Mi Xuan on the side asked Li Zhe eagerly when seeing his daughter's situation:


"Finally, there is nothing serious about it, but I still need to observe it, and I will need to help her consolidate her meridians in the future!"

Hearing Li Zhe’s words, Mi Xuan showed joy on her face. Niuniu seemed to have understood the conversation between Li Zhe and her mother, and asked:

"Uncle, is my illness cured, so I won't get sick again?"

Li Zhe smiled and said patiently:

"Yeah, my uncle helped you get rid of all the bad things in your body. Niuniu will never get sick again in the future, but now Niuniu's body is still very weak, so I can't go out and play around!"

When Niuniu heard that she couldn't go out and play around temporarily, her face was disappointed.

But when she thought that she would never fall ill and faint suddenly, and that she would no longer worry about her mother, she immediately became happy again.

Li Zhe and Mi Xuan looked at the happy Niuniu and both smiled with satisfaction.

Li Zhe is definitely going to live in this Mi Xuan villa tonight, so as to avoid any problems with the meridians repaired by the girl, he should be rescued in time. After stopping this night, Li Zhe’s spiritual power has just recovered. , You can once again help her nourish and consolidate the meridians.

At that time, there will be no problem even more, as long as you regularly input spiritual power to Niuniu, you will be completely fine when her meridians are completely restored!

The happy Niuniu hugged Li Zhe's neck and kissed Li Zhe on his cheek, but she pinched her nose and said with disgust:

"Uncle, you smell so bad!"

Li Zhe was immediately embarrassed.

Before, he drove a van to travel back and forth between Jiangcheng and the countryside. In his own field, he hugged Niuniu and ran with Mi Xuan on his back. He was sweating all over his body, and he just used spiritual energy to help Niuniu repair. The meridians are also worn out too much, and sweat is all over again, so it's strange that the body doesn't stink!

Mi Xuan on the side looked at Li Zhe's embarrassed appearance, and couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling, only to smell the sweat on his body.

It seems that there is still a man's smell... Mi Xuan naturally knows where this smell comes from, and he can't help but think of the previous scene, and his body is involuntarily restless.

Mi Xuan hurriedly walked over and picked up Niuniu and said, "You are not allowed to say that, uncle, but he saved you, you should take a shower too!"

After speaking, she hugged Niuniu and hurried to the bathroom, leaving Li Zhe alone in this room, staring at the air.


Sitting on the big tatami in this Mi Xuan room, Li Zhe was full of imagination.

Especially the previous scene where Mi Xuan dragged down her nightgown in front of him was a bit too glamorous, and Li Zhe was also shocked by her actions.

It's just that Li Zhe really didn't mind that kind of thing at the time, and Li Zhe also knew that Mi Xuan was eager to save her daughter, and he would not take advantage of others, but it would be a bit interesting between himself and Mi Xuan later.

At this moment, Mi Xuan was helping Niuniu in the bathroom, and her thoughts were messed up!

Her daring behavior before had scared her, if it wasn't for Niuniu who accidentally woke up, it is estimated that she and Li Zhe are already on the verge of presumptuousness!

And no matter how Mi Xuan forced herself not to be like what happened just now, those blushing scenes continued to appear before her eyes.

Even Mi Xuan thought that if Niuniu didn't wake up in time, the scene of what would happen between herself and Li Zhe could not help but make her face blush.

Mi Xuan also quickly helped Niuniu take a bath, and took her back to her room.

Niuniu just got out of danger, Mi Xuan was really worried and had to let her daughter sleep in her room at night.

Seeing Li Zhe still sitting there stupidly, Mi Xuan said blushingly:

"Hurry up and take a bath..."

Listening to Mi Xuan's misunderstanding, Li Zhe was a little moved, but he could only say in embarrassment:

"I... I didn't bring a change of clothes..."

Mi Xuan thought for a while, then said: "You wear my pajamas first!"

Mi Xuan has a lot of pajamas. In addition to the charming ones, there are also some neutral styles. Besides, no one sees them in the villa anyway. Li Zhe thought about it and agreed.

Mi Xuan walked straight to the closet, trying to find a pajama to wear for Li Zhe, but when he opened the closet, both of them were embarrassed.

In addition to various styles of pajamas, there are many colorful interiors in the huge wardrobe!

"Sister Xuan has so many clothes..." Li Zhe sighed inwardly.

However, after the subtle changes in the relationship between the two just now, Mi Xuan didn't have that much scruples.

She directly stretched out her hand and began to look for it among the colorful flowers. After a while, she found a suitable neutral pajama for Li Zhe.

Li Zhe took his pajamas and walked into the bathroom. As for the contents, he could only not change them.

On the pajamas in his hand, there is also the unique rich fragrance of Mi Xuan's body, which constantly rushes into the nasal cavity and is a bit seductive.

When Li Zhe finished washing, Mi Xuan was already waiting outside, ready to go in for a bath.

After a night of tossing, Mi Xuan was also dripping with sweat, especially when he had just experienced a scene of red heartbeat, and his whole body was stained with a lot of Hormon.

Li Zhe looked at Qiaoshengsheng Mi Xuan standing outside the bathroom door, still in the hollow printed nightgown, proud of the mountains...Under the black Leis pajamas are a pair of snow-white slender legs, still bare feet.

