After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1499: Body of Fire

Soon, Li Zhe brought Li and Huang to his room.

After entering, Li Zhe said softly: "Starting tomorrow, this sect battle, I will try not to take action. You will use the sword charms I gave to try to solve the enemy by yourself."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, everyone blinked slightly, and some did not understand why Li Zhe said so.

"This competition cannot just be for you to watch. This competition also gives you more practical experience. With me, the opponent won't hurt you, so you can do it yourself."

Li Zhe looked at them and said slowly: "And, the most important thing is that I need to let you play a certain degree of power, otherwise, everyone will be used as a breakthrough, this sect war, I am afraid we will fight all the sects. Don't do it again."

Listening to Li Zhe's words, everyone nodded, and naturally they understood Li Zhe's intentions.

Seeing this, Li Zhe raised his hand, and a stream of light split into four and flew towards the foreheads of the four.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but out of absolute relief to Li Zhe, no one dodges.

Soon, the streamer was reflected in it, and what was contained in it was the sword formation that Li Zhe had learned when he was in the Tianxin Sect and all his disciples needed to cultivate!

His purpose is to make Chanjuan and the four of them form a sword formation with the sword charms they gave!

After the four of them got the information, they naturally understood Li Zhe's intentions, and all of them looked at Li Zhe with a little surprise.

"The sword charms, each of you only has ten, you can use five at most to practice, understand?"

Li Zhe took a deep breath, looked at them, and said slowly.

Suddenly, everyone nodded slightly and responded.

Let four people who are not sword repairers use sword charms to form a sword formation. If this matter is spread out, I am afraid that everyone will laugh out loud. After all, sword repair needs a talent for kendo. This sword formation is even more so. !

However, Li Zhe had already thought of this as early as when he was refining the sword talisman. The respective sword talisman were all faintly related. If he wanted to practice this sword formation, he should be able to succeed!

"Master, why did you choose me and Chan Juan in the first place? If there are two other cultivators in the late Golden Core Realm with you, you don't need to do this now, right?"

At this moment, Li Huang also opened his mouth, asking everyone's doubts.

Although Li Huang and Chanjuan had no complaints, they were slightly confused about this matter.

Hearing this, Li Zhe also knew that all of them had doubts, and immediately explained it softly.

The first is that Li Zhe can absolutely trust Li Huang and Chanjuan, this is one of them.

The second is this competition, which originally brought Guo Ang and Xu Baoer. If someone else was called, they would definitely perform well. If they were too strong, they would cover Guo Ang and Xu Baoer.

Since this real person of Lingtong insisted on Li Zhe’s two disciples, then Li Zhe wanted his two disciples to have a certain sense of presence in this big comparison. In this way, they will be able to reign Among them, there are also benefits!

And, the most important point.

Li Zhe slowly raised his head, looked at Chanjuan beside him, and whispered softly: "You are not bad at cultivating talents. Now that you have cultivated the Xuantian Spirit Fire Art, it will improve your aptitude by one step. In this competition , If you behave dazzlingly, if you can't say it, you will be taken into the sect."

Listening to Li Zhe's words, Chanjuan's face was stagnant, and then she gritted her teeth slightly and responded in a low voice.

It's just that in those eyebrows, looking at Li Zhe is full of gentleness.

Immediately, everything that should be explained was finished, and Li Zhe slowly said, “There is a room for cultivation in this Lingbai Jade Palace. Go to that room to practice sword formation.”

When everyone heard the words, they all took their orders with respect, and after leaving, they went to the practice room.

At the same time, a few miles away from the White Jade Palace where Donghuazong resided, there was a small hill, and this was the location of the Chilian Sect.

Among the Chi Lian Sect, the ancestor of the Chi Lian Sect and the two fellow elders, also returned to the resident at this moment.

In the hilltop hall of this resident, the ancestor sat in the first place, and the two elders sat down, one left and the other, and in this hall, there were five disciples standing.

These five people were naturally the candidates sent by the Chi Lian Sect to participate in the East Continent Competition.

At this moment, among the five people, the leader was also the man who was particularly noticed by Li Zhe. He clasped his fists and bowed his fist. He said respectfully, "Major Hong Xian came down here, so what can you explain?"

Hearing this, the real Hong Xian nodded slightly and said calmly: "This time the East Continent Competition, the ranking does not matter, but there is a special task for you, regardless of the cost, it must be completed!"

As soon as this statement came out, all five of them looked at each other with a sluggish face, and they didn't know what task could make the ancestor no longer ask for ranking.

