After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1959: pick one of two

At the moment when the golden light appeared, the surrounding monsters obviously retreated somewhat fearfully.

But immediately, they all started to moan in excitement.

At this moment in this memory, Li Zhe could understand the words of the demons, and he also understood roughly. These demons seemed to be saying: it is true, it seems that it can really go out, this kind of words.

With the passage of time, the golden light gradually extinguished, and then, a turbulent demon energy shot out from below.

Immediately after that, the picture suddenly began to accelerate at this moment, no longer at the same speed under normal circumstances, but like a movie that has been multiplied several times, quickly passing by Li Zhe's eyes.

However, Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness is very powerful, and in his eyes, he can clearly know what happened.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, the timeline that Li Zhe saw was already a very long time.

In the end, the scene reached the cemetery, and the whole scene instantly began to become bloody, and all the monsters gathered here and began to fight.

When the picture finally stagnated, what Li Zhe saw before his eyes was a sea of ​​corpses piled up by demons!

It was at this moment that Li Zhe finally understood what had happened in this underground world that caused the whole underground world to be left with only that monster force.

It turned out that as early as a thousand years ago, in this underground world that had been ruled by all parties, suddenly there was a news that there was a demon on the peak of the Purple Mansion about to break the seal!

After the demon clan has lifted the seal, it will lead a group of demon clan to leave the demon well.

So there was the scene where Li Zhe saw the gathering of demons at the beginning after entering the illusion.

Then, the demon king broke the seal below and walked out as expected.

Only at that time, the body of the demon king was very weak and needed a period of rest.

The demons who longed to escape from this place naturally regarded him as their king, and after waiting for the end of their rest, they led the demons to escape from the magic well.

After having this demon king, the monsters in it naturally stopped the dispute temporarily.

As time passed a little bit, the strength of the demon king gradually increased, which really made the demons completely believe in him.

Then one day, the Demon King suddenly summoned all the demons above the Nascent Soul Stage for a meeting.

I told them that he could only take away a part of the demons. After all, the seal was too strong, and if everyone was willing to be his subordinates, he would give priority to leading the demons to leave.

In this dark underground world, the demonic energy is very thin, staying in it, apart from disputes, seems to be the only way left to wait for the end of life.

Therefore, all the monsters, without exception, chose to trust each other, and no monster stood up to oppose it.

Then, in the name of leaving a mark on the convenience, a mark that seemed to have no effect was left in the bodies of the demons.

It's just that with the passage of time, the mark gradually took root in the dantian of the demons and could not be removed.

In the end, with this mark, the demon king finally completely controlled a group of demons above the Nascent Soul Realm.

Although the monsters had their own consciousness, they could no longer control their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, the demon king arrived at the cemetery with all the demons.

Then, the demon king released a spell, which caused all the demons into a mad state.

The monsters in the Yuan Ying realm were not controlled by this spell, but their bodies were already controlled by the demon king.

In the end, it was that **** battle, and no demon survived.

It is precisely for this reason that this graveyard where all the demons died, there will be such a strong resentment.

After all the demons died, the inner alchemy, Nascent Soul, and Demon Blood in their bodies were all pulled away by the Demon King.

And for this reason, in this cemetery, there will be such a heavy resentment.

When all these things dangled in front of Li Zhe's eyes, he also slowly opened his eyes.

His body is still in the cemetery, and it seems that he has not suffered any injuries.

In front of Li Zhe, the resentment had already condensed into a red monster.

At a glance, Li Zhe had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

At this moment, the demon suddenly said, "Everything you see is the memory I try to keep."

Hearing this, Li Zhe suddenly reacted to why he looked so familiar with the body of this monster beast. It turned out that everything he saw before was the memory of the other party.

"What do you... want me to do?"

Li Zhe was stunned, then he took a deep breath and asked slowly.

He was very clear that he had already completely lost his ability to resist. If the other party wanted to kill him, he should have done it a long time ago, and he would not wake up again.

In the current situation, it is clear that the other party wants to let himself do something.

"You should have seen it all in that illusion."

