After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1976: Old monk's guidance

"The so-called chaos is really not something that ordinary people can control. From ancient times to the present, no monk has ever cultivated such power, but it can be as close as possible. Poor monks will not force the donor to control these powers, not to mention this. Practice method."

The old monk shook his head slightly, and said to Li Zhe: "If you can control this power a little, then you will be able to help me a lot!"

Hearing what the old monk said, Li Zhe nodded slightly, and silently remembered the matter in his heart for the time being.

If there is a chance to encounter such cultivation methods in the future, Li Zhe will naturally try it.

Of course, even without the words of the old monk, Li Zhe would try these more advanced spiritual power cultivation methods.

"Master, besides this, is there anything else I can do for you?"

Immediately, Li Zhe asked the old monk softly.

Hearing this, the old monk nodded, a light flashed in his hand, and a very ordinary-looking key appeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the old monk pointed slightly, and a group of spiritual power directly swirled around the key.

Then, the spiritual power poured into the key, and then escaped from it, with a little breath of the key on it.

Immediately, the old monk clenched his fist, pinched the spiritual power in his hand, and directly turned it into a spiritual power bead.

"You take this bead, the donor, if the time comes, the breath will be released from it, and then the donor will be able to find the poor monk by following the breath."

The old monk raised his hand and handed the spiritual power bead to Li Zhe.

Only at this moment, Li Zhe's eyes were slightly condensed, seeming to be a little ecstatic.

After a daze, he quickly took the bead in his hand.

"What's wrong with the donor?"

The old monk frowned suspiciously, looked at Li Zhe, and asked softly.

Hearing this, Li Zhe shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile: "It's nothing, I think I just merged with the demon consciousness that day, but I still don't get used to it, and I often trance."

Hearing this, the old monk raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't say much.

However, what he didn't know was that Li Zhe's trance was naturally not because of his spiritual knowledge, but because of the key that the old monk had just taken out.

Although the key looks very ordinary, it is like a door lock key for ordinary people's home.

But the shape is more peculiar, and it can be distinguished from ordinary keys at a glance.

And there is one such key in Li Zhe's storage bag!

That was when Li Zhe first returned to Dongzhou, Qin Yi of the Fire Pattern Chamber of Commerce asked him to hand it over to the head of the Tianxin faction!

Li Zhe had always thought it was something like a token between the two, but he didn't care about it, just put it in the depths of his storage bag.

And until this time, Li Zhe suddenly realized that this thing...seems to be related to the secret discovered by the old monk!

Naturally, Li Zhe would not come up with it, even though Li Zhe knew that the old monk was very good.

But after condensing the bead from the old monk, he carefully gave the key to his own small world instead of the storage bag. It can be seen that the key is a very important thing.

Naturally, these important things cannot be easily shown to others, and besides, they are not Li Zhe's.

Even if it is something particularly important, Li Zhe will hand it over to the head of the Heart Sect of the day. This is also Li Zhe's own bottom line.

"The poor monk said that since the donor is willing to help, the reward is naturally not less."

At this moment, the old monk looked at Li Zhe and said softly, "Let's follow me."

After all, the old monk slowly got up and walked outside.

Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, and in all fairness, he was willing to help the old monk free of charge.

After careful calculation, the old monk has saved him twice, but since the old monk is willing to give it, Li Zhe will naturally not shirk.

The old monk's cultivation level and the things he gave, no matter how bad he thinks.

Immediately, Li Zhe stepped forward and followed the old monk closely.

The two passed through the Buddhist hall, past the small courtyard of the magic well, and then reached the back of the temple.

Behind the temple is an empty space. It can be judged by some traces on the ground that the Zhifa monks usually practice the exercises in this place.

Soon, the old monk led Li Zhe to the center of the open space.

Immediately, he whispered to Li Zhe: "The reward I give you is not a treasure, but a pointer. Are you willing?"

As soon as he said this, Li Zhe's eyes lit up and he nodded hurriedly.

To be honest, Li Zhe's treasures, even a large sect, may not be able to find such good things in him.

Among other things, the Five Elements Lingfang is already a treasure against the sky.

Therefore, Li Zhe has no shortage of treasures and the like.

And this old monk's cultivation level, one instruction, is enough to benefit Li Zhe a lot!

After thinking about it carefully, since arriving in this realm of practice, Li Zhe has not received any guidance in fact. He has completely relied on himself, step by step.

