After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2040: Help Qingyuan

A month's time, blinking.

Today's Qing family has also completely begun to restore the previous order under Qing Yuan's arrangement. All those in power in the clan have also been replaced by Qing Yuan's relative trust.

After doing all this, Qingyuan can't wait to go to the direction of Hundred Islands. Now, she can't wait to give it a try. What method is Li Zhe going to use to help herself realize that space together.

Soon, Qing Yuan arrived on the Hundred Islands and reached the main hall of the sovereign.

Today Li Zhe is cultivating in this hall. It is the first time since Linghaizong was established so long that he has cultivated here with peace of mind and took over the affairs of the sect.

But in fact, Linghai Sect is not like other sects, there will be all kinds of chores.

All the extraction of medicines and cultivation resources is done on the island, and there is no need to go out of the sect.

Therefore, in fact, the existence of the Sect Master Li Zhe will not affect the normal operation of the Linghai Sect. This can be regarded as the benefit of the Sect's selection on the hundred islands.

But now Li Zhe has nothing to do, but it can only be so.

At this time, Qingyuan also stepped into the hall and came to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe slowly opened his eyes, looked at Qing Yuan, and then said softly, "Is everything done?"

"Well, after all, the Qing family doesn't need to go to the clan to do anything. You just need to practice in the clan with peace of mind. There is not much to arrange."

Qing Yuan nodded slightly, and said to Li Zhe.

Hearing Qingyuan's words, Li Zhe also nodded, stood up, and whispered: "Well, if that's the case, come with me. If you are here, your practice is easily disturbed."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Qing Yuan resisted the excitement in his heart and nodded. This was the way to follow Li Zhe's steps towards Li Zhe's training room.

Soon, the two of them walked into Li Zhe's sect master training room and sat down on the two futons in the training room.

After both of them sat down, Qing Yuan couldn't help but ask: "What method are you going to use to help me? I have never heard that outsiders can help me."

"You don't need to worry about it. Now, you are going to comprehend this great avenue of heaven and earth according to the method above your practice."

Li Zhe looked at Qing Yuan, smiled slightly mysteriously, and said slowly.

The way Li Zhe wanted to help Qingyuan was to rely on his own body to get Qingyuan closer to the origin of the Dao.

This method was also obtained by Li Zhe through the conversion of the previous spiritual illusion real person with himself, and through his own body of enlightenment to understand the way of heaven.

Although Li Zhe has no way to adjust his cultivation base with Qing Yuan, Li Zhe is now the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Nascent Infant Realm, and he has no problems with activating his own Taoist body.

In this month, Li Zhe also tried to activate himself, and he was indeed able to make the roads around him more obvious.

It’s just that, after all, Li Zhe’s cultivation skills are limited, and his killing Qi is a type that is more difficult to control in the Dao. Therefore, the body of entering the Tao is not much for Li Zhe to control the killing. help.

But for the Dao of Space, although this Dao is very mysterious, the Qingyuan cultivation base has reached the point where it can be touched. Under this situation, the help of the body of the Dao is extremely important!

Qing Yuan has never questioned Li Zhe's words.

Immediately, Qing Yuan began to enter the cultivation state cross-legged.

As soon as he entered the state, Qing Yuan's body began to hover a very strange aura.

This is exactly what Qingyuan is trying to communicate with the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

This process will be very long. Qing Yuan himself spent time trying before, but just tried for an hour before giving up.

According to Qing Yuan's own feelings, it would take at least several dozen days for her to fully enter this state.

And to realize that road, I am afraid that even if everything goes smoothly, it will take more than ten years to complete!

However, this little time is also extremely short for Qing Yuan and other Li Xiu, after all, Li Xiu's ability to perceive the way of this space is really too weak.

It was also at this time that Li Zhe took a deep breath, sat cross-legged, and started the exercise.

When the exercises started to operate, the spiritual power in Li Zhe's body also suddenly began to surge at this moment.

Immediately after that, he began to forcibly activate his own body of the Tao.

This so-called body that enters the Tao is a physique. Now that Li Zhe is activated, the only thing he has to do is to raise his aura to the peak and forcibly activate the characteristics of his body.

And in Li Zhe's body, in addition to the body that enters the Tao, there is also a special bloodline, the Kunpeng bloodline!

