After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 199: Discrimination in the West

The status of old man Tom in Europe and even the world is the same as that of Einstein in physics. The terrifying influence, and the deep network resources, let him handle this matter, it is not too easy.

It is also because of the full help of old man Tom that the work efficiency of this small team led by Meng Yu is not generally high. Many work needs to be advanced at least half a year, or even a year, within one or two days. It was done, and there was no delay in participating in this flower show.

It is precisely because of this cooperation that Meng Yu has a new and deeper understanding of Tom's status in the flower art world and his huge influence.

Of course, Li Zhe is naturally unaware of all this.

This visit to the Netherlands, for Meng Yu and the others, to complete the workload of the past six months or even a year within seven days is destined to be a busy journey against time.

However, for Li Zhe, it doesn't matter to him.

He came to the Netherlands this time, except at the beginning, when he was very exhausted, he was forced to be strong, which was really a bit hard. For the remaining few days, he was completely freeing himself and went on a perfect public travel. Up.

In the past few days, Li Zhe, accompanied by old man Tom, traveled east and west throughout Holland, completely ignoring the sad eyes and pouting mouths of several big beauties around him.

The seven-day period is very short. And under the crazy busyness of Meng Yu and the others, it was like a white horse passing by, passing away in a flash.

Soon, it was the date of this international flower show.

On this day, early in the morning, Li Zhe, who finally got his own independent room, was awakened by a crazy doorbell.

Dressed neatly and got up, opened the door, Li Zhe suddenly saw that Meng Yu and other big beauties, who were already packing up, were standing outside the door, looking at him with an angry expression.

In the past few days, because Li Zhe has completely released himself and refused to help them share the busy work, the impression of several big beauties of him has plummeted.

If it weren’t for him, it’s even Einstein, the old man in the flower art world, the cultivator and inventor of the Seven-Colored Flower, which is highly respected by old man Tom. I am afraid that Li Zhe would have been taken up by several angry beauties in the hotel room. , Rushed back to Dahua.

Ignoring the fire-breathing eyes of several big beauties, Li Zhe said "wait a minute" to them, and then closed the door with a bang.

When the door opened again two minutes later, he had already washed and his whole person was completely new.

"Hmph, one minute and forty-five seconds, this time you are lucky."

And it wasn't until Li Zhe reached out to bring the hotel door behind him, and the Meng Yu standing in front of several big beauties, then looked down at the stopwatch in his hand, then raised his head to look at Li Zhe, and said viciously, "Hurry up and go. Right, the flower show is about to open."

The flowers exhibited by the Jiangcheng Flower Group this time had already been urgently transported to the Netherlands by air as early as the day before yesterday, and have been put into the warehouse provided by the organizer of the flower show.

And early in the morning today, the staff of the group had already rushed to the exhibition site early to prepare for the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

Only Meng Yu, a high-level leader, and these few big beauties who have been busy a few days ago, and have finally been able to relax, have time to wait for Li Zhe, and rush to the exhibition site.

No way, if possible, Meng Yu now really wants to kick this nasty guy who doesn't know Lianxiangxiyu back to China.

Unfortunately she can't.

Without Li Zhe, the inventor and cultivator of Seven-Colored Flower, it would be really meaningless for them to participate in this flower show by Jiangcheng Flower Group.

Sitting in a rented car, sprinting all the way, soon came to the scene of the flower show.

And then, all large-scale events in the world are necessary, leading the opening ceremony speech, cultural performances and the like, the people may not be happy to see, but they must accept the lengthy procedures.

When all of this finally ended and the exhibition finally officially started, more than four hours had passed since the exhibition. At this time, the impatient people who had been waiting for a long time rushed in. They visited and talked about business as well.

At the huge exhibition site, there was a surging crowd, and in front of the exhibition booths, the staff began to get busy, enthusiastically introducing the various flowers on display to the visitors, and striving to develop these potential customers.

Thanks to the help of the old man Tom, although the Jiangcheng Flower Group came the latest, but it grabbed a very good position. At this time, the visitors were also flooded. The number of people surging is so large that people like Meng Yu have to temporarily put down their work and act as temporary explainers.

While the staff of the Jiangcheng Flower Group, including Meng Yudu, were frantically busy, Li Zhe looked bored.

Originally, Meng Yu brought him here as the treasure of Jiangcheng Flower Group. Naturally, he would not be used so easily. What's more, apart from the seven-color flowers he cultivated, Li Zhe is not familiar with the other varieties of flowers from the Jiangcheng Flower Group at all. Even if he wants to act as temporary narrators like Meng Yu and others, he is still powerless. .

