"Does it have to break the formation..."

Li Zhe looked at the conspicuous Qingyan on the left and murmured.

The design of this formation is extremely ingenious, and the top of almost every Qingyan is exactly the same as the ground.

When Li Zhe looked down from above, it looked like a flat ground. Only when he fell below could he see his surroundings clearly.

Staying in place at the moment, Li Zhe looked around quietly, trying to find the key to breaking the formation.

Although it is still unclear what is going on here, Li Zhe is very clear about one thing, this place is probably a place of inheritance.

And only the place of inheritance is there such a complicated and non-harmful restriction.

If it were to be changed to another place, Li Zhe broke into it without authorization, I am afraid he would have already been attacked by his formation.

According to the current situation, this continent is rising very slowly, but it is estimated that it will be able to fly out of the sea within three days at most.

You don't need to think about it to know that this place of inheritance must have some kind of inheritance token.

Li Zhe just wanted to figure out what was going on before the inheritance was fully opened.

While Li Zhe was thinking about it, the Baobao Boy’s voice suddenly rang: "By the way, you can go to my former master’s cave house. I remember there is a stone monument with some important things carved on it."

Listening to the words of Diaobao Boy, Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in confusion, "Why didn't you tell me this thing before?"

"It's not an important thing, it's just that some of the legends and the like that he collected at that time felt important, and I didn't expect you to use it."

Diaobao Boy gave a wry smile and said helplessly to Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe also nodded slightly, directly as a flying body, and once again returned to the edge of the cliff above.

"You wait and see here, there will be no danger, but don't let anyone come near."

As soon as he came up, Li Zhe said loudly to the people of the Water Mansion who were waiting for him.

Listening to Li Zhe's words, all the palace masters responded repeatedly, and they were very convinced of Li Zhe's order.

Especially after hearing that there is no danger here, one by one lost the feeling of fear before.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly, and directly drove the escape light and galloped towards the place of the former master of the treasure fishing boy, Dongfu.

Li Zhe naturally remembered the location. After all, when Li Zhe fell into the sea, if there was no shelter from the Dong Mansion, I am afraid that Li Zhe would have been settled by the Water Mansion Lord of the Nascent Soul Realm.

At the same time, Zhongzhou Qingjia.

The backyard of the Qing family is a martial arts training ground, and the ground is naturally very flat.

In the past, only the outstanding younger generations of the Qing family were able to practice here, after all, what they cultivated was only one way, and it didn't require a too wide space.

And now, in this not-so-wide martial arts training ground, under Qing Yiqian's order, countless rocks of similar size have been moved, all about one person tall.

If you look closely, you can find that the layout here is very similar to the continent that Li Zhe had just landed on before!

At the same time, the most outstanding juniors of the Qing family were all called here, quietly waiting for Qing Yiqian's arrival.

Said to be juniors, but among these people, the strength is basically around the early stage of the Nascent Soul Stage.

From this, it can be seen that the current strength of the Qing family is indeed comparable to some small and medium sects.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Qing Yiqian also took a deep breath, looked at the crowd, and slowly asked, "Do you know what I called you to do today?"

Listening to Qing Yiqian's words, all three of them shook their heads, expressing puzzlement.

Upon seeing this, Qing Yiqian took a deep breath and said slowly: "Nowadays, there is a very important inheritance, and the participants will have the strongest family and sect in the continent. I want you to find a way to compete for certain resources in the inheritance."

After that, Qing Yiqian turned around and looked at the formation behind him.

"I know that you are not familiar with formations when you are waiting for specializing in strength, so I deliberately searched for the formations recorded by the ancestors and arranged them. You must memorize this formation, otherwise you will not be able to pass on. "

Qing Yiqian glanced at the crowd, then said slowly.

At the same time, the top power repair sects and aristocratic families on the entire continent are all carrying out similar arrangements.

At this time, Li Zhe had once again entered the cave of the former owner of the treasure fishing boy.

The formation of this close to the end of the world is there, and no one else has ever arrived in it.

After entering this place, Li Zhe quickly walked towards the back of the cave mansion according to what the Diaobao Boy said.

The entire cave is the same as before, with a decadent aura, after all, it has fallen into disrepair for a long time.

And Li Zhe also followed the guidance of the Diaobao Boy and walked all the way to the depths of the cave.

When Li Zhe arrived here, he was just resting in the hall, but he had never carefully inspected the entire cave.

