At this moment, Li Zhe and his party are on their way to the Valley of the Dead in Central Continent.

Li Zhe's face looked very helpless, and in helplessness, there was a hint of happiness.

Just now in the city lord's mansion, when Li Zhe asked Qing Yuan Chanjuan if they were willing to follow him, he got a very positive answer.

Thinking of this, Li Zhe helplessly rubbed his shoulders. For the most part, his recovery ability was amazing. Now his shoulders are still a little sore.

"You are the person we both recognize. In such a dangerous place, we naturally have to advance and retreat together!"

Qing Yuan said so at the time, and then slapped Li Zhe on the shoulder.

Qing Yuan’s power is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people. Rao didn’t use any spiritual power. Rao’s goal was Li Zhe. If this was not prevented, it was painful.

The two people behind, looking at Li Zhe's obvious way of rubbing his shoulders, couldn't stop laughing a few times.

Only Li Zhe walked in front of him helplessly.

In the memory of He Lang, Li Zhe already knew how to get to Death Valley.

Although He Lang joined halfway through, the Guhua Mountain Range was never the place chosen by the three evil cultivators. After the incident, the sect will still return to Death Soul Valley, so He Lang will know this. .

Fortunately, the Valley of the Dead Soul is not far from the junction of Dongzhou and Zhongzhou. From here on, the cultivation base of Li Zhe and others can be reached in just two days.

Before coming, Li Zhe and others had injected a pure spiritual power into He Lang and others.

Although the spiritual power still cannot stop the erosion of the black profound energy, it can slow down the erosion process to a great extent, but it can ensure that within a period of time, their bodies will not appear due to the erosion of the black profound energy. Irreversible damage.

"I knew this a long time ago. At the beginning, I shouldn't have thought of this treasure. In case this is a time-consuming task, and the last thing I get is for evil cultivation, I will lose a lot."

Li Zhe walked forward, rubbed his nose, and murmured.

When the voice fell, it caused another low laughter in the back.

It was also the time when Li Zhe and others were on their way.

Donghuazong, the main hall of Xuanhua Palace.

Seeing the main hall door suddenly opened at this moment, Qin Yangzhuo slowly walked out of it.

In his hand, there are also a strip of purple spirit jade, as thin as a silk thread!

Now that the purple spirit jade has been refined by Qin Yangzhuo, it is really like a normal silk thread, and it looks extremely soft.

However, this is the case, its essence is after all purple spirit jade, although it is flexible, it is equally indestructible!

Looking at the silk thread in his hand, Qin Yangzhuo smiled bitterly and shook his head, and murmured: "This Li Zhe, it is really a problem for me..."

In the Donghua School, it is quite normal for the major real people to retreat.

After all, after the Purple Mansion Realm, there are a lot of insights needed, and he has a small world that needs to be stable.

Even if it is not a retreat, it is common to practice for a few months.

What's more, this time Qin Yangzhuo is refining purple spirit jade, and all the real people know it.

Therefore, when he left this time, no real people came to congratulate him.

"Master, you are out."

Just after Qin Yangzhuo opened the door of the palace, his little Dao Tong ran over and said to Qin Yangzhuo respectfully.

Hearing this, Qin Yangzhuo nodded slightly and said slowly: "Yes, you go and call Li Zhe over, I have succeeded in refining what he wants."


Hearing that Qin Yangzhuo would see Li Zhe as soon as he left the customs, the Dao Tong was taken aback, hesitated for a long time, but still did not say a complete word.

As Qin Yangzhuo's Taoist boy, he naturally knew Qin Yangzhuo's appreciation for Li Zhe, and he also knew Qin Yangzhuo's time of departure.

Therefore, in the past few days, this Dao Tong has been thinking about how he would tell Qin Yang Zhuo Li Zhe's death, but he has never thought of a suitable method.

Now that Qin Yangzhuo asked suddenly like this, it made this Dao Tong not know how to answer for a while.

"Huh? Why?"

Qin Yangzhuo frowned slightly. This was the first time he saw his Dao Tong hesitating.

"Teacher, the first brother, he... sat down..."

After hesitating for a while, the Dao Tong finally found a more euphemistic expression and whispered.

"what did you say?!"

In an instant, Qin Yangzhuo's eyebrows condensed instantly, and his entire body suddenly rose at this moment!

If the talented Qin Yangzhuo is still a kind uncle, then at this moment, he has already turned into a glaring fairy!

However, as the head teacher, Qin Yangzhuo still has that unique temperament. This anger is only an instant, and he once again put away his breath and restored his calm.

Immediately, the boy saw Qin Yangzhuo's appearance, how dare he conceal it, he directly told Li Zhe's death again and again from beginning to end.

