After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1947: Qing Yunzi shot

The three lines of law at this moment have gradually penetrated the scarlet power outside Li Zhe.

In the end, Li Zhe's power is not the real power of great power, and naturally he cannot support too much.

At the same time, the crystal-like feathers on the Demon Emperor suddenly lit up.

As the luster lit up, the sky above his head suddenly darkened, turning into a starry sky.

In the entire sky, only one piece was transformed into a star, and it did not look abrupt, but had a strange beauty.

At the same time, the stars in the sky instantly reflected a burst of turbulent light, and shot straight towards the body of the demon emperor.

Almost the moment the light fell on the feathers, it refracted in an instant and fell on Li Zhe's body.

In an instant, Li Zhe's body burst into a burst of smoke, that is, the purple spirit jade clothing, which could not withstand the burning of such power, and cracks began to appear.

Moreover, Zi Ling Yuyi had already split a big hole because of the previous blow of the Demon Emperor, and his battle method was incomplete, and he could not share any damage for Li Zhe.

Fortunately, Li Zhe in this state does not feel any pain, but is bound by the law and cannot leave the place.

"Is there a strong self-healing ability? Then try the power of the stars, completely shatter and crystallize your physical body, I see how you can recover!"

The Demon Emperor looked at Li Zhe and said coldly.

At this moment, the location of Li Zhe's injury was accompanied by being burned, not scorched, but under the starlight, it was burned into crystals!

In this way, there is no missing part of the body, the crystal is also a part of Li Zhe's body, and that powerful self-healing ability can no longer be used at this time!

At this moment, Li Zhe's body is firmly locked by the three law lines, and all the expanded scarlet power has been suppressed back to Li Zhe's body surface, forcibly resisting the power of the three laws, and not letting that power hurt Li. Zhe's body.

However, Li Zhe's own actions were completely blocked. It seems that Li Zhe is now completely dead, and he can only wait to die.

At this moment, Li Zhe's eyes suddenly flashed a scarlet color, and the face without any expression from beginning to end also showed a light smile at this moment.

Seeing Li Zhe's sudden smile, the demon emperor was slightly startled, and vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"All the relationships in the world, in essence, are hunters and prey... and patient hunters will always lay many traps."

Li Zhe lowered his head, muttering in a low voice what the sword spirit said in the illusion.

It was the moment when the words fell, Li Zhe's hand holding the sword suddenly squeezed, and the red light on the magic-devouring spirit sword suddenly flashed at this moment.

Along with the red light flashing, in an instant, a little red light suddenly appeared on the demon emperor's body!

The demon emperor was shocked, and suddenly reacted, that was the trace left on his body when Li Zhe was fighting with him!

Only at this time, he was too late to react!

From the time when the two were fighting, Li Zhe's goal was never to be able to kill the demon emperor.

The only reason for the continuous high-intensity battle with the opponent is to inject the killing energy into the opponent's body!

Although the crystalline feathers on the body of the demon emperor are extremely defensive and have great functionality, they lack the most important point, perception!

After such a long time, those killing powers have penetrated the crystalline feathers and reached the body of the demon emperor!

Although Li Zhe said that now, under the influence of that killing avenue, he has lost his reason.

But in terms of combat, it has far surpassed Li Zhe himself!

At this moment, under Li Zhe's control, those red lights burst out instantly, and the starlight that kept refracting on his body instantly dissipated.

The whole body of that Demon Emperor also began to tremble suddenly.

In this moment, the feathers all over his body had turned into a blood-red color, which was the light reflected by the killing power in his body.


It was at this moment that Li Zhe suddenly yelled.

The blood-red light instantly revealed the demon emperor's body, swelling suddenly, and directly turned into a dazzling red light, directly enclosing the demon emperor in it!

"Demon Emperor!"

In an instant, the three daoists were also unable to continue to block Li Zhe with the force of the law, but all galloped towards the demon emperor's place.

And Li Zhe's body also fell vertically at this moment, falling directly to the ground.

Most of his chest had already turned into crystals under that starlight, only a little bit, his heart was about to be crystallized!

At the moment he landed, Li Zhe bends his knees and almost fell, but he raised his hands and forcibly supported his body with the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword.

Then, he let out a low roar, and suddenly flicked the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand, it was actually a sword that pierced his chest!

