After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1943: Kill the truth

Hearing what the other party said, Li Zhe didn't have too many surprises.

After all, this monster clan would not be able to push harder against people with stronger strengths, and being persuaded by him to retreat was also within Li Zhe's expectation.

Immediately, this person also waved his hand, and the immortal power in his body instantly overflowed, rushing to those prisons.

In an instant, the formation that had been dispersed was restored under the restoration of this immortal power, but the formation that isolated the spiritual power did not recover again.

In this way, the prisoners held here would not die out because of lack of spiritual power.

"Well, this way, no one will bother me. Find a place and have a good chat."

After doing all this, this person raised his head and said slowly to Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly. This was a step forward, leading the man towards the jailer's room.

Soon after arriving at the jailer's room, Li Zhe lowered his body and injected a spiritual power into the jailer who was in a coma.

In an instant, the jailer woke up suddenly and looked at Li Zhe in surprise.

"Go away, don't enter this place again."

Li Zhe looked at each other and said softly.

At this moment, Li Zhe's mid-Nastal Infant Realm's coercion was released without concealment.

The jailer was stunned. Although he didn't know what was going on right now, he nodded instantly, got up, and ran towards the passageway above the prison.

Immediately, in the entire jailer's room, there were only Li Zhe left.

"You can call me Qingyunzi. As for my identity, you should know it."

Qing Yunzi glanced at Li Zhe, then said softly.

Hearing Qing Yunzi's words, Li Zhe took a breath, nodded, and then said softly: "Tell me first, why are you here."

Qing Yunzi obviously guessed that Li Zhe would ask this question, but he spoke slowly on the face.

It turned out that Qingyunzi accidentally sensed a strange spatial fluctuation while practicing in the upper realm.

Out of curiosity, Qing Yunzi leaned toward the spatial fluctuation.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he approached that area, his entire body was directly involved in the fluctuation by a force that he could not resist.

When he woke up, he was already here, but at that time, all the celestial power in his body was exhausted.

After that, he was discovered by the demon emperor who came to feel the abnormality.

At first, the demon emperor thought he was a spy from the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, but no matter what method he used, he couldn't hurt him at all.

He didn't bother to explain anything to the other party, after all, the other party had no power and could not help him.

Therefore, in the end, the demon emperor determined what secret this person was carrying and put him in this prison.

He didn't mind too much. He just felt that his brother would not care about his disappearance. At most, in tens of thousands of years, someone would find this place and rescue him.

But what I didn't expect was that before that, I met Li Zhe first.

"The reason for your lower realm is simple..."

After listening to the other party's narration, Li Zhe twitched his mouth and said helplessly.

Qing Yunzi shrugged and said calmly, "I don't have to lie to you about this matter."

"Then...what does the upper bound look like?"

Li Zhe hesitated, then he continued to ask the other party.

However, Qing Yunzi waved his hand at this moment and said softly: "Unspeakable, if you hear about it, you will no longer be able to break through the upper realm in this life."

Upon hearing this, Li Zhe frowned slightly, and asked in confusion, "Why? I know the upper realm and I break into the upper realm. Shouldn't they be two different things?"

"Some things are not accessible to your current cultivation base, and I don't know how to explain it to you."

Qing Yunzi shook his head and responded.

Hearing what the other party said, Li Zhe was stunned. This feeling was like an exchange between him and Dao Hai.

After a long while, Li Zhe gave a wry smile, as he gave up and discussed the matter with the other party.

"Well, you said you want to help my sword break through to the realm of killing the real weapon. This can be done, right?"

Immediately, Li Zhe said slowly to the other party.

Hearing this, Qing Yunzi nodded, and said in response: "Yes, but I need more fairy power. You can't do the things you gave me."


Li Zhe took a deep breath, nodded, and said solemnly: "But this will take some time. It's just my sword. I'm afraid it won't be able to support it until that time."

While talking, Li Zhe flashed a light in his hand, and Li Zhe took out the magic-devouring spirit sword in an instant.

Qing Yunzi raised his hand slightly and directly took the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword.

Then the palm of his hand was raised instantly, and several very obscure runes were drawn in midair.

The moment these runes were condensed, they fell directly on the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword.

The Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, which is not close to any spiritual power, now does not resist the fall of this rune at all, allowing the rune to fall into the sword.

"Well, within a hundred days, your sword won't have any problems."

