After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1678: Verbal deterrence

Everyone had already noticed that the price was a little bit inflated.

Except for a few people who have small magical artifacts that can be copied, everyone else has given up at this moment.

Li Zhe sat quietly on the spot, with a look of determination to win.

Only he himself knows that now that he has made a bid, he can only add up to 50,000 top Danyu, no matter how high, he can't afford it now.

It's just that Li Zhe is very clear that in the eyes of everyone, he is already a child of the martial arts group.

Bidding with oneself for no reason may not be able to compete with oneself, and it is easy to get enemies.

Li Zhe secretly speculated through the hearts of everyone whether anyone would continue to increase prices.

"5.7 million senior..."

At this moment, in a corner behind, a loud shout suddenly sounded in the silence.

"Six hundred thousand top Danyu."

However, before the other party's words were finished, Li Zhe raised his hand slightly, and said slowly without changing his expression.

As soon as this statement was made, the entire auction house fell into silence again.

The corners of the person's mouth just twitched slightly.

No one knows that this price is already Li Zhe's limit!

"I am determined to get this thing. You should not fight for it. I can only let this Qianzhu Pavilion earn us more Danyu."

Li Zhe smiled slightly and said slowly.

Hearing this, the old man on the stage also laughed loudly and said: "This fellow Taoist is not good at what he said. In our place, it is the one with the higher price."

He is very clear that this price is already close to the limit. At this time, it should be impossible for anyone to increase the price.

Sure enough, this small group of the Source of All Things has its limitations. In addition, Li Zhe, who seems to have infinite pill, has lost interest in continuing to increase prices.

After the old man waited quietly for about a minute, this was the corner of his mouth, and the spiritual power in his hand surged. The group of source spirits was directly wrapped in spiritual power and sent to Li Zhe.

After Li Zhe reached out and put it in his storage bag, he raised his hand and passed the storage bag containing almost all of his current wealth.

Now, Li Zhe has only a few thousand top Danyu left by his body, leaving from here and returning to the East China Sea is enough to consume.

Almost the moment the group of Origin Spirits was put into his storage bag, under the control of Li Zhe's divine mind, it was directly wrapped in the jade clean bottle in his storage bag.

Li Zhe has expectations in his heart. After a few days, he will be able to obtain two jade net bottles!

"Okay, now you shouldn't have Danyu? Do we still have to stay?"

Qing Yuan looked calm, and said to Li Zhe: "Now I am afraid that many people have already focused on the two of us, let's go first."

Hearing Qing Yuan's words, Li Zhe nodded slightly, then stood up and walked out straight to the outside, Qing Yuan naturally followed them.

In this auction, up to now, in a day's time, many people also left because the Danyu was exhausted.

Therefore, leaving here is nothing special, but Li Zhe, the big fat sheep in the eyes of everyone, is particularly eye-catching.

Almost the moment they left, five or six people stood up at the same time and followed out of the venue together!

On the contrary, the old and the young sat in the same place calmly, seemingly not thinking of directly following Li Zhe.

"That kid, it seems that there are a lot of good things on his body, so a little source of all things, although rare, but absolutely useless, he is willing to pay such a large price."

The old man squinted his eyes slightly and spoke to the young man.

Hearing this, the young man smiled and quickly replied: "We don't need to go out in such a hurry to avoid exposure. Anyway, if that kid is smart and followed by so many people, it is absolutely impossible to leave the city now."

Listening to the young man's words, the old man laughed, responded, and continued to watch the auction.

At this moment, outside the venue.

Almost the moment Li and Zhe walked out of the auction, the auction number plate in their hands directly lost their spiritual power and became an ordinary item.

Li Zhe just flicked it casually, he just threw the number card away.

"What's the matter? Someone will definitely follow us. Don't leave soon. When we are followed, we will be in trouble."

Qing Yuan frowned, turned her head and glanced at Li Zhe, who suddenly stood still, and shouted in a low voice.

"Don't be nervous, just stand beside me quietly and pretend to be my guard."

Li Zhe chuckled lightly and said slowly.

Listening to Li Zhe's words, Qing Yuan frowned, but stopped talking, but stood quietly beside Li Zhe.

This auction has an isolation circle, so the people inside did not know that Li Zhe and Li Zhe were standing outside the door.

