Looking at the silver condensed gold and iron released by Li Zhe below, the upper halal person who had just emerged from the water of the Stygian River constricted slightly.

In an instant, he directly raised his hand and pointed at Li Zhe, and a causal aura lingered away for a moment.

Immediately, an unspeakable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"what's happenin?"

Seeing the expression of the Shang halal man, Shang Ling asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, the Shangqing real person smiled and pointed to Li Zhe below, and said slowly: "That kid, is the one who robbed the Zhongshan Society!"

As soon as these words came out, both Shangling and Shangyun were taken aback, and then a touch of joy appeared on their faces.

In this way, they can say that this task was successfully completed!

"Hmph, I thought that your kid didn't dare to come back. It turned out that you entered the power of death and life early."

The real person Shangyun flashed away, fell on the side of Li Zhe who was **** by the dust, and said with a light smile.

The real person Shangling also snorted coldly, and said: "Provoke me to the fairy mountain gate, you are destined to have no good results, and your defense should soon dissipate.

At this moment, everyone also clearly felt that the whisk seemed to become tighter, and the body had begun to feel a little discomfort.

In fact, it's not that the binding of the whiskers has tightened, but the strength of the silver, gold and iron on them has become increasingly weak!

If it were only used on Li Zhe alone, this silver condensed gold iron would be able to last a very long time.

But now, the power of the silver condensed gold and iron is used on these people, although the power of the silver condensed gold and iron will not be weakened, but the duration can only last for five minutes!

In this blink of an eye, two minutes have passed, and the power of silver condensing gold and iron has naturally become extremely weak.

Li Zhe sat there, quietly looking at the three real people in front of him, but he didn't bother to say a word.

He was very clear that now, in the face of this absolute power gap, everyone no longer has any bargaining chips.

And the other party also knew that Li Zhe's power would dissipate sooner or later, so no one seemed anxious.

Instead, they all looked at Li Zhe with anticipation, waiting for the moment when the silver, gold, and iron power dissipated!

Qingyuan's hand, at this moment, quietly pinched Li Zhe's palm.

She didn't have any fear. Under these circumstances, she died with Li Zhe, although it was helpless, but Qingyuan did not have any complaints.

Li Zhe smiled bitterly as he felt Qing Yuan's palm clinging up, then turned his head, glanced at Qing Yuan, and then took a deep breath, squeezing Qing Yuan's soft palm heavily.

And it was a quarter of an hour ago, where the fairy mountain gate was.

The location of this fairy mountain gate is a secret in the entire cultivation world, and no one knows the specific location of its sect.

It's just that people who know the fairy mountain gate occasionally go out, and its sect power is also extremely powerful.

Therefore, no one dared to really explore the secrets of this fairy mountain gate. Those who had the guts to explore, basically had no news.

However, the location of this mountain gate is not any secret to Dao Hai, who was once the master of this fairy mountain gate pavilion.

At this moment, Dao Hai stood in front of this fairy mountain gate, his expression a little hesitant.

He knew very well that if he didn't want to return, even if this fairy mountain gate found him, he would not forcefully bring it back, let alone do anything to himself.

However, thinking of the appearance of Li Zhe, Dao Hai took a long breath and then sighed.

"I can only... help you this last time."

Dao Hai took a deep breath, sighed, and murmured.

While speaking, Dao Hai continued to take a step forward, stepping in front of this fairy mountain gate array.

The moment the footsteps fell, there was a gentle wave of sound.

Immediately afterwards, a disciple dressed in the clothes of a disciple of the fairy mountain gate appeared in front of the mountain gate.

"Who came from?"

The moment this disciple appeared, he shouted loudly, and he already pinched his magic weapon in his hand.

The attitude of the Fairy Mountain Gate towards outsiders has always been to kill them all and never let this position be exposed.

Therefore, as long as you confirm that you come from time to time, this disciple will kill him without hesitation!

"Go, let Senior Brother Qianjie come to see me."

Dao Hai looked at the disciple in front of him and said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, this disciple was stunned for a moment. He naturally knew the name of Thousand Realms, and he was the head of the Xianling Mountain Sect today!

Moreover, the real person of Thousand Realms has never appeared in the outside world, and the person who can know this name must be the person of the same school.

Listening to Dao Hai's words, this disciple blinked in confusion, only to feel that Dao Hai in front of him seemed a little familiar, but he couldn't recognize it.

It was at this moment that Dao Hai's hand flashed a light, and a token appeared directly in his hand.

After that, he held this token and raised his head to this disciple.

