After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1936: Follow the spy

At this moment, at the formation outside the palace, the two Golden Core Realm demon cultivators had already passed through the formation and headed towards the palace.

Judging from the dressing of the two of them, one can know that they are the deacons of the beast cities outside.

However, the expressions of both of them seemed a little urgent.

Without exception, these two are all spies of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom who have mixed into this Ten Thousand Beast Kingdom!

Within this palace, there are several agents of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom. According to the rules, they need to provide information to the agents scattered everywhere every month, and then let them return the information to the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

However, now, there has been no news for two consecutive months. The two had no choice but to find a starting point to see what was going on.

At the same time, in the prison courtyard halfway up the mountain.

Li Zhe took a deep breath and slowly stood up from his room, a light flashed in his hands, and a spiritual grass had fallen into his hands.

This spirit grass is not something on this island, but the same in the monthly offering given by Donghua Sect.

On this island, the spirit grass in Li Zhe's hands can already be regarded as the top.

Li Zhe held the spirit grass at the moment, walked out of the small courtyard, reached the gate of the courtyard where the warden was, and knocked gently on the door.

In an instant, the gate of the courtyard opened, and the warden was standing in the courtyard and asked Li Zhe, "Is there anything wrong?"

Hearing this, Li Zhe just smiled, pretending to look around, then stepped into the courtyard and quickly closed the courtyard door.

"What's the matter, you are mysterious."

The warden frowned, looked at Li Zhe's appearance, and said slowly.

Hearing this, Li Zhe smiled slightly, and directly raised his hand to take out the spiritual grass.

"Warden, I just discovered this spirit grass outside the hospital. It doesn't seem to be planted in that medicine garden. I also saw that there was no one around, so I took it off and didn't dare to hide it. coming."

Li Zhe gave a light cough, this was the spirit grass in his hand and said loudly.

"You kid, you know that this spiritual grass garden is over the palace..."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the warden stared at him and was about to scold Li Zhe, but when he saw the spirit grass in Li Zhe's hand, the words stopped instantly.

In an instant, a spirit power gushed out of him, took the spirit grass in Li Zhe's hand, and swayed in front of him for a long time.

After a long while, he turned his head and asked Li Zhe carefully: "Boy, are you sure no one saw it when you picked this spirit grass?"

"Don't worry, my cultivation level can still be noticed, and the soil where the spirit grass grows has been filled up by me, and there will be no traces!"

Immediately, Li Zhe vowed to the warden.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the warden nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Li Zhe with a smile: "Yes, you are smart!"

"Hey, warden, don't worry, I will do everything right."

Li Zhe also smiled slightly and said.

Obviously, the warden got the rare spirit grass, and he couldn't wait. He said directly to Li Zhe, "Okay, I'll take note of this. You go back first. The benefits are indispensable for you!"

Li Zhe also replied immediately, turned around, took the courtyard door and went back.

Li Zhe was very clear that it would not be a short while before the warden wanted to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm. If he would get this spirit grass, he would definitely enter the cultivation state immediately.

In this way, Li Zhe naturally had time to go to the palace.

Sure enough, Li Zhe had just returned to the small courtyard, and the warden had already begun to enter the state of cultivation.

Immediately, Li Zhe instantly removed the armor made by the fishing rod and put on the purple spirit jade suit again.

After a flash of his figure, he galloped straight toward the palace.

This is the fifth time that Li Zhe has reached the edge of the wall where the palace is located after the palace is closed.

Although Li Zhe possessed such a magical weapon that could break the formation silently like the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword.

However, this palace wall is extremely high, Li Zhe needs to fly into the air to break through the formation, but in that case, his figure is too obvious.

He couldn't confirm whether there would be any powerful demon cultivators behind the city wall, so he still couldn't get in.

But now, Li Zhe can no longer manage so much, after all, the time is there.

Anyway, he has that token, he can mobilize the formation on the island at any time, and directly teleport himself out instantly.

Therefore, Li Zhe also intends to make this last attempt.

However, at the moment when Li Zhe's figure was about to fly into the formation, he suddenly felt that two demon cultivators were approaching quickly not far away!

Li Zhe's eyebrows condensed slightly, and his figure instantly entered a state of concealment.

The two demon cultivators who rushed over were naturally the two spies, and soon they approached a city gate here.

Seeing that there was no one standing outside the city gate, and the gate was closed tightly, the two looked at each other, both of them saw a touch of alertness in each other's eyes.

