After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1716: Enter the prefecture!

"Tsk tusk, is there such a good thing?"

"I don't know what's wrong with this City Lord's Mansion, can't you find a maid?"

"Yeah, I'm so anxious, I'm afraid I'll send it over, I don't know the life or death..."

At this moment, a large group of people gathered on the square at the entrance of the South China City gate.

Because this South China City does not have any sect protection, and it is not a geomantic treasure, most of the people in it are just ordinary people with no talent for cultivation.

Looking at the notices posted on this square, I said that I didn't like it, it was fake.

"Er, please rest assured, this notice is issued by the city lord and master, all the rewards above, there should be no less!"

At this moment, a city guard standing by the sign also shouted loudly.

As soon as this remark came out, these onlookers were even more moved. Several people with daughters at home were already excited.

The main reason why she was not a maid was that all the maids in this city were taken away by the City Lord's Mansion.

It is also for this reason that there is basically no maid in the vicinity nowadays, and no one wants to come here.

Nowadays, only some people with daughters can meet the above conditions.

"It's just that you think clearly, after that, you may not be able to see you again."

Seeing everyone's heartbeat, the guard hesitated and said in a low voice.

Although everyone didn't know about the Demon Sect, the disappearance of the surrounding women over the years was still noticed.

Although they didn't know what the City Lord's Mansion was doing, they all knew in their hearts that if these women were sent there, they would really have no return.

It's just that at this time, everyone did not notice that among them, there was a man with condensed eyes.

This person was not someone else, just changed his clothes and gave his breath to Li Zhe, who was completely hidden.

Today, he looks more like an ordinary person, without any temperament that is unique to a cultivator, so being mixed in this crowd is not noticed.

Li Zhe has already seen the terms of this notice clearly, which can almost be said to be a general condition of falling pie in the sky.

As long as you hand over a good-looking woman to the City Lord's Mansion, you can get five middle-level Danyu per month, and if you rent a house in the city, the rent can be reduced by 30%.

The most important point is that if someone who has a talent for cultivation appears among his younger generations, he can also be sent to the City Lord's Mansion for practice first!

And so many things, added together, are only in exchange for a maid.

"It seems that the conscience is not bad..."

Li Zhe squinted his eyes and murmured.

Regarding the situation here, it is the first time after all, Li Zhe himself is not quite clear.

Before asking members of the Guying Group to investigate here, they only checked the three evil repair sects, and Li Zhe was not quite clear about the specifics.

But now it seems that at least in this South China City, the conscience of the city lord's mansion is not bad.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Zhe nodded slightly, his figure disappeared silently, and no one noticed his existence.

This South China City did not have any cultivation sect as its backing, and the formations in the city were only set up by some Void God Realm cultivators.

For Li Zhe, this kind of formation was completely useless and had no effect on him.

At this moment, Li Zhe appeared in a forest outside the city.

Divine Sense scanned the surroundings, and after making sure that there were no other people, Li Zhe raised his hand and took out his fishing rod from his storage bag.

"Understand what I mean?"

Li Zhe squeezed the fishing rod and said with a chuckle.

Hearing this, the treasure fishing boy in Li Zhe's mind grumbled unwillingly, and then returned to the treasure fishing rod.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe's spiritual power surged toward the fishing rod in an instant.

It was just a short time, and a thick layer of spiritual light was already wrapped on the treasure fishing rod.

When the light dissipated, the fishing rod had disappeared, and there was only one among the monks, a woman who could be called a superior woman, standing in the original position of the fishing rod.

This is another function of the treasure fishing rod as an auxiliary real tool that can be transformed.

However, this kind of transformation can only be seen through a cultivator with a cultivation level of Nasal Infant or above, but it is not very advanced.

"Master...Although I am a tool and have no gender, I am like this...I am not used to it."

The Tiaobao Boy whispered helplessly to Li Zhe, and twisted his body slightly uncomfortably.

Li Zhe also laughed and said calmly: "It's okay, you don't need to say anything, just follow me behind."

While speaking, there was another burst of inspiration, this time, it was Li Zhe's own body that was covered.

It was only a short time, when the light faded, Li Zhe's figure reappeared, but this time, Li Zhe had turned into an old man who looked about 50 or 60 years old.

