After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1746: Bleak mysterious pavilion

Xuanji Pavilion, in the past few days, it has been very lively.

According to the tradition of Xuanji Pavilion, these days of the year are Xuanji Pavilion's annual missionary day.

This time of the year is the day when the entire pavilion of Xuanji Pavilion is exhausted, elders and disciples preach, and real people preach with elders.

The entire Xuanji Pavilion is now a peaceful and prosperous scene.

The whole pavilion knew about Li Zhe, but it was the patron of the mysterious pavilion and several of his cronies.

Based on their understanding of the Scarlet True Monarch, they knew that Li Zhe must have completed the task before he did it.

After all, it was still extremely difficult for Li Zhe to complete this task, so if Li Zhe died halfway through the hands of those evil cultivators, True Monarch Scarlet would not have to take action.

It is precisely because of this that they are not paying attention to this matter now. After all, in their thinking, Li Zhe is no matter how strong it is. To complete this task, it will take at least more than a month!

At this moment, in the main hall of the Xuanji Pavilion, Xie Lingyu, the master of the Xuanji Pavilion, smiled lightly, and quietly explained to the core elders of the Xuanji Pavilion about the experience of several spells in that exercise.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the hall.

It didn't take long for them to see that the two elders of Xuanji Pavilion ran in panic.

"Meet the pavilion master!"

The moment they saw Xie Lingyu, both of them clasped their fists and shouted.

Xie Lingyu frowned slightly, and said indifferently: "You know that it's the day of preaching recently. So what kind of panic is it?"

"By the way, didn't you two go to collect the tribute? According to the rules, if you want to stay in the preaching for three days, how can you come back so soon?"

The deputy pavilion master on the side also frowned, and slowly asked these two people.

Hearing that, the two of them looked at each other, this is a bitter face, and they have come to tell the truth about the real person who drove them away.

"Then the real man said, what we have done, since we have done it, we must be prepared to bear the corresponding consequences..."

The elder said with a bitter face, repeating the words of the spiritual real person.

And the other elder also said with an unhappy expression at this time: "Yes, my sect has never been evil to people, and has never done anything shameful?!"

However, what the two of them didn't notice was that, along with the voices of the two, the expressions of everyone in the entire hall had gradually become gloomy.

In this hall, the elders and deputy pavilion masters who can listen to Xie Lingyu's preaching are all the people at the core of Xuanji Pavilion.

They naturally knew about Li Zhe.

I just feel that this matter is deadly and without evidence, that is, the Scarlet True Monarch has been discovered, and it is also unfounded. Donghua Sect cannot rely on this to fight the Xuanji Pavilion.

It is precisely because of this that they are so relieved.

But I didn't expect that this event broke out so quickly, Dong Huazong's coping method, also embarrassed them in this way.

At this point, they can't even care about preaching, the foundation of the sect will start to be shaken by Donghua Sect!

Immediately, Xie Lingyu took a deep breath, stood up, and said loudly: "Quick! Quickly send people to various sects to investigate and find out which places Donghua Sect has committed in addition to that sect. hand!"

However, as Xie Lingyu's voice just fell, a spy from Xuanji Pavilion hurried in, his expression extremely flustered.

"Report to the pavilion master that Tianyuan City is already surrendering to the Donghua Sect, and declares that it is completely separated from ours!"

As soon as he came in, he went straight to the subject and said repeatedly.

As soon as this statement was made, the people who were already extremely gloomy, their faces instantly turned white!

You know, the tribute of Tianyuan City, but almost 30% of Xuanji Pavilion's annual expenditure.

Without the vassal of Tianyuan City, it can be said that the future development of Xuanji Pavilion will be subject to many restrictions!

Just when everyone hadn’t slowed down, another spy, like this person before, ran in in a panic, saying: "Jiujiang State just announced that it will be a vassal of Donghua Sect. The whole country will follow Donghua Sect. Order to prohibit anyone from having entanglements with our clan!"


With a muffled sound, Xie Lingyu directly sat down on the pavilion's seat, her complexion pale.

According to his own thoughts, after the matter was made, Donghuazong questioned him. As long as he was killed by the Scarlet True Monarch, it would be impossible for Donghuazong to grab his own parents and search for the soul.

In that case, this matter can only be gradually lost.

As for a first disciple, no matter how talented he is, he still believes that Donghua Sect cannot be an enemy of himself because of a disciple!

