After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1494: Big match begins

Now, the Shen family completely hates Li Zhe.

Although Li Zhe was dealing with Shen Yuan, there were still several inner disciples around who could testify, but obviously the Shen family would not believe these people's statements. After all, in their eyes, Yao Jiang was the most credible.

Seeing Shen Feilie’s expression, Yao Jiang nodded with satisfaction, and immediately said to Shen Feilie: "Shen Yuan’s body meridians are completely broken, and his dantian is also destroyed, but if he is good for life and recuperation, although he can’t practice anymore, You can also live with peace of mind, so you erase this memory of him. After the injury is recovered, let him go to a certain city and be a carefree brother."

Listening to Yao Jiang's words, Shen Feilie gritted his teeth slightly and immediately responded in a low voice. This was also the best solution.

Seeing that he had already succeeded in turning the entire Shen family into Li Zhe's enemy, Yao Jiang nodded slightly, then turned and swiftly moved towards the real person of Lingtong.

In a blink of an eye, Yao Jiang had already arrived in the cave mansion of the spiritual master. In this cave, there is an entrance to a small world, and only the disciples of the spiritual master can directly come here.

At this moment, Yao Jiang was standing at the entrance of this small world, shouting in a low voice: "Master, disciple Yao Jiang, please see me."

"What's the matter?"

At this moment, behind Yao Jiang, the indifferent voice of the Lingtong real person suddenly came.

Yao Jiang was obviously used to the spirits of the real person, so he turned around slowly and bowed to the real person behind him.

"The disciple asked those disciples of the aristocratic family to disperse the strength of Li Zhe's team, but the matter was investigated by that Li Zhe, and he directly forced the disciple to abolish Shen Yuan."

Yao Jiang said in a low voice, probably the whole thing to the real person of Lingtong, for the real person of Lingtong, it is naturally impossible for him to be like the Shen family and dare to conceal the facts.

At this moment, listening to Yao Jiang's words, the Lingtong real person slowly frowned, then glanced at Yao Jiang, and said quietly: "Stupid! The strength of Li Zhe's leadership, even if it is not said, is really big When compared, it will not be defeated!"

Hearing this, Yao Jiang was taken aback, then lowered his head and said in a low voice: "It's the disciple who is reckless."

The real person of Lingtong shook his head slightly, and then said calmly: "However, Li Zhe really doesn't take the authenticity in his eyes. My disciples and grandchildren dare to abandon the cultivation base!"

"Yes, Li Zhe was extremely arrogant, and in front of many disciples, he almost prevented the disciples from coming to stage."

Yao Jiang also agreed at this time.

The Lingtong real person shook his head slightly, and took a step forward, directly stepping into his own small world portal.

"Go back first. When he comes back from defeat, he will naturally make him look good!"

After the Lingtong real person entered the small world, there was a misty voice.

Hearing this voice, Yao Jiang's face showed a touch of joy.

Although he is now an elder, in the sect, an elder cannot cause much harm to the first disciple.

Therefore, although he hates Li Zhe, he still has nothing to do with Li Zhe.

But now, first the Shen family is completely opposed to Li Zhe, and then the real person of Lingtong decides to punish Li Zhe himself. These two actions have directly made Yao Jiang's heart very comfortable. Lost in it!

Immediately, Yao Jiang left the cave mansion of the spiritual realm and once again headed towards the floating continent where Dabi was.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, two days passed.

Now it is only a few hours away from the East Continent Grand Competition.

It was late at night, Li Zhe sat in his room, quietly practicing cross-legged.

Suddenly, Li Zhe opened his eyes abruptly. Through the paper window above the door, he could see a person standing quietly outside the door.

Feeling the breath, Li Zhe waved his hand gently, and the isolation of the room disappeared instantly.

Then, the door was gently pushed open, and it was Li Huang who walked in not someone else.

As soon as Li Huang came in, he smiled and said to Li Zhe: "Master, the formation information has been obtained!"

"Oh? That's not bad."

Li Zhe was taken aback, then even said with a chuckle.

The abilities of the Guying Group are still good. It is possible to investigate such confidential formation information within two days of a temporary task given by himself.

Immediately, Li Huang waved his hand, took out a jade slip, and threw it directly to Li Zhe.

After Li Zhe raised his hand to take it, he said softly: "Okay, if there is nothing else, you should go back first. I will study this formation carefully."