After just taking a shower, he actually felt a flame in his heart coming out again, thinking that Mi Xuan did not resist his behavior just now. He was actually a ghost, and boldly stretched out his hand to hold Mi Xuan's show. , Pulled her closer to the bathroom!

The two stood facing each other like this, the breath between them was on each other's face.

Mi Xuan was also shocked by Li Zhe's sudden action, but she immediately understood what Li Zhe meant.

Long staying alone in the vacant room also made her feel extremely empty, but because of Niuniu, she never accepted other men until Li Zhe broke into her sight.

This young man seemed to have a unique charm, which made Mi Xuan involuntarily want to approach him.

Especially after several unexpected charms between the two of them, the sense of emptiness in Mi Xuan's heart was magnified countless times, and it was almost a good thing that the two of them were doing a lot of work before.

At this time, Li Zhe took the initiative to attack, but Mi Xuan could not find a reason to resist. He could only sneer:

"Niu Niu is still in the room..."

When Li Zhe saw that there was a play, he immediately said pretendingly:

"Before you said, give me whatever I want~~"

What Li Zhe was talking about was that Mi Xuan did not hesitate to ask for himself at the expense of his body in order for Li Zhe to save his daughter.

It's just that the situation was urgent at the time, and Li Zhe didn't even care about it.

Mi Xuan did not expect that Li Zhe would actually come out to say something. Knowing that Li Zhe was doing bad things on purpose, he did not resist. Instead, he slightly lifted his bare jade feet, bent backwards and hooked them lightly. The translucent frosted glass door of the bathroom.

With a little more force, the bathroom door was closed from the inside, making a slight bang.

After a few minutes.

"No, Niuniu is still outside..."

Li Zhe was speechless.

It has been warming up for a few minutes, and you say no when you hang up and down in mid-air. Isn't it a death?

But looking at the resolute look on Mi Xuan's face, Li Zhe knew that there would be nothing to play next.

And Niuniu is really worried about being outside alone. Now she hasn't completely passed the dangerous period. If there is a sudden emergency, but she comes to work in the bathroom, then Li Zhe can't shirk the blame.

Li Zhe also had no choice but to withdraw his hands. Mi Xuan looked at Li Zhe with a disappointed face, and felt a little sorry for Li Zhe. He stood on tiptoe and printed red lips on Li Zhe's mouth.

Let Li Zhe enjoy it, Mi Xuancai pushed and pulled Li Zhe out of the bathroom.

Mi Xuan takes a shower in the bathroom.

Li Zhe had no choice but to return to Mi Xuan's room, taking advantage of this time to recover the aura in his body, and also take the opportunity to quench the fire, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable!

Niuniu, who was lying on the tatami, looked at Li Zhe innocently and asked:

"Uncle, what game did you play with mom just now? You teach me that I want to play too!"

Li Zhe was overwhelmed at once, and the children's memory is really good.

Li Zhe thought she had forgotten it after this while, and she didn't know how to explain it, so she touched her nose awkwardly and said:

"This game can only be played by adults, not children!"

Niuniu suddenly showed a disappointed look after hearing this...

After speaking, Li Zhe quickly began to recover his spiritual power, pretending to be very serious, and telling Niuniu not to disturb herself, otherwise, Li Zhe was really afraid that the children would get up to the bottom of the question, and kept asking himself and Mi Xuan. What should I explain to myself just playing on the tatami?

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Mi Xuan to come out of the bathroom, and Li Zhe's eyes lit up when Mi Xuan returned to the room.

The pajamas worn by Mi Xuan are more attractive than the hollow print before. The top is a pure white silk sling tube top, the bottom hem can cover the position of the belly button, tightly holding her proud capital.

Especially the dark purple sling that extends from the opening of the tube top has been strangled from the collarbone to the shoulder, creating a beautiful curve. Purple and pure white form a sharp contrast.

Below is a short skirt, which is also a bit worthy of this, and then two straight and slender legs are more unscrupulously exposed in Li Zhe's eyes. The missing hair was draped over the shoulders and the mature and delicate face was full of charm, which made Li Zhe unable to look away.

Mi Xuan looked at Li Zhe's appearance and was very satisfied.

She was the dress that Chen Lizhe chose specially when she was in the bath...

Although there was a flame in Li Zhe's heart gradually igniting, he also knew that Niuniu was a supervisor next to him. He couldn't do anything at all, he could only secretly hurt himself.

But immediately, he remembered an important thing that made him very curious!

That is Niuniu, a child's body, why is there such a strange spiritual power in the body?

Last time, Li Zhe also learned of the existence of the Guwu World through the leader of the Guoan Team next to the State Banquet Chef Wei Lao. This is a mysterious and vast world, a world that only ancient warriors know...

The so-called ancient warriors are the few people who break through the physical limits of ordinary people and can perceive aura and transform it into a few people!

According to the standard, Li Zhe is now naturally considered one of the ancient warriors.

However, if it weren't for the mysterious Yujing Bottle by chance, I'm afraid he wouldn't have had the chance to touch this mysterious ancient martial world at all.

This is a "their world" hidden from the mundane!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: (ltnovel.com) After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literature updates in my pens are the fastest.

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