After doing all this, Qing Yunzi handed the sword back to Li Zhe again and said softly.

Hearing what the other party said, Li Zhe also nodded slightly. With the other's cultivation base, this matter should not deceive himself.

Immediately, he raised his hand, and the immortal power that had just been restored under the power of the life spirit branch once again seeped out and passed into the opponent's body.

In an instant, Qing Yunzi's clothes all floated up slightly.

Although his whole person did not seem to have changed much, his eyes became more and more profound.

"Next, about ten days or so will give you a fairy power."

Li Zhe took a deep breath and spoke slowly to the other party.

Hearing this, Qing Yunzi also glanced at Li Zhe expectantly and nodded.

As long as there is enough immortal power, Qingyunzi will naturally be able to break away from the shackles of this realm with the help of strength, and return to the upper realm again.

Therefore, helping Li Zhe is actually helping himself.

At this moment, after exhausting that celestial power again, Li Zhe sat down cross-legged directly, entered the jade bottle space directly, and entered the state of cultivation.

The ten days in the outside world are naturally equivalent to the hundred days in the jade bottle space.

It would be possible to restore a fairy power in a hundred days.

Time passed slowly, as Li Zhe said, every ten days, Li Zhe would transmit a celestial force to Qingyunzi's body.

In a blink of an eye, a full seventy days have passed.

Qing Yunzi now looks full, and he has enough fairy power in his body.

The immortal power that Li Zhe gave him is naturally impossible to restore him to the peak state, after all, Li Zhe has too little immortal power.

However, the immortal power he gathered right now was enough to help the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword to break through and to return to the upper realm.

"Enough, no need to continue."

It was after the immortal power was injected into his body this time, Qing Yunzi took a deep breath and said slowly.

Hearing this, Li Zhe also smiled and nodded instantly.

Only at this time, Qing Yunzi's complexion gradually became serious.

"If you want your sword to successfully break through, you, as the sword master, also need to cooperate. In this process, you are very likely to be in danger of life."

Qing Yunzi looked at Li Zhe and said in a deep voice.


Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, and he gave a dubious hum. He was not very clear about the danger of his own sword breakthrough and his life.

Seeing this, Qing Yunzi frowned, but after thinking about it, Li Zhe should have been ignorant of the process, and even said slowly.

Just as Deng Xuanqi said, the most critical point for this magic-devouring spirit sword to break through to the stage of killing the real weapon is whether the sword spirit can master the way of killing.

However, Qing Yunzi's method was unable to let the sword spirit directly master the way of killing.

His method is to let Li Zhe replace the sword spirit himself to master the way of killing!

Essentially speaking, the sword master and the sword spirit are one body. If you want to drive the killing tool, you also need Li Zhe to have a certain talent in the big way.

What he has to do is to set up an illusion and introduce Li Zhe and Sword Spirit into it at the same time.

The sword spirit is used as an eye, responsible for introducing the breakthrough realm into the fantasy realm.

Then Li Zhe wanted to replace the sword spirit to endure the various situations of breaking through the road.

As a spirit body, even if the breakthrough fails, the sword spirit will not have any problems.

However, Li Zhe is a monk who directly touches the Dao of Heaven and Earth in the body of a monk, and is one of the most powerful Dao, killing the true Dao.

If successful, both Jian and Li Zhe will have great benefits.

But if he fails, Li Zhe will be in the way of killing, and will eventually be swallowed by the way of killing, and he will die!

"Am I clear enough?"

After the explanation was clear, Qing Yunzi slowly said to Li Zhe: "It's up to you whether you want to continue. If you don't want to take this risk, then forget it."

Hearing what the other party said, Li Zhe also took a deep breath and fell into contemplation.

After a long while, Li Zhe slowly pulled out the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand, and after watching it carefully for a long while, his eyes gradually became firmer.

"I'm willing to give this matter a try, please start."

Finally, Li Zhe slowly stood up and said solemnly to Qing Yunzi.

Hearing Li Zhe’s words, Qing Yunzi glanced at Li Zhe with interest, and then said with a faint smile: "Okay, before you remember one thing, you were in that illusion for only a hundred days. Time, once a hundred days have passed, if you can no longer control the True Path of Killing, you will be assimilated by the True Path and eventually submerged in that path."

After speaking, Qing Yunzi raised his hand and pulled it, and took the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword into his hand.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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