The Great Elder of the Green Immortal School was indeed cautious enough, and he had already used his Nascent Soul lotus seat to cover Qingxue's demon, and he still led Li Zhe and the two toward the remote road.

Along the way, none of the three in the group met.

In a blink of an eye, more than a day has passed, and Li Zhe and the three of them have finally reached the junction of Northland and Zhongzhou.

"I will send you two here."

The elder first said to Li Zhe, then turned his head, and said to Qingxue on the side: "You don't want to enter the north again in the future. Even if you enter, don't expose yourself to the Tianxun Mountain Range. Yes, understand?"

"I understand."

Qingxue nodded and said without hesitation.

Knowing that Qingxue was a demon cultivator, this great elder still took Qingxue out of the northern realm. If this were to let other sects know, it would still be very detrimental to the Azure Immortal Sect.

At the moment, seeing Li Zhe nodding their heads, the great elder also nodded, no longer speaking, turning around, turning into a streamer, and heading towards the Azure Immortal Sect.

After receiving the news about the supernatural power of Daowai incarnation, he hurried back to the sect.

Li Zhe looked at the figure of the elder who was leaving quickly, and nodded slightly. Right now, this Green Immortal Sect could be regarded as his beginning.

As for how to spread the news next, Li Zhe had already begun to have an idea.

"Senior, this is what you deserve."

At this moment, Qingxue inserted her hand into her chest as before, took out the Ning Ying Guo, and handed it to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe accepted it without hesitation, and then asked Qingxue, "Next, where are you going?"

Hearing this, Qingxue was taken aback for a moment, then even shook her head with a wry smile, and said: "Where to go, I have never thought about it. I used to have a vision of leaving the Tianxun Mountains, but now..."

"Just go around, it's not bad, just avoid those cultivators whose cultivation base is higher than yours."

Li Zhe nodded slightly and said in response.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Qingxue chuckled and nodded. From his face, one could see a sense of pleasure after leaving the mountain range that day.

"Senior's kindness, this Ning Ying fruit is hard to repay, if there is a chance in the future, I will repay seniors well!"

Qingxue let out a long sigh of relief and bowed to Li Zhe with a fist.

After the voice fell, he turned into a streamer and swiftly headed towards the middle continent.

Seeing Qingxue leaving behind, Li Zhe stood still, feeling deeply moved.

I originally came out of the sect this time just for the green lotus essence and the newborn water. I never expected that, in addition to these two things, I also got the cast spirit blood and the current condensed fruit.

Adding these things together, Li Zhe now wants to make a breakthrough, and there is almost a 10% chance!

I have to say that the temptation of this breakthrough is great for Li Zhe. Now his strength has reached a bottleneck period. If he breaks through this, his strength can grow a lot!

However, this thought only lasted for a moment, and it was temporarily pressed down by Li Zhe. After all, compared with the current breakthrough, the temptation of the baby that day was still greater.

Right now, Li Zhe straightened out his figure and once again headed towards the direction of Syracuse within the northern border.

In fact, Li Zhe didn't know the situation in the northern realm. He only hoped that Fang Qi in the Snow City had not gone to the Lingshan School, so that he would be more convenient.

Soon, before Li Zhe arrived at Syracuse again, this time, with the pass that he applied for before, Li Zhe entered the city without hindrance.

After entering the city, Li Zhe also had a clear goal and walked directly to the innermost tavern on the first floor.

This tavern was as lively as before, just as it approached, Li Zhe could hear the noise in it.

After stepping into it, Li Zhe's eyes lit up, and Fang Qi was sitting at the innermost wine table in the tavern in a daze at the moment, as if thinking about something.

"I haven't left yet, I thought you had already left."

Li Zhe walked slowly to Fang Qi and sat down, and said with a light smile.

Hearing Li Zhe's voice, Fang Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly raised his head. This was Li Zhe who was looking at him.

"Pre... Senior!"

Fang Qi's eyes widened, and he stood up by the table, and shouted at Li Zhe with a little excitement.

Seeing Fang Qi's appearance, Li Zhe blinked, waved his hand, and motioned him to sit down.

At this time, Fang Qi realized that his reaction was too agitated, smiled at Li Zhe a little awkwardly, and then sat back on the stool again.

"You haven't gone to the Lingshan Sect yet, is there something delayed?"

Li Zhe looked at Fang Qi and said softly.