The six people who followed Li and Zhe almost used the fastest speed.

The moment he came out, he stopped directly, standing behind Li Zhe and others.

"You don't need to be in such a hurry, I won't leave now."

Li Zhe's mouth curled slightly, glanced at the six people behind, and said calmly.

Among the six people, three were in the late Nascent Soul Stage, one in the middle Nascent Stage, and two monks in the Early Nascent Stage.

This lineup, even if Xie Xiu's cultivation strength can't keep up with the realm, it is definitely not something that Li Zhe can easily solve.

Those few people obviously didn't expect it to be the situation right now. At this moment, everyone was squinting at Li Zhe, but not even one person spoke.

"Seven days."

At this moment, Li Zhe calmly said a time.

Everyone looked at each other, no one spoke, and they just looked at Li Zhe calmly.

"You have seven days to figure out how to solve me in this city. Otherwise, when the Patriarch comes to pick me up, you dare to give me an idea, and none of them want to live."

Li Zhe let out a sigh of relief, turned his head, looked at the six people, and said with a cold expression.

The moment his voice fell, Qing Yuan on one side also reflected it at this time, full of breath, and went straight to the six people.

Li Zhe also stopped speaking at this moment, but stood calmly and looked at the six people quietly.

After the two parties looked at each other for about a quarter of an hour, Li Zhe chuckled lightly and said calmly: "It seems that you don't want to do it now, don't worry, you still have seven days."

After speaking, the smile on Li Zhe's face instantly closed, stretched out his hand, patted Qing Yuan's shoulder, and then turned around and walked towards the inn where the two had settled before.

Seeing the figures of the two of them go away, the six people stood still, but they couldn't say a word.

They just noticed that Qingyuan, who had the peak strength of the late Nascent Soul Stage, seemed to be Li Zhe's bodyguard!

It is self-evident that a bodyguard with this level of strength has the strength of its ancestor.

After a while, a leader said, "What should I do? That guy..."

"He has so many Danyu, and the protection of those who are capable of it. If he wants to come, what he said does not seem to be fake..."

In an instant, someone spoke up, but the words contained a hint of withdrawal.

They are the youngest person who can cultivate to this level of cultivation. They are already more than two hundred years old. In this West Sea, they can live safely to the present, relying on those who seek good fortune and avoid evil. instinct.

Almost just at this moment, with this person's opening, three of them directly agreed, indicating that they would withdraw.

In an instant, there were only two cultivators in the late Nascent Soul Stage, looking at each other.

The two of them gritted their teeth, and shooting in this Thousand Bamboo City is no different from looking for death, but if it is really like Li Zhe said, if the patriarch comes to pick him up at that time, the two of them are basically dead.

The risk is too great.

In an instant, this thought came out of the two men's minds directly.

"Damn it, or you two..."

One of the men in a red gown gritted his teeth, turned his head, and looked at the other person.

The other person narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the man, and whispered: "They dare not do it. It is enough for the two of us. I have a way..."

Before talking, Li Zhe and Li Zhe had already arrived in the inn.

Because of those people, the two at this moment are no longer separated, but entered the same room.

"The words you just said were domineering, but... can they scare those people?"

Qing Yuan looked at Li Zhe and asked suspiciously.

She had always met such people in the past to fight directly, but she didn't have much strategy, and she seemed a little confused at the moment.

"It's useless."

Li Zhe smiled softly and said calmly.

"Then you still..."

Qing Yuan's eyes stared and said loudly.

It’s just that she didn’t finish her words, Li Zhe waved his hand slightly and said, “Those people, maybe they will practice in locations hundreds of miles outside the city. If there are real people from the Purple Mansion to pick us up, they can say they are. It's cultivation, if it doesn't, then it's waiting for us."

Qing Yuan frowned as soon as she said this, but she didn't expect that there was still this statement.

Only at this time, Li Zhe smiled slightly and took out the exercises from his storage bag.

"I did this just to buy time, so that they wouldn't dare to stare at us in the city. I have my own way to solve them."

With a smile on the corner of Li Zhe's mouth, he looked at the exercise in front of him and said softly.

Li Zhe remembered the power of the fire relic before. This time, letting the five element spirits absorb the water-attribute supernatural beings. As long as it is an offensive attribute, it is really a problem to solve these people. Not big!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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