After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1950: Wash the magic pool

He couldn't feel Li Zhe's own murderous aura. He just felt that all the aura in him was very peaceful.

Thinking back carefully, when Li Zhe rushed to this side, all the birds and beasts he encountered along the way seemed to be very afraid of Li Zhe, and almost all began to avoid it when he was far away.

It was in that northern realm that almost all the monster beasts evaded far away after feeling the breath of Li Zhe. They didn’t even want to go forward and interrogate them. Now that I think about it, that’s probably it. It is caused by the murderous aura left out by the killing Qi.

After all, it was killing the avenue, and it was suppressed by the blood pill in Li Zhe's dantian, but the little aura that was missed was already a very strong killing intent.

"I have encountered something and need your help."

Li Zhe looked at the monk Zhifa and said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, the monk Zhifa nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "The donor is helping me to close this magic well. If there is any need, just say so."

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly. This is the only way to slowly say that his body is already occupied by Dao Qi, and after ten months at most, he will be swallowed by Dao Qi to death. .

Monk Zhifa frowned as he listened to Li Zhe's words.

"For specific matters, let the donor come in and talk."

The monk Zhifa let out a long sigh of relief. This is the way to take Li Zhe towards the temple.

Soon, the two came to a Buddhist hall, and then, Zhifa took Li Zhe and sat on the futon in the Buddhist hall.

After arriving here, Zhifa breathed a sigh of relief and said to Li Zhe: "What is the cause of the donor's situation?"

Just now Li Zhe just told the other party briefly that he was affected by the killing Qi, but he didn't say the reason.

Immediately, Li Zhe also gave a wry smile, this is the way to take out the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword.

Just when the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword was taken out, the black and red killing Qi on it surged out instantly, but when it touched Li Zhe's arm, it retreated.

It can be seen that the **** pill that Qingyunzi gave Li Zhe is still very useful.

However, even though the killing Qi did not affect Li Zhe, the killing intent attached to it also surged out crazily. In an instant, the entire Buddhist hall was overflowing with killing intent!

It was the beasts in the surrounding mountains and forests that all screamed at this moment, all of them quickly moving away from the temple.

That Fa Zhifa's expression also became completely solemn, and he knew very well that he was no longer able to help in this situation.

"My sword, because it is about to break through the real tool, some mistakes have been made in it, which led to the current situation."

Li Zhe let out a long sigh of relief, and said slowly: "In short, the only solution is to use your Buddhist purification technique to allow me to maintain sufficient sense of consciousness. In this way, I can control this killing. Feeling angry."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the brows that knew the Fa were also slowly frowned.

"The abbot still doesn't know where he is now. If the abbot is there, he will be able to help you. I am afraid that there is no way for my current cultivation base..."

Zhifa looked at Li Zhe and murmured slightly bitterly.

Li Zhe smiled bitterly when he heard the words of the Fa-Knowledge. The most regrettable thing was that the old monk was missing...

"It's okay, you know any Buddhist sect that has such a purification technique. I found it by myself. I came here to inquire about the news, but I also know that your Excellency cannot help me."

Li Zhe looked at the knowledge and said slowly.

Hearing Li Zhe’s words, knowing the Fa also let out a long sigh of relief, shook his head slightly, and said: “The Buddhist sects that have declared outside have long been separated from the essence of the Buddhist sect. They cannot have this. The orthodox Buddhist patriarchal tactics, but those orthodox Buddhist sects have long disappeared. Unless there are some monsters, they can come out. Now, it is probably hard to find them."

Hearing the words of the Fa, Li Zhe's brows also slowly condensed.

If the descendants of such orthodox Buddhist temples do not know the Fa, I am afraid that it will be even more difficult for Li Zhe to find it on his own!

But at this moment, Zhifa suddenly seemed to remember something, and quickly stood up.

"Donor, wait a moment, I will go and look for some ancient books in the temple, maybe I can find something in it!"

Master Zhifa breathed a sigh of relief and said repeatedly to Li Zhe.

When the voice fell, knowing the Fa was a flash, and quickly walked out of the Buddhist hall.

Seeing this, Li Zhe was also slightly taken aback, but after a long sigh of relief, he sat quietly on the futon.

If knowing the Fa can find anything useful, then it would be better. If not, you can only rely on Li Zhe himself.

