After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1674: To make friends

Qing Yuan glanced at Li Zhe with a little surprise, but he didn't expect that Li Zhe, who always seemed kind, would appear so domineering right now.

And Li Zhe is also very clear that in this environment, silence will give people a feeling of deception, and only with a sense of mystery can the occurrence of troubles be minimized.

Sure enough, it was accompanied by Li Zhe's heavy dragon power and misty realm, and Qingyuan, a master of the late Yuan Ying realm who obviously followed Li Zhe, was there.

The other three of them just glanced at Li Zhe awkwardly, after all, they didn't say much, they just snorted, stepped into the room.

The second person in the shop also raised his head and smiled at Li Zhe. At this time, everyone walked into the room together.

After entering, Li Zhe discovered that this place was completely different from what he thought.

This is a small room. The whole room is covered with pieces of golden flakes to form beautiful patterns. Although it is magnificent, it is not tacky.

And in this room, there is an old man sitting cross-legged in the center, with a proud look, and a misty breath all over his body, making people feel unclear.

"What do you need? Just put it straight."

After everyone approached, the old man slowly opened his eyes and said softly.

However, the moment he opened his eyes, his expression seemed to change slightly, he glanced at Li Zhe with a little surprise, and then he returned to normal in an instant.

Although the expression in his eyes was only momentary, Li Zhe, who had been in a state of vigilance, discovered clearly.

He didn't know why the other party looked at him like this, but since he came here to ask for something, he naturally didn't want to ask too much.

Before he came, Li Zhe knew that the old man in front of him was completely different from ordinary monks, but he was not an evil cultivator.

He is proficient in life techniques and can be regarded as everything in the world. Basically, as long as there are things, they can be bought from the other party. The only difference is the price.

Like the ordinary exercises Li Zhe needs, buying here is naturally extremely cost-effective and time-saving.

But if you buy some advanced exercises here, the price will be very high, even higher than the auction.

Therefore, Li Zhe and Li Zhe's plan is to gather common exercises here first. As for those advanced exercises that can be used as sects and only passed on to core disciples, they can be purchased at auctions.

At this moment, among the three people, the leading one said to the old man, "I want to buy three Heavenly Water Spirit Orbs, I wonder if I can buy them?"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Zhe was slightly taken aback, but he didn't know what the water spirit pearl was.

It was at this moment that Qingyuan on the side had a thought, directly using his divine mind to transmit the sound, telling Li Zhe about the water spirit pearl.

Li Zhe already knew about the Western Regions. In the ancient times, he didn't know the reason. Many sacred beasts appeared in the Western Regions, and the West Sea naturally did the same.

It is precisely because of this that the sea beasts in the West Sea are different from ordinary sea beasts.

Almost 80% of Xihai sea beasts will contain a water spirit orb in their bodies. After that water spirit orb is broken, they can gain some abilities for a short time.

And the water spirit orbs are also divided into levels, divided into four ranks of God, Heaven and Earth, each of which has different abilities.

However, the higher the level of the Water Spirit Orb, the stronger the attached ability, which is certain.

Knowing this, Li Zhe also nodded slightly. Although he was a little curious about this water spirit orb, he was not eager to understand it. After all, in the West Sea, he still had the opportunity to come into contact with it.

"Tianshui Lingzhu? Yes, it is 60,000 top-level pill. You can get it in three days."

The old man frowned slightly, then said softly.

Hearing that, the three of them were obviously happy. After even thanking them, they directly put Dan Yu in front of the old man, and then this was a respectful departure, but the arrogant appearance before was completely gone.

"What about you? What are your needs?"

At this moment, the old man slowly raised his head and looked at both Li Zhe.

"I waited for the sect to be established just now, and I need a lot of exercises. There are three exercises for the five elements, and the additional Taoist books need about five for each system."

At this moment, Qing Yuan took a deep breath, and then she bowed to the old man with a fist, and said slowly.

Listening to Qing Yuan's words, Li Zhe was also slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect Qing Yuan to ask for so much at once.

After all, nowadays, various basic exercises are almost monopolized by various sects.

Qing Yuan also said that it was a newly established sect. In other words, it could not be the same as other sects. Adding up these conditions, it would be extremely difficult to obtain so many exercises and Taoisms.

