After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1473: Ambush and lure

Hearing this elder's words, everyone looked stagnant and looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Seeing the expressions of the people, the elder took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: "I believe your ability to do things, it should be impossible for anyone to discover what we are doing."

Hearing that, everyone looked relaxed and nodded.

"Now, use the fastest speed to confirm the location of the elders everywhere."

Upon seeing this, the elder took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Hearing these words, everyone nodded, and then each took out the charms and compasses, all of which took out various communication tools.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, an hour of time passed.

These people also received the news, and the content of the news was almost exactly the same, that is, the elders of all parties still stayed in their respective cities!

Because of the token grab, the elder had arranged for someone to observe the elders of all parties at any time, so this information is absolutely impossible to go wrong!

After listening to their respective intelligence, the doubts on the face of the elders were not solved, but they were getting worse.

If all the elders did not act, but the token was moving, it was obvious that the token was no longer in the hands of the elder Xu Yunxian in the northern part of Dongzhou!

"Could someone else have the same idea as me?"

The elder frowned and murmured in a low voice.

At this moment, everyone else raised their heads, looking at the elder, waiting for him to give orders.

The elder's name was Mo Feifang, and he was the most powerful elder in this lone shadow group.

It is not because of his strength, but his decisive style, not procrastinating, and being very friendly to his subordinates, so it is the strongest cohesion among these elders today.

After hesitating, could it be that he just took a deep breath and said loudly: "Go, let's go out of the city and ambush that person on the road. If the situation is not right, relying on the hidden breath technique we waited for, if you don't take the initiative, the other party will not Found me waiting!"

Listening to May Feifang's words, everyone nodded in agreement.

If there are a large number of people coming, or if they have high strength, they will not make a move. If the coming person is not strong, because the seven of them suddenly make a move, they will undoubtedly die!

At this moment, after everyone gave a compliment of brilliance, they followed the pace of Murphyfang and quickly left the city.

At the same time, inside the inn, Li Huang suddenly condensed his eyes, and his nose began to twitch quickly.

Seeing Li Huang's sudden expression, Ao Meng, Ao Lie and others were all taken aback, not knowing what happened.

"They are out of town, let's follow."

Li Huangchen took a breath and whispered.

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly, and at the moment they followed Li Huang's footsteps and quickly left the city.

Although the concealment strength of the lone shadow group is extremely high, almost after leaving the city, they disappeared in an instant, but the little breath that naturally radiates from the body can also be captured by Li Huang!

Time passed slowly, and in an instant, a quarter of an hour passed.

On a piece of snowy field, Li Huang's forward figure stopped in an instant. In a moment, the other three also stopped and looked at Li Huang.

Li Huang raised his hand, compared with a gesture, directly led the crowd, fell in the snow below, completely concealing his figure.

Then, Li Huang used his spiritual knowledge to spread the message: "They stopped, they are in the jungle ahead."

Listening to Li Huang's words, everyone's expressions were a little confused, and they didn't know what the people of the lone shadow group were doing in such a deserted jungle.

But now everyone is not in a hurry. Anyway, no matter what the situation is, they will be able to understand when Li Zhe arrives. All they have to do now is to keep a close eye on each other. This is enough.

It would take two or three days for Rao to run from Dongzhou to the northern snowfield at the speed of Li Zhe.

In the jungle, the six members of the lonely shadow group were all sitting around him.

Could it be that Fang pinched the token in his hand and was constantly sensing it.

Now he is quite sure that the person holding the last scattered token is galloping towards where he is!

"According to the opponent's speed, it is estimated that it will arrive in two days. In these two days, I will adjust my breath to maintain the best condition."

Could it be that Fang took a long breath after sensing it for a while and said slowly.

Hearing this, everyone responded in a low voice, and then all sat on the snowy ground and began to meditate cross-legged.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, nearly two days passed.

The four of Li and Huang had always maintained patience, staring at each other vigilantly.

"It's been two days, haven't the other party moved?"

Shamoko's divine knowledge spread slowly to the other three.

Hearing this, Ao Meng Ao Lie remained silent, waiting for Li Huang's answer.