Li Huang responded, this was a slow step, and he left the room.

Then, Li Zhe took a deep breath and opened the isolation restriction of the room again. After confirming that other people could no longer explore the room, Li Zhe slowly squeezed the jade slip and held it in his hand.

This jade slip is different from ordinary communication jade slips. The information recorded on it only needs spiritual power to flow into it, and it will be directly released.

Immediately, Li Zhe's spiritual energy poured into the jade slip, and in an instant, the whole jade slip flashed light, and then it turned into a burst of light, which spread out in the entire room.

At this moment, in Li Zhe’s room, there are all kinds of formation runes, a total of more than forty formations are involved. Directly in Li Zhe’s room, such a miniature formation is revealed. Figure!

Li Zhe took a deep breath, stood up, and started to walk in this formation.

Although the formations arranged by the elders of the various sects are different, at the connection of each formation, there are formations that are connected together.

It looks like a scattered formation, but in fact, all the formations together form a large formation!

Li Zhe took a deep breath and began to quietly comprehend the formation runes in it, walking step by step, studying the methods of cracking each formation.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, several hours passed, and the sky was dawning again.

The sky was just bright, and accompanied by a light crane chirping, Zuo Changsheng and Yao Jiang stood quietly on the body of a huge crane and flew toward the station.

Soon, when they arrived, the crane stayed above the station and let out a very crisp cry.

With the sound of this cry, all the disciples in the entire resident walked out of their room.

"The disciples who watched the war came up, and the disciples who participated in the war were waiting in the central square of the Lingbai Jade Palace."

Standing on the back of the crane, Zuo Changsheng said aloud.

Listening to his words, there was a sudden flash of spiritual light in the next station. After a while, all the disciples who watched the battle had reached the back of the crane.

Immediately afterwards, the crane flicked its wings suddenly, directly dancing its figure, and flew towards the depths of the floating continent.

And Li Zhe and others have now gathered on the central square of the Lingbaiyu Palace.

"Are you ready?"

Li Zhe looked at the obviously nervous Chan Juan, Guo Ang and Xu Baoer behind him, and asked with a chuckle.

Li Huang stood on one side and said with a chuckle: "Don't be nervous, there is no problem with the master."

Listening to Li Huang's voice, the three people nodded slightly, but it was still obvious that there was still a lingering tension on their faces.

At this moment, above the suspended mountain peak for the rest of the elders and ancestors, a burst of spiritual power suddenly radiated and gathered at the bottom of the mountain peak.

Immediately afterwards, the light of spiritual power trembled suddenly, and it turned into dozens of rays of light and flew away to all parts of the continent.

Soon, a ray of spiritual power directly reached the top of Li Zhe and the others.

This light of spiritual power did not have any aggressiveness, so Li Zhe and others did not dodge.

In an instant, the light of spiritual power directly shrouded the square where they were.

As soon as the light side fell, runes were lit up around the entire square.

Send runes!

Li Zhe took a deep breath and said to everyone, "It's going to begin!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded. At this moment, they all forcibly removed the tension in their hearts, adjusted their breath, and stood on the square.

The next moment, a spatial fluctuation suddenly surged, and the figures of Li Zhe and others disappeared on this square at this moment!

This time the teleportation was not a long-distance teleportation, it was just an instant, and Li Zhe and the others reached the other side of the floating continent.

When they came back to their senses, they were already in a formation!

The entire formation was filled with a dark red color, and in a vague way, one could still feel the bursts of fire spirit power in the air.

At this moment, Chanjuan and the four were striding directly behind Li Zhe, waiting for Li Zhe to give orders.

"Now, each of you is in the formation. In each formation, there is an formation flag. Take off the formation flag, break the formation, enter the next formation, and so on, for a period of one day, according to Get the number of flags to determine the ranking!"

At this moment, in the sky, there was an indifferent voice.

If you fly upwards, you can see that it is thousands of meters above the arena. There is a huge building similar to a fighting arena, but there is no dueling platform in the center of the building. It is hollowed out, and you can see below. Circumstances, on this platform, they are watching the disciples and elders of all sects.

As for the ancestors sent by each sect, they are all floating above the center of the platform at this moment, and they are all watching quietly.

At this moment, the teams of more than 20 sects were also scattered among the forty formations below!

"Dongzhou Grand Tournament, officially begins!"

With a soft drink, the East Continent Competition also kicked off!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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