After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1970: Too high second level cited crisis

Seeing that at this moment, Li Zhe's whole body was killing Dao Qi surging, just to continue to hide his figure.

He knew very well in his heart that he could not confront the opponent head-on, only that he could find all kinds of opportunities and continue to kill the opponent as he did.

And Li Zhe possesses the Dao Qi to kill, and his Dao Qi will not be cut off as far as the Dao Qi is!

In other words, Li Zhe has endless energy, even if he fights with the opponent for a long time, he will not fall into a state of spiritual exhaustion.

Of course, this is how Li Zhe, who is now under the control of Killing Dao Qi, can do this.

After all, under normal circumstances, even if Li Zhe was able to use this killer Dao Qi, it was naturally impossible to use this killer Dao Qi to replace his own spiritual power.

It was at this moment that Li Zhe's killing Dao Qi instantly stagnated, and a turbulent spatial coercion instantly squeezed from all directions!

Even if Li Zhe had the protection of the killing and killing Dao Qi, those killing and killing Dao Qi could only stay around Li Zhe, helping him to offset the continuous space squeezing.

At the same time, all the spikes on the Demon Race's body all fell off at this moment, and then all gathered together in front of it.

Just a moment, it turned into a big knife without a handle!

"It's dark."

The demons pointed at Li Zhe and murmured.

The moment the voice fell, a dark spot of light suddenly appeared on Li Zhe's body of killing Qi.

Immediately afterwards, the spot of light suddenly spread, turning into a black hole the size of a skull.

At the same time, behind Li Zhe's chest, a black hole of the same size appeared instantly!

"Space Dao Fa."

Li Zhe looked as usual, and he saw through this spell in an instant.

However, Li Zhe now has no way to fight against the opponent, his figure has been completely suppressed in place.

It was only at this moment that a strange light flashed in Li Zhe's eyes, waiting for the opponent to cut it out with a blow.

In an instant, that huge blade that some kind of condensed in front of him directly brought up a burst of turbulent devil energy, and instantly pierced the void.

The moment the blade pierced the hole, the blade in the hole before Li Zhe's chest also stretched out instantly!

However, the moment the blade almost stuck to Li Zhe's chest, the blade stopped suddenly!

Ding Ding Ding...

In an instant, a series of intersecting sounds of gold and iron came out.

The sword light domain is completely opened at this moment!

Countless Dao with the **** sword aura that kills Dao Qi, constantly dancing around Li Zhe.

With this sword light domain, the space squeezing that has been flowing continuously is also instantly squeezed out of the sword light domain by the sword light domain!

The power of this domain can only be possessed by a real person in the Purple Mansion. Li Zhe used it before, but has always used it only barely.

But now, with the blessing of this killing and cutting Dao Qi, this sword light domain has the appearance of a real domain!

Only at this moment, within 500 meters of Li Zhe's whole body, all of them fell within the scope of this sword light domain!

Ding Ding Ding!

In an instant, there was also a steady stream of sword energy on the body of the demon race, but it was unable to break the defense of its body.

This Mozu frowned slightly, looking at Li Zhe, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

In the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, I have the power to fight myself. If Li Zhe reaches the Purple Mansion Realm, it will be even more difficult!

In the eyes of this demons, all mortal monks are their own enemies. Therefore, Li Zhe is also a thorn in his eyes at this moment!

Ordinarily, the cultivation base in the middle of the Purple Mansion Realm shouldn't have only this level of strength, but in this underground world, this Demon Race also has fear.

He was afraid that his strength would be fully revealed, and that aura would draw those monks down, and by that time, all his plans would be completely finished.

Therefore, he has been suppressing his own strength, even with the power of the small world, he has never used it.

But logically speaking, even if his strength was suppressed, Li Zhe in the middle of the Nascent Soul Realm should not be his opponent.

However, Li Zhe at this moment is very tenacious!

The demon took a deep breath, raised a finger in an instant, and pointed at Li Zhe.

In an instant, the entire underground world was completely plunged into darkness at this moment.

Even Li Zhe possessed the killing spirit at this moment, and he could no longer see any scene in front of him.

Suddenly, a huge spot of light lit up behind Li Zhe.

Immediately afterwards, the originally dark world lit up instantly, and a huge spatial blade, wrapped in the dark magic energy, instantly moved towards Li Zhe!

That power, even if Li Zhe is now possessed by killing Dao Qi, he can't move under the pressure of this space!

