After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 173: Hengdian Teddy King

Li Zhe also felt Ying'er's movements, and a warm flow passed by in his heart.

It is indeed inappropriate for such a weak girl to face such a discordant scene.

Even Chen Xuqing next to him was a little nervous, thinking that he couldn't escape the fight today, but he also clenched his fists, thinking about how to make a few punches later, not to be beaten in vain!

Only Li Qingfeng, who had been beaten up, had no worries in his eyes, but instead looked forward to it!

Chen Xuqing didn't know how well Li Zhe could play, but he knew it. Last time in Jiangcheng, the little gangsters with that yellow hair were all brought down by Li Zhe within two or three blows. Otherwise, how could he be deadlocked? Nanta apprentice!

The water friends in Yinger's live broadcast room also began to worry:

"Brother Li, heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, let's slip away first, don't stand and be beaten stupidly!"

"Yes, yes, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and our friends all support you!"

"This group of people are obviously Lianjiazi, Brother Li guesses it's overwhelming, because of the large number of people, what kind of guys are they?"

"It's over, the picture is so beautiful I dare not watch it!"


People who eat melons also think that the next one must be a one-sided beating.

Some courageous mass actresses had already covered their faces with their hands, and were afraid to watch the brutal scenes that followed. They didn't hear what Zhai Shao said just now. One person broke a leg!

Although Chen Xuqing was a little nervous, he was used to eating, drinking, and having fun outside, and he was not lack of scorn.

He knows the principle of starting first, and he can't stand here and wait for others to come and fight, at least he can't lose his momentum!

So, with red eyes and a roar, he planned to rush up and punch his mother's two punches first. Winning or losing is not counted, at least he must be sure:

"I am xxxx today!"

Standing on the side, Li Zhe was startled by Chen Xuqing's sudden roar, then he understood his thoughts and smiled knowingly.

It's okay. The dog doesn't persuade him when it's critical. He plans to do it first. It's just that he has thin arms and legs, and I'm afraid that he will be kicked by others before he strikes.

So, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he blocked the figure that Chen Xuqing wanted to rush out.

Chen Xuqing vented his momentum and turned to look at Li Zhe suspiciously.

What are you waiting for? The others are almost rushing to their faces, and don't pounce on them first, there will be no room for a game to move around later!

"I don't need you yet, while watching."

Li Zhe motioned for Chen Xuqing to support the injured Li Qingfeng and said lightly.

Chen Xuqing was stupid.

"Brother, are you kidding me, the three of us don't go together, aren't you looking for a beating?"

He wanted to say more, but found that Li Qingfeng also winked at him, so that he could stop talking.

Looking at Li Zhe's confident eyes again, he seemed to have guessed what was going on, so he stood still, and planned to rush up if something really happened later! You can't be a good brother, and fight alone!

Yinger's mobile phone live broadcast screen is also live broadcast of the scene here, because she is too nervous, Yinger has been shutting down the live broadcast, causing all water friends to witness the farce.

The popularity of the live broadcast room has always been high, and it attracts more people to watch the live broadcast. When you find such a hot scene in the live broadcast room, you naturally don't want to leave!

I have to say that Chinese people are born with melon-eating attributes, and go there wherever there is excitement, so the popularity of Yinger's live broadcast room has successfully exceeded 10 million, and she is still moving up!

The old fans in the live broadcast room are worried about our brother Li:

"Fuck, Brother Li, don't be impulsive, why did you go up alone?"

"It's cold, Brother Li has lost his mind, how can a person beat these thugs!"

"Hey, come on, Brother Li, at least the momentum didn't lose!"

It's just that the images in the next live broadcast room made everyone stare in front of the screen, and even the barrage was not posted!

Everyone held their breath and stared at what was happening on the screen, for fear of missing a little detail!

Zhai Bei's men looked at Li Zhe as if walking in a leisurely courtyard alone, and greeted them with a sly, without paying attention to them, their eyes suddenly became more sinister:

"I'm really not afraid of death, I dare to offend Shao Zhai, I guess one leg is indispensable! I will teach you to be a good person..."

They are already thinking about how to break Li Zhe's leg later, and there is no trace of it from the outside.

As practitioners, they know some insidious methods.

And Zhai Bei, who was standing at the back, saw Li Zhe's appearance, and he was disdainful. The stinky fish and shrimps would not be dead pigs. They are not afraid of boiling water.

However, the scene that happened immediately caused everyone present to stare out:

When several thugs rushed in front of Li Zhe, there was no scene of beating these stinky fish and shrimps as expected by Zhai Bei. On the contrary, these sturdy big men looked like paper in front of Li Zhe.

As soon as their fists were in front of Li Zhe, they had already been beaten by Li Zhe first! The body even flew backward a few meters before collapsing to the ground!

There is not even time for everyone to react!

The onlookers are stupid!

These martial arts instructors are known to be able to play in the major production crews in Hengdian. Many big productions are looking for them and acting as stand-ins for big stars. What is the situation now?

They all wonder if they have entered the shooting scene.

Isn't this **** filming? A punch can knock a person upside down. Isn't this only on TV?

But what drama can I invite Master Zhai to perform in person?

