After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1754: Sad Chanjuan

In a blink of an eye, it has been seven days since Li Zhe was reborn.

And in these seven days, Li Zhe's shock-breaking sword has also changed from a thin-edged long sword to a pure black sword with a sword body nearly two palms wide!

On the sword body, the traces of the previously broken sword were invisible, and it was covered with a metallic black sword body that appeared after the black gel was burned by the soul fire.

Faintly, I could actually see the sword body wriggling slightly!

And the hilt of the sword has also become longer, and there is also a crescent guard above it. The whole sword looks like it has changed from the low-key before to a full domineering!

And, perhaps because the Jingsha Sword was burned and recast by the soul fire of his clone, Li Zhe actually felt that the communication between himself and the sword spirit was more obvious.

Looking at the Frightening Sword floating in midair in front of her, Li Zhe took a deep breath, and when he raised his hand, the Frightening Sword flew directly in front of Li Zhe.

Almost at the moment Li Zhe grasped the hilt, a shock hit Li Zhe's sea of ​​consciousness.

After a long while, Li Zhe came back to his senses slowly, with a touch of surprise and emotion in his eyes.

As a clone of Li Zhe, when the Spirit Mountain Sect was first established, he used the Shattering Sword against the enemy, and on that occasion, he obtained the Xuantian Spirit Fire Technique for Chan Juan to practice.

In fact, at that time, Li Zhe's clone felt the body of his own demons, a sense of clinging to the Shocking Sword.

It was as if that body desperately wanted to attach to the Shattering Sword!

The avatar never said about this matter because he knew Li Zhe's temperament.

Even if it was really able to improve the Shocking Sword, Li Zhe would not choose to sacrifice his clone.

It was exactly that, the avatar didn't tell the matter and chose to hide it.

After that, in a lot of free time, Li Zhe's clone has been simulating what it will look like after the shocking sword is added to the body of the demon clan.

Until now, his simulation finally has a result.

Today's shock-breaking sword, the effect of breaking the law still remains, but it has an extra swallowing power, and this swallowing power comes from the devil world.

Its swallowing power can even be compared to Kunpeng's swallowing strength, everything in the world can be swallowed!

In the past, the shocking sword, after breaking the spiritual power, that spiritual power would dissipate on its own, but now, it can swallow that spiritual power into the sword body!

The spiritual power that swallowed in had two places. One was to transform into pure spiritual power and enter Li Zhe's body.

In other words, in future Li Zhe operations, as long as he holds this shocking sword, he can continuously obtain spiritual power from the opponent's attack, and there will be no more spiritual power exhaustion!

Second, it is kept in the blade.

Just as when Li Zhe was in the southern realm, he put the hilt on the Shattered Sword, that spiritual power would turn into an incomparable sword intent, and he could use extremely powerful sword moves!

Li Zhe took a deep breath, looked at the shocking sword in his hand, and waved it lightly.

Along with this wave of swinging, the Shocking Sword actually swallowed part of the scattered spiritual power into the sword body, and then directly passed into Li Zhe's body through the hilt.

Li Zhe blinked in surprise, his eyes filled with joy.

Which sword repairer would he not like his spirit sword to become stronger?

"It seems that it is not appropriate to call the Jingpojian in the future, so let's call it the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword."

Li Zhe raised the spirit sword in his hand and murmured with a light smile.

At the same time, Dongzhou Chilian faction.

Within the Chi Lian faction, a celebration has just ended. The content of the celebration is naturally to celebrate the successful breakthrough of the Yuan Ying realm by the Sect Saint Chanjuan.

For the Chi Lian faction, Chanjuan's ability to break through the Nascent Soul Realm in such a short period of time is also an encouragement for them.

This is proof that Chanjuan has the talent to break through to the Purple Mansion, and the strength of the Chi Lian faction will also rise to the next level.

On the volcano of the Chi Lian Sect, Chan Juan was also just now under the baptism of the molten fire, and successfully stabilized the realm completely.

"Master, you seem to have something to tell me before?"

Chanjuan blinked, looked at the real Hong Xian in front of her, and asked softly.

Hearing this, Hong Xian nodded and whispered softly: "Although the rules are up, the saint can't form a Taoist couple with others, but the main reason is that you will break gong when you become a Taoist couple with others. You are not practicing Our practice, this rule, in fact, does not restrict you much."

"Why did Master mention this?"

Listening to Hong Xian's words, Chan Juan blinked and asked repeatedly.

She is not afraid of anything else, except that her master is planning to introduce herself to someone.

In Chanjuan's heart, apart from Li Zhe, she probably couldn't hold anyone else.

"In fact, you really like Li Zhe, the first disciple of Donghuazong, right?"

