After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1459: Confrontation in front of the temple

Li Zhe looked at each other and nodded slightly, without giving any guarantee.

Now, the life and death of the other party is in Li Zhe's hands, and there is no need for Li Zhe to promise anything.

Upon seeing this, the soul hesitated for a while, it was a slight movement of soul power, and a small spatial gap was opened directly beside him.

Then, within the gap, a scroll floated out.

This is the blood contract signed by my Nine Immortal Sect and your Donghua Cui family. There is the soul mark of Cui family chief on it. Is it enough?

Listening to the other party's words, Li Zhe lifted his left hand and waved a spirit power, and the scroll floated open in front of Li Zhe in an instant.

The things recorded in the scroll are simple, nothing more than the exchange of various interests between the Nine Immortals and the Cui family.

It also includes a disciple of the Cui family blood that the Cui family gave away when they surrendered!

In addition, there are some treaties for mutual asylum between the two sides. On the whole, it is the mutual benefit contract between the entire Cui family and the Nine Immortals.

With this thing, the Cui family is completely finished this time!

Li Zhe took a deep breath, nodded to the evil spirit, and said quietly: "Okay, since I have got the things, then I should let you go according to what I said before, just..."

Listening to Li Zhe, it seemed that he really wanted to fulfill the treaty.

However, before Li Zhe finished speaking, the long sword in his hand suddenly picked, and a big hole was drawn in this evil spirit!

This time, it can be said that the foundation of this evil cultivation has been completely injured. Even if he goes to seize the house and can cultivate to the Golden Core Realm, it is already considered good!

After all, this soul’s injury is not so easy to recover!

After cutting this sword, Li Zhe just looked at the other side and said calmly: "Okay, you go."

Hearing that, the evil spirit of cultivator glanced at Li Zhe with resentment, but he did not dare to stay for a long time. It was a flash of light, turned into a plume of blue smoke, and left quickly.

Although he was full of hatred towards Li Zhe in his heart, the shocking sword in Li Zhe's hand did not allow him the slightest guts to show it.

At this moment, Li Zhe glanced at the scroll in his hand, sneered, then raised his hand and put it in his storage bag.

As for the battle with the Nine Immortals Sect, it was just as Li Zhe had imagined. There was no plan. Nearly a hundred people from all over the whole Sect were captured!

The real person of Lingming Purple Mansion also retreated shortly after the battle was over. From the expression on his face, he couldn't see any relief from his anger.

But now, this evil sect has been resolved smoothly, and this incident is over.

Li Zhe also took Li Huang and followed Zuo Changsheng and his party back to the Donghua Sect.

After returning, Li Huang naturally went back to Yanxia Island, while Li Zhe went to the Merit Institute. After all, he also accepted and completed the worship mission of the Niu Family.

"Hello Brother Li!"

"Hello Brother Li!"

"The first brother, you are here."

In this Merit Institute, there are still many outside disciples looking for suitable tasks.

Seeing Li Zhe coming in, everyone greeted Li Zhe repeatedly.

Although they are the group with the lowest cultivation level among the sects, the number of outer disciples is also the largest among the sects!

Therefore, all kinds of news, among them, are considered to spread the fastest.

Almost Li Zhe and his party had just returned, and a piece of news about Li Zhe discovered an evil sect with the Purple Mansion realm and helped the sect to eradicate it came out directly!

Therefore, at this moment, everyone admires Li Zhe. At the beginning, Li Zhe took on the simplest task, and now in their opinion, it has become the plan of the first brother!

"Tsk, look, I said at the beginning that Brother Li could never just take a task simply, you see, it really is hidden!"

"That's right, at the beginning you said that the first brother was sitting too stable and too boring to take a task to relax, look at it!"

"Shhh! We'll just talk about these words, but don't let the first brother hear it and make him angry!"

For a while, these disciples all looked at Li Zhe and discussed in a low voice. In those words and expressions, they already had infinite respect for Li Zhe.

Li Zhe hadn't paid attention to this anymore, he just nodded slightly to these disciples, and stepped forward to the disciple who gave out the task.

Coincidentally, this disciple was the one who gave Li Zhe the task that day.

It's just that the weird look of the day is gone, the only thing left is that indescribable worship!

"Brother! You really think carefully, and you are the leader of the disciple generation!"

The disciple glanced at Li Zhe and said respectfully.

Li Zhe nodded lightly without making a sound. He raised his hand and took out the storage bag from the Niu family.

Then, he took out his disciple token, handed it to the disciple, and whispered: "The task is complete, let's record it."


The disciple replied respectfully, raised his hand, and took the disciple token from Li Zhe's hand.

Soon, the ten sect merit points obtained from this mission were included in Li Zhe's disciple token.

