After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1789: Shocked discovery

Listening to Li Zhe's words, Huang Tiantian and Qingyuan both looked happy.

If what Li Zhe said is true, then with this kind of formation, the island has been on the island for a hundred years, and the outside world is only the past year!

In this way, whether it is Qingyuan's revenge plan or the development of the entire sect, it will be of great benefit!

Immediately, Qing Yuan said to Li Zhe expectantly: "Quickly, open the formation to see if it really works!"

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly, and looked at the formation disc in front of him, his palm moved quickly.

And along with Li Zhe's operation, the twenty-seven stones on the disk also changed rapidly at this moment.

Soon, when the position of the stones on the disk was replaced by Li Zhe, the whole disk trembles slightly.

This kind of tremor is just like when Li Zhe let the Hundred Islands gather. This is the situation when the formation change takes effect.

However, Li Zhe frowned slightly, turned his head and looked at Huang Tiantian and Qingyuan.


Huang Tiantian glanced at Li Zhe's expression in confusion, and asked softly.

Qing Yuan on the side also looked at Li Zhe, with some doubts on her face.

Li Zhe himself was a little bit puzzled. He knew very well that his source spirit technique could never go wrong, and there was no problem with the operation of this formation.

Ordinarily, this formation should have taken effect now, especially the moment when the formation was turbulent, it was obviously already in effect.

But now, Li Zhe and the others have not felt the slightest change.

If the formation technique really takes effect, Li Zhe and others' cultivation base can definitely be perceived.

Especially since Li Zhe himself is also proficient in some time art, it is even more impossible not to feel it at all!

In other words, the position where this formation takes effect is not on this island!

"It seems... I misunderstood, I will try again."

Li Zhe took a deep breath, looked at the two, and said slowly.

While speaking, Li Zhe turned around again, preparing to continue to manipulate the formation.

This time, Li Zhe planned to adjust the formation time to a hundred times faster, that is, one day had passed since the target was in the past one hundred days.

Soon, following Li Zhe's operation, the formation disc oscillated slightly again, and Li Zhe's operation was already successful again.

But on this island, there is still no change.

"It looks like it should be these Hundred Islands. There are other secrets I don't know. The time adjustment here seems to be not aimed at the islands."

Li Zhe took a deep breath, turned his head, and whispered to the two of them.

Listening to Li Zhe's words, Qing Yuan and Huang Yitian also nodded slightly, their faces showed a curious look.

In this way, if they can find a place to manipulate the formation, they will have an excellent place to practice!

However, whether this can be found is a matter of two.

After all, these hundreds of islands were basically occupied by various sects in the ancient times, and naturally they would not reveal the secrets of the islands.

Later, Hundred Islands remained silent, and these secrets have completely disappeared in the long river of history.

Moreover, on the newly-rising Hundred Islands, there is no trace left by those ancient sects. This is also the secret that directly caused Hundred Islands, and there is no possibility of understanding it at all.

However, just being on a hundred islands can improve the physique of the monks on the island. This, combined with the strong spiritual power on the island, was satisfied by the other two.

Immediately, Huang Yitian smiled and said, “It’s okay. Now that you can control this formation, it doesn’t matter whether you can find that place. After all, this place is now above the entire continent. Any place must be suitable for spiritual practice!"

"Yes, if you really can't find the answer, you don't have to worry about it."

At this time, Qing Yuan also smiled and said softly.

The reason why the two are so open-minded is mainly because the chance of finding is slim. If there is a clue, I am afraid that neither of them will have this attitude.

Li Zhe chuckled slightly, and then asked Qingyuan and the other two: "How long will it take Daohai?"

"When they retreat to repair the artifact for you, they said that it would take about a year, and now it will take about four months."

Qing Yuan thought for a while, and then replied to Li Zhe.

Hearing that, Li Zhe nodded slightly, and then whispered to the two of them: "Well, that's it, during this period of time, I will try this formation again. If it is really impossible to find a place to control the formation, I am giving up too."

Listening to Li Zhe's words, Qingyuan and Huang smiled slightly all day, and they naturally had no opinion on this.

Immediately, in order not to disturb Li Zhe, the two of them simply said, they went back to the sect.

At this time, Li Zhe had once again stood in front of the formation disk.

