Just at the moment when this demon race was about to rush towards Li Zhe, Li Zhe suddenly trembled slightly, slowly raised his head and looked at the demon race.

I saw that Li Zhe at this moment had no expression on his face, only an indescribable sense of indifference.

The eyes were also full of blood red, killing Dao Qi, and it started to surge again!

Almost at the moment when Li Zhe's eyes were facing each other, this demons trembled suddenly, and a coldness rushed up from the bottom of his heart.

At that moment, he just felt like he was facing some beast that was about to swallow him!

This feeling, crossing the cultivation base, crossing all boundaries, is the most primitive feeling.

However, at this moment, Li Zhe's lips trembled slightly.

The blood pill that had been in the final was swallowed by Li Zhe with the last trace of reason at this moment.

With the blood pill entering the body, the turbulent killing Qi Dao Qi was once again suppressed back into Li Zhe's body.

At this moment, Li Zhe's body fell slightly soft.

At the same time, the demon in the air seemed to have finally found a chance, with a red streamer in his figure, instantly reaching Li Zhe's side.

The fork in his hand surged at this moment, wrapped in the power of wind and thunder, and pierced directly towards Li Zhe's neck.


Only at this moment, the fork was just as usual, and it was bounced away in an instant.

It was also at this moment that Li Zhe immediately raised his hand while the blood pill had just entered the body and had not been completely digested.

In an instant, the entire space shook in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe directly swung his sword towards the demons!

At this moment, the Demon Race only felt that his body was locked by the surging killing intent at this moment, and he couldn't move at all!

At the same time, Li Zhe's sword, wrapped in the strong killing Qi, instantly reached the demon clan.

In an instant, the demon energy of this demon clan surging out instantly, and the fork in his hand was also raised with both hands, blocking the direction of the sword energy attack.

Fortunately, this blow was only the arrival of the sword aura above the magic-devouring spirit sword. If the magic-devouring spirit sword arrived, there is now a magic-devouring spirit sword of the level of transcendence killing real weapon, at least it can make this Demon is seriously injured!

However, if you really use the sword to fight, I am afraid that Li Zhe's last blood pill will also need to be taken.

That killing Qi Dao Qi is not just a straight sword Qi, but also a gentle energy.

Even after this demon clan blocked the frontal blow, the spreading sword energy instantly wrapped its whole body.

It took about a cup of tea, and this demons barely broke free from the soft sword aura.

The moment he came out, he instantly looked at where Li Zhe was.

However, his face was instantly dull.

Li Zhe's body had already disappeared in place, and there was a faint fluctuation in the air in the air.

It's just that the fluctuations have been minimized under Li Zhe's operation. Except for knowing that Li Zhe had walked away with the power of space, he could not see anything at all!

It was at this time that several evasion lights appeared again, and the eight clones who came from the hall also looked at each other at this time, all of them looked a little confused.

But immediately, everyone knelt on one knee, bowed to the demons in front of them, and said respectfully: "My lord!"

Hearing this, the demons took a deep breath, looked at the crowd, and said coldly: "Look! He can't run far, the bottom is so big, you will find him even if you look for it inch by inch!"


Hearing this, everyone immediately bowed their fists to the demons and said respectfully.

"and many more!"

Just at this moment, the demon squinted slightly and snorted coldly.

Hearing this, all the demons were taken aback for a while, raised their heads and looked at him, waiting for his next order.

I saw the demon chief took a breath, turned his head, and looked at the place where the altar originally existed.

The altar was now scorched and black, all turned into ashes under Li Zhe's spiritual fire.

There was no way, the spread speed of the spiritual fire was too fast. At that time, his fork was bounced back by the power of the silver, gold and iron, and for a while, he couldn't stop it.

At this moment, the demon clan's figure flashed, and it was already on the altar.

Immediately afterwards, a surge of suction was suddenly released from his whole body.

In an instant, the demon energy spreading in the surrounding air instantly surged towards his body.

Soon, all the devil qi in the air was sucked into his body.

At this moment, the body of this demons also looked a little more solid.

Then he gently raised his hand, and a devilish energy instantly spilled towards the ground.

Above the ground, the scorched black layer that was roasted by Li Zhe's spiritual fire was blown away in an instant under this devilish energy, exposing the ground below.