In an instant, Li Zhe's thoughts moved, and the sword light field instantly stagnated, and countless sword qi instantly condensed in front of Li Zhe, forming a **** sword qi that was hundreds of meters long!

With a wave of Li Zhe's wrist, the sword energy surged forward in an instant, wrapped in an astonishing power, and directly collided with the spatial blade.

In an instant, the entire underground world was trembling crazily after the collision of these two forces.

Tens of miles away from this place, a Void God Realm peak monster that was trembling and unable to move in place because of the coercion of the two battles suddenly gave a miserable cry.

Immediately afterwards, his figure was instantly shaken into pieces by the powerful surplus of spiritual power!

From this it can be seen that the attack released by the two people is so powerful!

Fortunately, this underground world was originally created by the technique of space, and it had that solid formation blessing.

Otherwise, the blow of the two will inevitably cause the entire underground world to collapse!

Time passed slowly, and the aftermath of this blow, it took a full half an hour before it gradually dissipated.

The figures of Li Zhe and the demons had disappeared at this moment.

When the two attacked and collided together, they also started fighting.

However, with the existence of that killing spirit, no matter how badly Li Zhe was injured, he can recover instantly!

Moreover, at this moment, with the endless memory of fighting attached to the killing avenue, Li Zhe is like a cunning loach.

Can easily find a ray of life from the trap that the Demon Race has designed so hard to design.

However, the demons weren't irritated because of this. Fighting at this level was normal for three days and three nights.

At the same time, after this constant battle, he also saw Li Zhe's strength.

Although Li Zhe's strength looks very strong, in fact, he can't hurt himself at all, and he has always been at a disadvantage in the battle with him.

In other words, his victory over Li Zhe is just a matter of time.

When Li Zhe's power is exhausted, it is the moment he wins.

However, what he didn't know was that Li Zhe in this state had a steady stream of killing Qi!

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, half a day passed!

At this moment, Li Zhe's body was full of various wounds, and in those wounds, there was still a strong corrosive devilish energy.

And the battle of the Demon Race is getting faster and faster, Li Zhe simply has no time to take care of those wounds, and can only constantly deal with the opponent's various attacks.

At this moment, in the jade bottle space, a light spot suddenly lit up on Li Zhe's forehead.

Along with the lighting of this light spot, Li Zhe knew the sea, the killing Qi that occupied most of it, instantly began to retreat to the rear.

The second level of the Supreme Pure Heart Jue was also completed at this moment!

This Supreme Pure Heart Art is a practice that can be practiced from the Void God Realm. There are seven levels in total, and each level can be cultivated one more level. If you practice more forcibly, it will lead to confusion.

In other words, the cultivation base of Li Zhe's Nascent Infant Realm now is only able to cultivate to the third level.

It was at this moment that Li Zhe, who had been battling the opponent at a fast speed, suddenly stagnated and stood still in place, motionless.

The Demon Race was taken aback for a moment, and didn't rush to make a move, only thinking that it was Li Zhe's trick again.

In fact, at this moment, as most of the Dao Qi in the sea of ​​knowledge has faded, Li Zhe's divine consciousness has gradually begun to occupy some key points in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Although the killing Qi still can control Li Zhe's body, it is already extremely slow now!

The Demon Race stood there for a while, seeing Li Zhe still standing there with a dull face, without any sense of spiritual power fluctuations.

He hesitated for a moment, and then there was a murderous look in his gaze, one hand instantly raised on the top of his head, and he snapped his fingers lightly.

In an instant, the infinite demon energy surged out of his palm, and in an instant, this space was wrapped in it.

"Thunder fire extinguishes silence..."

At this moment, a sound suddenly rang out from the infinite darkness of the devilish energy.


Along with that sound, a huge thunderous sound suddenly sounded between the devilish energy, and immediately afterwards, countless electric lights flashed.

In the meantime, every electric light is full of the power of thunder, even in Li Zhe's heyday, at most he can only resist one or two such lightning.

And now, in this devilish energy, there are hundreds of ways of lightning like this!

At the same time, the black flames ignited with the surge of thunder.

This thunder and lightning engulfed the fire, and instantly shot towards Li Zhe's body!

As for Li Zhe, standing still sluggishly, he didn't seem to react at all.

If you face the hundred rays of thunder and the black flames that are extraordinary in perception, I am afraid that even with that killing and cutting Dao Qi possessed, Li Zhe will be instantly chopped into ashes!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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