough.

"Well, then you can go back, and after you go back, tell Junior Brother Li, that I will hand over the blood for him to the sect."

Zuo Changsheng nodded slightly, and whispered to the Taoist Zhengqing.

The Taoist Zhengqing didn't know the meaning of this, but only after a nod in response, under the leadership of the Taotong, he went outside the mountain gate.

At the same time, in Donghua Sect, the news that Li Zhe retrieved a bottle of forged spirit blood also spread quietly.

Suddenly, the existence of this casting spirit blood stimulated the cultivation enthusiasm of the Golden Core Realm disciples in the sect, but among them, the only unhappy person must be the Cui family.

Originally, it was said that Cui Hao should be the most likely to obtain that casting blood, but now, with the heart barrier of Li Zhe, the breakthrough for Cui Hao is nowhere in sight.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Xuanhua Palace, the head teacher Qin Yangzhuo was sitting in the futon cultivating, and the little Taoist boy behind him quietly approached, and whispered: "Head teacher, have you heard about it?"

"What's the matter?"

Qin Yangzhuo opened his eyes slightly and asked softly.

Hearing this, the little boy said to Qin Yangzhuo with a full face of excitement: "What you said before is really true, and Brother Li is really lucky! After he went out, it was only a few days before he went out. It was sent back with a bottle of forging blood!"


Qin Yangzhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, then chuckled lightly, waved his sleeves, and said softly, "I already know."

Upon seeing this, the Dao Tong retreated respectfully.

And Qin Yangzhuo didn't know what he thought of, and shook his head with a chuckle, before entering the cultivation state again.

At this moment, the Daoist Zhengqing had already rushed to the direction of Lingshan again, and he was still a little tired after running around for several days.

It's just that the thought of his own harvest now makes him excited, and he can't wait to return to Lingshan immediately to tell everyone the good news.

Although it was not a sect on Lingshan, a group of casual practitioners gathered together, it was more like a family.

In a blink of an eye, time has already passed four days. At this moment, the Zhengqing Taoist is only about the last half day away from Lingshan.

However, at this moment, not far in front of the Taoist Zhengqing, two escape lights are also slowly heading towards Lingshan.

Within these two escapes, no one else was there. It was the two who were deceived by Li Zhe to the direction of Zhongzhou when Li Zhe rescued Huang Hao.

At the moment, both of them had a decadent expression on their faces, and they obviously failed to catch up with Huang Hao, making them feel very helpless.

In fact, after Li Zhe finished pointing the way and the two set off, they found that they were ashamed, but they were really embarrassed to say that they did not catch up after chasing a virtual god, so they looked everywhere.

Now that nearly ten days have passed, although they feel embarrassed, the two have decided to return to Lingshan first and join others.

From afar, the Taoist Zhengqing had already discovered the escape of the two, but now that he was excited, he did not have time to distinguish the escape of the two, but according to the unspoken rules of the spiritual world, silently bypassed about five. At the 100-meter position, continue on.

At this moment, the two of them were in a depressed state, and felt the light on their sides, but they just turned their heads and glanced.

But just at this glance, both of them looked surprised!


Almost instantly, the two of them yelled out the Taoist name of Zhengqing Taoist in unison!

Immediately afterwards, the speed of the two was suddenly mentioned, and they chased directly in the direction of Taoist Zhengqing!

It was the Zhengqing Taoists who threatened to sell the spirit blood at the Sanxiu Bazaar at the beginning, and it was these people who were surrounded, and they naturally recognized the Zhengqing Taoists.

At this moment, Zhengqing Taoist originally thought that he was about to reach Lingshan, and slowed down a bit.

However, after feeling the two rays of light behind him, he was taken aback. When he discovered the cultivation base of the two people, the Taoist Zhengqing was shocked, and he immediately set up the light at full speed!

"Why are these two people chasing me? Didn't Master Li beat them back?!"

Zheng Qing had a bitter face at this moment, driving the magic weapon under him at full speed, flying fast forward.