At this moment, the Taoist body and the Kunpeng bloodline are almost activated at the same time!

In an instant, Li Zhe's body exuded a burst of spatial aura, as well as that strange aura like a green kite.

After these two breaths appeared, they blended together, and then spread slowly, spreading throughout the entire room!

However, it was very difficult for Qingyuan to communicate with Dao on that day. After all, the power of Dao is very mysterious, and it is not something ordinary people can touch.

However, just after Li Zhe's breath spread out, Qing Yuan suddenly felt a burst of clarity in his brain.

The aura of Heaven, which was originally very vague, suddenly began to become very clear at this moment.

Qing Yuan looked overjoyed, but it was too late to say anything to Li Zhe, and she immediately began to feel it with all her strength.

Time passed bit by bit, and in a blink of an eye, a full two months had passed.

Nowadays, in front of Qingyuan, there is a faint spatial force surging. The speed of this surging is not fast, it can be said that it is very slow.

After all, this is just the most rudimentary power of space.

But this also proves that Qingyuan now has begun to touch the threshold of the space domain!

This speed is already extremely fast for Qing Yuan, and even compared to most monks, this speed is beyond expectation!

You know, for most monks, this second calamity of the Purple Mansion is very common, dragging for more than ten years, decades.

And under the influence of Li Zhe's body and the Kunpeng bloodline, Qing Yuan's speed is already so fast!

It was also at this time that Qing Yuan took a long breath and slowly opened her eyes.

"Let's stop here."

At this moment, Qing Yuan looked at Li Zhe and muttered softly.

Hearing Qing Yuan's words, Li Zhe also slowly put away his practice and looked at Qing Yuan.

"what's happenin?"

Li Zhe asked Qingyuan with a little doubt.

After hearing Li Zhe's words, Qing Yuan also gave a wry smile, and this was the only way to tell her own state.

At the beginning, Qing Yuan came into contact with the Tao of this space, thanks to the help of the Taoist body and the Kunpeng bloodline, the process was extremely smooth, and soon Qing Yuan successfully entered the state of comprehension.

It was just that with the passage of time, Qing Yuan gradually realized that she could only control some fur, but the real avenue could not be touched!

This is mainly because Qingyuan is a strength repairer, and has very little knowledge about spells and the like.

It was extremely difficult for her to suddenly try to understand the power of Dao.

In other words, Li Zhe's method is indeed effective, but Qingyuan itself cannot quickly understand the law of operation of this power.

It's like a liberal arts student who suddenly wants to write a science paper. It's good to understand the topic.

Hearing Qingyuan’s words, Li Zhe also shook his head with a wry smile, and then said softly: "In that case, I'm afraid I really can't help you. The power of the great power still needs you to control. I slowly explored it myself."

"Well, but thank you very much this time. At least let me master this little bit of fur. With this little thing in it, I can slowly start to improve."

Qing Yuan also smiled slightly at this time and thanked Li Zhe softly.

Li Zhe slowly stood up, nodded, and replied, "Well, that's the case, let's stop there."

"I also need to make some preparations for the Qing family. Now there are still some of the confidants of Qing Yiqian who are in some relatively important positions. I need to deal with it slowly."

Qing Yuan nodded and said to Li Zhe.

Although Qing Yiqian is dead now and it is impossible to come back, those confidants of Qing Yiqian, under the influence of Qing Yiqian, are not too convinced by Qing Yuan.

Even Qing Yuan once heard someone say that she didn't reach the Zifu realm at her cultivation level, so she was a patriarch.

This big young family really needs a certain amount of time to fully control it in his own hands.

Immediately, Li Zhe didn't say much, he just smiled at Qing Yuan, and then sent Qing Yuan away from Baidao.

With the Qing family, it is impossible for Qing Yuan to live on these hundred islands for a long time, but it is actually equivalent to controlling a force for Li Zhe, which is nothing.

In a blink of an eye, almost a month has passed.

Li Zhe is sitting in his lounge now, and on the table in front of him, the blue bead is lying.

The inheritance of Xianxian should have been completely opened in these few days!

At this moment, Li Zhe's soul was also in that space. In front of Li Zhe, above the hourglass, only a thin layer of sand was left visible to the naked eye.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, the last grain of sand above that was also

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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