However, what Li Zhe didn’t expect was that the old man didn’t even lift his head. He just said indifferently: “It just so happens that I have a whole set of exercises left over from the ancient sect, which should be able to meet your requirements. Danyu, do you want?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Zhe and Qingyuan's hearts were immediately happy!

According to Li Zhe and Li Zhe's thoughts, these techniques should be able to be exchanged for a total of about one hundred thousand top Danyu.

But nowadays, although the price has doubled several times, the quality has increased by more than several times.

You know, the exercises of the ancient sects are basically very complete, not to mention the whole set of exercises that this population said!

Immediately, Li Zhe nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes!"

While talking, Li Zhe raised his hand and handed out a storage bag, which contained exactly half a million top-grade Danyu!

After the old man raised his hand to take it, he took a calm look and put it directly into his arms. Then, with a wave of his hand, he took out another storage bag and handed it to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, and then directly probed into the storage bag.

In an instant, Li Zhe saw the storage bag full of dangdang exercises. Among them, it was not just the dozens of exercises that Li Zhe and the others asked for.

At a glance, there are hundreds of them!


Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyes and looked at the old man in front of him.

"what's happenin?"

Seeing Li Zhe's expression, Qing Yuan also asked slightly puzzled.

Hearing this, Li Zhe took a deep breath, and when he raised his hand, he handed the storage bag to Qingyuan's hand.

Qing Yuan took it suspiciously, and then she probed into it.

Immediately afterwards, Qing Yuan showed the same expression as Li Zhe and looked at the old man.

"The old man said, this is a whole set of exercises. Although the top-level exercises are all incomplete, there is no problem if you only cultivate a small accomplishment."

The old man smiled slightly and said indifferently: "Bento is making friends."

"To make friends?"

At this moment, Qing Yuan's brows frowned directly.

The identity of this old man is extremely mysterious, Qing Yuan has never heard of who this old man will make friends with, let alone someone who has only one relationship with Li Zhe.

Seeing the two people's doubts, the old man just smiled indifferently, then waved his hand and said, "It's too early to say this to you now."

As he spoke, the old man raised his head, looked at Li Zhe, and said softly, "Boy."

"Huh? Senior, please tell me something!"

Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, then he bowed his fist to the old man and said respectfully.

"If you recognize my friend, you will come here to find me again in three years."

The old man looked at Li Zhe and said softly.

Hearing this, Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, and then he took a breath and responded respectfully.

The old man seemed quite mysterious.

Li Zhe didn't know that the other party was interested in him because of his own, and that was the way he would send such a precious exercise.

This is basically equal to the practice of an entire sect, 500,000 top-rank Danyu, this number is basically equivalent to giving away for nothing!

Since he had received such great kindness from the other party, Li Zhe naturally would not have any objections to the other party's request.

Upon seeing this, the old man smiled slightly, waved his hand, and said calmly: "The old man's name is Xu Shengzai. After three years, remember to come here to find me and go."

Hearing that, Li Zhe turned his head and glanced at Qing Yuan, and then he respectfully clasped his fists to the old man, and then turned around and left.

After Li Zhe and the two left, Xu Shengzai slowly stood up from the same place.

Under his feet, there was a very complicated formation. He quietly looked at the formation under his feet without saying a word.

"Are you... sure it's him?"

It was at this moment that the second person in the shop who led Li Zhe and the others in came out from the corner of the room and asked Xu Sheng respectfully.

Hearing this, Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered in a low voice: "The old man has studied life art for a thousand years. It has been a thousand years. He is the only one who has seen him. The life style is incompatible with this world man of!"

Listening to Xu Shengzai's words, the shopkeeper was taken aback for a moment, then gritted his teeth and whispered: "Can I...can't I help you?"

"You can't. Although your life is hard, you are a person in this world. You can't help me with this disaster."

Xu Shengzai shook his head slightly and said softly.

Hearing this, there was obviously a look of indignation flashing across the face of the shop's Xiaoer, but after all, he didn't say any more, just nodded respectfully without saying much.

However, at the moment when his expression flickered, his cultivation base breathed out, and he was in the realm of the Purple Mansion!

People in the Zifu realm are willing to be the second in this shop. Xu Shengzai's cultivation is even more mysterious at this moment!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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