That speed was extremely fast. After the tip of the sword fell into his chest, Li Zhe quickly turned the sword body, and in a flash, all the crystallized parts of his chest were cut down!

After these parts were cut off, the killing Qi in Li Zhe's body also surged out at this moment. In a flash, all parts of Li Zhe's injury were repaired!

It was only at this time that the aura that Li Zhe showed had fallen to the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, and there was no longer the aura of approaching the Purple Mansion Realm.

The moment his body recovered, Li Zhe clenched the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword once again, and as soon as he raised his head, he was about to fly away to the place where the demon emperors were located above.


At this moment, accompanied by an understatement, a palm suddenly stretched out of the void and pressed directly on Li Zhe's heart.

Li Zhe's red eyes suddenly glared, and even after losing his look, his whole body was directly softened and he fainted.

At this time, Qing Yunzi's figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Zhe, and when he lifted his wrist, he directly carried Li Zhe on his shoulder.

Then, he turned his head and glanced at the demon emperor people behind him who were still under the envelope of red light. His figure flashed, and he disappeared in place with Li Zhe.

In the next moment, he already brought Li Zhe to the side of the formation wall on the edge of the island world.

After arriving here, a blue light gleamed slightly in his hand, then he raised his hand and pressed it on the formation wall.

In an instant, there was a burst of suction on the wall of the formation, which immediately sucked his body into the wall.

Qingyunzi also took Li Zhe at this time and left the island under this formation.

The scarlet light gradually dissipated after a full quarter of an hour passed for the imperial palace of the Ten Thousand Beast Kingdom.

That demon emperor's figure was also revealed again at this time.

It can be seen that the demon emperor now looks extremely embarrassed, and nearly half of the crystal feathers all over his body have fallen.

His own breath also appeared extremely weak, and obviously the damage to him caused by the killing Qi Dao Qi was not small.

The three call Dao hung beside him, all of them looked at him silently, without words.

After a long while, this demon emperor slowly raised his head, his eyes full of regret.

Originally, he felt that Li Zhe's strength could not be his opponent, and he should be one of the best players in the country of Ten Thousand Demons.

So he had a little idea of ​​wanting Li Zhe into his own hands. It was precisely because of this idea that he did not show his full strength from beginning to end.

Just want to hurt Li Zhe seriously, and then slowly brainwash Li Zhe, and finally let him surrender to himself.

Obviously now he has regretted it. If he used all his strength from the beginning, it would be that Li Zhe possessed that killing Qi, and he would definitely not survive a stick of incense!

"What about people?"

At this time, the demon emperor tried to endure the feeling of weakness, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the three called each other and looked at each other.

"About a quarter of an hour ago, his breath had completely disappeared, and I couldn't find its existence until later."

One of them hesitated, then whispered.

Hearing this, the demon emperor raised his head and screamed abruptly, with an infinite hatred in that voice.

"Find him for me, no matter where he hides, find him for this emperor!"

Accompanied by that scream, it was the angry shout of the Demon Emperor.

However, Li Zhe has now been taken out of the island by Qingyunzi. Obviously, this demon emperor may not be able to find Li Zhe again in his lifetime...

The whirlpools above the North Sea obviously couldn't cause any obstacle to Qingyunzi. Now he has taken Li Zhe to the sea near the snowy area of ​​the North.

The sea here is quite normal, and there is no such vortex.

At this moment, he was taking Li Zhe and staying on an island the size of a small city.

Li Zhe's body was constantly shaking, and the killing Qi in his body was constantly trying to awaken Li Zhe.

It's just that Li Zhe's sea of ​​consciousness is now being suppressed by Qing Yunzi's immortal power, and he can't wake up anyway.

"Hey... I thought I would be able to return to the upper realm sooner, it looks like you will be delayed for a while..."

He looked at Li Zhe, who was still in a coma, and murmured.

While speaking, Qing Yunzi took a deep breath, and a very mysterious rune floated quietly above her eyebrows, and the two animal horns on her forehead were also exposed again at this time.

I saw two celestial powers quietly appearing on the animal horns, and then the celestial power spread out, connecting with the rune on the center of the eyebrows, and a group of blue celestial power appeared instantly.

Then, under his control, this celestial force slowly floated above Li Zhe's eyebrows and slowly rotated.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literary update speed is the fastest.

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