I saw the land below, already turned into a blood red piece!

Even though the spilled blood was demon blood, it was blood after all. It was almost the moment it fell to the ground, thinking that the soil below had penetrated.

Time is in a hurry, and Li Zhe is naturally unable to maintain the spirit fire until all the blood is dried.

At this moment, the demons instantly grabbed their hands below.

In an instant, the magic blood that had penetrated into the soil was instantly drawn out by it.

Soon, it condensed into a magic blood ball about one meter in diameter in front of him!

Although the amount of this demon blood is still a lot, compared to the entire altar's demon blood before, this amount is really too small.

This bit of devil blood is probably only enough for their deity to release two more clones.

It must be known that this demon clan is the pinnacle of the Purple Mansion realm, and those present, except for him, are only the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the Nascent Infant realm.

Rao is fused together, but it is only the cultivation base of the middle stage of the purple mansion realm.

You know, even the ten middle stages of the Purple Mansion Realm may not be able to possess the power of the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm!

Originally, according to the plan of this demon clan deity, it was to use the power of the blood pool to gradually take out all the power of his body.

And the reason why the avatar is so long apart is that after the avatar, the magic energy in the blood pool is used to make up for its own loss.

In this way, a hundred years later, his clone will be able to form a peak-period self, and the sealed self below will also have 70% or 80% of the peak-period strength.

With such two demons who are close to the mainland's top combat power, escape from this formation is naturally not a problem.

Only with the appearance of Li Zhe, this originally nearly perfect plan has been completely disrupted!

"My lord, let's next..."

Cang Ju hesitated for a moment after watching the Demon Clan draw out the blood and remained motionless, before asking in a low voice.

It's just that before he finished speaking, the Demon Race slowly put a finger on his lips and whispered to Cang Ju, "Don't speak, the deity is contacting me."

As soon as the words came out, all the clones took a deep breath, nodded slightly, and stopped speaking.

At the same time, Li Zhe had already appeared in a place about dozens of miles away from here.

Looking back, Li Zhe could still see the golden light shining continuously behind him.

Li Zhe let out a long sigh of relief, and he secretly felt lucky.

Fortunately, this underground world has not completely banned the power of space. Although it cannot be transmitted away with the power of space, there is no obstacle to transmission in this world.

At this moment, after arriving here, Li Zhe felt that the killing Qi Dao Qi in his body had begun to agitate again.

Originally, Li Zhe thought that he hadn't completely attacked the blood pill, and that sword would not be a big problem.

Unexpectedly, when the effect of the blood pill was completely over, it actually barely suppressed the killing Qi in his body.

Now, Li Zhe estimates that in another ten days, that killing Qi Dao Qi will recur.

Li Zhe now is completely different from when he first walked down this magic well.

When he first came down, Li Zhe still had four blood pills in his hand. In addition, he had just taken the blood pills for more than half a month, and the time was not urgent.

But now it's different, now Li Zhe has only the last blood pill in his hands.

Moreover, the killing Qi Dao Qi in his body was about to break out.

Under these circumstances, if there is another battle, I am afraid that the last blood pill will also be used.

When the time comes, the blood pill is empty, and if the killing dao Qi recurs, Li Zhe has no way to suppress his own killing dao Qi.

Therefore, after Li Zhe appeared, he didn't care about concealing any figure, and he galloped toward the direction of the magic pool at full speed.

According to the news that Li Zhe received from those resentful spirits, in this underground world, the scope of the existence of those demons was the altar and the hall.

In addition, there are only some weak monsters left after the end of the war.

Those monsters have developed so far, even if they have high talents, they are only at the level of the golden core, and they will not pose any threat to Li Zhe.

Therefore, when Li Zhe's coercion and speed were at full speed, none of those monsters dared to get close to Li Zhe.

Time slowly passed, and in a blink of an eye it was a day's time passing by, and Li Zhe was getting closer and closer to the place where the magic pool was.

Those demons didn't know the reason, nor did they come to look for Li Zhe. On the way, it was the most relaxing time for Li Zhe after he got down to the magic well.

Now, Li Zhe is only less than half a day away from where the Demon Washing Pond is!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: (ltnovel.com) The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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