The monster looked at Li Zhe, and said in a deep voice: "The inner core soul infants that I was waiting for have been taken away."

"Take back!"

"You can use it, don't give it to them!"


It was at this instant that the body of this monster beast split suddenly, and countless voices suddenly came out of its body.

Listening to these voices, Li Zhe also fell silent for an instant.

Now, he has roughly figured out the situation. I am afraid that these monsters have discovered that they are not the demons, so they have saved their lives and let themselves help them fulfill this wish.

I am afraid that only if I do this thing well, the undead in this cemetery can truly rest in peace.

At this time, the split grievances gathered again, and the monster beast's figure appeared again.

The moment his figure condensed, a red dot of resentment formed by the concentration of resentment also flew out instantly, suspended in front of Li Zhe.

"This is the news I found with the help of the monster beasts who rushed into it. As for you, you have no choice. If you don't agree, you can't get out of here."

The monster looked at Li Zhe and said slowly.

Listening to the other party's words, Li Zhe took a deep breath, looked around, and then said with a chuckle: "I don't think it's necessary. Just now I attacked. It looks like you are not intact."

Up to this moment, Li Zhe's consciousness gradually became sober, and finally he found something he hadn't noticed.

That is, although the resentment in front of him is still strong, it does not have the oppressive feeling of just now.

When Li Zhe faced this resentment before, he could clearly feel that his body would be suppressed by the resentment released by the opponent.

But this feeling has completely disappeared now, and he is only slightly uncomfortable in this place now.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, this monster's face was instantly stagnant.

Indeed, as Li Zhe said, the whole set of attacks made by Li Zhe just now dissipated nearly half of their grievances!

The reason why I tried to pretend to have nothing to do was to give Li Zhe enough shock, so as to take the opportunity to release his grievances!

"So, if there is something begging me, you might as well say it, it will be good for you and me."

Seeing the other side's expression, Li Zhe smiled slightly, and said slowly to the other side.

It's just that at this moment, the other party suddenly smiled and said slowly to Li Zhe, "I don't think you may have the bargaining chip to negotiate terms with us."


Li Zhe narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party, without saying a word, but quietly waiting for the other party's next words.

"Look over there."

It was at this moment that the monster beast suddenly raised its head and looked at the barrier formed by resentment not far behind.

Hearing this, Li Zhe turned his head suspiciously, wanting to know what the other party was doing.

Only when he turned his head, Li Zhe's consciousness was also fully engrossed in defending the opponent, and beware of the opponent attacking from behind while he was not prepared.

At the moment Li Zhe turned around, a part of the wall suddenly became transparent.

Li Zhe's eyebrows constricted slightly, and he saw a pale-skinned man wearing a dark gown standing there quietly outside the wall, seeming to be waiting for something.

"Perceive carefully."

It was at this moment that the monster's voice rang again.

Hearing these words, Li Zhe took a deep breath, took back the divine sense that was placed on the opponent, and leaned towards the man.

Originally, Li Zhe's sense of consciousness would definitely be discovered by the other party, but at this time, with the protection of that grievance, Li Zhe's sense of consciousness was not noticed by the other party.

In an instant, Li Zhe's eyes condensed slightly, and he could clearly feel that the opponent's strength was actually at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm!

Moreover, the feeling that the opponent is not the pinnacle of the ordinary Nascent Soul Realm, but the feeling that he can reach the Purple Mansion Realm with only one step away from his strength!

"Who is he?"

Li Zhe took a deep breath, turned his head slowly, and asked the monster beast.

Upon hearing this, the monster smiled lightly, and responded: "The one who came for you was the subordinate of the demon king...oh no, clone.


Li Zhe narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

Hearing this, the monster nodded indifferently and said: "If you are unwilling to cooperate, I will return to the ground again, but you have to face him yourself. You think you can beat him. ?"

Hearing this, Li Zhe pursed his lips. He knew very well that his current state would not be the opponent's opponent.

"choose one?"

It was at this moment that the resentful orb that had gathered information in front of the monster quietly floated to Li Zhe's.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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