As a result, he had no choice but to sit in a chair and doze alone when others were busy.

"Li Zhe, Li Zhe!"

Just when Li Zhe was really bored and was taking a nap, he suddenly heard a familiar voice calling his name eagerly.

With some doubts in his mind, Li Zhe looked up and saw old man Tom, who was squeezing hard through the dense crowd, came to him, looked at him and said beamingly: "What are you doing? It looks like you are very Look at leisure!"

"Yeah, you saw it too, I can't help much here at all."

These days, the old man Tom has been taking him around, so Li Zhe’s affection for the Einstein in the flower art world has also risen awkwardly.

At this moment, hearing the old man Tom ask him, Li Zhe couldn't help frowning and said in a gloomy tone.

Unexpectedly, when Li Zhe said that, not only did Old Tom not have any expression of despising him, he was even overjoyed. He grabbed his arm, pulled him up and walked outside, and said happily: "Well, that's great. Get up quickly and follow me. I'll take you to meet a few people."

Li Zhe also wanted to ask who to meet. But immediately, he reacted.

Just kidding, who to meet, just think about the identity of the old man Tom, and where he is now, don't you fully understand?

In the flower exhibition, and Tom is an Einstein-like figure in Europe and the world of flower art. Who can he take him to meet? Not those in the flower art world?

Sure enough, Li Zhe didn't guess wrong.

Old man Tom took him back and forth in the dense crowd, and soon came to a spacious, bright and elegantly decorated room.

Reaching out to greet Li Zhe to go in with him, old man Tom led Li Zhe into the room, and smiled at the old men in the room who were talking hotly: "Everyone, everybody, please stop, please allow I would like to introduce to you this genius young man from the east, Mr. Li Zhe."

Old Tom's tone was extremely excited, and after he finished speaking, he also looked expectantly waiting for the applause of everyone in the room.

However, when he felt extremely embarrassed, long after he had said this sentence, the applause he expected did not come as promised.

Several old men in the room fixedly looked at Li Zhe standing at the entrance of the room. After a long time, an old man with a pipe dangling from his mouth and a handful of goatee finally spoke and said suspiciously: " Oriental? Old Tom, what you introduced to us is this young Oriental?"

The goatee old man looked at Li Zhe with sarcasm in his eyes, and after he finished saying this, the other old men in the room also laughed "Om".

Hearing their disdainful laughter, Old Tom's face flushed red, and he clenched his fists to argue with them.

And Li Zhe glanced around the old men in the room with cold eyes, and sneered in his heart: "Oh, what, look down on us Orientals? Dogs look down on people, is this?"

"Gentlemen and gentlemen, I think you have misunderstood. Mr. Li Zhe is a rare young talent in the flower art world. The new varieties of flowers he cultivated are even a bad old man who has been in the flower art world for decades. , I also sigh Furu."

When Li Zhe sneered in his heart, old man Tom clenched his fists, rushed to the side of the old men in the room, and yelled at them: "Please don't wear colored glasses to see others. The skin color judges the quality of the race. This young Mr. Li Zhe has cultivated a new variety of flowers. I have personally seen it at the Flower Show in Luoyang, China. It is indeed a rare one. It’s a brand new variety, and it’s very beautiful."

The old man Tom was very kind and wanted to introduce Li Zhe to his fellow flower art professionals, but he didn't expect that his fellow gangs, these old stubborn gangs, were actually racist.

The natural "white supremacy" sense of racial superiority prevented them from even seeing the seven-color flowers cultivated by Li Zhe, and they arbitrarily believed that the Orientals did not understand floral art.

This made Old Tom feel very hurt. He felt that he was also seriously insulted. He couldn't help but roared angrily: "I think if you are lucky enough to see his work, you will definitely feel your arrogance just now. Ashamed."

It's just that the old men in the room didn't care at all about the anger of old man Tom.

Just now the old man with a pipe in his mouth and a pinch of goatee, spoke again, smiling and saying, "Work? Or a new breed? Hahaha, old Tom, don't be kidding."

"You are also a figure who has been in the flower art industry for decades. You are not a fledgling person. You also believe in this kind of thing? How difficult it is to cultivate a new variety, you should know. For twenty years, at least, At least, it will take twenty years."

"It will take at least 20 years to breed a new breed, but look at this little guy next to you, how old is he?"

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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