Hong Xian did not answer Chan Juan's question, but continued to ask.

Listening to her master suddenly mentioning Li Zhe's name, Chanjuan's heart jumped, and then a hint of redness spread from her neck, and her entire face turned into pink in an instant.

Rao is now in the Purple Mansion Realm, Chanjuan still can't stop her heartbeat speeding up when she hears Li Zhe's name.

Seeing Chanjuan's appearance, Hong Xian couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Real person Hongxian didn't get the current cultivation base out of thin air. When she was young, she also fell in love with a handsome monk.

And the person she liked back then died in a battle, and she could understand Chan Juan's mentality very well.

"What's the master, suddenly mentioning him?"

Chan Juan asked tentatively after she eased her mood a little.

Hearing that, Hong Xian sighed in a low voice, looked at Chanjuan, and said softly: "No matter what I say next, you have to calm down your mind, okay?"

Seeing the appearance of the real Hong Xian, Chan Juan's heart couldn't help but tighten.

It's just from the appearance of Hong Xian, she subconsciously felt that what Hong Xian wanted to say was not a good thing.

Master Hongxian took a deep breath, looked at Chanjuan, and said word by word: "Then Li Zhe is dead."

"What? Impossible!"

Chanjuan was taken aback first, and then she shouted.

It's just that the body that began to tremble involuntarily already indicated Chan Juan's mentality at the moment.

Upon seeing this, Hong Xian sighed, and this was when Li Zhe had started to slowly complete the sect mission, and then slowly said about the persecution by the Scarlet True Monarch.

Until the end, she added: "The Xie Xiu was sent by Xuanji Pavilion, but Xuanji Pavilion has now been completely surrendered by Donghua Sect."

In fact, Chanjuan was still shaken in her heart at the beginning. In her consciousness, she firmly believed that Li Zhe could not have a life and death crisis.

However, when the real person Hongxian talked about the evil cultivation of the Purple Mansion Realm, Chan Juan had completely believed it.

If the opponent is a master of the Zifu Realm, even Li Zhe, I am afraid it will be difficult to find a way out.

But this is the case, Chan Juan still has a glimmer of hope in her heart, hoping that everything is false.

It's just that this kind of faint hope can only be used to comfort Chanjuan's heart.

At this moment, Chan Juan could no longer feel the joy of breaking through.

She lowered her head, her head full of blue silk hanging down, covering her face so that she could not see her facial expression.

"Disciple, you..."

Upon seeing this, Hong Xian gave a wry smile, ready to comfort him.

But at this moment, Chanjuan's hair suddenly fluttered, and a flaming color floated out instantly. The blue silk on her head turned into a flaming color at this moment.

With the fire mark on the center of his eyebrows, he seemed to have a look of no anger and prestige.

"Master, the disciple has asked to leave the school for a while."

Chanjuan took a deep breath, looked at the real person Hong Xian, and said slowly.

There is an unspeakable killing intent in his eyes!

"What are you going to do?"

Madam Hongxian narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly.

"The disciple wants to cut some evil cultivation in order to sacrifice his spirit in the sky."

Chanjuan replied slowly, word by word.

Along with her words, a touch of determination also appeared in her eyes.

Upon seeing this, Hong Xian sighed slightly.

She knew that at this time, she should no longer stop Chanjuan. Without him, it was only because Chanjuan's current state of mind was obviously affected by Li Zhe's death.

Only by letting her do something she wants to do for Li Zhe, in this way, can she let her all these negative emotions vent.

After all, Chanjuan has just broken through, and if this mood is suppressed, it will probably affect Chanjuan's later practice.

"Well, you can go if you want, there is something here as a teacher that can help you."

Madam Hongxian responded, and when he raised his hand, a blue-red hairpin was taken out and placed in Chanjuan's hand.

"This hairpin can sense the existence of evil cultivation. The higher the cultivation level, the more obvious it becomes. If you encounter someone who is invincible, remember to contact as a teacher."

Honest person Hongxian looked at this Chanjuan in front of him, with a touch of distress in his heart.

Chanjuan's hair is now red, and this look is clearly the appearance of full exercises.

Obviously, Chan Juan today has been completely plunged into a sad mood because of Li Zhe's death.

"Thank you, Master, for giving me this... I don't know how long I will go, but I will return to the sect anyway."

Chanjuan took a deep breath, and this was a fist and bow at the real person Hong Xian.

Honest person Hongxian nodded slightly. At this moment, she couldn't say anything any more, but looked at Chanjuan quietly.

And Chan Juan also raised her wrist, and after putting the hairpin into her storage bag, her figure turned into a streamer, and she disappeared into the far end of the sky in a flash.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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