Several martial arts instructors had never expected that before they even saw how Li Zhe made the move, they felt as if their body had been hit by a car. The surging power was used, and their bodies flew out involuntarily!

Flew a full seven or eight meters away, banging to the ground, trying to struggle, but the nerves were invaded by severe pain.

Those from Lianjiazi knew that this was a symptom of broken bones!

Fortunately, a few thugs were born in martial arts, and their daily work on the set was to beat and beat. They had long been practiced in dangerous moves. If ordinary people were beaten by Li Zhe, it is estimated Got to be stunned!

Several thugs lay on the ground, all with **** expressions. They knew that they had encountered a tough stubble, and that they were no opponents... But how could the young man in front of him have such terrifying power and speed?

Glancing at their incredibly shocked expressions, Li Zhe fixed his gaze on Zhai Bei again, showing a sneer.

At this time, Zhai Bei, who was extremely arrogant before, was covered with fine sweat on his forehead!

Especially seeing Li Zhe walking towards him carelessly with a joking expression on his face, Zhai Bei felt a chill from head to toe, making him tremble!

The barrage in Yinger's live studio, from the deserted and deserted at first, began to heat up rapidly!

Just now, the friends on the water were all stunned by Li Zhe's actions on the screen. They couldn't take care of the barrage. This... How many victories did Li Ge win?

"Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking... forgive me there is only one word left in my mind!"

"I worship my brother Li again, he is handsome and rich and can martial arts!"

"Look at the calmness of my brother Li at the beginning, I thought Brother Li had lost his mind!"

"I'm afraid Yinger won't be filming live broadcasts for us again. Brother Li can knock people off with a single punch? Where is Via? Why didn't I see it?"...

At this moment Li Zhe walked up to Zhai Bei with a very kind smile on his face, but in Zhai Bei's eyes, the kinder Li Zhe smiled, the more chill he felt!

He had witnessed all of Li Zhe's anger just now. Who is this **** self?

"What do you want to do?"

Under Li Zhe's coercion, Zhai Bei's whole person trembled like sifting chaff due to fear, and even his words were clearly trembling!

No way, if Li Zhe punched him like that, he wouldn't be like the sturdy thugs under his men who were already hollowed out by alcohol. It is estimated that half of his life would be gone!

"What are you doing? Don't you want to teach me how to behave? I'm here, what can I do?"

Li Zhe tried his best to make his smile look more friendly. Watching Zhai Bei shake into a sifting body, he was really scared to death like this!

But the effect seemed to be useless. Zhai Bei's body was shaking more severely. The fine cold sweat had already converged into beads of sweat, flowing down the temples continuously.

At this time, Zhai Bei had long since lost his arrogance, and his pupils were dilated because of fear.

Seeing his weak chicken look, Li Zhe's eyes flashed with disdain. Some people in this world just like to bully others and fear hardships. If Zhai Bei is tough to the end, he wouldn’t be able to look at him high...

He stretched out his hand and patted Zhai Bei's face twice, but Li Zhe used a little spiritual power to reach Zhai Bei's face through the palm of his hand, which was a slight punishment.

Suddenly, Zhai Bei felt the intense pain on his face, as if it were blooming.

He can even clearly feel that his cheeks are rising quickly!

Seeing that Zhai Bei's face was swollen at this moment, he looked like a fat-headed fish, and Li Zhe was considered suffocated.

It will take a long, long time for his own aura to dissipate naturally, unless he takes the initiative to solve the swelling. Before that, Zhai Bei could only see people in this image...

"Hengdian Teddy King, you have to admit that you have made mistakes when you come out, and you have to stand at attention when you are beaten, you know?"

Li Zhe patted Zhai Bei's body, turned around and prepared to walk away, but at this moment, he heard the sound of someone lying limply behind him. Needless to think about it, it was the so-called Hengdian Tu Emperor Zhai Dashao!

But now he has a new nickname, that is the Teddy King of Hengdian that Li Zhe took for him!

An exclamation immediately sounded: "Zhai Shao, what's wrong with Zhai Shao?"

After all, Zhai Bei is a snakelike existence in the Hengdian Film and Television Base, and naturally someone will post it to cheat him.

Being so frightened by Li Zhe, after his extreme fear passed, he felt his body soft and collapsed to the ground, and someone nearby immediately came to help him.

Before, no one dared to step forward because it was just taken by Li Zhe's power. I'm kidding, I didn't go up there to find death, I didn't see the master who could beat a strong man with one punch!

Naturally, Li Zhe would not pay attention to Zhai Bei anymore, and walked straight to Ying'er and Chen Xuqing. At this time, Ying'er was already staring.

Brother Li is too powerful. I thought that Brother Li was going to be beaten by them, but...

The barrage also began to cascade, with the word'Nice' on the screen!

"My brother Li in society, there are not many people who are ruthless!"

"If you have a mistake, you must admit it, and you must stand upright when you are beaten. Li Ge is indeed a member of my society!"

"Society and society can't afford to provoke them. I only serve my brother Li!"

"I'll just ask who else? My brother Li has a big fist. A punch can knock you away!"

Afterwards, I didn't know who brought the rhythm, and the Rockets in the live room started to screen again.

A group of water friends just watched the scene like a martial arts movie, and they have completely fallen into the five bodies that Li Zhe admired!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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