Time is slowly passing by, and in a blink of an eye, three hours have passed since knowing the law.

During these three hours, Li Zhe had been sitting still in this temple, waiting for news of knowing the Fa.

But now, the law of knowledge is in a room behind the temple.

This room is where all kinds of Dharma books are stored.

In the body of Zhifa, dozens of ancient books are spinning rapidly.

At this moment, the divine consciousness of knowing the Fa was also quickly swept across this ancient book. After a long while, knowing the Fa was gritted his teeth and waved his wrist.

The dozens of books fell to the ground in an instant, and Zhifa raised his hand again, and on the shelf in front, another dozens of books flew out.

Under his feet, there are already piles of books like a hill, all of which have been read by Knowing the Fa, but there is no information on them that can help Li Zhe.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, another hour passed.

Li Zhe waited in place, but he didn't have the slightest impatience.

There is no way, after all, I am here to ask for help, and the other party is willing to help myself. Naturally, it is the best. How can I force anything.

It was also at this time that the body of knowing the Fa directly turned into a golden stream of light, and instantly flew into the temple.

Seeing Zhifa coming in, Li Zhe also raised his head and looked at Zhifa with a little expectation.

Knowing the Fa also swallowed his saliva, raised his hand, and raised the ancient book held in his hand.

"There is a way above this!"

Zhifa took a deep breath and said to Li Zhe.

Hearing the voice of the Fa, Li Zhe's eyes lit up, and he could not wait to stand up, raised his hand, the spiritual power in his hand surged, and he directly took the ancient book in Zhifa's hand.

Starting with the ancient book, Li Zhe quickly opened it.

Li Zhe frowned slowly at the moment he opened it.

In this book, what is recorded is not methods such as curse relief or meditation, but records of the extremely weak points of the various demons sealed in the magic well.

In essence, this book is used to catch those demons again after preventing the enchantment from breaking open.

"Is there any way on this...?"

Li Zhe was stunned, murmured suspiciously.

The principle of knowing the law is to nod repeatedly and say to Li Zhe: "Don't worry about the donor, you can turn to the back and look again!"

Hearing the words of the Fa, Li Zhe's heart moved, and his spiritual power burst out instantly, and the ancient books in his hand turned to the last few pages in an instant.

After reaching the top of these pages, those images of demons were gone, but a dense series of written records.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, forcibly calmed down, and quickly read the record above.

With the reading of this record, Li Zhe's brows were also slowly frowned.

What is written above is some records of when this magic well was first built.

Under this sealed magic well, there is a pool of washing magic.

This washing magic pond was made by the abbot of the temple who spent a lot of heaven and earth treasures and some very precious materials.

The only function of this washing pool is to purify the soul and killing intent of the immersed.

After all, the main reason why those monsters are fierce is because the devilish murderous aura in their bodies is very powerful.

As long as it can purify part of its killing intent and devilish energy, the difficulty of sealing it is naturally much simpler.

Logically speaking, even the killing intent of those terrifying monsters can be purified, and Li Zhe's killing spirit should be able to suppress it.

After all, the principle of this demon washing pond is to strengthen the immersed person's consciousness and clarity, so that it can generate resistance to that killing intent by itself.

And what made Li Zhe's brows frowned was because this demon washing pool was at the deepest bottom of this demon well!

On the surface, this sealed magic well looks like a well, but underneath this sealed magic well is actually an extremely vast underground world opened up!

And in that underground world, it is the demons that have been sealed in this temple for thousands of years since its existence!

These monsters are below, except for a few very powerful monsters, they are not completely sealed, but can have a certain amount of room for movement.

After all, the power of this magic well is limited, and it is naturally impossible to seal each one.

And if Li Zhe wants to use this magic washing pond, he needs to go deep below the enclosed magic well and reach the deepest magic washing pond before he can use it!

This process, without thinking, is to know that it must be extremely dangerous.

After all, the bottom of this place used the power of opening up the world of the Purple Mansion Realm. Below this small Demon Sealing Well, it was not the size of a city, but nearly half the size of Central Continent!

The reason why it was so big was mainly because at that time, in order to be able to accommodate enough demons, it was just out of thin air that added indescribable difficulty to Li Zhe!

"Well, do you want to try? This is the only way I can find now..."

Zhifa looked at Li Zhe, took a deep breath, and asked slowly.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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