It's impossible to say it. When others reach the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, they can count their fingers and count out several mentors who are of great help to his cultivation.

As for Li Zhe, the one who helped him the most was the Green Mountain World in the Yujing Bottle, except the Tiaobao Boy.

One is the spirit, and the other is the magic weapon.

Experts like the old monk can give Li Zhe some guidance, and he will be able to get Li Zhe a lot.

At this moment, seeing Li Zhe nodded, the old monk also smiled slightly, and immediately said to Li Zhe: "Take out your sword."

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded, a light flashed in his hand, and the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword was already in his hand.

Almost the moment it was taken out, above the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, that killing Dao Qi surged in an instant, and in a flash, it directly covered Li Zhe's sword holding arm.

It seemed that Li Zhe was already one body with the sword.

But now that he has the Supreme Pure Heart Secret Art, Li Zhe is no longer afraid of the erosion of this killing Dao Qi, and there is no problem with the sword.

"Okay, attack the poor monk with all your strength, don't leave any hands."

After seeing Li Zhe taking out the sword, the old monk smiled at Li Zhe and said calmly.

"Ah... this is not so good."

Li Zhe was taken aback, then he blinked and said softly.

This magic-devouring spirit sword Li Zhe knew that even if he accidentally injured the old monk, he estimated that the old monk would need to heal for a long time!

However, the old monk seemed to have seen through Li Zhe's inner thoughts, and said with a chuckle: "Now in this world, the number of people who have been repatriated is probably not more than one hand. With your cultivation level, even if it is just hurt To me, it will be enough to blow for a lifetime."

Hearing the words of the old monk, Li Zhe was slightly taken aback, and then nodded with a chuckle.

He couldn't even hurt the demons in the middle of the Purple Mansion Realm, let alone hurt the old monk, but he was too worried.

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath, holding the magic-devouring spirit sword, and whispered to the old monk, "That's the case, then I want to start."

"Just come on."

The old monk stood still and nodded slightly.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded, his face also became serious in an instant, and the spiritual power in his hand surged towards the magical spirit sword.

This was the first time that Li Zhe had used this magic-devouring spirit sword after successfully restraining the killing Qi.

At this moment, Li Zhe only felt that within the body of the sword, he still couldn't control the continuously escaping killing Qi.

But only so, the killing intent of this magic-devouring spirit sword also instantly permeated the entire back mountain!

Immediately, Li Zhe's figure flashed, and instantly moved behind the old monk, and the sword light domain was instantly opened.

The moment the sword light domain unfolded, on the magic-devouring spirit sword, those killing Dao Qi surged out instantly, directly attached to each sword light, directly giving Li Zhe the power of the sword light domain They are all upgraded to a level!

But at this moment, the old monk just took out a string of rosary beads and recited the scriptures in a low voice.

Along with the thought of his scriptures, a golden light surged all over his body, and countless sword qi slashed on the golden light, without any harm!

At this moment, Li Zhe’s slaying spirit surged on the Dharma Devouring Spirit Sword, and in an instant, it was turned into a two-meter giant sword, and it was immediately lifted by Li Zhe. A sword stabbed in the past!


The seemingly strong golden light defense was pierced by this magic-devouring spirit sword just for a moment.

The old monk's eyes were slightly surprised, obviously he did not expect that his defense could be broken by Li Zhe so easily.

At this moment, the magic-devouring spirit sword had reached behind the old monk. At this distance, Li Zhe asked himself that it was difficult for him to react.

And this old monk...

Li Zhe didn't stop, and the speed of the magic-devouring spirit sword was suddenly mentioned at this moment, thinking directly about the old monk's back stabbing.

If this sword hits, even the old monk's cultivation level will definitely be seriously injured!


However, at the moment when this sword was about to stab, a loud bang sounded, and Li Zhe's pupils shrank, only feeling that his sword was stuck in a certain boulder, unable to advance or retreat!

Looking forward again, I saw that the old monk had already turned around for some time, and gently pinched the tip of the sword with his two fingers.

No matter how the killing Qi above the sword body surging, the **** of the old monk remained motionless!

"True Dragon!"

Li Zhe's expression changed and he shouted coldly.

In an instant, his body's spiritual power skyrocketed, and suddenly, a full 128 true dragon ghosts surged out, directly attacking the old monk from all directions!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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