Now that he walked in, he noticed that the entire Dongfu's design was extremely large.

It is also related to the former owner of the treasure fishing boy who likes to collect all kinds of objects and books, so he will design a lot of rooms.

Soon, Li Zhe came to the back of the cave, following the guidance of the treasure fishing boy.

At this moment, at the back of the cave, as soon as he entered, he could see a stone monument standing in the middle of the backyard.

On this stone stele, there are densely drawn dragon characters. Fortunately, Li Zhe was already familiar with these characters before, but now it is not complicated to read them through.

Just as the Diaobao Boy said, what Li Zhe saw on this stele was all legends and records from the East China Sea.

Li Zhe watched quietly, hoping to find the record of the land just now.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, about half an hour had passed.

During this half hour, Li Zhe had read hundreds of legends and inheritance information, but he still couldn't find relevant information.

It was at this moment that Li Zhe saw the record above.

This is an ancient legend.

Rumor has it that when the Hundred Islands were in their heyday, the dragons were also in a period when they were most oppressed by the human race.

During that period of time, the entire dragon race had almost become a vassal of the human race under the pressure of the human race.

In addition, within the human race, there are still people like dragon slayers. Many dragon races are also forced to be helpless and attached to some of the more powerful sects on the hundred islands.

And among these sects, there are many sects, all of which are specialized in strength.

After all, in the ancient times, with strong spiritual power, Lidao monks were able to obtain a unique environment for cultivation.

It was also at that time that the Human Race learned that within the Dragon Race, there is an inheritance. This inheritance is also one of the keys to the Dragon Race's unification of the Sea Race.

The so-called Dragon Soul Formation is actually equivalent to the Dragon Gate in Li Zhe's old world legend. As long as the ordinary sea tribe passes through, it can evolve into a dragon tribe.

With the expectation of becoming a class with the upper class, many sea tribes are willing to fall under the jurisdiction of the dragon tribe.

And this so-called dragon soul formation is actually an inheritance. According to legend, as long as it can successfully gain the favor of the dragon soul in the formation, it can obtain dragon soul possession.

Then by absorbing the soul body of this unique dragon soul to strengthen the body, the monster can be transformed into a dragon, and the human can also strengthen its body to a strong body comparable to the dragon!

It is precisely because of this that several Lixiu factions directly put pressure on the Dragon Clan at the same time, and finally let the Dragon Clan pass on this inheritance.

For this reason, it naturally attracted a lot of dissatisfaction from the sea people, but at the time of the fairy island at its peak, any sect out of the mountain could wipe out the entire East China Sea.

Those Sea Clan and Dragon Clan, naturally all dared not speak.

In the end, the Dragon Clan only made the formation entrance a little more complicated. At the beginning, it did prevent many sect disciples from entering.

But then, there was a master of formation that broke the formation, allowing the disciple to enter the inheritance.

It was also at that time that the strength of those strength-cultivating sects gradually became stronger, and they once occupied a dominant position among the hundreds of islands.

For this reason, many Li Xiu took the initiative to join them, so that the combat power of Hundred Islands once reached the peak state!

However, before long, Hundred Islands sank into the sea overnight and never saw them again.

Together with that inheritance, all disappeared.

This was also the reason why Li Xiu was scarce on the mainland since then, after all, the powerful Li Xiu sect at that time was basically on Hundred Islands.

Suddenly disappeared without leaving any inheritance. Without those high-end strength cultivation techniques, the decrease in strength cultivation is understandable.

At this moment, after reading these records, Li Zhe also let out a long sigh of relief.

He already had a rough judgment in his mind, that was the original Hundred Islands, which was born for the sake of the old world!

As for the subsequent sinking, it must be because of some changes in the middle that the person who established the formation had to do so.

At that time, the inheritance was with Hundred Islands, so it was not impossible to sink into the sea.

"As mentioned above, any creature, as long as it can complete all the inheritance, can be transformed into a dragon, is it true?"

At this time, Li Zhe touched his chin, and asked the Diaobao boy softly.

"I don't know the specifics, but the legends and inheritance above are those that he felt are more credible at the time, and they will be recorded here for preservation."

Diaobao Boy quickly responded to Li Zhe.

Hearing what the Diaobao Boy said, the corner of Li Zhe's mouth was slightly raised, and for a while, it seemed that something more interesting had been thought of.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: (ltnovel.com) The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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