After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1704: Xie Yunjun's strength

Seeing Li Zhe's appearance, Xie Yunjun gritted his teeth slightly and said coldly, "Don't be arrogant!"

The moment the voice fell, the formation suddenly rotated again, directly rotating the other formation under Li Zhe's feet!


At the moment when this formation reached Li Zhe's feet, Xie Yun's brows condensed slightly and shouted angrily.

In an instant, in the countless gaps where a trace of cracks were exposed due to the gushing spirit fire, seedlings of plants grew in an instant.

The moment those seedlings appeared, the visible growth began.

In an instant, these seedlings turned into branches with the thickness of arms, but this branch was not black, but silver, and it looked like a sword and looked very sharp.

The speed of these branches is extremely fast, and the moment they grow out, they all spread towards Li Zhe's place.

It seems that at this moment, there are countless sharp knives stab at Li Zhe fast!

However, Li Zhe didn't have the slightest expression on his face, but the gaze that looked at Xie Yunjun had gradually cooled down.

"If you only have this level of strength, then it's over."

Li Zhe looked at Xie Yunjun, shook his head slightly, and said quietly.

What he wanted was Xie Yunjun's strength to shock everyone present, and then he would end it.

It's just that now, in addition to the strength of the spiritual power, all Xie Yunjun casts are only the most basic spells!

This already made Li Zhe a little impatient, and it seemed that only by taking the initiative could he be able to force the opponent to use his full strength.

It was also between these words that the trees that had grown were already in front of Li Zhe.

Li Zhe suddenly swung the shocking sword in his hand, and his figure turned round. In a moment, the spirit iron woods all over his body turned into countless fragments and scattered to the ground in a flash.

At the same time, Li Zhe's figure suddenly flashed, and he galloped toward Xie Yunjun's place.

However, seeing Li Zhe rushing forward, the corner of Xie Yunjun's mouth also showed a smile at this moment.

"Mysterious Second Formation, Kai!"

Almost instantly, Xie Yunjun let out a loud anger.

I saw that the formation that spread to the entire field shrank instantly, and in an instant it shrank to half its previous size!

At the same time, above the entire formation, the runes that originally appeared to be scattered are also more condensed at this moment, and it has become a more powerful formation!

"When this formation is rolled out, you have already lost. The closer you are to me, the stronger the formation will be!"

Seeing at this moment, Li Zhe who was 100 meters away from him, Xie Yunjun smiled lightly and said.

"is it?"

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes and said quietly.

When the voice fell, he was about to move forward again, but at this moment, a bound force suddenly rose under the formation.

At the same time, along with that Xie Yunjun's finger pointed slightly, a thundering light suddenly fell from the sky directly towards Li Zhe!

The defensive array around this only prevents the spiritual power fluctuations that spread from the inside, but it does not hinder the spiritual power fluctuations that enter from the outside.

This is also for the convenience of some monks who specialize in spells.

The speed of thunder and lightning is useless, and it has fallen on Li Zhe's body just in a flash!

However, for Li Zhe, the damage that Lei Fa can cause is indeed extremely limited.

The fall of this thunder light only caused Li Zhe's body to tremble slightly, without even causing any harm.

Although Li Zhe's physique could not absorb the thunder method of the Nascent Infant Realm, it was not a problem to carry it down!

Seeing the thunder light struck down, it did not cause any harm, and Xie Yunjun and everyone present also looked at Li Zhe with a little surprise.

At this moment, Li Zhe also took a deep breath, and understood what the improvement was for the opponent after the reduction of the formation.

That is, it no longer needs spells to cast. It can be said that as long as the spiritual power is sufficient, Xie Yunjun can continuously cast all kinds of spells!

Li Zhe moved slightly, and forcibly got rid of the shackles of this formation. All he had to do was to get closer to let the formation completely shrink.

In this way, Xie Yunjun's formation will be as he said, it will be promoted to the highest intensity!

Up in the sky, Lingming Zhenren, who had been watching the battle silently, naturally saw Li Zhe's intention, but the corner of his mouth was filled with an unspeakable smile.

Everyone present, except for the real person Lingming, did not notice that under this suspended continent, there are four giant dragons that have been completely condensed into entities hovering!

Those are the few real dragon ghosts released by Li Zhe before!

It was at this moment that Li Zhe, relying on his own strength, forcibly got rid of the shackles of the formation, and moved forward again about fifty meters.

When he reached this position, he just felt that his body suddenly sank, and a coercive intensity comparable to the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul Realm, instantly fell on Li Zhe's body!

