After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1503: Source of Spiritual Power

At this moment, in the residence of Mingyuezong.

The residence of Mingyue Sect was in a jungle in the depths of this suspended continent. It didn't have too many buildings, but a small castle.

At this time in the castle hall, Mingyuezong's ancestor and two elders were already sitting on the three seats in front of the hall.

And the five disciples of Mingyuezong, plus the disciples who came to watch the battle, were all standing in this hall.

From the disciples to the ancestors of Mingyuezong, everyone is wearing cloaks and long robes. At this moment, everyone is sitting here, it does not look like a serious sect, but like a cult meeting.

At this moment, the ancestor of Mingyuezong slowly stretched out his hand and took off his face mask.

After the mask was taken off, the face of Mingyuezong's ancestor was still pitch black, and it looked like a black hole with infinite attraction!

This ancestor of Mingyuezong is not a monster, let alone a creature in the devil world, but a person who cultivates a serious human.

However, his appearance is due to the cultivation of the evil way, which is different from the ordinary evil way, relying on the cultivation of the spirits of others.

On weekdays, there would be no difference in the breath of other monks, and their fighting methods were all covered by cloaks or other methods, and no one would notice.

And those who were fighting against them, except for those who died, those who were injured, would only think that the techniques they used were illusions!

Therefore, the first ancestor of Mingyue Sect dared to openly establish a clan more than two hundred years ago, and even to this day, no one has discovered the dirty behavior of their clan in private!

At this moment, all the disciples saw the ancestor Mingyuezong taking off their masks, all kneeling respectfully, without saying a word.

It was the two elders beside him, also at this time, slowly standing up, bending slightly towards the ancestor, with a respectful look.

"Did you figure it out?"

The ancestor slowly turned his head, looked at an elder on the side, and asked softly.

Hearing this, the elder responded and said in a low voice, "Thanks to the ancestor's help to cover his breath recently, I have found it."

"If you find it, I will wait for the action today to try to rescue the predecessor who has been detained for this thousand years!"

The ancestor of Mingyuezong took a deep breath and said slowly.

In an instant, all the sect disciples responded loudly, and they all looked very excited.

At the same time, Li Zhe and others returned to the Lingbai Jade Palace again.

"You will return first and familiarize yourself with the sword formation again. Next, as long as there are two or three more battles, you won't be able to challenge me again if you want to come to other sects."

Li Zhe looked at Chanjuan and said softly.

Hearing this, Chanjuan four also nodded.

Although they had fallen into a coma after they had used their sword formations, they were very happy and proud to hear that the four of them had also killed four enemies close to the peak of the Golden Core Realm.

Therefore, the motivation for practicing this sword formation is full now.

After all four of them had left, the smile on Li Zhe's face was instantly taken away, he walked directly onto the futon in the room, and sat down cross-legged. Just now, he suddenly received a message from him. Emergency signal of the avatar.

At this moment, after sitting cross-legged, Li Zhe was directly connected to the fetters of the incarnation outside the Dao.

The incarnation of Daowai didn't reply to Li Zhe, but directly let Li Zhe connect his five senses.

Li Zhe frowned slightly, and at this moment, he directly connected the five senses of his avatar outside the Dao without hesitation.

At this moment, Li Zhe’s avatar was sitting cross-legged in front of a water pool below the floating continent, raising his head and looking up.

The floating continent flew extremely high. At this moment, it looked like only the thick white clouds could be seen from below, but the floating continent above could not be seen.

It's just that at this moment, Li Zhe perceives the bottom of the floating continent from the perception of his clone.

I saw that at the bottom of the floating continent, there was a wave of evil aura continuously spreading out, flying to all parts of the mainland.

After perceiving it carefully, Li Zhe discovered that the location where the evil aura flew out was exactly the location of the sects and the corresponding venues!

"what's going on?!"

Li Zhe took a deep breath, and then he asked to his avatar.

Hearing this, Li Zhe’s avatar shook his head, and this was the response: "I am the body of the demon, so the induction of this kind of breath is extremely accurate. I have always noticed it, but yesterday. , The breath seemed to vibrate, and the energy sent out was also reduced a lot, so I told you."

Listening to the words of his incarnation, Li Zhe also hummed, his mind full of doubts.

This magnificent comparison of Dongzhou's orthodox sect, now that provides energy, it is the evil cultivation aura, this matter is not a normal thing anyway.

