After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1567: Nine Heavenly Thunder Reappears

As the thunder light flickered, the great elder suddenly noticed that Li Zhe, who was supposed to be in the middle of the thunder light, had disappeared!

The moment he played the piccolo this time, Li Zhe also happened to appear in this position!

As soon as the piccolo came out, there seemed to be an invisible barrier between Li Zhe and the elder. Li Zhe swung the sword, and the moment he touched that barrier, he felt that his whole body slipped and the sword in his hand was lost. Direction, cut directly to other positions.

"Humph! There is a secret technique that allows you to improve your strength, after all, it is just a little hairy kid in the Golden Core Realm!"

Seeing this scene, the great elder snorted coldly, and said calmly: "Since you want to fight, then don't blame the old man for being ruthless!"

While speaking, the body of the great elder suddenly retreated, and opened a position of more than 100 meters with Li Zhe.

Then, as soon as he raised his wrist, a flash of inspiration flashed in his hand, and a round bowl appeared in his hand.

Squeezing the round bowl in his hand, the great elder sighed with relief and slammed it towards the sky.

In an instant, the round bowl began to rotate slowly above the center of the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe's eyebrows condensed slightly, his body flickered slightly, and he separated a line of blows to one side.

It was the moment the electric light flew out, and there was a monster like a bird and a beast flying out of there!


The moment the electric light touched, the monster beast's entire body was directly turned into a blue smoke, dissipating between the world and the earth.

However, this monster seemed to be just the beginning.

After rotating the bowl two times, it disappeared into the air.

As for Li Zhe's whole body, monsters began to emerge one after another. These monsters were all exactly the same, and their cultivation base was not high, but the cultivation base of the late stage of the virtual **** realm was not high.

But this densely packed area, there are tens of thousands of monsters, to say nothing!

At this moment, all of these monsters were attacking Li Zhe with fangs and claws.

Li Zhe frowned, the electric light surging above his body, and at the same time the Shattering Sword in his hand was flying fast, countless sword auras flew out. Although these monsters are numerous, they are ultimately no match for Li Zhe’s sword. It can cause some trouble.

And the great elder was naturally aware of this. He released these monsters, and he didn't really want Li Zhe to be injured, he was just delaying time for himself!

At this moment, this great elder was holding a nail the size of a human head.

On this nail, there are densely engraved runes. At this moment, the chanting in the mouth of the great elder is constantly motivating the runes on the nail.

Time passed slowly, but it was only a few dozen breaths of time. These tens of thousands of monsters were cleared under Li Zhe's thunder light.

In the face of the absolute power gap, this amount of stacking can no longer play any substantial role!

In fact, Li Zhe had seen the great elder casting a spell early on.

Right now, as soon as these monsters were dealt with, Li Zhe suddenly noticed it with both hands, and his eyes slowly closed.

When Leihua burned his own soul and provided Li Zhe with spiritual power, he also passed the secret technique of the Thunder Dragon clan, the method of using the Nine Heavens Thunder, to Li Zhe!

Ordinary people can't use these nine heavenly thunders. After all, one of the keys to using this spell is to have thunder patterns.

And now, on the phantom that the thundering transformed into, a thunder pattern was flashing!

At the same time, with the chanting of the tactics in his mouth, the aura on that great elder's body also began to become weird, vaguely, only a faintly faintly revealing aura!

This is one of the unique knowledge of the Royal Beast Gate, the spirit beastization!

The power of the spirit beast can be attached to the human body, and the human strength can be greatly enhanced!

How much the power of such a spirit beast is increased depends on how powerful the spirit beast body is.

At this moment, the nail on the hand of this great elder was peeled off from the body of a monster in the Purple Mansion Realm. If the spell was completely successfully cast, its physical strength would even be comparable to that of the cultivator in the early Purple Mansion Realm!

However, at this moment, there was a sudden bang in the sky, and the originally snow-white clouds gradually turned black at this moment.

On the body of the great elder, he also felt an unspeakable coercion from heaven and earth, and the whole person was immobile!

When Lei Hua used these nine heavy thunder tribulations, Li Zhe needed to use the technique of dragon rise to immobilize the enemy.

However, today's Li Zhe, his own physical manipulation, coupled with the Dao affinity of the body of the Tao, these spells that borrow the power of heaven and earth have added a bit of power!


At the moment when this dark cloud formed, the skin of the great elder began to gradually fall off, and under his skin, there were slices of scales that looked very thick!

The whole person seemed to have begun to gradually change towards the appearance of a monster beast!


It was at this moment, accompanied by a loud thunder, a thunder in the sky suddenly fell straight down, landing on the body of the great elder.