Li Zhe squinted slightly, but with a movement of his mind, the Qing Ling Qi completely wiped out the coercion of the formation.

At the next moment, Li Zhe's figure suddenly flashed, he was already walking directly through the space, and instantly reached behind Xie Yunjun.

Jianguang field, start!

In an instant, with Li Zhe as the center, countless sword lights shot out from the surroundings in an instant.


Only in a moment, Xie Yunjun, who was still smiling at the corner of his mouth, became a blood man, covered in wounds, and blood spurted out at this moment!

"Huh? What's the matter, then why is Xie Yunjun so vulnerable?!"

"How did the senior brother pass by just now? The speed is too fast, there is no afterimage!"

"Something's wrong, Xie Yunjun can't just die like this, right?"

For a time, the whole scene was boiling due to Li Zhe's blow.

However, Li Zhe did not appear happy because of his attack, but frowned.

He clearly knew that he was recruited!

Sure enough, under the sword light, Xie Yunjun, who had been cut into several pieces, did not disperse, but slowly turned around and looked at Li Zhe.

Until this moment, Li Zhe noticed that Xie Yunjun was in front of him, it was a fake body condensed by spiritual power!


Almost at the moment of turning around, the spiritual power on this fake body suddenly condensed, and then burst into an instant!

However, at the moment that the surging power of the spiritual power exploded, the formation that was originally several hundred meters in diameter also shrank suddenly, directly under Li Zhe's feet, forming a formation that was less than one meter in diameter!

At the moment when the formation was formed, a circular beam of light flew up around the formation, directly shutting Li Zhe in it.

And the light of spiritual power produced by the explosion surged in the circular beam of light.

That powerful spiritual power fluctuation, at this moment, can even be comparable to the self-destruction of a peak monk in the Golden Core Realm!

While Li Zhe was in it, his figure was completely enveloped by the light of spiritual power, and other people could no longer see it.

At this moment, at a position about ten meters away from the beam of magic light, a gap suddenly opened in the space, and Xie Yunjun's figure also appeared in this moment.

"Huh, do you really think I'm going to wait like this?"

Xie Yunjun sneered, and when he raised his hand, there was already a pile of charms in his hand.

In an instant, he waved his wrist, and the spell in his hand was instantly thrown by him.

The moment the spell was thrown, the light of spiritual power emerged from it, hanging in the air.

At this moment, in front of Xie Yunjun, a total of eight charms were suspended.

Those charms just turned into little rays of light and dissipated in an instant, leaving only the mark formed by spiritual power, engraved in the midair.

Then, with the light wave of Xie Yunjun's palm, the eight runes instantly turned into streamers, lasing out, and hung in eight directions beyond the beam of light.

"Unfortunately, I thought you were really capable. It seems that you are just a reckless man."

Xie Yunjun shook his head slightly and said calmly.

What makes him different from other monks is that he will never lack the target of training. After all, as the young master of Xuanji Pavilion, he has many elders to practice with.

When his formation has reached this step and has shrunk to such a small area, it may not be able to break through the middle stage of the Nascent Infant Realm.

The next eight spells are the Eight Slashing Talisman, which was given to him by the first elder of the Xuanji Pavilion. When they are fully deployed, they will die in the late stage of the Nascent Soul Stage!

Only at the moment when these eight spells were unfolded, the monstrous pressure spread to the surroundings in an instant.

In an instant, everyone felt the pressure of spiritual power comparable to the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage!

"This... Isn't this foul? How could the coercion be exerted by him himself?!"

"Life and death are fighting, there are no rules. He uses this thing, but it also conforms to the rules..."

"Hey, let's see what Li Zhe will do. There is a real Lingming present. Although it can protect him from death, it is estimated that there will be only one Yuan Ying left."

Suddenly, among the crowd, many people scolded loudly, but naturally there were also people who wanted to see Li Zhe's defeat.

However, at this moment, the smile on Xie Yunjun's face instantly solidified, and the noise of everyone present also ceased.

At that instant, a sword tip suddenly stretched out above the beam of light, and then with a stroke of the tip of the sword, the seemingly indestructible beam of light split a hole in an instant, revealing a slightly embarrassing look. Li Zhe!

At this moment, Li Zhe, holding a sword in his right hand and holding the Five Elements Spirit Fang on his left hand, looked at Xie Yunjun with a smile.

"It seems that you are still a little capable, but unfortunately, it's over."

Li Zhe looked at Xie Yunjun and laughed softly.

The moment the voice fell, the Five Elements Lingfang in Li Zhe's hand suddenly emitted a fire, and within a short time, the entire suspended continent was already reflected in a fiery red color!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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