After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1662: Extreme strength

At this moment, on the boat of the cultivator alliance, Qing Yuan was also taken aback for a while, turned her head and looked at Bai Baotong behind her.

"Don't look at me... I'm not good at fighting, and the two guys shot together, it seems they haven't suffered a loss, don't worry too much..."

Baibaotong was taken aback for a moment, and then said slowly.

It's just that when he said this, he didn't have much confidence. Dao Hai's way of playing was too strong, which made Bai Baotong's heart start to worry inexplicably.

Qing Yuan took a breath slowly, turned his head, and looked at Ouyang Qingzhu.

Ouyang Qingzhu looked indifferent, just standing still, watching Li Zhe quietly floating above the sky from a distance.

"Well, it's all to this point. I will go and solve the guy first, and when the two brothers come out, I will solve the last one together!"

Qing Yuan looked at Li Zhe from a distance, her eyes gradually firm, and she murmured.

While speaking, Qing Yuan was a flashback, swiftly galloping towards Li Zhe's place.

Li Zhe also looked a little solemn, quietly watching Qingyuan's arrival.

The strength of Qing Yuan is really far from that of Li Zhe. Between them, there is a difference of two small realms.

And the few people before, but there is no fuel-efficient lamp, Qing Yuan, as the leader of these people, will only be stronger if she wants to come!

After just a few breaths, Qing Yuan has already arrived close to Li Zhe.

She didn't say much, just as soon as she raised her wrist, the four silver needles had fallen into her hands.

Immediately afterwards, the four silver needles turned into four streamers, stabling towards Li Zhe!

The speed of the silver needle was extremely fast, as if it had pierced through the void. In just an instant, it had reached Li Zhe's body directly.

Ding ding ding ding!

In an instant, four crisp sounds sounded, and Li Zhe held the shocking sword in his hand, and drew a few sword marks in the air, resisting the four silver needles.

Only use silver needles? This silver needle is too weak, right?

At the moment when these four silver needles were blocked, Li Zhe also narrowed his eyes, thinking silently in his heart.

It was at this moment that Qing Yuan rushed to Li Zhe's front and hit Li Zhe's lower abdomen with a punch.


The moment a punch was thrown, there was even a sound of wind and thunder around him, and the spiritual power attached to the fist cut a few cracks in the air!


With a muffled sound, Li Zhe raised his sword to block the opponent's punch, but the power above this punch directly knocked Li Zhe's figure into the air in an instant.

Li Zhe never expected that Qingyuan, a seemingly weak woman, would attack not spells and magical weapons, but melee!

The moment Li Zhe's body flew out, the spiritual power in Li Zhe's body burst instantly, and several real dragons flew out suddenly, forcibly dragging Li Zhe's body.

Immediately afterwards, the four real dragons and phantoms were transformed into real dragons in an instant, and within a short time, between the whole world, there was a surging dragon power!

With a wave of Li Zhe's wrist, several real dragons instantly wrapped Li Zhe's body, and slammed toward the green kite in front of them together!

Qing Yuan's eyebrows narrowed slightly. She originally thought that Li Zhe was a sword repairman, but she did not expect that Li Zhe still had such spells!

Rao is that she is a body cultivator, facing these four real dragons, which are almost condensed into substance, confronting each other, it is difficult to confront the enemy if she wants to.

However, at this time, Qing Yuan flicked his wrist lightly. The four silver needles that were originally blocked by Li Zhe and then floated around Qing Yuan's body, two of which flashed instantly, directly facing Qing Yuan's body. Acupuncture points are inserted!

The moment the silver needle entered the body, the flow of spiritual power in Qingyuan's body changed in an instant, and her aura suddenly increased at this moment.


There was a huge sound instantly, and Li Zhe's eyes widened behind the real dragon's body. He didn't expect that after the green kite's aura increased, he would directly hit out his four real dragons with his fists. Phantom!

In an instant, a huge spiritual storm was directly set off within the entire sea area.

Bai Baotong, who was originally watching the battle on the boat, changed his face and quickly took out a piece of talisman paper from his storage bag, and then directly waved it towards the sky.

In an instant, the talisman burned out, and immediately after that, the aura surged above the giant ship, and a spiritual barrier directly shrouded the giant ship.

Immediately afterwards, the spiritual storm that was transformed by the dragon that was scattered by the blue kite swept across to the ship in an instant.

After a few breaths of time, on the originally calm sea, there was already a trace of water dripping, like rain.

But the rain was all hit by the sea water above the sky under the blow just now.

Qing Yuan stood still on the spot, her aura still at its peak. A hundred meters across from her, Li Zhe held the shocking sword, his eyes gradually gloomy.

He never expected that Qing Yuan was such a way.

