After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1627: Sneak attack and confrontation

At this moment, the man in the blue shirt was sitting cross-legged in the cave, but his mind was extremely relaxed.

As he said, their family and Wang Tianling's family are family friendships!

Although he and Wang Tianling haven't had too many intersections, they still understand that Wang Tianling is not the kind of person who turns back.

Now that he said, as long as there are two inheritance caves, then he doesn't have to worry about turning the target to himself after he kills Li Zhe.

Therefore, the man in the green shirt is in a very good mood at the moment. After all, he has taken two inheritances and returned to the family, his status will also rise a lot!

However, what he didn't notice was that Li Zhe had reached the entrance of this cave without knowing when, and was looking at him coldly.

Li Zhe shook his head slightly. Perhaps it was Wang Tianling who was standing above, who gave the man in the green shirt a great sense of security. Therefore, he did not leave a trace of vigilance about the surroundings, but was just practicing on his own.


A soft sound, at this moment, suddenly sounded in this cave.

In an instant, the breath that Li Zhe had been hiding was directly released at this moment.

Wang Tianling's expression on the top condensed, almost a flash, he has already reached the entrance of this cave!

And the man in the blue shirt who was in the state of cultivation also suddenly opened his eyes.

However, after opening his eyes, all he could see was a pitch-black long sword that was approaching him quickly!


Almost instantly, this man directly mobilized his whole body spiritual power as protection.

In this panic, he still retained a trace of reason.

He knew very well that as long as he blocked Li Zhe's blow, then the situation Li Zhe would face would be one-to-two with no chance of winning at all!

However, at this moment, he originally thought it was a very strong spiritual defense. At this moment, it was like tofu. It was cut open by the Shattering Long Sword, without any hindrance at all!


In an instant, Li Zhe's sword was inserted into his heart as if he had just killed the Taoist priest.

The only difference is that with this sword, Li Zhe stabbed it from the front!

The moment the shocking sword entered the body, the heart of the man in the blue shirt stopped beating instantly. At the same time, the spiritual power of his whole body was flying out of the body without any control at this moment.

In an instant, the man in the blue shirt trembled and fell directly on the ground, and his Yuan Ying, also at this time, flashed out of the hole.

The corner of Li Zhe's mouth was slightly tilted, and his body shape disappeared in place with a step on his feet.

Space walk!

Almost instantly, Li Zhe came directly outside the cave entrance.

The Yuan Ying was hiding behind Wang Tianling at this moment. The moment Li Zhe appeared, he was almost standing side by side with the two.

At the same time, the fairy infant in Li Zhe's body suddenly opened his eyes, and the primordial infant's supernatural powers were immediately released!

All this is a long story, but in fact it is nothing more than what happened within two breaths.

Rao was Wang Tianling, but he didn't react for a while.

At this moment, he just felt that his heart suddenly tightened, and the breath around him also suddenly.

Then, the overwhelming sword energy swept over.

Jianguang field!

However, at this moment, just like when the Taoist Yuanying escaped, a ray of light shone down. Although it went straight to the Yuanying, it just happened to envelop Wang Tianling's body.

Li Zhe frowned slightly, and instantly put away his sword light domain, a flash, he had already returned to the cave, ready to find the storage bag containing the other two maps from the shirt of the man in the blue shirt.

The Nascent Soul of the man in the blue shirt had also disappeared, leaving only Wang Tianling standing on the spot.

I saw that he was still the same as before, maintaining the face that seemed to always smile.

However, on his forehead, a touch of cold sweat, also at this moment, quietly stayed.

He knew very well in his heart that if it hadn't been the Yuan Ying who had just protected the man in the blue shirt, and had covered his body with a crooked beating, I am afraid that at that moment, he would be seriously injured if he was not dead!

He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and with a thought, the spirit sword came out of its sheath instantly.

Wang Tianling raised his hand, squeezed the long sword in his hand, and then slashed straight in front of him.

In an instant, a burst of crazy spiritual power surging out, only to hear a bang, this entire mountain that is tens of meters high, was directly cut in half under this sword!

However, Li Zhe's figure had already disappeared in the cave. At this moment, he had reached the top of a mountain not far away, quietly looking at Wang Tianling below.

Wang Tianling took a deep breath, this sword cut out, and his mentality finally calmed down.

He knew very well that the two maps placed on the man in the blue shirt had all fallen into Li Zhe's hands at this moment!

At this moment, the whole mountain is falling apart because of his sword just now.