The two sides chased and fled like this, and two hours passed in an instant, and at this moment, the distance between the two of them was less than a hundred meters from the Taoist Zhengqing!

In the end, these two people are both the cultivation base of the middle Golden Core Realm, and there is no such long journey as Zhengqing, I believe that as long as it is not long, they will be able to catch up with Zhengqing.

At that time, with Zhengqing's cultivation base, I would like to be easily captured by the opponent!

Zhengqing gritted his teeth, and now it's only less than a hundred miles away from Naling Mountain.

"The master should be able to feel the fluctuations here..."

Thinking like this, Zheng Qing's whole body was shocked, and immediately afterwards, he directly sacrificed his golden core.

As soon as the golden core came out, a burst of spiritual power suddenly released!

Feeling this spiritual power fluctuation, the two people behind frowned slightly, and stopped subconsciously.

However, Zhengqing did not stop directly, but still rushed forward.

Upon seeing this, the two only thought that they were being bluffed by Zhengqing, gritted their teeth in frustration, and continued to catch up.

Just like this, Zhengqing continued to release the fluctuations of spiritual power during the last Baili, while fleeing towards Lingshan.

In the eyes of the two people behind, this was almost a death-seeking behavior, after all, except for the first one, they were no longer scared.

And Zheng Qing consumes spiritual power like this, and he won't even have the ability to resist again later!

At this moment, Li Zhe is standing quietly on the top of Lingshan Mountain, waiting for Zhengqing to return.

He is now close to the barrier, and if he doesn't break through, no matter how he cultivates, he will do nothing.

Therefore, during these days, Li Zhe prefers to stand quietly on the top of the mountain and feel the world, so as to be one step closer in this peak realm, and to touch the threshold of the Nascent Soul Realm as soon as possible.

At this moment, Li Zhe suddenly frowned slightly and looked forward.

Vaguely, he could feel the spirit power fluctuations that were constantly coming in front of him. The spirit power fluctuations were very abnormal, not like fighting or breaking through, but more like sending some signal!

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped forward slowly, and came directly to the edge of the Lingshan prohibition.

In these days, he also learned that Lingshan's prohibition does not require card symbols, opening and closing all require fixed spells.

The reason why Huang Hao couldn't open it that day was because this restriction could only be used successfully after reaching the peak of the Void God Realm.

Li Zhe's cultivation level was even quicker to use. I saw him tap the restraint with his finger and slowly recite the spell. In just an instant, the restraint in front of him dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe's figure flashed, directly turned into a stream of light, and swiftly moved in the direction that the spiritual power came from.

At this moment, Zhengqing's whole body's spiritual energy has been exhausted, and there is no more energy to escape. At this moment, he stopped in mid-air, turned his head, and looked at the two men.

At this moment, the two men stopped a hundred meters away from Zhengqing, with a sneer at the corners of their mouths.

"Hmph, you finally can't run."

"Of course, even if you run again, the front is in the encircling circle where I am waiting!"

The two monks looked at Zhengqing and said with a sneer.

Zhengqing frowned and said in a low voice: "Your leaders all ran away with people. Are you sure you still want to do it to me?"


In an instant, both of them were taken aback, and they looked at each other, and both saw a bit of suspicion in each other's eyes.

But immediately, the person on the left looked cold and said coldly, "Huh! Regardless of whether what you said is true or false, I will catch you first!"

After all, this person took out a flywheel full of sharp blades from his hands and swung it towards Zhengqing.

Zhengqing's complexion was stagnant, he didn't expect that the opponent's shot was so decisive.

It's just that now his spiritual power is almost exhausted, only enough to barely maintain flying in the air, and seeing the flywheel flying at this moment, he can't avoid it if he wants to hide!

But at this moment, a flash of spiritual light flashed behind Zhengqing, and a sword aura suddenly rushed out from his side, slashing directly towards the flywheel!

That flywheel was of no better rank, but it was just a superior spirit weapon. The moment it touched the sword energy, it split into two directly!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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