This array disc, in addition to being able to manipulate the flow of time, also has an array to adjust the intensity of spiritual power.

Now, the richness of this spiritual power is at a peak state.

Li Zhe frowned slightly, and murmured: "Could it be that the entire formation disk, except for the manipulation of the Hundred Island formation, other formations are used in that unknown place?"

While talking, Li Zhe tentatively adjusted the intensity of spiritual power to the minimum.

Sure enough, after the adjustments predicted by the tremor of the formation disk took effect, there was still no change on the entire island.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, standing in front of this formation disc, and for a while, he was plunged into a period of contemplation.

These places that can change the flow of time and the intensity of spiritual power are simply a perfect place for cultivation.

After all, everything is controllable, and for any monk, it is a dream cave location.

As for the formation in front of him, Rao Li Zhe had completely deciphered the formation rune on it and could easily control it.

But he also didn't have any clue about the location he controlled.

What Li Zhe didn't notice was that he was on this island with every operation.

In the deepest part of the East China Sea, the seabed turbulence that has been flowing silently is also accompanied by Li Zhe's operations. It is strong and weak, and slow at times!

The final direction of the turbulence is naturally the eye of the East China Sea!

"I did have a discovery."

While Li Zhe was thinking about whether to give up, a voice suddenly rang in Li Zhe's mind.

This is no one else, it is naturally a treasure fishing boy.

You know, Diaobao Boy, as a tool spirit, is completely condensed by spiritual power, and he is most sensitive to the circulation of spiritual power.

Immediately, Li Zhe's eyes lit up, and he repeatedly said, "Quickly talk about it, what have you found?"

"Every time you mobilize this formation, the formation trembles, it seems to be to cover up a breath, but the breath is fleeting, and I can't catch it."

The Diaobao Boy didn't appetite for Li Zhe, and soon told his findings.

Li Zhe squinted his eyes slightly after listening to the words of Diaobao Boy, but did not speak any more, but adjusted the time formation on the formation again.

Sure enough, at the moment when this formation took effect, accompanied by the tremor of the disc, vaguely, a breath seemed to pass away!

Li Zhe's eyes lit up slightly, and he hesitated for a while, his whole body suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of spiritual power spread out instantly, directly enclosing Li Zhe and the entire top of the mountain!

Then, Li Zhe's arm began to shake quickly, and runes flickered between Li Zhe's fingers at this time!

Li Zhe was preparing to use the technique of time forcibly, slowing down the flow of time around him, so that he could sense the fleeting breath more clearly.

Li Zhe's intuition told him that if this formation takes effect, it will inevitably cause feedback on where the target is. I am afraid that the breath comes from where the target is.

If he can understand the aura of the target location, maybe Li Zhe can find some clues.

With this in mind, Li Zhe's hand movements gradually accelerated.

The art of time he mastered now is just a fur.

He can slow down the flow of time by three times at the highest, and he can only maintain the time of nine breaths at the highest.

After the nine breath time, Li Zhe's spiritual power will be exhausted!

With such rapid consumption speed, even Li Zhe could not get enough spiritual power from the hairpin, so he only had this nine breath time!

In a blink of an eye, several hours passed, and the last rune in Li Zhe's hand was finally released at this moment.

In an instant, the surrounding air suddenly stagnated for a moment, and then returned to normal.

However, Li Zhe knew that his time technique had already taken effect, and he only had nine breaths in it!

Almost at the moment when the magic spell took effect, Li Zhe suddenly waved his hand, and the formation disc in front of him was quickly changed.

In just four or five breaths of time, Li Zhe changed the flow of time again.

Right now, the formation disc trembles suddenly, and then, the aura quietly appeared in this tremor!

Originally, the appearance of that breath was only a short period of time, and it was impossible to perceive it carefully.

But now, under Li Zhe's technique, the stagnation time of this breath has been forcibly dragged to about a breath!

Li Zhe finally felt the breath at this moment!

However, after clearly feeling the breath, Li Zhe's pupils suddenly contracted.

It was also at this time that Li Zhe's spiritual power was exhausted and his spells failed. He directly sat down on the ground, panting for breath.

And his face was full of that incredible look.

Li Zhe couldn't be more clear about the breath that had just disappeared.

The breath that just flashed was nothing else, it was the breath of the old world that Li Zhe had been thinking about and looking forward to returning!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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