As Qin Yangzhuo's Taoist boy, it is necessary for him to inform Qin Yangzhuo of the current situation of his sect when he leaves the pass.

Therefore, his understanding of the whole thing is no less than that of some real people, and the whole thing is also completely spoken.

After listening to this child's narration, Qin Yangzhuo's complexion suddenly returned to calm, and there was not even any emotions in his plain eyes.

However, this Dao Tong knew that Qin Yangzhuo's appearance was obviously only like this when he was anxious to a certain extent!

"Go, call Li Zhe's two apprentices over."

Qin Yangzhuo took a deep breath and said quietly.

In the next moment, his figure had disappeared from the original place and returned to the temple, the position of the master.

The head instructor personally ordered that this Dao Tong didn't dare to slack off, and it took only a quarter of an hour to bring both Guo Ang and Xu Baoer.

"See the Master!"

The moment they entered the hall, both of them bowed to Qin Yangzhuo.

There is no problem with this etiquette. After all, Qin Yangzhuo, as the head teacher, is serious about ranking, and he can be regarded as the ancestor of the two.

Qin Yangzhuo nodded slightly, and with a wave of his wrist, a burst of spiritual power instantly lifted the bodies of the two of them.

After asking the two to stand up, Qin Yangzhuo stopped talking, but looked at them quietly.

And Qin Yangzhuo didn't speak, and the two little guys Guo Ang naturally didn't dare to speak much, so they just stood there in a slightly awkward manner.

After a long while, Qin Yangzhuo smiled slightly and said softly: "That kid Li Zhe, isn't he dead?"

"How do you know..."

Guo Ang's eyes widened, and he shouted out almost subconsciously.

It's just that before he finished speaking, Xu Baoer on the side quickly stretched out his hand and covered his mouth.

However, Qin Yangzhuo's laughter gradually became more cheerful.

"Li Zhe used the dagger you gave him to exterminate himself. If you were really dead, how could you be so plain?"

After a long while, Qin Yangzhuo put away his laughter, resumed his usual expression again, and whispered to Guo Ang.

As soon as he said this, Guo Ang's expression was also a little impatient, but he agreed to Li Zhe not to tell anyone about the matter, even if the other party was the head teacher.

Of course, being known by Qin Yangzhuo was nothing.

"Don't worry, you masters know it for yourself, and I promise not to tell anyone about this."

Qin Yangzhuo also noticed Guo Ang's anxiety and said softly.


Guo Ang blinked and asked softly.

"I'm true, why should I lie to you?"

Qin Yangzhuo smiled slightly, and then said with a smile: "Tell me, how did your master arrange it."

"We don't know the specifics. The master only said that he will not really die, so we don't have to worry. He will come back by himself after a while."

At this moment, Xu Baoer didn't wait for Guo Ang to speak, but she took the lead to speak, apparently afraid that Guo Ang would say anything more, which would ruin Li Zhe's plan.

In fact, Li Zhe didn't have any plans for this. He was completely worried that after he was reborn, he would carry the aura of the demons.

However, it now appears that this concern is obviously redundant.

And listening to Xu Baoer's words, Qin Yangzhuo also narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded.

From his cultivation level, it is natural to see that the two little guys obviously did not lie.

"Well, since that's the case, I won't ask any more. Go back. Don't tell others about this matter."

Qin Yangzhuo smiled slightly at this time and said softly to the two of them.

As soon as they heard that they could go back, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time, hurriedly bowed to Qin Yangzhuo again, and then turned and left.

Qin Yangzhuo smiled slightly, turning his head and smiling at the corner of the hall, and said, "Master, you are so wantonly to eavesdrop on the conversation between my master teacher and disciple." ,Not so good."

"Not good, believe it or not, I removed your position!"

At this time, the figure of the real Shaoyang walked out from a corner of the hall, with a touch of dismantled anger on his face.

Hearing this, Qin Yangzhuo laughed loudly, and then said softly: "How?"

"Alright, I was a little worried before, but it seems that Li Zhe is really fine."

Master Shaoyang shrugged and said softly: "It's you, this happened when you were in retreat. Now you are out of the gate, do you want to say something?"

"Finally, I won't ask about the matter anymore. When Li Zhe comes back, let's see how this matter is said."

Qin Yangzhuo smiled slightly and said calmly.

Hearing this, Real Shaoyang also nodded, and then glanced at Qin Yangzhuo with a slight warning. This is what he said: "You must not be too protective of him afterwards because of this. If that is the case, instead It will miss his cultivation prospects."

"I know it, please rest assured, Master."

Qin Yangzhuo nodded when he heard Master Shaoyang's words, and said in response.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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