After all, this ancestor of Hongxian was notoriously harsh. When he came out of the sect, he also said that he must win the top five rankings, otherwise he would be punished severely.

Unexpectedly, there are more important things right now that can make this real Hong Xian directly give up the pursuit of ranking!

At the moment, everyone directly made a respectful look, and quietly waited for the order from the real Hong Xian.

"Donghuazong, the female disciple of the peak of the Void God Realm with you, you are optimistic about her. When fighting Donghuazong, you can ignore the victory or defeat. Attack her with all your strength and force her full strength!"

The ancestor Hong Xian took a deep breath and said slowly.

Listening to the words of the ancestor Hong Xian, everyone looked stagnant, and for a while, they didn't know what this meant.

At this moment, the leading disciple's complexion suddenly stagnated, he raised his head, looked at the ancestor Hongxian, and asked in surprise: "Is the ancestor you have a crush on her?!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was suddenly shocked. At this moment, they suddenly reacted. There is a special position within this Chi Lian faction.

That is the saint!

The Chi Lian Sect has extremely high requirements for the saint, and the need is an innate body of rushing fire. This alone directly caused the Chi Lian Sect to find a saint for hundreds of years.

This Fiery Body is extremely difficult to find, and it requires special methods to activate this physical attribute.

It's also not that the Chi Lian Sect has not found anyone with a surging fire body in these hundred years, but these people are either too old or joined other sects and practiced non-fire attributes.

Therefore, the position of the saint has been vacant, which has caused the disciples of the Red Training School to forget about such a position in the past hundred years.

And the ancestor of the Rainbow Immortal in front of him seemed to be the saint of the Chi Lian Sect back then!

At the moment, since my heart had already guessed the importance of this matter, everyone did not dare to shirk, and quickly bowed to the ancestor of the rainbow immortal, and took the command!

Upon seeing this, the ancestor Hong Xian nodded slightly, waved to the five people, and said calmly: "Okay, you can go to rest later, there will be battle tomorrow."

Hearing this, everyone responded respectfully, then turned around and left the hall.

After the five of them left, one of the elders looked at the ancestor Hong Xian and asked in a low voice: "The ancestor...the Donghua sect really the body of the rising fire? "

"I don't know yet, but what she is cultivating is the Xuantian Spirit Fire Art in the North Cloud Gate of the Northern Territory. Only the natural fire body can activate the Heaven Fire Art in the Void God Realm!"

The ancestor Hong Xian said in a calm voice.

As soon as these words came out, the two elders were surprised.

After all, the Chi Lian School was originally a sect that majored in fire attribute exercises, so it had a good understanding of the various top fire attribute exercises in this world.

Naturally, they also knew about the Xuantian Spirit Fire Art of the North Cloud Gate, but that technique was basically a secret in the North Cloud Gate, and they were naturally only able to look at it, but couldn't get it.

Unexpectedly, none of this Donghua Sect's disciple seemed to be a subordinate of Donghua Sect's disciple, and he could actually obtain this cultivation technique!

The elder nodded, and then asked softly: "I don't know about this...Do you want to notify Donghuazong in advance?"

"It's not necessary. The girl seems to be Chan Juan. This kind of physique is treated like this by Donghuazong. As long as she is confirmed that she is the body of the burning fire, I will come out personally and ask for her from Donghuazong. ."

The ancestor Hong Xian shook his head and said calmly.

While she was speaking, she stood up directly, and when she stepped on her feet, her figure disappeared directly into the hall.

Upon seeing this, the other two elders all glanced at each other, seeing a glimmer of expectation in each other's eyes.

The position of the saint is not just a position!

It can be said that no matter who it is, as long as it meets the requirements of the saint and becomes the saint of the Chi Lian Sect, then it is bound to be able to become a master of the purple mansion realm!

One more combat power of a master in the Purple Mansion Realm is an extremely important thing for any sect!

Immediately, the two of them also took a deep breath, each also flashed away, flying towards the suspended mountain above.

At the same time, in the training room of the White Jade Palace, Chan Juan was practicing cross-legged at this moment, trying to use her spiritual power to adapt to the operation of the sword formation.

At this moment, Chan Juan frowned slightly, and her body trembled abruptly.

"what happened?"

Li Huang was taken aback and looked up at Chanjuan.

Chanjuan shook her head slightly, took a breath, and whispered: "Nothing, don't worry about me."

He said that, but there was still a hint of worry in Chan Juan's eyes.

Ever since she had practiced the Xuantian Spirit Fire Art, she had always felt an inexplicable heat beating all over her body.

It's just this feeling, she herself doesn't know why, so she hasn't talked about Li Zhe all the time.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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