He didn't care about this, he just flashed his body, unfolded his figure, and walked towards the two peaks where Li Zhe was.

Soon, he also came to the top of the mountain and looked at Li Zhe from a distance.

"What's the matter, come to me desperately?"

Li Zhe looked at Wang Tianling in front of him and said softly.

He was very clear about everything just now, although it seemed that Li Zhe's performance seemed to be as strong as that of the late Yuan Ying stage, pressing the two to fight.

But all of that was because Li Zhe was a sudden attack and didn't give the other party any reaction time.

Now, looking at each other with Wang Tianling like this, if the two really start their hands, Li Zhe knows that the outcome is only between five and five.

"You are strong."

After a long while, these three words popped out of Wang Tianling's mouth.

"Thank you for the compliment, but if you don't want to fight with me, please go to your own cave."

Li Zhe shrugged, looked at Wang Tianling, and said softly.

Hearing this, Wang Tianling looked at Li Zhe with a gloomy expression, and said in a low voice: "I want two Dongfu, one for the inheritance of the technique, and the other for the life experience of the Juggernaut."

Wang Tianling's family is a kendo family.

In fact, in the entire East Continent, there are not many sects, but there are many powerful kendo families.

The reason is simple. The talent of swordsmanship can almost be said to be unparalleled, but if two swordsmanship partners form a Taoist couple, 80% of the children born will also have a high talent for swordsmanship.

Therefore, as early as a thousand years ago, many sword repairmen formed Dao couples. Over time, with the decline of some sects, these sword repairs withdrew from the sect and gradually formed various sword repair families.

The Wang family, among the sword repair families in Dongzhou, is also extremely famous, and has also communicated with many well-known sword repairers.

This time, as soon as the news of the inheritance of this sword-sage Liu Xiangsheng came out, the Wang family was inquiring about the news, and finally learned the general content of this inheritance from a friend of Liu Xiangsheng.

When Liu Xiangsheng had not been hidden, he joked that if he wants to set up a heritage in the future, the two most important ones must be his own practice and his lifelong sword cultivation experience. He just hopes to cultivate Junior.

Therefore, when he came this time, Wang Tianling also came for these two points.

But I didn't expect that the inheritance was actually divided into four caves.

At this moment, seeing Wang Tianling's appearance that if he didn't agree, he would rob him directly, Li Zhe's expression also gradually sank.

Li Zhe asked himself if he was not a very domineering person. If the other party was good at talking, he would use certain resources to exchange his inheritance cave.

If not, Li Zhe will directly answer the countermeasures, after all, he didn't have much interest in these two things.

Of course, Wang Tianling couldn't think of this.

After all, this inheritance can be said to be a treasure for any sword repairman. Naturally, he would not have thought that he only needed to pay some resources to exchange it with Li Zhe.

This time such threats were nothing more than what he subconsciously said out of his anger.

"I owe you?"

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes, looked at Wang Tianling, and asked quietly.

Wang Tianling took a deep breath, slowly withdrew the spirit sword in his arms, looked at Li Zhe, and said coldly: "If you and I do, you lose, there will be nothing, but if you agree to take those two Give me the inheritance of the Dongfu, so we don’t have to do it."

Li Zhe shook his head slightly, raised his wrist, and took the Sword into his hand again. He looked at the other side quietly, and said calmly: "If you have to ask me to collect the four maps of the inheritance cave, I will not Mind."

Looking at the shocking sword in Li Zhe's hand, Wang Tianling's eyes were cold, but for a while, he didn't do anything.

At that moment, Li Zhe's sword light realm had already made him aware that Li Zhe's strength seemed to be more than just in the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

If the two of them do something, to be honest, Wang Tianling is not sure.

Just as he said, if Wang Tianling loses himself, his only cave will be gone.

As time passed slowly, Li Zhe kept a calm look.

He has faced various powerful enemies, and he has already developed a tenacious mentality. He is very clear that anxiety will only make himself wrong, so it is better to face it calmly.

On the contrary, Wang Tianling, who threatened to do something on the other side, fell into silence at this moment.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Wang Tianling still did not do anything.

"Well, go find your cave mansion."

Li Zhe shook his head slightly, then turned around and left quickly.

Standing on the spot, Wang Tianling took a deep breath, watching Li Zhe's back gradually far away, gradually revealing a murderous intent in his eyes.

"Senior Juggernaut, Junior, have something to ask!"

When Li Zhe went away, until he could not see his figure, Wang Tianling took a deep breath and shouted.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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