"Master Shoucheng can be here? Deacon Yuejin in West Beast City and Deacon Guangyuan in Southern Beast City have something to do!"

Immediately, one of the demon cultivators stood at the gate of the city and shouted into it.

After the demon repair voice fell, the outside of the city gate fell into silence again.

After a while, a demon cultivator above the city gate showed his forehead and said loudly to the two of them: "The imperial palace is now strictly forbidden, what is the matter with you two, come after the imperial palace is opened!"

"My two found traces of spies in the Beast City, but those spies are so powerful that I am unable to find and capture them, so I come to the palace for help!"

At this time, the other demon cultivator held his fist and bowed to the demon cultivator who defended the city, and shouted respectfully.

Hearing this, the demon above the city's eyebrows condensed, and then he said loudly: "You two wait a moment!"

After all, he jumped off the top of the city again.

It didn't take long for the city gate to slowly open a gap, and the voice of the demon cultivator who defended the city came from inside: "Come in."

Hearing this, the two looked at each other, and both looked happy, and quickly walked in.

Behind the two of them, there is a black shadow that seems to be there. There are three people, no one can detect the existence of this black shadow!

This shadow is naturally Li Zhe who sneaked into this palace for the second time!

Only after entering this time, Li Zhe was not eager to sneak in. Instead, he clung to the city wall and stood in a shadow not far from the three.

Li Zhe is very clear that the traces of his last soul search have not been erased. If someone in this palace understands this soul search method, he will definitely be able to detect that he was playing the idea of ​​calling the Dao.

Therefore, Li Zhe was not eager to enter the search for the Dao, but was ready to stay where he was, intending to see if the three of them would tell him some useful information.

"Dare to ask your lord, what happened in this palace? How can the defense be so tight?"

The demon Xiu Yuejin who spoke at the beginning asked respectfully at this moment.

Hearing this, the slender demon sighed, and then said slowly: "A spy has been infiltrated in the imperial palace, but he dared to call out the idea of ​​the clan. The demon emperor is furious. It has been in this state."

As soon as the demon cultivator said that he wanted to catch the spy, Yue Jin and the dark color of Guangyuan both quietly changed at this moment.

It's just that the changes in the expressions of the two are extremely subtle, but the demon cultivator who guards the city has not noticed.

However, all of this was seen by Li Zhe who was waiting for the news.

In an instant, Li Zhe's eyes narrowed slightly, and his instinct told him that these two demon cultivators... seemed to be spies too!

"There is an order in the palace. It is reasonable to say that you should not be allowed in. But since you are also arresting spies, I will make an exception."

At this time, the demon cultivator turned around and said: "You two should go to the minister to report. I have to stay here and can't take you there."

"Don't worry, it's not the first time for the two of me to come to the palace. I still know the way."

Hearing this, a hint of joy flashed across Yuejin's face, and said respectfully to the demon Xiu.

Hearing that, this demon cultivator waved his hand at the two, motioning for them to leave.

Immediately, the two demon cultivators moved quickly towards the palace, but no one noticed that Li Zhe had quietly followed them behind!

Now because of martial law, there are no guards patrolling in the entire palace.

The main reason is that all the ministers in the palace are composed of important ethnic groups in the kingdom of ten thousand beasts, so it is impossible for spies to penetrate them.

The remaining ones who can walk freely in the palace are the various monster soldier races, so these races are now restricted to the ethnic group and cannot easily go out.

As for the demon emperor, he is also carrying a group of ministers, inspecting and inquiring one by one, trying to find the existence of the spy.

After all, the strength of the Demon Emperor was there, and it was impossible for anyone to lie in front of him.

It's just that this inquiry started from the lowest level of the monster soldier, after all, the lower the level, the better the penetration.

And the total number of monster soldiers of each race is tens of thousands!

Therefore, two months have passed, and the demon soldier's interrogation has only completed 80%.

But for this reason, the entire palace is now in a state of being empty, and even the demon emperor’s divine sense inspections are gone every moment!

And after the two demon repairs entered, the familiar one began to move forward quickly.

However, Li Zhe was keenly aware that the route they were taking was not the center of the palace, but the side of the palace!

After all, Li Zhe had searched the memory of a demon soldier before.

Therefore, he knew very clearly that this route forward was the direction to the resident of the iron-clad lizard clan!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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