She majored in strength and strength. If she wanted to be able to reach this state, her body would have been tempered to the extreme long ago. Above speed, Li Zhe could not have an advantage!

At this moment, Qing Yuan's eyes condensed slightly, and Li Zhe's body in front of him had already turned into a phantom, dissipating between heaven and earth.


A crisp sound came from behind Qing Yuan in an instant.

I saw Li Zhe's face full of shock, and the shocking sword in his hand slammed heavily on Qing Yuan's body, but it did not cause any harm.

At this moment, Li Zhe actually felt that his sword was cut on some tough weapon!

At the moment when this sword was cut, Qing Yuan's figure suddenly turned around, slapped her palm on the shocking sword.

Li Zhe only felt a huge force coming from the sword in an instant, and his body instantly deflected to one side when he was out of control.

At the same time, Qing Yuan's second palm was already swiping, and it directly hit Li Zhe's barely guarded back!


Li Zhe's complexion instantly turned red, and he vomited a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew into the sky without control.

At this moment, Li Zhe only felt that his internal organs were exuding bone-piercing pain. Qing Yuan's palm was not only strength, but also a spiritual force that passed into his body along the place where he hit.

In the middle of the air, Li Zhe reluctantly dissolved the spiritual power, and before he could even react, Qing Yuan already followed Li Zhe.

She directly raised her foot and kicked it on Li Zhe's inverted forehead!

Li Zhe was hit by this kick, and his figure instantly stood upright. Before he had time to react, another elbow hit came.


In an instant, under this tremendous force, Li Zhe's body directly turned into a cannonball, and directly fell rapidly towards the direction of the hundred islands!

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe's figure directly hit a hill on the island, and the entire mountain collapsed almost instantly. Li Zhe was buried in the collapsed mountain and was buried in dust.

At this moment, Qing Yuan did not pursue any more, but hung in the air, looking calmly at Li Zhe's direction.

After a long while, there was a flash of inspiration on the island, and Li Zhe's figure flew out of the mountain.

It's just that at this moment Li Zhe looked particularly embarrassed, his body was covered with blood, and his clothes had become tattered.

The aura of his whole person is extremely weak, and the few attacks that have just hit Li Zhe firmly.

Rao has spiritual power relief, and the attacks of the late stage cultivators of the Nascent Soul Realm who are major in strength really make Li Zhe a little overwhelmed.

Li Zhe's figure was turbulent, panting heavily, and the spiritual power in his body was also running fast, repairing the internal organs damaged by the attack in Li Zhe's body.

"What, do you want to continue? If you continue to fight, I won't keep my hand."

Qing Yuan looked at Li Zhe quietly and asked softly.

Li Zhe looked at Qingyuan in the distance and gave a wry smile.

Qing Yuan looked like a standard ancient Chinese beauty, and looked like an exquisite porcelain doll.

It's just that her melee strength really made Li Zhe feel a little embarrassed.

Li Zhe was breathing deeply, and in his heart he was also thinking about how he would be able to beat Qing Yuan.

After all, her strength aside, Li Zhe still remembered that sword just now.

The skin was so hard that it couldn't be cut through with a piercing sword, which really made it difficult for Li Zhe to find a way to defeat the opponent.

Only at this moment, Li Zhe's eyes were shifted, and he saw Ouyang Qingzhu who was watching the battle on the ship in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the previous scene of Ouyang Qingzhu's sword attached to flames directly rushed to Li Zhe's eyes.

Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, and then chuckled slightly, his figure slowly floated up, and quickly stepped forward, and in a flash, he stayed less than 100 meters in front of Qingyuan.

"Play it with confidence, you don't need to keep your hands, after all, this is a private domain, and outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

Li Zhe took a deep breath, then looked at Qing Yuan in front of him, and said slowly.

As soon as this statement came out, Qing Yuan's expression became cold.

"I don't know good or bad!"

Qing Yuan cursed in a deep voice, and immediately afterwards, the whole person turned into a streamer and flew straight towards Li Zhe's place!

Ding Ding Ding...

However, at the moment Qingyuan's figure approached Li Zhe's body, Li Zhe directly expanded his sword light domain.

In an instant, countless sword qi slashed on Qing Yuan's body!

Rao Shi Qingyuan's defensive power was amazing, and under such high-intensity blows, he couldn't move forward for a while.

She gritted her teeth, retreated in an instant, and opened the distance between Li Zhe again.

"Don't worry, fight slowly."

Seeing the opponent retreat, Li Zhe smiled slightly, said softly, and closed his sword light domain at the same time.

At the moment when the words fell, Li Zhe gently opened his mouth, and a flame floated out, turned into a small flame, and fell into Li Zhe's hands.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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