Li Huang squinted his eyes slightly, twitched his nose, and then a divine thought came out: "Well, unless the other party left the clothes and disappeared out of thin air, otherwise, they will definitely still be in the jungle. I haven't moved since."

After listening to Li Huang's message, everyone was silent.

At this moment, Samok's gaze suddenly stopped slightly, and then he was directly sent a message saying: "Master came from Dongzhou, wouldn't it happen to pass by here?!"

Hearing Samoko's message, everyone was taken aback.

They both signed a blood contract with Li Zhe, so now that Li Zhe is not far from here, they can roughly sense the direction Li Zhe is in.

This direction happens to be the only way for Li Zhe!

There are towering snow-capped mountains on both sides. Unless Li Zhe deliberately spends his spiritual energy and flies over the top of the snow-capped mountains, he can only pass through this snowy field!

Upon discovering this, the bodies of Li and Huang flew out of the snow on the ground in an instant.

"Go around!"

Li Huang kept his face calm, just whispered.

In the next moment, the four of them suppressed their own breath and flew directly over the snow-capped mountains on the left!

They were going to bypass the snow-capped mountains and reach the front, contact Li Zhe in advance, and told Li Zhe about the ambush here.

Time passed slowly, and half a day passed in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Li and Huang finally walked around on a hill dozens of miles away in front of the jungle.

Li Zhe is now less than a hundred miles away from this hill, and it won't be long before he will arrive here.

Because of the blood contract, not only Li Huang and the others were able to sense the position of Li Zhe, Li Zhe, as the master of the contract, was able to clearly perceive the position of Li Huang and others.

His complexion was slightly stagnant, and he didn't know why Li Huang and others had to run so far outside the city to wait for him.

Immediately Li Zhe accelerated slightly and galloped in the direction of Li Huang and others.

Soon, Li Zhe saw Li and Huang sitting cross-legged on the hill in front.

His figure fell slightly, and he fell directly in front of the four.

"the host!"

Seeing Li Zhe's arrival, all four of them stood up and bowed respectfully to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe nodded slightly, and then asked slightly puzzled: "What's the matter, why are you all waiting here."

Hearing this, Li Huang began to slowly speak out about everyone in the Guying Group.

After listening to Li Huang's narration, Li Zhe frowned slightly, and muttered, "Seven people, five Golden Core's kind of interesting."

Because the Guying Group is basically picking up orphans everywhere to raise them, naturally there are not many talented people among them, and being able to practice cultivation is considered good.

Therefore, this promised lone shadow group, in the hands of each elder, is only a few Golden Core Realms.

But now, could this Fang, besides himself, have actually summoned four Golden Core Realms, something definitely happened on his side!

"Well, not only that, they are now lying in ambush in a forest in front of them, and because of this, I have come here specifically to tell the master about you."

Li Huang nodded, and then continued.

Hearing this, Li Zhe's eyes condensed slightly, and the light in his hand flashed, and the token fragment had already fallen into his hand.

At this moment, above the token fragments, blood lights are constantly flashing.

Originally, Li Zhe thought this was a normal reaction of this token. Combined with the situation before him, it seemed that the other party should have sensed his arrival!

"It's kind of interesting, I'll go and explore, you wait and follow me, don't get too close, so as not to be discovered."

Li Zhe nodded slightly, and once again put away the token fragments, and his back figure turned into a streamer again, flying fast forward with the escape light!

At this moment, in the dense forest ahead, Could Feifang slowly stood up, and said to everyone around him: "Here, I am already less than a hundred miles away!"

After listening to May Feifang's words, everyone's expressions condensed, and then all stood up.

With the prompts from Li Huang and others, Li Zhe's heart was slightly moved, and his cultivation level was suppressed to the early stage of the Golden Core Realm.

The reason for deliberately lowering his strength in this way is to see if the other party is really ambushing himself.

If not, it's not a problem to fly over like this, but if the other party is really ambushing him, relying on this lone shadow group cultivator, there is no situation in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Even if there are no Li and Huang four behind him, Li Zhe alone has enough confidence to let the other party suffer!

At this moment, Li Zhe's figure had already appeared in a spot where the jungle could be seen.

"In the early stage of the Golden Core Realm...Good boy, dare you find this too?"

Could Fang's expression show a hint of coldness, and murmured in a low voice.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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