It seems that Dongzhou has many secrets...

Thinking about this, Li Zhe also withdrew the spirit he used to perceive the five senses of the clone.

Then, he sent a message to his clone: ​​"Now there are close to 20 Purple Mansion Realm masters on this island. If something goes wrong, let's not worry too much."

"I know this by myself, otherwise I will tell you immediately when I first discovered it."

After Li Zhe's clone also responded to Li Zhe's sentence, he fell into silence again.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe also slowly stood up from the futon, and then stepped forward to the central square of the Lingbai Jade Palace.

Standing here, Li Zhe noticed that under this square, there are a number of spiritual powers that are constantly emitting.

Li Zhe hadn't noticed this before, and only thought it was the spiritual power spontaneously released by the spiritual veins buried underground, but after knowing the source of this spiritual power, it always felt a little strange.

Immediately, Li Zhe simply minimized the spiritual power he had absorbed from the surroundings. Except for the part of the Thunder Dragon Soul in his body that he had absorbed, Li Zhe himself stopped taking it directly.

In fact, what Li Zhe didn't know was that in the depths of this continent, an evil cultivator was indeed imprisoned.

That evil cultivator was an evil cultivator who smashed the entire East Continent thousands of years ago, and his strength was close to the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm. His strength was very strong and his practice was extremely strange.

Rao finally had no way to kill each other after the factions worked together to capture him.

Therefore, in the end, he came up with such a method, which was to take away the spiritual power of this evil cultivator, and then imprison it on this suspended continent, and placed countless array restrictions around it.

The spiritual power of the entire floating continent was drawn from its body, but if so, this was not as fast as the spiritual power recovery speed of this evil cultivator.

Therefore, after all the sects discussed and discussed together, there is now the East Continent Competition.

The first is to let the disciples of each school have a discussion, and the second is to let these disciples draw away the excess spiritual power from their bodies through the transformation formation.

In this way, it is possible to keep this evil cultivator in a state without spiritual power.

After all, this evil cultivator is extremely strong, if it can restore spiritual power, even now, it is enough for each sect to drink a pot!

It's just that this fact is too old, and the respective sects have not deliberately mentioned it. Therefore, by now, ordinary disciples are completely ignorant of this matter, and only the accompanying ancestors and some elders know it.

At this moment, at the end of this continent, this is a forbidden place. If anyone steps on it, they will be killed by the real people in the Purple Mansion Realm who are stationed here!

The real person of the Purple Mansion realm stationed here has been changed for a hundred years, but among the Donghua Sect and other East Continents, there are three or more sects of the real person of the Purple Mansion realm.

The ancestor in the nebula pavilion was stationed here now. At this moment, the ancestor was sitting cross-legged on a boulder, motionless, as if he had settled down.

But the huge stone under him is a huge vertical stone. On this stone, chains are wrapped around it, and the whole stone is full of various runes.

On the chains, there are also runes depicting a series of runes, and there is a faint flash of aura on them.

Follow these chains and drill under the stone, and you will find that this whole stone is just pressing a hole directly below.

This hole is about one meter in size, but now it is packed with dense chains.

Continuing down, at a depth of about 1,000 kilometers, this place is close to the bottom of the suspended continent, and the entire passage suddenly opens up at this moment, revealing the huge space below.

In this space, every inch of land and walls are carved with dense runes, and in the entire space, there are also countless chains hanging.

In the center of these chains, there was a person whose hair completely covered his body. The tops of those chains were all barbs. At this moment, there were hundreds of hooks on his body. The chains almost completely cover him!

He sat there motionless, as if he was dead, but every quarter of an hour, the runes on the chains would tremble suddenly.

This tremor would cause this person's body to tremble, and then a powerful spiritual force was sucked out of his body, and along the chain, this spiritual power was transmitted to all parts of this continent!

At this moment, the person suddenly raised his head, his hair slowly dispersed, revealing a gentle face.

If it weren't for this situation, it would be believed that he was a harmless scholar.

"It's kind of interesting, it's been over a thousand years...There are still people who want to save me, so come on, this seat... waiting for you."

This person slowly raised his head, looked at the wall above, and muttered in a low voice. The vicissitudes of that voice had reached its extreme, and there was an inexplicable expectation in his eyes!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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