Seeing the token that Dao Hai took out, the disciple's eyes straightened instantly, and his face was full of incredible expressions.

Dao Hai looked at him indifferently, without saying a word.

"Dao... Pavilion Master Daohai?"

The disciple swallowed his saliva and tentatively shouted at Dao Hai.

Dao Hai faintly responded, and then said slowly: "Go, call Senior Brother Qianjie."

Hearing Daohai's words, this disciple immediately nodded and flew away directly into the sect.

Time slowly passed, and after a stick of incense time passed, a surge of spiritual force surged in front of this mountain gate.

Feeling the pressure, Dao Hai's face turned pale, and then he whispered: "Brother, you also know that my current cultivation level cannot withstand your pressure."


Daohai's voice fell, and a burst of laughter came out.

Immediately afterwards, a figure in front of Dao Hai stepped out of the void and stood in front of Dao Hai.

This is a man who looks thirty or forty years old, wearing a fancy dress, looks extremely majestic.

This person is naturally the head of the Immortal Mountain Sect today, the real person of the Thousand Realms.

"I was a brother at the beginning, but you didn't come back several times after doing it yourself. Have you figured it out?"

This Thousand Realms real person looked at Dao Hai and asked slowly.

Hearing that, Dao Hai took a deep breath, and Dang even said softly: "I can come back, but there is one condition."

Hearing Daohai's words, the real person of Thousand Realms raised his brows and asked in confusion, "What conditions?"

"Release the group of people who killed Shangming."

Dao Hai looked at Thousand Realms and said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the real person of Thousand Realms slowly frowned, and took a close look at Dao Hai.

"This incident shocked the ancestor Zikong. The ancestor personally commanded the lower realms. You let me let them go?"

The real person of Thousand Realms looked at Dao Hai and said in a deep voice.

Dao Hai's expression was indifferent, he was very clear that such things would inevitably alarm the ancestors, but Li Zhe and others had to save him!

"I know, but this is the only condition for my return. If I don't follow, I won't return."

Dao Hai looked at Qianjie and said slowly.

As soon as this statement came out, the real person of Thousand Realms frowned slowly, and said solemnly, "Those people... are so important to you?"

"Very important."

Dao Hai nodded and said solemnly.

At this moment, the true person of the Thousand Realms stopped talking, just staring at Dao Hai's eyes.

And Dao Hai also stood quietly on the spot, staring at the other party without saying a word.

Time is passing slowly under this situation.

Kun Yunzong.

At this moment, within the originally peaceful Kunyun Sect, there was already a slightly heavy inhalation.

Those disciples who were formerly nine-legged were all breathing heavily at this moment.

Although they are the strength cultivation of the Nascent Soul Realm, but now, under the shackles of the dust, they already feel that their bodies are almost unable to bear it!

Fortunately, Huang Yitian was in the package of everyone, yet he did not feel much pressure at this moment.

Otherwise, Huang Yitian in this state might not even have any resistance.

"You guys, do you have any last words? Hurry up, I see, you seem to be unable to support it."

The real person Shangling pinched the handle of the whisk, looked at Li Zhe and everyone, and said slowly.

At this moment, the strength of the silver, gold and iron on Li Zhe's bodies has gradually dissipated, and the almost dazzling light at the beginning also gradually dimmed at this moment.

"If I expected it to be good, you will release us soon."

Li Zhe let out a long sigh of relief, raised his head, looked at the real person Shangling, and said calmly.

Originally, Li Zhe didn't intend to talk about it before Dao Hai really succeeded in saving them, but now, seeing that the nine best people are about to give up, Li Zhe has to say it and give them some hope.

As soon as this remark came out, even Qing Yuan was stunned, let alone someone else.

And the three real people were a little stupefied, and burst into laughter, as if they had heard something interesting.

"Hahaha...what? I don't even dare to face death. Before I die, do I have to wait for my mercy?"

The real person Shangyun laughed loudest, and asked Li Zhe and others with a smile.

Li Zhe did not reply, but looked at him coldly.

I have to say that Li Zhe's encouragement did play a role, and the rest of the people also began to resist again at this time.

"Boy, do you know how big a mistake you have done? You dare to think that I will wait..."

The real Shangling also snorted coldly, and said solemnly to Li Zhe.

However, the Voice of Words just said that within Kunyun Sect, a gap in space suddenly opened, and a jade talisman also flew out instantly, hovering straight in front of the three of them.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe's eyes lighted up slightly, and he was completely relieved. He knew that Dao Hai did it!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: (ltnovel.com) The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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