It was only at this time that he suddenly realized that all his previous calculations were all calculated on the same level as Donghuazong.

In fact, in the eyes of Donghua Sect, the entire Xuanji Pavilion is nothing more than a slightly influential sect!

In the past, being so polite with Xuanjige was the respect of other sects as a transcendent sect.

But now, since Xuanji Pavilion has broken this harmonious situation with his own hands, Donghua Sect naturally does not need to maintain such a kind face.

At this moment, after the two sides were completely in opposition, Xie Lingyu suddenly reacted. He didn't even have the capital to resist!

Not only Xie Lingyu, but everyone in the entire hall was silent at this moment.

When they first started, their thoughts were similar to Xie Lingyu's, but now they really feel this deep sense of powerlessness.

Time passed slowly, and with the reports of one spy after another, in the entire Dongzhou, except for those families with disciples in their own sects, there was no more power to have anything to do with them!

"Calculate, in the current situation, are the resources produced by the sect enough to sustain the disciples' cultivation?"

After a long while, within the silent hall, Xie Lingyu's voice slowly rang.

Listening to Xie Lingyu's voice, a deputy pavilion master underneath responded in a low voice: "According to the current situation, all the resources above the elders are all stopped, and they are barely enough for the disciples to practice."

As soon as these words came out, there was another silence in the whole hall.

"Hey... I can't help it. The whole sect will step up to refine the talisman seal. I personally go to various sects to sell and maintain cultivation. It should be enough.

Xie Lingyu shook his head and muttered weakly.

As a Dao Fa sect, Xuanji Pavilion usually earns the most important income besides these tributes from the sale of various unique talisman seals.

It's just that the previous Xuanji Pavilion relied on its identity, and Fu Zhuan didn't sell much, but now that the situation develops, Xuanji Pavilion must be fully produced.

However, as his voice fell, an elder walked in with a look of confusion.

As soon as he entered, he was slightly stunned when he saw everyone's heavy expression.

Seeing this elder, Xie Lingyu's heart jumped suddenly, and he whispered: "Say something straight."

"Yes! Pavilion Master, the thousand talisman seals originally ordered by Yun Shangzong from my sect, suddenly said that they are not needed, and even the deposit is ignored."

The elder hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone’s hearts were shocked. They were not stupid people, but this incident caused them to suddenly react. I am afraid that there will be no more sects willing to cooperate with Dongzhou. They traded!

For Xuanji Pavilion, it was supposed to be an extremely festive day, but now it looks particularly bleak.

Everyone felt that the road to the future of Xuanji Pavilion, which was originally very bright, suddenly began to dim from this moment.

And the source of all this is simply because they did something they shouldn’t have done...

At the same time, they also misassessed themselves, believing that Donghuazong would solve the problem in the same way.

In fact, they have never been on the same level as Donghuazong!

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, several days passed.

All the elders sent by Donghua Sect have also returned to Donghua Sect.

For the entire East Continent, this turmoil was nothing more than the bleakness of the originally superior Xuanji Pavilion.

There are not too many sects to care about the specific things.

This is also the image that Donghuazong has cultivated over the years.

Even if the cause and effect of the whole thing, no one from Donghua Sect came out to explain, everyone subconsciously felt that Xuanji Pavilion must have made some big mistake.

It would not be felt that Donghuazong relied on its strength to oppress other sects. After all, Donghuazong had never done this before.

Today's Li Zhe is gradually getting used to his increasingly weak body, and walks around Haze Island in a circle every day.

These rare peaceful days have made Li Zhe a little bit more aware of practice.

Li Zhe naturally knew about the Xuanji Pavilion, and he also knew that Xie Lingyu, the pavilion owner of the Xuanji Pavilion, came to the door several times in person, but was rejected from the mountain gate.

He knew that Xuanji Pavilion had completely lost the future, but even so, their current strength would not suffer any loss due to this incident.

He knows very clearly that things have developed into this way, and Xuanji Pavilion will still maintain the strength of the top sect of East Continent for at least a hundred years.

Li Zhe naturally saw everything that Donghuazong did for himself, and he was very grateful.

However, Li Zhe knew that this time the enmity that was enough to endanger his life could not be so simple and could pass.

When one day his own strength is enough, Li Zhe will definitely take the action personally, let the people involved in Xuanji Pavilion also experience how he feels now!

At the same time, at the entrance to the small world of the Lingtong Reality, an elder of the late Nascent Soul Stage was already standing there slowly!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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