This blow was as powerful as the full blow of the Nascent Soul Realm early stage, but it fell on this great elder without any damage!

"Huh! Just such inferior spells, you think you can really borrow the might of heaven..."

The elder snorted coldly, looked at Li Zhe, and said loudly.

However, he hadn't finished speaking, and another thunderbolt came down. This second thunder fell, its power is comparable to a full blow in the middle of the Nascent Soul Realm!

Rao was the great elder, and at this moment, under the power of this lightning strike, his body suddenly fell and landed on the mountain below.

He could resist this kind of power, but if he fell like this, he could shed a lot of power.

At this moment, two falling thunders fell, and the majesty of the sky still shrouded himself, and the expression of the great elder began to gradually congeal.

At this moment, the third lightning fell again. This blow was already the power of the late Nascent Soul Stage!


A thunder light fell, and the clothes of the great elder were instantly struck to ashes by lightning, and the nails of the unknown spirit beast in his hand also saw a crack at this moment.

The moment this crack appeared, the entire body of the Great Elder was suddenly shaken, and it actually started to gradually grow bigger!

It was just that in an instant, his original body of 1.78 meters had already turned into a behemoth with a height of five or six meters at this moment!


The fourth thunderbolt was also shot down at this moment, and this blow was already comparable to the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Realm!

However, after this shot down, most of the spiritual power in Li Zhe's body had also been taken away.

His remaining spiritual power is only enough for the final blow.

Judging from the superimposed power of these nine layers of heavenly thunders, the fourth thunder falling will be the power of the early stage of the Purple Mansion Realm!

But if that blow was unable to kill the great elder, Li Zhe would be in danger.

He took a deep breath, squinted his eyes, pinched his hands, and waved at the sky. Then, his whole figure turned into an electric light and disappeared in place.

Li Zhe knew very well that it was too risky to bet that the fourth thunder fell to kill the opponent.

What he just did was to delay the time of the fourth thunder falling through the thunder pattern.

During this period, the fourth thunderbolt hadn't fallen, and the mighty day naturally still existed.

I saw Li Zhe's figure like a huge lightning flashing quickly around the great elder.

Between each flash, where he appeared, there would be a thunder spot.

In an instant, Li Zhe had already flickered dozens of times, and dozens of light spots appeared in the entire body of the great elder, just like a series of stars, looking extremely bright!

However, the great elder knew that in every thunder light, there was enough power to make ordinary monks tremble!


At this moment, Li Zhe's expression condensed, gritted his teeth and murmured.

The moment when this word was finished, it seemed that there was a huge suction, which instantly drew Li Zhe's spiritual power away.

Li Zhe's body suddenly softened at this moment, almost falling to the ground!


At the same time, within the dark clouds in the sky, a red light flashed suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a red light suddenly fell vertically, crashing towards the Great Elder!

Because of the lack of spiritual power that Li Zhe could provide, the power of this thunderfall did not reach the Purple Mansion realm, but it was far beyond the peak power of the ordinary Nascent Soul Realm!


This thunder light fell, and the whole mountain trembled like never before, and there were countless cracks that went straight to the bottom of the mountain where the great elder was!

"I know I won't die..."

Li Zhe took a breath, squinted his eyes slightly, and muttered in a low voice.

The moment his voice fell, the countless lightning spots around him suddenly flickered, among which countless sword lights flew out!

A vast thunder light was wrapped around the sword light. At this moment, the whole body of the great elder was condensed into a series of thunder sword nets, which swung straight towards the body of the great elder.

At this moment, the virtual infants condensed by the thunder in Li Zhe's dantian also turned into light spots, gradually falling apart in Li Zhe's dantian.

Li Zhe gritted his teeth slightly, and with the last bit of power in the phantom, he suddenly raised his body and rushed into the light spot that was already covered with lightning!

It was also at this moment that Xian Yao, who was on the top of the mountain in the distance, didn't even care about hiding her figure, just stood up and looked in Li Zhe's direction.

It's just that the thunder shining there, it is impossible to see through the situation.

As the thunder light flashed, it seemed as if the energy was very full, and after a full quarter of an hour, the thunder light gradually dissipated.

Lei Guang dispersed, revealing the two figures of Li Zhe.

Li Zhe held a long sword and inserted it into the dantian that had turned into a few meters high elder.

"I knew it, I should have killed you sooner..."

The great elder murmured and slapped Li Zhe's body hard.

Li Zhe landed on the ground in the distance, and his breath had fallen to the lowest point, almost without breathing.

And this elder's figure suddenly returned to a normal state, and then he bent his knees and fell to the ground without his breath.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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