After doing all this, Li Zhe nodded slightly, put away his token, turned around, and walked out of the merit courtyard.

Just as soon as he walked outside the Gongde Academy, Li Zhe saw Zhao Yan waiting outside.

"Uncle Li, you are out."

Seeing Li Zhe come out, Zhao Yan made no secret of his admiration and said with a smile.

Li Zhe smiled and nodded. He also liked Zhao Yan very much. This boy has grown up a lot now, and he looks like a strong boy.

Li Zhe stretched out his hand and rubbed his hair, then smiled and said, "Let's talk, what's the matter with me?"

Zhao Yan stretched out his hand and scratched his forehead, and then he looked down, and bowed to Li Zhe with a fist, and said respectfully: "Uncle Li, Master please!"

Listening to Zhao Yan's words, Li Zhe narrowed his eyes and nodded.

This Zhao Yan's master is naturally the real person of Lingming Purple Mansion, and Li Zhe already has a general guess in his heart as to why the real person of Lingming Purple Mansion is looking for him.

Wanting to come to Zuo Changsheng had already told the real person of Lingming Zifu about the collusion between the Cui family and the Nine Immortals. Therefore, the real person of Lingming Zifu would call himself over at this time.

The reason is to let the Cui family not have enough preparation time!

Otherwise, if the Cui family is allowed to reflect and destroy all the evidence, then it will be difficult to punish the Cui family by then.

After all, although this Donghua Sect now seems to be a whole, in fact, the dispute between the family and the monks has almost been brought to the table.

If there is no evidence, using the soul search technique on the Cui family, for the real Zifu from the family, it would be tantamount to reaching out for a face. They would definitely not agree with this happening.

And no matter what the Cui family did, as long as there is no evidence to put it on the table, I am afraid that those real people will return to protect the Cui family without hesitation!

If it was Li Zhe himself, he would definitely be called in immediately!

Immediately, Li Zhe nodded slightly to Zhao Yan, and said softly: "Lead the way."

Zhao Yan responded, leading Li Zhe directly towards the Xuanhua Palace.

Soon, under the leadership of Zhao Yan, Li Zhe came to one of the side halls of Xuanhua Hall.

This side hall was huge, the door was open, and Li Zhe had just arrived at the door when he saw that there were already several real people in the Purple Mansion sitting inside.

The Patriarch of the Cui family and Zuo Changsheng stood in the center of the hall.

And outside the gate of this temple, there are ten high-level Nine Immortal Sects who have been captured, with lock charms hung on their bodies, and the spirit power fluctuations are locked, standing at the gate of this temple.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe knew that the real man from the Lingming Purple Mansion was ready to attack the Cui family.

Immediately, Li Zhe also took a deep breath and stepped in.

"The first disciple Li Zhe, see you real people!"

As soon as he entered the hall, Li Zhe took a deep breath, and bowed his fists to the real people.

The real person of Lingming Purple Mansion nodded slightly, and said, "Stop the gift, come forward, I have something to ask you."

Hearing this, Li Zhe took a deep breath and walked up.

The real person Xuanhua is also on the list at this moment. He is basically a neutral party. At this moment, looking at Li Zhe quietly, there is a curious look in his expression.

"Real people, please."

Li Zhe nodded and walked to the real person of Lingming Purple Mansion. He bowed his fist and said respectfully.

Hearing this, the real person of Lingming Purple Mansion glanced lightly at the Cui family chief who was standing quietly not far away, and then whispered: "Let me ask you, the Cui family colluded with the evil sect, you said. Right? Is this true or not?"

"It was said by the junior. As for the truth and falsehood, when the junior came out of the sect to complete the mission, he was chased and killed by the old Cui Ming of the Cui family, and then the disciple wisely detoured and traced back. This is the discovery of the hiding of the evil sect As for Cui Ming, Elder Zuo can testify for me."

Li Zhe took a deep breath and said loudly.

Hearing this, Zuo Changsheng also nodded, and said: "After receiving the message from Junior Brother Li, the disciple brought the people from the precepts to confirm that Elder Cui Ming had indeed left the sect and placed a puppet. Cover your eyes and ears."

"Humans! I've said this a long time ago, then Cui Ming has nothing to do with my Cui family for a while, we don't even know that Cui Ming is colluding with evil ways!"

At this moment, the Cui family chief also said loudly.

Speaking of this, Clan Chief Cui looked at Li Zhe and asked, "You keep talking about Cui Ming, what about Cui Ming? You let him come out and confront you! Actually, you didn't see Cui Ming at all?"

Hearing this, Li Zhe glanced at the Cui family chief in a calm expression, and said calmly: "He was killed by me, but unfortunately, no soul was left."

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall fell silent, a Golden Core Realm cultivator, how dare to say that he killed a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator? !

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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