When Fang Qi agreed to go to the Lingshan Sect, Li Zhe could see that Fang Qi really made up his mind to go, but it is still here now, plus the performance just now, it was obviously delayed by something.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Fang Qi nodded with a wry smile, and replied, "Yes, it was delayed by something."

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded towards him and motioned him to continue.

Upon seeing this, Fang Qi was bitter and told the whole thing.

It turned out that Fang Qi bought a lot of goods last month, and later hired a group of casual repairers to sell them in various urban areas.

Fang Qi's original intention was to think that they had returned, and he received the money for the goods and then went to the Lingshan Sect. He didn't expect that just two days before, he received a message.

It turned out that when the casual cultivators were selling to the end, because there was still a little price of goods that was difficult to sell, they decided to go to various sects to sell them. After all, compared with ordinary monks, the sect disciples had the Danyu Still very many.

However, according to the rules of these sects, casual repairs cannot enter the scope of the sect to buy and sell goods.

They were detained by a sect in this way. As for Fang Qi's Danyu from selling goods, it was naturally detained as well.

"That's close to one hundred thousand middle-ranked Danyu goods..."

Having said this, Fang Qi scratched his head helplessly, and said bitterly.

Listening to Fang Qi's words, Li Zhe nodded thoughtfully, and then asked, "What is the purpose of detaining these people by the sect? In theory, shouldn't Danyu be detained and driven away?"

Hearing this, Fang Qi gave a wry smile and said: "Those sects can't be so soft-hearted. According to the rules, after they are detained, they will need to work for that sect for 20 years before they can leave. As for those Danyu, It's impossible to get it back."

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. He asked Fang Qi, "How strong is that sect?"

"It's just an ordinary sect, but that's the case, it's not something I can provoke. After all, that sect also has an ancestor of the Purple Mansion realm.

Fang Qi shook his head helplessly, thinking that Li Zhe was going to stand up for himself, and quickly discouraged him.

"Is that so? It's just right. Do something for me."

Li Zhe looked at Fang Qi and said softly.

Hearing this, Fang Qi took a deep breath and looked straight, and said to Li Zhe: "Well, senior's instructions, I will do my best!"

"It's not that troublesome."

Li Zhe smiled and shook his head, and then directly used spiritual power to transmit a message to Fang Qi.

After listening to Li Zhe's news, Fang Qi's expression was at first confused, then shocked, and finally an indescribable joy!

"Senior... what you said is really true?!"

Fang Qi took a deep breath and asked Li Zhe.

Li Zhe faintly smiled and nodded, and said, "I will not harm you."

After all, Li Zhe directly threw a jade card and put it on the table: "You can find me through this jade card."

"Okay! I'll do it now!"

Fang Qi nodded quickly, and after receiving the jade medal, he immediately stepped forward and ran out quickly.

Seeing this, Li Zhe chuckled lightly, and this was when he walked out of the tavern slowly.

In this city, there are foreign monks like him, so there are so many hotels.

Li Zhe picked a family that looked good and moved in.

At the same time, Fang Qi was also heading toward the sect that had detained his own person and Dan Yu, and hurried away.

What Li Zhe asked him to do was naturally through various methods to convey the news about the incarnation of Daowai to the various sects!

And this news is not meant to be said for free, after all, it is too fake.

What Li Zhe asked Fang Qi to do was to let various sects use various conditions to exchange this news with him!

Although Fang Qi hadn't been here for a long time since he came to the northern border, he had been doing casual cultivating for a long time. This kind of exchange of information for resources has not been done less.

And the news that Li Zhe gave him can make him a fortune!

Although the time is only half a month, this is enough for Fang Qi!

Soon, Fang Qi came to the mountain gate of that Zongmen. A disciple who was stationed outside the Zongmen stopped in front of him when Fang Qi came, and whispered: "The Qibingmen No outsiders are allowed inside."

"Call your elders, I have important things to discuss!"

Fang Qi ignored him and said directly.

Listening to Fang Qi's words, this disciple was stunned for a moment. After all, his cultivation level was not in the Void God Realm, and in front of Li Zhe at the peak of the Golden Core Realm, he still couldn't see enough.

Coupled with this imposing appearance from above, this disciple only hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, and ran into the sect quickly.

It didn't take long for an elder with the same Golden Core Realm to follow the disciple's footsteps.

"If it's for your Danyu and human affairs, you don't have to come."

The elder obviously recognized Fang Qi, and after looking at Fang Qi, he said quietly.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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