For Li Zhe in the Nascent Soul Realm, these simple techniques of change are naturally at hand.

Unless the cultivation base is higher than Li Zhe, otherwise, other monks will not be able to see through Li Zhe's current changes.

"Okay, come with me."

Li Zhe coughed lightly and said slowly.

Under this change, even Li Zhe's voice has become a bit vicissitudes of life.

Listening to Li Zhe's words, the Tiaobao Boy also moved forward, following Li Zhe slowly toward the South China City.

One of the reasons why Li Zhe did this was to be able to enter the city lord's mansion in a fair way, in case something unexpected happened.

Although he had come here this time in secret, Li Zhe also knew that he now has Xuanji Pavilion as his opponent.

If Xuanjige disclosed the news ahead of time, that would also be a matter of uncertainty.

Therefore, just in case, Li Zhe decided to enter the City Lord's Mansion like this.

After all, if there were one or two cultivators stationed in the Nascent Soul Realm in the city lord's mansion, then Li Zhe's mission would be completely known.

Secondly, this is how Li Zhe can see more intuitively whether the lord of South China City is still in the right way.

If they were forced into helplessness, Li Zhe would naturally not mind helping them.

And if they are already in the same foul sect with the evil sect, Li Zhe also doesn't mind destroying them, and let this South China City be replaced by a city lord!

"Huh? Do you have a pass? If the little merchant is not a caravan, he will have to..."

As soon as Li Zhe arrived at the gate of the city, a guard guarding the city spoke to Li Zhe.

It's just that he didn't finish speaking, he saw the Baobao boy who followed Li Zhe quietly.

I have to say that the woman incarnation of the Tiaobao Boy is indeed quite charming, even the guard was taken aback.

"Hey, it's like this, the old man heard that the city lord's mansion was going to accept the maid and the conditions were good, so he wanted to send the little girl."

Li Zhe smiled slightly and whispered.

Upon hearing this, the guard frowned, and then waved his hand: "Wait."

After all, the guard trot into the city quickly.

It didn't take long for the guard who had just been standing beside the posted notice to walk over.

It can be seen that this person should have a certain status in the city, after all, in this small city, the cultivation base of the mid-level peak of the Void God Realm is already very high.

"It's you, sending your daughter... to the City Lord's Mansion?"

As soon as this person came out, he pointed to Li Zhe and said.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded, responded, and said, "Yes, the old man also heard the news. After discussing it with the girl, he came."

" idea?"

The man frowned and looked up at the boy fishing.

The treasure fishing boy naturally shook his head.

Upon seeing this, the man opened his mouth, after all he didn't say anything, but he waved to Li Zhe and said in a deep voice: "Okay, come with me."

Immediately, a group of three people walked directly in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

Soon, the three of them came to the gate of the city lord's mansion. The two guards guarding the gate were brightened when they saw the woman transformed by the treasure fishing boy behind Li Zhe.

"Quickly, the city owner should be waiting very anxiously!"

A guard yelled at Li Zhe.

Hearing that, Li Zhe and two were about to step forward, but the man who brought them with him stretched out his hand and stopped both Li Zhe.

"I still have something to tell them. You can go in first. I will bring them in later."

The man looked at the two guards and said calmly.

The two guards were taken aback, but they were obviously not as big as this man, hesitated for a moment, nodded, and walked into the city lord mansion.

At this time, the man also took a deep breath, turned around, and looked at Li Zhe and Diaobao Boy.

"There is one thing, I hope you can understand that once you enter this, you are likely to suffer a lot of humiliation and eventually die."

He took a deep breath, pointed at the treasure fishing boy, and said in a deep voice: "There are some things in the mansion that I can't talk more about, but what I said is the truth. Even so, do you still want to go in?"

Listening to the man's words, both Li Zhe and Diaobao Boy were taken aback. The two looked at each other, a smile, and slowly appeared from the corner of Li Zhe's mouth.

It seemed that this City Lord's Mansion should not be completely broken, and this point made Li Zhe very pleased.

"Don't worry, since I'm here, I won't worry about this, please take us in."

Li Zhe took a breath, then looked at this person and said.

Hearing this, this person was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Li Zhe, and then at the treasure fishing boy who was still looking as usual.

After all, he sighed and shook his head. This was the one who led Li Zhe in.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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